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Oil of Asclepius III

Oil of Asclepius III

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Sphere + Sundry’s classic Asclepius oil, ritually infused on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart.

Home-grown white sage native to Southern Oregon and incense cedar, each harvested in the day and hour of Sol following a recitation of The Harvesting Prayer of Thessalos, Rose of Jericho, and frankincense in 100% organic olive oil.

Anoint that which ails with a request for Asclepius’ Divine Intervention. Can be applied to photos and icons belonging to others.

Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $52 (with an optional dropper cap kit), or 10 ml roll-on with carnelian rollerball for $42

See the many testimonials regarding Asclepius II and Asclepius I Oils for a sense of their applications and efficacy. To choose which edition is best for you, please refer to the third edition’s writeup.




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Weight 1 oz
Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Oil Selection

1/2 oz Standard, 1/2 oz Standard + Dropper Cap Kit, 10 ml Carnelian Roll-On


Benefic, Neutral

Fixed Star

Planetary Body


Yes — contains NO animal ingredients

Creation Date

April 12th, 2020, hour of Sol. Chart in image gallery

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Customer Reviews

Based on 123 reviews

Asclepius has always been a draw for me and all of the series I've tried have been so helpful. This latest series has been the most accessible and easy to use, I feel like it works a bit more in the background for me and I don't find myself experiencing marked tiredness afterwards as is possible with some of the other Asclepius series. I love them all, very happy to have another series to draw from.

Truly seems to gather healers

Truly helpful in gathering a coterie of doctors to help my Mother get through a major mental health crisis. Thankful to the team and powers that be in helping her pull through.


I have been using the Asclepius spell soap along with the anointing oil. Since using the series I've been able to sleep better as I struggle with insomnia. I've also begun having more intense dreams and more frequent nightmares. It really brings to the surface ailments that need to be tended to so you can do the work. Once I understood why I was having these strange and usual nightmares it's been supportive in helping me to alchemize trauma and old wounds both emotional and physical. After frequent and consistent use the nightmares have subsided.

Palpable support

After dressing a candle and burning it during a two medical appointments, my partner finally got clarity around a physical malady that had been vexing him for months. It’s clear that this materia is a way through this medical labyrinth. So grateful.

Healing support in a bottle

I could go on and on singing the praises of every item I’ve experienced from this Asclepius series, but this anointing oil might be one of the most powerful so far (I’ve also benefited greatly from the incense and the bath salts). I felt moved to leave this review after noticing tremendous relief from TMJ issues, after anointing myself consistently for the last few weeks now around my jaw/neck. I tend to clench my teeth at night and I’ve tried all sorts of things to try and help relieve some of this jaw pain but so far the only thing that has provided noticeable benefit is this oil. My jaw finally doesn’t hurt constantly, it’s absolutely remarkable. It is also tremendously powerful for anointing candles and clearing the energetic field in whatever space I am in. I’ve also been struggling with fluid buildup in my ears which has been really bothersome and uncomfortable..after applying consistently for a little while around my ears, asking specifically to drain the buildup of unnecessary fluid, I can feel tangible results. My head feels noticeably less “clogged up” and I’m not dealing with that uncomfortable sensation anymore. Praise Asclepius and S&S for the magical healing they’ve brought into my life. I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to experience this greatness. Thank you!!


The scent is mild, slightly medicinal but its effects are sunny and bright - energetically burning away infection and miasma. I have used it to anoint sick family members - helping to clear away congestion, reduce fever and induce healing sleep. For myself, it makes me incredibly sleepy (especially if paired with Luna materia) - always resulting in waking up refreshed and energized.

an absolute mainstay

I just love her! I've used some variation of asclepius oil daily for a long time now. I had a health issue over the summer and applying this in the morning and before bed assisted me with the healing process.

A true bright and needed staple!

This line has been with me from the start and this recent iteration pulls through as always with clarity, reliability, consistency and nourishing care for healing. It lifts my prayers for health and wellbeing to a bright place and instills a sense of confidence that all will be well or better. One of the key outcomes from use is the building out of a top shelf personal ‘Health-Board of Directors’ or…divine coterie ;) I feel so confident that I can meet any health need with this gifted team that I have at the table ready for consult, support and treatment.

