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Oil of Asclepius I

Oil of Asclepius I

Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV

Asclepius, the ancient Greek God of healing, was petitioned to make this oil as medicine by his own hand. White sage, wildcrafted and sourced from a Native American owned small business, cypress, incense cedar, rose of jericho, frankincense, legally and ethically acquired heart of venomous pit viper, and carnelian were combined with organic, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil as the fixed star Ras Alhague rose in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer.

Anoint that which needs healing, with prayers and thanks to the Divine Physician for his curative blessings. Apply to areas of the body where healthfulness need be restored, during illness, or to boost immunity. Can also be applied to photographs or icons of those in need of healing and transmutation.


Out of stock

Spoken for... theoretically! If there is a red banner on the main image indicating this item is Out of Stock, then it is truly spoken for. Other items are just in need of bottling and will be made available at some point in the future. Join the waiting list to be notified of any restocks.

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Creation Date

26th of June, 2018. Chart in the image gallery

Areas of Application

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1/2 oz

Magical Applications

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Potential Side Effects


Suggested Pairings

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No — Contains cruelty free, ethically, and legally harvested animal-derived components

Dimensions .80 × .80 × 3 in
Weight 1 oz

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Customer Reviews

Based on 155 reviews
Lepus (Chiapas, Mexico)

I had heard or rather read about Asclepio, and I was somewhat reluctant to use it so I put off using it a bit. Wow, it definitely helps to heal, both physically, emotionally and spiritually, not to mention that it also helps to incubate dreams. When there was a re-stock I ordered some things from the series again. 100% recommended.

G. (Illinois, United States)

If I could get a whole gallon of Asclepius oil, I would! It’s so good in making me get the necessary sleep I need. I had suffered bouts of insomnia and I would apply some of the oil on my temples, forehead and on my soles to help me fall asleep.

Lisa K. (California, United States)
Health support where you need it

I use this oil to protect against skin cancer. One of my parents was diagnosed with it around my age and died from it several years later, so the health of my skin has always loomed at the back of my mind. I've had a few suspicious-looking moles that fit all the criteria for melanomas, and I apply the oil directly to them, as well as regularly to the rest of my skin. The suspicious-looking spots always turn out to be perfectly healthy. Along with all the mundane protocols (moisturizer, sunscreen, general healthy lifestyle), Asclepius is a precious part of my cancer prevention toolkit. <3

C. (Nebraska, United States)
Possibly the best medicine humankind has to offer.

I could go on and on about this oil and this series in general but i’ll try to keep it short. If you are new to Sphere and Sundry and are looking for what to get, seriously, get this oil (and probably also the salts, incense or water from this series). I can’t think of a better universally needed magic than Asclepius. Everyone I’ve shared this materia with has experienced change for the better. And there’s something about this version of Asclepius that is vastly intelligent, probably due to the multiple deities and powers that were called upon for its creation, because it reaches to the places where you don’t even know you need medicine, sucks out the venom and gives you EXACTLY what you need for the healing process.
I am almost certain ASC IV is what brought Vedic remedies into my life, and I have not been the same since.
There is a quality to this series that’s like the snake bite from which the medicine is made in that you will probably run into unhealthy habits or experience symptoms/situations that help show you were real lasting changes need to be made.
This oil is also the perfect pairing hack for any series or planetary energy that you’re having trouble “getting”. If you’re not vibing with a series, try it with Asclepius first before you decide it’s not for you!
Hail Asclepius! And may we always have access to this life changing medicine.

Dena D. (Maryland, United States)

This oil is good as an extra pick-me-up for whatever ails you, especially in the spiritual planes. I've used it for rituals to help heal people who have had bad energetic attachments or other blockages and it works very well. I enjoy putting it on myself, and the smell is nice.

LM (Illinois, United States)
Puts the gears in motion

I feel like this oil and series really help me align with the healing and help I need. Like helps me get to the right place right time healing moments while also feeling like it's supporting me under the hood.

Olivia (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland)
Support for your health

The first thing I used it for was my tinnitus and after applying it around my ears for two nights in a row, the ringing in my ears decreased significantly! I also suffer from really bad numbing episodes of painful muscle spasms that I get once in a few weeks and a couple of times I've managed to calm them down instantly when using just a tiny dot of asclepius. Besides that, I find it helpful with headaches - they either linger shorter than usual or are a bit more bearable. Will definitely be stocking up on this materia!

Philly (California, United States)

I had no idea what dream incubation was until going to write this review. One night before sleep after engaging with the series, I was guided to do what I now see is dream incubation. I’ve gotten powerful guidance about healing through these dreams.

G.E (Istanbul, Türkiye)

When I am about to catch a cold I anoint myself with Asclepius and I wake up significantly better. Very likely to induce sleep so I tend to use it before bed. Both healing and purifying at the same time..

Anonymous (England, United Kingdom)
No more pain

This oil is amazing at pain relief. I spike my lotions and hand creams with it and my joints feel so much better, with consistent use, my knee pain is almost non-existent.

Thank you so much!


