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Oil of Luna in Cancer

Oil of Luna in Cancer

100% organic, rancidity-resistant jojoba and fractionated coconut oils, poured over watercress, chamomile, milky oat, orris root, ashwagandha, poppy seed, heal all, calamus, mugwort, angelica, and sundry herbs of Lunar provenance following fumigation at the height of the election window. Silver leaf, white gold, pearl powder, white lotus, and dried moonflower.

Likely thee *single most powerful offering* from Luna in Cancer’s entire series, for its profound ability to alter state, promote receptivity, sensitivity, and key to the Moon’s vast gnosis, deepest mysteries, and changeable arcana.

It also increases the energetic gravitational pull of yourself and whatever you anoint it with.

As the write-up states over and over again, it is highly recommended to pair this with other materia + talismans to help direct its influence, especially when worn upon on the body.

[if you are a good candidate, primarily meaning not prone to psychotic breaks or episodes; breaks in consensus reality; &c.]

Sphere + Sundry’s Oils can be used to anoint any appropriate place upon the vessel per your intent, or those befitting the Power’s associations: energy centers, meridians, or organs (in this case the stomach and breasts/ chest); or — for more intense altered states, “starfish” style: the 3rd eye/ crown of the head, both wrists/ palms, and the bottoms of both feet. Additional places include the heart center, lower back, and/ or base of the skull.

Works as an excellent primer for Salves and Body Butters from other series, to promote their bodily influence and calming capacity (personal favorites being The Cloud King’s and Fomalhaut — or Deneb Algedi for maximum warding against undesirable Lunar manifestations; for boundaries and to provide protection).

Before ritual work — to better commune with spirits, boost extrasensory perception and psychic sensitivity, seership, aid scrying, divining, channeling, and mediumship — and before sleeping or journeying to invite adventures upon the dreamscape and astral, apply Luna in Cancer by itself or combined with something along the lines of Fomalhaut, Moon-Neptune, Hermanubis, or The Ancestral Series.

[Be sure to practice good preparation and aftercare following such activities: cleansing, warding, grounding, and re-conditioning the self + space with homeostasis promoting, potentially banishing energies, especially of a Solar or Regulean nature]

This will shock you, but wearing Luna’s Oil *will* boost sensitivity to Lunar transits — globally and to the nativity — as well as whatever other materia and magical implements you handpick. It serves as an epic potentiator, helping the body, mind, and spirit to metabolize combined influences, aiding in their penetration and manifestation.

The Oil and other offerings from this series can be applied before donning talismans and amulets, to empower the physical and auric bodies to carry their light/ influence.

Over time, the Moon can heal foundational issues, rectifying attachment disorders and giving insight into abandonment issues, making us more “emotionally available” and in tune with our deepest, most basic animal needs: nourishment, sleep, security, safety; connection to those we love, to ourselves, and to the world around us — the spirit world included.

It also attunes us to the needs of those around us — to those in our care, and can promote “hermit-ing” and comfort seeking, stoking carnal and emotional hungers. It is also very likely to improve memory.

This Oil can be used magically rather than personally, to prepare candles before dressing them with powders that best fit your intended aims, to increase potency and expedite spell manifestation. Anoint petition papers, and use in any way magical oils possibly can be.

Start slow…

Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $80, 10 ml “flawless glide” steel roller for $65, each with a keepsake pearl, or 5ml mini vial for $33




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Creation Date

Night of April 7th, 2022. Hour and Night of the Moon. Chart in image gallery.

Areas of Application

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Step / Function

Magical Applications

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Planetary Body


Uses / Applications

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Scent (EOs, C02s, Absolutes)

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Potential Side Effects

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TCM + Ayurvedic

Times/ Activities

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Yes — Vegan


HIGH STAIN POTENTIAL — Always perform patch tests before application to any medium

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
starryeyes (Georgia, United States)
Sleep and Dreamwork

This one hit with me instantly. I'd been having a hard time staying asleep for more than a few hours at a time, but I anointed my temples with some of this and got a full night's rest with interesting dreams for the first time in at least several weeks. Paired with Fomalhaut, I get deep sleep and vivid, detailed dreams. I even had my first lucid dream. I was so pleased with the results of my mini vial, I had to get the bigger 1/2 oz. It really increases the magnitude of anything you pair it with. If I'm not using it for sleep, it makes everything inside and around me feel amplified, which can be nice if you want to see and feel what's true more clearly, but it can also be a little draining. Very draining if you aren't ready for it. I'm new to Luna materia but so far it's be potent and pleasant.

