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Asclepius Kolonía I.I

Asclepius Kolonía I.I

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Grain alcohol and freshly harvested Mt. Shasta water, ritually combined with colloidal gold and medicinal essential oils during the Asclepius I.I Ras Alhague election of October 10th, 2021.

Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one’s household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body.

Shake well to integrate the Sol-looking drops of golden essential oil before use.

Energy Clearing Protocol

For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it.

Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping.

Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.

Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius for his protection, sealing the auric body from negativity.

Asclepius’ Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties.

Other Applications

This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection.

Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t .

For more Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III.

Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or bulk 5 oz for $97




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Creation Date

October 10th, 2021, hour of the Moon. Chart in image gallery

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Yes — Vegan

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Customer Reviews

Based on 64 reviews
Jessica P. (New Jersey, United States)
Gua Sha Disaster

So basically last November I was stressed and had a strain in my neck. I took a Gua Sha tool and vigorously massaged the area right under my ear lobe that connects to the upper neck. The next day both sides of my neck felt like the veins or muscle were stiff! Two weeks passed and I finally went to the ENT and he diagnosed me with TMJ and completely disregarded my Gua Sha story. I came back to him after a month, my neck felt slightly limber but still swollen under my ear lobe. He sent me to get a CT scan and it came back unremarkable. This Kolonia helped me relax and not worry. I said the prayers every morning and even used some of my pet rabbits who is having urinary issues. Fast forward to the end of January my neck finally felt normal again. No more Gua Sha for me. I hope Sphere and Sundry refill this series soon!

G (Oregon, United States)

So glad to have this staple! Clearing, restorative, and a great aid for insulating from all kinds of funk. Especially helpful when eclipses hit or you need less planetary specific support.

Philly (California, United States)

This is such a staple for me. I use on an almost daily basis. I always buy the smaller size, but the larger one is definitely necessary. Simply and quickly cleansing.


I’ve had Asclepius Kolonía for quite some time, and I’m just now realizing I never shared my review. From the very first use, it brought a sense of calm and clarity that’s been deeply grounding. After using it again recently, I was reminded of how powerful it is for clearing stagnant energy. Highly recommend.

Anonymous (California, United States)

Ohhh...I just love the smell of this series so much. So clarifying and cleansing. A much needed fresh start to scrape off the weight of the week. I love any form of Asclepius materia, and this one helps provide that extra cleanse of the heaviness away

A.C. (North Carolina, United States)
Eclipse season medicine

I ordered this during the recent sale and it came just in time for eclipse season. I’m so glad I had it on hand because it made all the difference! The energy cleansing protocol outlined in the description is so unbelievably effective and I’ll be integrating it into my weekly practice for sure! Just a few minutes spent with this kolonia will leave you feeling lighter and radiant. Finish it off with some Asclepius oil on various points all over the body you’ll feel like you’ve completely shed old skin!

M.W. (Illinois, United States)
A Staple

Fresh, cleansing, powerful.

Brittney O. (South Carolina, United States)
Healing, cleansing, protection.

I have only used this a few times in cleansing and protecting my self and home, but I feel like my sphere is clearer and more protected and that is all I could ask for right now. I love the little Citrine stone in the bottle and that this smells so lovely.

M.S. (Wisconsin, United States)
Another must-have Asclepius item

I use this kolonia all the time and it’s yet another example of materia I just never want to be without because it is so effective and versatile. I really love to put it in my diffuser to spread the soothing scent and vibes all over a room, and I also love it in baths and just for a quick energy cleanse as recommended in the write up, which is absolutely wonderful after a long or difficult day or to shake off bad vibes or for literally any other reason.

Satvinder M. (Ontario, Canada)
Clean and Clear in a Flash

Asclepius Kolonia is in my everyday self-care arsenal. It is helpful for managing tricky personal transits as well as for detoxing and de-cluttering, helping me to let go. I like how versatile it is: I use it for quick Kolonia cleanses as well as in my warding waters, aromatherapy diffusers, smudge sprays and floor washes. It's gentle yet powerful.


  1. The deep healing that comes with working with this materia is life changing. It definitely showed me that I had a deep rooted fear of inadequacy, and though the realization of it was somewhat uncomfortable, it helped me easily heal that “wound” and overcome something that had been blocking me on my life journey, even without me knowing about it. The experience was cathartic but I am so grateful for having overcome it. The divine healer indeed!

  2. I’m shaken and impressed with the speed with which this has helped my partner’s ailment!! I applied at 22 degrees of a Sag moon, days ago, and am amazed how it dissipated the issue that wouldn’t resolve with medicine or any kind of mental healing work. It was a body issue that was brought on by stress. I will be continuing to use it at 22 sag rising times as much as possible until the next sag moon! Thank you Kaitlin and Co. for yet another superb magical product!