  1. On the march 2020 saturn/mars conjunction at 0 degrees aquarius (my 3rd house governing the local and transportation) my right arm was badly broken in a car crash. I use the Aesclepius oil when the moon is at 22 degrees Sagittarius on my broken arm, it has helped enormously in reducing the ongoing pain I still experience and it also helps me sleep really well. What more can I say! Highly recommended for healing.

  2. Game changer for my dream work practice. I anoint my heart before bed and navigate through my shadow work in the dream world with clarity and ease. I’ve also used it a lot on my palms for reiki purposes and Gods dang does it fire up the palm chakras in a totally different way. Definitely a series-must for any practitioner of energy work, healing, reiki, massage, or medicine.

  3. WOW! The oils of Kaitlin are truly magical and reliable in more than one would expect.
    I used the oil diligently because of its value and the following things happened: I got pregnant. I found the perfect dentist to heal a long-term tooth problem which is now almost gone and saved me from losing my teeth in the future.
    My overall mood and sleep have significantly improved and above all – I’ve healed immense generational trauma in a complexity and serenity I would never have thought of.
    Thank you thank you thank you

  4. Oil of Asclepius has been my go to if I’m sick. I would not forego my doctor’s orders especially for serious illnesses but Asclepius wonderfully helps with my treatment regimen. It makes me sleep well after I apply it to my temples when I have a headache or soothes my abdominal pain, etc. I’m on my second bottle and I will not be without it. Thanks for making it, Kaitlin!

  5. I work in medicine, and I usually keep my woo and my medical stuff pretty much separate. I have a headache, I don’t pray to be delivered from my headache, I take an ibuprofen.
    So saying that the Oil of Asclepius I is one of the best fast onset painkillers I know is saying something. I have found it especially useful for mesntrual cramps, headaches, back aches, a pulled muscle when I fell off a horse… truly amazing. I suffer from tension headaches and something that lets me reduce my painkiller intake is wonderful. My partner suffers with a longstanding ear infecgtion that hasn’t budged with all the usual meds, and he has also found the oil wonderful, both for pain relief and for improvement of the inflammation. 10/10

  6. I was able to be introduced to a professional who helped me with the problems I put to Asclepius, through a serendipity. I will be a return customer.

  7. I tried the Asclepius II oil the second day after receiving it. I prayed to Asclepius for healing, and annointed myself where it felt right using his symbol. This oil acted like a sleeping potion to me, so much that I wondered if I was having a chemical reaction to it. The sleep was delicious, but in the interests of my work life I have delayed further experimentation until tonight, when I can oversleep if necessary. I will experiment more and get back to you. This is a potent and quality product. Thank you tons, S+!

  8. A 4 year old girl came for acupuncture with main complaints of constipation and seizures. She was born with hypertrophic corpus callosum, and is also unable to walk or sit up. Suuuper cute kid! Very happy. I applied Asclepius I oil to 4 gates and ST 36. She’s been regular since. That’s a phenomenal outcome for 1 treatment, by any measure.

  9. Working with Asclepius is an honour, a blessing and a privilege. The use of his items has had a profound impact on my clients, and myself. Whether anointing at the moment of an oncoming sore-throat, or use on poppets for purification, or even useD to assist in the alleviation of a swollen ankle- this product line has truly lives up to its promises (and more) each time. I’m exceptionally grateful, and looking forward to building a deeper relationship with Asclepius and this S&S product line!

  10. I was drawn to this oil for its usefulness in healing and thought it would be good to have on hand. After anointing myself with it, there is a steady warm feeling in the area of application as it seems to sink under the skin. It’s a very focused and pleasant feeling. It quickly dispelled a nasty lingering cough, and has lead to much better sleep over all. An unexpected result from using the oil was that I was motivated to clean my entire home. Not just straighten up or lightly clean, but a good deep cleaning. I actually enjoyed it! and my environment feels much better!

  11. This oil’s dispelled tension headaches and pollution-related sinus probs, relieved an aggrieved ear, sent me to sleep when applied to my soles,
    and served in a long-distance healing prayer in which the stakes were dire. Indispensable!

  12. I applied this oil for the first time this evening to my right ear which as been blocked for the last 3 months after putting a cotton swab too far down in the ear canal. I tried hydrogen peroxide to clear it and a few other things and nothing worked. Today, this evening, I applied this oil to the OUTSIDE of my right ear and spoke healing to my ear. My ear entirely opened up the second time I placed my hand there and spoke healing. I can hear CLEARLY and perfectly now. I have no idea how this works, why it works. What I know is… IT WORKS. Get this oil for your healing.

  13. As a healthcare practitioner I bought this oil in the hopes that it would help teach me things and for curiosity’s sake and I’ve been impressed with the results.

    The oil itself has a purgative effect, meaning: it makes you go to the bathroom if you really need to. Most people living in the Western Hemisphere on a regular diet have issues with waste accumulation in their bodies, and this oil is a testament to that. If you have an irregular bowel movement cycle this helps cure bloating and purges toxic material from your intestinal tract.

    When I receive hands-on treatment from colleagues I apply this oil and suffer no ill side effects. So far it has saved me from a migraine headache after receiving improper neck work and eliminated pain on the spot after application.