Versatile Healing Product

Asclepius III oil helps reduce the chronic stiffness and pain from a lower back injury. I deeply appreciate that this product works, as have the other oils from earlier Asclepius elections. I also use it on an old ankle injury and have had no pain for weeks now. My sleep has improved as well, which I wasn’t expecting. It’s such a versatile, supportive and healing product.

Don't start your healing without it

Don't travel without it. Brings down travel stress and other stresses. Perfect for the holiday season when traveling and dealing with relatives. There might be a healing crises (things get worse before they get better) but it's worth it.


  1. Asclepius III materia has been gorgeous for connecting with wife it the guiding stars of the nativity. on top of helping me with some of my chronic pain and some feelings of stuck emotional pain, I love using this material when engaging in the healing of others or studying different healing modalities, especially herbalism. I found an easy to enter a kind of flow state anointing myself with this oil and then studying herbalism or making herbs or magical materia!

  2. Gentle. Incredibly smart and wise. Powerfully kind. These are some of the senses of Asclepius that I get from engaging with the materia, and building a relation to this diety. I recommend this for anyone who is in need of emotional/physical/all types of healing. In my journey now I speak mostly to the emotional healing, and the knots and aches that difficult states of heart and mind can create. After application I have unexpectedly felt relaxed enough to take a nap, and I have been gently led to the way to love myself through the energetic blockages. Whether that’s crying or thinking or massage or singing or listening to a podcast. It’s all valid. A resulting state of mind is being clearer, more present. I see an increased patience with myself as I move through big changes and challenges. Healing really isn’t linear, but love for self is so helpful and can get me back in touch with my intuition, including about how to heal. This oil has bolstered that.

    I apply the oil to different areas of the body, most often the heart area, and usually just a drop on my fingertip massaged into skin. After applying before bed, I noticed night sweats (sometimes, not every time).

    I’ll add that I’ve done some astral travel to connect with Asclepius more, and I’ve been blown away by how safe and resourcing that has felt. This diety has not been difficult for me to connect to, and has always been so kind. I’ve used tarot cards, journaling, Enneagram for difficult reflection and shadow work, and then this Asclepius energy can swoop in with gentle support, and a focus on what’s working, and what needs some extra hugs.

  3. This is my third time venturing into an Asclepius series, the first two times being Asclepius II for myself and a later purchase of Asclepius II for my sister.

    In comparison to Asclepius II, Asclepius III feels brighter and emphasizes the purification qualities of Ras Alhague. I’ve used this oil as part of my daily cleaning and it radiates the feeling of being clean. The vibe feels lighter with Asclepius III. I feel much less heavy and lethargic when I work with Asclepius III, which is a high compliment from someone who has been suffering from burnout for years.

    I’ve also anointed a candle with Asclepius III and communed with Asclepius and had a very powerful experience. I definitely recommend anointing a candle with Asclepius III oil if you have it (or dressing the candle with the powder or steep blend) and praying to Asclepius if you need guidance in the realm of healing.

    One of my favorites for sure. If it were not sold out I would definitely buy another vial.

  4. I’ve been using this oil a lot lately, as well as praying to Asklepios, Hygeia & the Asklepiades. It truly is an incredible, powerful, magical piece of talismanic materia that I’m unbelievably grateful to have.

  5. Magical, Healing Asceplius in a bottle, then appearing in my treatment room. I use this oil with my clients, adding a few drops to a carrier oil. I offer the scent to my clients and then I place my hands on the part of my client’s body that requires healing. The effects are incredible. My clients can FEEL it and even more magically Asceplius, himself, enters and assists me with my work. So thankful for this offering!

  6. This is a little long, so fair warning if you don’t like walls of text.

    Sphere + Sundry saved my son’s life. I’m eternally, utterly grateful to Kaitlin Coppock. Anything you ever need, KC, pls call on me. I owe you.

    I was in the audience of my son’s high school musical on Thursday night. The kids were having fun, the audience loved it.