Salomeya S. (California, United States)
Animal communication

This materia instantly gives me disney princess vibes the moment I use it. Animals naturally flock to me (thank you 6th house Cancer stellium), but with the oil of Luna in Cancer, I am become Snow White. Not only do puppies and kittens crawl into my lap, rub up against me, and stare intently into my eyes; I return the communication effortlessly, instantly intuiting just what they need. As an animal lover, this stuff is GOLD.

Dena D. (Maryland, United States)

I've been using this oil to power up my other materia. It's been working wonders- sometimes leaving near-instant results. It really is a marvel.

Hillary H. (Pennsylvania, United States)

I have a cursed moon. Seriously though, I totally felt “the call” to include the experience of this one somehow as a moon mitigation. It rolled in with a psychic power pop like when mom comes home with the groceries and you need to help unload the car. I felt this one coming in the mail. I had to have a “spot” for it to land, like a fresh bed for a very special guest. I was taught a lot of moon stuff about my moon by just having it. I have not opened it. Said cursed moon and related lessons with it just being in the house were enough moon time. But, it really does “swell” and multiply like the loaves and fishes parable. Just having it as an offering on your alter will cause tides. Really powerful. But, yeah, the notes are not kidding. The moon is serious stuff. lol. Don’t mess with mom. #respect

Malgorzata W. (England, United Kingdom)
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the trippiest of them all?

Over the years, I've tried a selection of Sphere and Sundry's mind-altering and reality-bending works (Fomalhaut, Neptune-Moon, Venus in Pisces), but Luna in Cancer takes the Silver Crown. As for this series, I've tried the incense, the candle and Phoenix Lab quartet and although each of them has a different expression, the Oil of Luna in Cancer is by far "trippiest". The best description of the experience is that it feels like skinny dipping in the ocean on a full moon's night. Exhilarating, wild, limitless... and somewhat dangerous. It's dark, you're naked and can't tell if you're not about to step on a sea urchin. It has this push-and-pull tension between excitement for the unknown and the fear of it. Therefore, if you wear it for more than 3 or 4 hours at a time, your emotions will become strained by the tension, like a well-used instrument that goes out of tune. The sound, instead of flowing with grace, gradually becomes distorted, it's echoes a haunting, slow descent into madness. I'm saying that as a person with a Taurus Moon conjunct the degree of my Ascendant and making a trine to Neptune and Uranus conjunct on the same degree in the 9th house. Turns out that it was rather childish to think that my earth would keep me grounded. In the face of the ocean, it simply turned to mud. By that I mean that the boundary between solid ground and water... dissolved. Certainly not something I could do on the daily, but it DOES WONDERS FOR DIVINATION. Alternatively, I tried using it together with Mars in Capricorn II decan series oil, when the moon is transiting through that decan of Capricorn and I found the experience quite the opposite - it was like the low tide had come and washed away all the emotions. It was a shockingly efficient combo for getting work done. Again, I would say check your birth chart first before trying this out - it certainly isn't for everyone!

MarcusAres (Alberta, Canada)
Erratic Behaviour and Overreaction

In the afternoon of fall season, I decided to walk with my dog. Maybe, a few minutes later, I arrived at the cross road. My dog’s behaviour was changed suddenly. It was erratic behaviour. Maybe, two or three steps of walking. My dog was just jumping at something dog wanted to inspect. Just a few steps and dog was overreact to it already. I told my dog to follow me, but my dog couldn’t help it. My dog was jumping at something constantly, like for straight 20 minutes ish. It was causing me be annoyed.