    After receiving some bad news about a medical test recently I applied this oil to the area that had been bothering me and immediately felt tingling in the area and tissue inflammation seemingly returned to normal, and hasn’t been causing me much of an issue since.

    Application of this oil I find tends to work much better if you rub it deeply into the surface of the skin where you apply it, unless you’re dressing a candle or the like. It also tends to make me very sleepy if I’m in need of healing, so if you use it, it’s best to make space to lay down.

    Oh, and one more thing. I think it helped me find therapist. I’ve been looking for a talk therapist for a while and couldn’t find what I was looking for. Immediately after receiving the oil in the mail I asked a friend if they knew anyone and they referred me to a friend who is in a reputable academic therapy program who gave me a whole list of wonderful options. The therapist that seems to be a great fit called me back almost immediately after my phone calls had been left unreturned for weeks by others… So there’s that too.

    This oil is great for speeding recovery, purging toxins from the body, people with digestive issues, building a better mind-body connection and intuitive processes that go along with it, and allocating proper healthcare resources if you’re having trouble finding the right person.

    Great job on this oil.

  14. Anointed myself day before yesterday and have spent the time since doing nothing but eat and sleep.

    The sleep is HIGHLY restorative and impossible to resist, almost to the point of feeling drugged!

    I have felt a little off, but as the literature warns, this may be the purgative effect.


  15. I purchased this as I was in need for some serious healing tools for loved ones. I find this to be a very warm oil, and nurturing. I used this to pray for the best results for two different health situations, and both have been resolved in a much more positive result that I thought possible. Both are long-term scenarios, but I’m happy to have this for the many steps in the journey.

  16. I just used the oil for the first time last night. I put some around my heart and my solar plexus. I’m totally not as smart or savy as the other commenters on this thread. I don’t know much about my birth chart and I don’t practice magic regularly. I do commune with my spirit guides/helps/guardians often. So if I sound ignorant, I probably am. Yikes, sorry.

    When I receive reiki, I usually get the comment that my solar plexus was blocked, and the reiki master had shifted the energy for me. I also have a pretty ugly/cute scar around my belly button that I though the oil might be able to help with. As soon as I put the oil on my stomach, I felt the most amazing sensation. It was almost as if an egg cracked inside of me. I felt warm tingling energy running down from my belly and dripping down my legs all the way to my feet. It felt honestly, incredible. I feel asleep shortly after and woke up an hour later sick. Like belly sick (y’all know what I mean). Is this an expected reaction in terms of physically dispelling something?? Perhaps negative energies I was carrying with me but in a physical form? Or did I just eat some bad Thai?

  17. As a Chiron Ascendant native, this Oil of Asclepius has been used sparingly and localised upon healing old scar wounds. It has alleviated itching and pain. When timed with successive Sagittarius moons, I believe I have been able to get in touch with my own regenerative processes and capacity to self-heal. It works excellently within the context of the Triple Purification Rite of Asclepius. It punctuates and grounds the ritual to the body.

    I have also anointed myself with this oil before active imagination sessions intended to heal wounded parts of my psyche. This has been points over my third eye, crown chakra, base of the head, and the anointing my heart with the Rod of Asclepius sigil. The results have been humbling: the active imagination experiences have been shared with my Jungian analyst. My current sessions are now focused upon the healing and renewing potential of this work. I am interested to know how my sessions will be experienced if I were to anoint myself with this oil beforehand. There is much to explore with this product: its restorative potency is not to be underestimated.

  18. I purchased the Asclepis oil to assist in some internal healing I was doing after a “Venusian” medical procedure. I was very worried about potential scarring during the healing process, so I decided to use the oil to supplement my healing regimen (that also included self-Reiki and no sugar to encourage a less acidic environment). I rubbed it on my lower abdomen along with saying the prayer to Asclepius for about two weeks and at my four week checkup got the miraculous news that I was healing BEAUTIFULLY! The oil is also awesome for muscle strains and aching joints–I have a recurring knee issue and have woken up completely pain free after applying the oil before going to sleep during flare ups that normally would last for days on end. The oil also helped my husband with a muscle strain in his back with just a drop rubbed in before bed–just one application and the pain was gone. This stuff is magic for sure!

  19. The first time I put on the Asclepius oil was “Wow!” I was waiting for a prime moment to put on the oil, Ras Alhague on the Ascendant, similar to when the oil was made, and it’s proven to really tune me with the energy of the Fixed Star. I was not sure what to expect, but the results were pretty immediate. I noticed my energy channels expelling some pretty dark stuff, I started giggling per my usual when I release something toxic. Ras Alhague, this time of year is on the Ascendant around 1 p.m. so it was right before my class, I joked around thinking that I was going to fall asleep as described by the article about the oil, but what I found was I was really engaged with asking questions and commenting in class; I have not done that since my last attempt at school. This time as I work towards another degree, I felt like there was a part of something inside of me that was just so over school, a wound that was inflicted because of my last experience with school, that kept me from even wanting to participate even though on a deeper level I want to participate, engage, and connect. The energy of the oil is beautiful and I would recommend it for anyone on the path of healing, for themselves or for others.

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