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Attuning Tincture of Exalted Luna

Attuning Tincture of Exalted Luna

100% organic and/ or wildcrafted herbs, tinctured in vodka following fumigation during the height of our Moon in Taurus conj. Jupiter election with myrrh resin + Luna Incense.

Motherwort, oat straw, heal all, plantain, raspberry leaf, blessed thistle, chamomile, lady’s mantle, hops, eleuthero root, milk thistle seed, white chrysanthemum, mugwort, blue poppy seed, fenugreek, watercress, catnip, and orris root. White lotus, and Jyotish remedial-grade pearl.

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60

Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!).

We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time.

Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.




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Creation Date

Night of November 24th 2023. Luna’s hour. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body

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Uses / Applications

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Potential Side Effects

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Suggested Pairings

TCM + Ayurvedic

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Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions 0.80 × 0.80 × 2.4 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
G (Washington, United States)

So gentle, cozy, and supportive. This is great for soothing and cultivating greater ease in any scenario, and is especially sweet before bed for encouraging a good night's rest, and often, illuminating dream downloads as well. Provides a real sense of internal safety and calm.

Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)
A sweet, restful sleep.

The tincture is one of those that I keep in mind to repurchase, as well as the oil. Personally, I prefer the oil, but I have been storing it fairly well. The tincture usually lasts a little longer. When I want to fall into a deep and restful sleep, I combine it with the oil, the cologne and a tea.

Anonymous (Connecticut, United States)
Dream work blossomed

This tincture has helped deepen my dream practices and workings. Such a boon for remembering messages received and accessing lucid dreaming.

Helio J. (Georgia, United States)
Subtly Soothing

I found myself leaning on this tincture a lot during a time this year of intense emotional dysregulation. The effects of this tincture were a lot more grounding and comforting than my experiences with Luna in Cancer (still love her, but a very different vibe!) I see myself reaching for this one frequently to help soothe my afflicted natal Scorpio Moon.

Kay E. (Washington, United States)
Held in the cradle of Luna

This tincture is most effective for me in the bath. I love to use it before bed. The energy feels like a hug, acceptance as you are, and is very relaxing. As I’m falling asleep, I always notice an increase in closed eye visuals. I have not yet used it before meditating, but I imagine it would be great for that kind of journeying as well.

A (California, United States)
just a little goes a long way

I've found that this paired with the Water of Asclepius helps soothe, ground and calm me down right before I sleep. I'm prone to being really anxious and have had really awful sleep this year, but this product and the Water have been my go-to's to alleviate the anxiety and sleep problems. I also find that having this near me just in general (without application) has helped with dream recall even on nights when my sleep is really poor. I decanted this and the Son of Apollo Tincture into the 5ml vials and gave them to a friend who's also had chronic sleep problems, and both have definitely helped him sleep better, too.

M.L. (Virginia, United States)
Gifts amazing sleep!

I work with this tincture when I've been having difficulty sleeping. Recently that's been more common as I'm grieving the loss of a parent. Exalted Luna feels like big comforting nurturing parent energy in a time that is so tough! When my mind is super active, this tincture definitely grounds me! Highly recommend for folks needing support during difficult times!

Brittney O. (South Carolina, United States)
Exalted Luna is so soft and comforting!

This tincture is a lovely addition to my healing journey and I have used it as a tincture and for anointing items, I also added some to the steep + smoke and Exalted Luna powder that I put into jojoba oil to make my own anointing oil of Exalted Luna. I can feel the calm and softness when I add this to my routine.

Carly J. (California, United States)

I take this tincture internally and don’t notice a *huge* difference. I do take it on a regular basis as a way to build a foundation for stabilized mental health and taking care of myself.

Susan N. (Wisconsin, United States)
blessed sleep

I have already used nearly an entire bottle of this tincture. I am having a lot of trouble sleeping lately as I'm undergoing a major life change and all my routines and rhythms are off. When I'm having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, I reach for this first these days. I keep it at the bedside for ready access. It works swiftly and reliably.


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