  3. I love Asclepius materia (especially Asc. 1.0) and this Kolonia is powerfully cleansing, and feels similar to that first series- bracing & stripping in the best way. Just immediately clears away the gunk/funk/fog of the day when I need it- wish I had gotten the bigger bottle!

  4. I recently noticed a raised colored spot on my face and thought, “I probably need to have a dermatologist look at this.” I remembered the smell of the Kolonia and thought, “well…I will just dab a bit of this on the spot.” Two days later, the spot is almost completely gone and is no longer raised. Thank you, Asclepius!

  5. Lately I’ve been using this before sleep. Any of the Asclepius series I’ve tried have worked so well, but recently I love the versatility of the Kolonia. Noticeable shifts of clarity and clearing, and so easy to use.

  6. This Kolonia has been incredibly helpful in clearing away energy that does not serve well. In adding it to the nightly regimen, I find sleep comes more easily, and I often wake with more clarity, and a sense of new beginning. The scent is immediately refreshing, and the full body sweep feels like entering a cleansing beam of light. Absolute gratitude for this powerful tool. Praise Asclepius!

  7. Straightforward energy that deep cleans your aura AND your house! Cleaning has become fun. First I clean as usual and then finally wipe every surface lightly with Asclepius kolonia. It gives the satisfying feeling of cleaning below the surface level, both metaphorically and physically. It’s like taking a spiritual sonic shower.

  8. How to even begin singing the praises of this kolonia? I ordered a few Asclepius products out of curiosity and they arrived just in time for my entire household to come down with omicron. I had a wisdom tooth erupt while everyone was sick and this kolonia worked better than any painkiller, helping me manage the headaches and pinched nerves that a mouthful of shifting teeth caused.

    It’s so very potent, you really feel the energy coming from it even if its just a single drop in your hand. I also use this to shed a bad day before bed. Super grateful for this line.

  9. This has become my favorite product & daily use has helped navigate very challenging times. The clarity feels almost instant, and the sloughing off of gunk is razor sharp. Bracing in all the best ways, a drop of this in a bowl of water next to the bed has helped mugwort find ways through my dreams.

  10. This is the first Kolonia I purchased and I’m in love. A few drops splashed on the back of my neck after a shower, a few drops rubbed between my hands before prayer, it’s a versatile and refreshing materia perfect for maintaining spiritual cleanliness. I even bought a second bottle in anticipation of its frequent, daily use.

    Thanks to Kaitlin and her team for offering these wonderful items. Hail Asclepius!

  11. I can feel the Kolonia working as I pass it through the lengths of my field, sloughs off rougher energies and whooshes away foggier grime, kinda works at the wavelength necessary for the job – very no frills. A few drops in the diffuser paired with essential oils greets family members as they return home from the day, it seems to be a good reset/refresh ritual.

  12. This is necessary medicine. All of the Asclepius series have been a balm through these tumultuous times. But since their debut, A 1.1 Kolonia and Bath Salts have been the daily foundation of keeping spiritually clean. Handful of Bath Salts in the morning shower, and then a splash of Kolonia to polish off afterwards before I face my day. It keeps the phenomenal amounts of OPD (Other People’s Detritus) off of me. Thank you, Kaitlin and crew, for this important offering.

  13. I was trying to do a divination after a long stressful day and could NOT get mischievous outside (and internal) energetics to stop interfering. Remembered this beauty and after a splash of rosemary-scented goodness (and a spritz of the Asclepius water), I was firmly grounded and clear and able to get my answers. Good stuff!

  14. Ascleipus 1.1 is the most purely intensely clarifying of any of the S+S asclepius materia i have used. The Kolonia is an incredible gift for de-gunking my aura and embracing the purgative clearing effects of the south node. One of my favorite S+S products of the past year! My new favorite energy clearing materia.

  15. Thank you! The Asclepius I.I offerings feel like necessary safe harbor whilst navigating strange times. The Kolonía imbues remarkably powerful clearing, with a fragrance that is quite unusual, both penetrating and aetheric. The energetics are incredible.

  16. I am astonished at how deep and thorough is the sense of purification this provides. I can feel that the Asclepius 1.1 kolonia has dissolved psychic grime I didn’t know I had on/in me– yeesh! This freshly fragrant elixir is deeply cleansing and I’m grateful for it. Praise Asclepius, Master Healer, restorer of life and averter of ills!

  17. I missed out on the Son of Apollo kolonia (and a friend sent me a few drops, which I hoarded!), and was escastic to be able to purchase my own. To me the Asclepius kolonia functions between a water and the oil. It’s like a souped up version of Florida Water, but smelling of rosemary instead of FW. I splash with abandon, and have been thankful that this has come out prior to what promises to be a bumpy end of the year.

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