    My kiddo sang and danced through a big number and left the stage. About five minutes later, the drama teacher came out and stopped the show. I had a horrible feeling in my gut, and he asked if I was in the audience.

    I went backstage and my son was on the floor getting CPR. My brain couldn’t believe it. I kept thinking, “They don’t need to do that, I’m sure he just fell!” But someone said he had no pulse and wasn’t breathing. Someone got me away from the scene as the EMTs came in.

    He went into cardiac arrest. He’s 16 years old!! They had to intubate him and bring him to the ICU. I was beside myself.

    I’ve been praying with materia to Asceplius, the Sun, and Jupiter to heal his mind and body. I pray to Venus to ask Mars to take it easy on my son (you’ll see this is relevant later), and to Saturn, who rules my son’s ascendant.

    He is bouncing right back. The doctors are pleasantly surprised at how quickly he’s recovering. The day after his heart stopped they were able to remove his breathing tube. He woke up the next day and still has some short-term memory problems, but he seems to remember more and more. He’s back to himself!

    I dread to think what his fate would have been had his heart stopped at the same time the very night before, when he came home exhausted from rehearsals and went straight to bed. Or if he’d been alone on the subway. Instead, he was at school where they have a defibrillator on-site, as well as someone who knows CPR. The hospital was also a few blocks away, so the ambulance got him there instantly. After he was stable, they took him to the best cardiatric hospital in the country, which is a subway stop from my apartment. Jupiter and Venus co-present with Mars definitely made this horrifying situation the best it could be.

    As you’ll see from the chart of his cardiac arrest, Mars was the trigger behind this, hence my asking Venus to intercede.

    After a bunch of tests, the docs have deduced that he has a ventricular arrhythmia. He’s getting a defibrillator tomorrow, which the docs say is pretty much a simple procedure these days.

    Again, KC, I owe you. Thank you and bless you.

  7. Huge fan of this oil, it’s an excellent application option in cases of chronic illness without risking that you have a temporary healing crisis or feel tired after application. With Asclepius II (which I LOVE) I’ve found that it’s best in the evening or after all important work has been done because of this or that it helps me facilitate rest, whereas this series brings healing and health support that one can also apply in the morning or daily.

  8. This oil is incredible, with one flaw – the roller bottle it comes in. However, I don’t want that to overshadow this review, so let me speak to the oil itself first.

    In a word? Absolutely amazing. Okay, that’s two words, but y’all. Out of all the S+S products I own, this one has the biggest, most noticeable presence. It seems Asclepius very much appreciates the recitation of the included hymn, and He is happy to provide His aid. This oil greatly relieved my chronic neck pain on first application, and has been huge in facilitating my progress of arranging the medical care I need for said chronic pain. I am so grateful to Asclepius and to S+S for making such a wonderful healing aid available for purchase.

    However, the carnelian roller bottle has been a problem for me. It’s very leaky, and I’ve lost a considerable amount of oil due to this. I try to keep the bottle upright to prevent this, but since I carry it with me, I’m not always able to keep it perfectly vertical. I have a few other S+S oil rollers that leak a tiny bit, which I don’t mind, but this one has unfortunately been egregious.

    All in all, if you’re needing aid in matters of healing, I absolutely, 1000% recommend this oil, but make sure you keep the bottle upright if you get the roller version!

  9. I have a chronic health condition and for the management of this have involved many of these series (including also Leo Sol and the Asclepius II oil, which I love). What I find however is that this oil is great for promoting health and healing without the possibility of a dip in energy levels. Sometimes with Asclepius II for instance I have to wait til the work day is over in case the materials stimulates a so-called “healing crisis,” which is not the case with this one. I have also used it for petitions on behalf of loved ones which health issues that also have led to them feeling demoralized or depressed, which it’s also good for. Highly recommend !

  10. Asclepius III has been the first S&S offering that I have worked with. I’ve been using the oil was well as the water. I initially sought it out to assist me in accessing and integrating during intuitive and energy healing work. I my favorite way to use the oil is in ritual baths. Its very warming and very strong. I use no more than 3 drops per bath and its still pleasantly aromatic and present. I really feel the impact of this formulation’s light-integrating capabilities, as they are POTENT. An invaluable companion in my practice and studies pertaining to health & healing.