On that day I anointed to myself. Moon was in Leo sign and it was casting a ray to Jupiter in Gemini sign and Venus in Sagittarius sign. Mars was in Cancer sign. I am Aquarius rising sign. You can see Mars was in sixth house by whole sign house. Mars was recepting with Moon because Lord of the Mars is Moon.

However, once I was dropping off my dog at my house, I felt calm and it was nice day for me.

Lunar in Cancer is extraordinary powerful. I love it. Oh, also, my memory is improved!

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)
Hard to Explain

Well it is extremely powerful. It distorts your perception like you are on a drug especially if you channel the energy to a lunar activity. Every perception is heightened. I like to use it with empyreal vantage subsets as it is too powerful to use it on its own.

C. (Georgia, United States)

This was the first oil from Sphere and Sundry I've tried. I didnt know what to expect when I used it and boy was I impressed even though I nearly had a panic attack because I wasnt in the right frame of mind. This oil is very very very intense. I used it at night and could still feel the effects of it the next day. Pairing it with other materia and grounding yourself mentally is a must.

stealthopera (Tennessee, United States)
Full on psychedelic

This oil made me finally understand why Hekate is considered one of the goddesses of the Moon. It is WITCHY. I love using it when I am performing a working, because it lets me get into ritual space so fast. Though fair warning if you have a cat-- just being around it will make them act a little weird (zoomies, meowing, etc.).

Works as advertised

This oil enhances my sensitivity quite notably. It had no psychadelic effect, but as a side effect it does make me more attuned to the Moon and its current condition. Sometimes it's useful, sometimes it comes with a headache. And sometimes yet - with unexpected visions during my meditation. Because of that I use it sparingy and with care. It is more predictable when layering (enhances my sensitivity and by extension makes other materia seem more potent).


  1. I chose this series as the glorious Moon is my time lord this year and I hope to deepen my relationship with it and remediate some hard natal aspects being activated. I’m still growing into working with it, but I will say, upon opening the box when it arrived I felt a rush of magic that sent chills all over my body. No doubt this seems to be the medicine I am needing. There is something instinctual and pervasive about it’s charge, like it’s speaking to the animal in me and does not want to be ignored. Much like when the moon is out in the night sky, it magnetizes you, almost commands you!
    First application before bed and I had very vivid dreams surrounding motherhood and pregnancy (an area of emotional challenge for me). I can already see how this series requires some extra preparation, cleansing and clear intention as well as integration work. A little less of a psychedelic trip than the Moon-Neptune series, still requires use sparingly for me before bed as I can be a little too active in the dream world and wake not feeling rested. It also has made me extra sensitive to moon transits, especially when the moon is rising. AND dogs have been extra drawn to me (my natal moon is conjunct Hekate for what it’s worth)

  2. As someone with my moon in Cancer in the 8th house already I was originally concern if I should add more moon moon to the mix. But if anything I feel it is weirdly grounding when I have used it with workings. I had actually specifically gotten this oil to do a full moon releasing ritual in January this year while the moon was at my natal degrees (it actually arrived exactly on the date i needed it!). I felt again this oil granted a sense of grounding if not security in myself and my working. (Which to report back a month and more later I feel was pretty successful).

    Since then I have found this oil very helpful in psychic vision work (be careful about using it in the bath though! You may get a bit carried away so be conscious of your surrounds to avoid accidents so to speak.). This oil blends very well with Moon-Neptune in Pisces, very vivid and very focused.

  3. This materia is a helpful addition to any magical working. I include it whenever I feel like the moon needs a boost. I love it!

  4. Im Cancer rising, Cancer moon. Using Luna in Cancer is like opening the blinds after you managed to sleep in a few extra hours, slightly blinding but once your eyes adjust, you realize that your dream world has blended with reality. I might differ compared to others, but I find that Luna in Cancer distorts reality, and actually builds up my ability to believe in literally anything that I may be working on. For better or for worse. I find myself way more ambitious with magical workings, because I BELIEVE it.

    Highly recommended for the neuroplasticity and the ability to add structure to your beliefs!