  11. I am fan of S&S Asclepius workings, and A3 is similar and yet different from A2 and A1. A2 has a strong Jupiter influence for me, and A1 is cooler. A3 is the most solar of the three to me. I used A3 as I had an oral surgery (so it was combined with both A3 spray, A2 powder, and SoA tincture). Everything went as painless as possible. I’ve been managing with the minimal amount of pharmaceuticals for the pain and inflammation. I am super thankful that S&S makes any Asclepius materia.

  12. I have been working with this oil since its release, and I have been very grateful to have it as a companion in my healing journeys. I practice reiki among other healing modalities, and applying this oil to my palms as I attune myself to reiki and the subtle body before starting a treatment has become a consistent part of my practice. It feels as it brightens and illuminates my own subtle body while also opening pathways to vitality that extend beyond myself. I feel more sensitive to subtle shifts and currents throughout the energetic body, and that has been a valuable guide in my healing work. At times when I am experiencing illness or acute pain, I have not had the experience of the oil alleviating symptoms, but what I have experienced is its support in reorienting my perceptions to the more subtle energetic resources that are available to me. It helps me re-connect to myself and the less visible world as a participant in my healing, and that is invaluable.

  13. A further aid from this truly magical & potent series. Having experienced the decisively purgatory power of the incense, I decided to invest in this oil.
    The first time I used it, I applied it on a whiplash injury I have in my neck. As I drifted towards sleep, I could really feel the musculature being guided, reconstituted, and other parts of my body relaxing, as though someone was actually massaging it!
    I have had similarly undeniable experiences when working with subtler forms of energetic healing (crystals and plant spirit medicine) whilst following more explicitly physical healing protocols. Thus, this oil seems to carry & serve as a channel for the spirit of Asclepius himself: an exquisite and unexpected bonus for what is ostensibly practical materia.
    Asclepius III assists greatly with chronic conditions by guiding one towards persistence in seeking help and noticing potential triggers. The whole series is an invaluable and essential resource for anyone dealing with acute and recurring issues.

  14. Very special oil, that I love to work also with my clients. There are several aspects of S & S I have bought into my clinic I love that, my clients love it and the healing taking place is profound. This oil hold space while gentle assuaging the presenting issue.

  15. SOA oil has quite a different quality to Asclepius 2. It feels lighter (less serious in a way), bright, warm and brings a lift to my spirit and thoughts. It feels like a continuation of the journey in healing.. dreams that revisit the past so to release old ties and stuck neural pathway wounds. A welcome and honoured support system!

  16. I have been using Asclepius III in conjunction with an energetic cleansing protocol (based on the glorious procedure that Kaitlin has shared with us) and it’s been hugely helpful in getting rid of the psychic gunk of the past year and the pain it has caused. Asclepius is a physician for the entire bodymind. I love this oil!

  17. I have used Asclepius III for several weeks and have been really impressed with the results. It gave a noticeable boost to the energy work that I am using to manage chronic illness, getting concrete results fairly quickly. I practice qigong and have been anointing points on my body for healing. I discovered that using it before I go to sleep also increases my dream recall and the vividness of my dreams. This is an amazing oil.

  18. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have started using Asclepius III oil to control stiffness and pain. I was expecting a negligible impact since I’m a casual practitioner with no prior relationship with Asclepius. I was wrong. This product works. I use it in affected joints to ease stiffness, and it also has the happy side effect of full body and mind relaxation and intensely healing sleep.

  19. This oil is divine.
    I take it easy as noted. It edged me into a bit of cleanse, which was fine….
    I’ve done it for a few days in a row then given it a break, so I experiment with the usage, along with the rest of the series that I have.
    I listen to my intuition now as to which aspect of the series I dive into and where I use it. Which I guess I did from the get go anyway!!!
    I feel it’s working for me at a very deep level as well as surface…. noted several coincidences unfolding and many aspects across the board of my life that is being cleared up.
    I am very grateful for S & S….Kaitlin you are wiz in the magical world of all things “S&S Materia”, bridging the gaps that body mind and soul require as we segue into the new earth.

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