  5. I hesitated on this one for a good while, understanding the need to be secure in my recovery process so as not to be shifted into an unbalanced state. That time came and this oil was pure magic the very night I applied it!
    It’s as if the write-up came alive all around me – quite an immersive experience! I *felt* like a nocturnal animal of sorts with wild amusement at everything, as every object, sound, touch, smell seemed to come alive. Senses intensified! Psychic powers in a psychic world! Animist point of view embodied. I saw my very first OWL of my life in the wild driving that night and that was quite the sync not mentioning what I’ve been asking my guides to see all my life! 🙂
    I love it so much & it seems a good inspiring fit for my chart ruled Mars Cancer :). So far it mixes well with any other intentional materia to boost the overall effects and I wish to have it with me for life. Thank you for the Moon magic! Love & magic blesssings to all <3

  6. As an 8th house Capricorn moon, this series has been so healing and my best teacher. This oil helps give me the space to really attend to my emotions and tend to myself in ways I may not regularly have the capacity for.

  7. The water was my introduction to the Luna series, and I’m glad it was, bc the oil is no joke re: intensity. Unparalleled for creative downloads and releasing emotional blockages.

  8. I love this oil so much. I pair it with Cloud king oil when I am doing lunar ritual work. I have only had fantastic results using it.

  9. Amazing. By far the most dramatic, first impression of an oil I have ever tried. But so strong. She feels like I’m wearing the High pPriestess card around my neck. Dark and unseeable roads suddenly become lit and clear. Problems suddenly have solutions. Blocks appear ready to build and scaffold a new life or road to take. She is divine and finds best guidance for bringing dreams to reality. Highly recommend her being paired with DA.

  10. I love this oil, as others have stated before it is very potent. I use it along with other oils to help further empower them specifically my Neptune- Pisces oil and Fomalhaut oils and have had nothing but great results.
    I plan to experiment with other oils and take notes in how it empowers them too such as my EV II.

  11. Potent is right. The only two times I’ve used it so far it’s amplified my senses. I left the house after applying it to myself and the normal sounds in my neighbourhood somehow seemed way louder and I felt like I could hear so much more. Looking forward to pairing this with other materia with more intention and reporting back.

  12. Seconding what others have said: this oil is POTENT. Listen to Kaitlin when she says not to use it on your body unless it’s used with something else with intention (aka Jupiter’s Bounty or DA). I’ve only used the tiniest dab for ritual with other materia, didn’t wash my hands afterward, and there were definitely Emotional Effects. But when used with intention in ritual (and washing your hands!) the results can be very good!

  13. This offering is incredibly powerful. When I received the oil of Luna in Cancer, I first left the bottle on my altar for about two weeks. I felt her power through the unopened bottle and felt like her and I needed to adjust to each other (mostly me to her). And then during a Full Moon night I woke up in the middle of the night with a sudden calling / idea / desire (can’t find the right word, and these aren’t right (English is not my first language)), to open the bottle. With no specific intend. I guess it was me meeting with her, what was the intend. I can’t describe what happened. Because I can’t find the words. But also because the experience was so sacred and personal, that I think it shouldn’t be shared. Since then I’ve applied the oil to offerings and myself on a few occasions. It’s pure magic. It’s strange and weird. It’s powerful. It’s potent. I feel extremely humble when I work with Luna in Cancer. This maybe is the most useless review… But, I have to say that I’m so thankful for this offering. It use pure magic. Magical. And I think that the description Kaitlin has written for Luna in Cancer says it all. I definitely feel that she can drive you lunatic. Which I why I work with the oil sparsely, with clear purpose (except for that first time), and when I’m feeling emotionally stable. I have no negative experiences with Luna in Cancer, only positive ones. And my experiences were very different and very personal each time (hence this useless review that hopefully will be useful to someone anyways). Again, I refer to Kaitlin’s writings, because they express what I can’t.

  14. Initially I felt like I was about to start ‘journeying’ and wondered more about what I was feeling. I sat with this as it seemed to touch on areas that asked to be lifted and let go of.
    I found it a dreamy and able to dive deeper into the realms of clairvoyant enquirey.
    This series I had no intention of getting into but the off switch turned on and I love that I have this series as the healing along side of eerie are profound….

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