Jupiter in Sagittarius — Altar, Prayers, and Offering Ritual
No doubt you’ve heard all of the astrologers and astromages shouting from the internet rooftops about how Jupiter, the planetary equivalent of a wise Sage who is also Santa Claus (does it get any better?), has entered his own sign of Sagittarius. Staying true to the Greater Benefic’s generous spirit, his opening debut was November 8th 2018, which also happens to be a northern hemisphere Thursday, the day which Jupiter rules.
This provides a too-good-to-pass-up opportunity to establish (or clean and re-energize) Jupiter altars and make offerings to the planet of #BigDickEnergy, in order to activate his influence in our own personal sphere, as well as the collective. This could be a one-time thing or it could be the basis for a weekly offering practice, to keep those sweet Jup-Juices flowing.
For any who don’t know, Jupiter is the planetary go-to for greasing the wheels of… almost anything. He is associated with wealth, generosity, and material gain, but also wisdom, perspective, and power. Well appeased and in an empowered position, he can provide aid to whatever he’s touching in your chart — the house he is in, the houses and planets he rules, the planets he aspects — and all else in your world. For more on Jupiter, see our resident electional astrologer Austin Coppock’s piece, Gods and Heroes, or his webinar The Luck of the Gods: Magical Approaches to Jupiter in Sagittarius.
At best, Jupiter’s influence is steadying and grants a broader, more balanced perspective. Devotions to him will help you establish and maintain sovereignty, in addition to ingratiating yourself to the other Kings, Queens, and powers that be.
If you are building something (as everyone who aspires to a happy, healthy, and prosperous life ultimately is!), Jupiter is an influence you want on your side. That said, let’s get into the nitty gritty of Jupiter devotions…
The Faces of Jupiter + Timing
Jupiter is one of the oldest Gods, worshipped in many forms and by many faces. Cognate figures include Jove, Zeus, Indra, Thor, etc.. All of these figures are nigh limitless founts of prolific masculine potency, being Gods of the sky, thunder, and lightning, in charge of the other Gods in their pantheon and all else below.
For Jupiter devotions, you can select any God facet you favor, or just appeal to the spirit of the planet itself. Please note that if you are approaching the Jupitarian current through a specific Godform, such as Indra or Chango, you should use the traditional prayers, altar, and offering suggestions from their origin traditions.
For best efficacy, Jupiter offerings and prayers should be made on Thursdays or Sundays after Sunset (his planetary night), during his hour.
Planetary hours change based on location and time of year, and can be calculated online or through a number of apps, such as Time Nomad, which is free for iPhone.
You can also perform extra Jupiter devotions when other planets or the Moon conjoin Jupiter, or when transiting Jupiter aspects planets in your own chart that you would like to provide greater aid to.
This Thursday (or one subsequent), if you already have a Jupiter altar, clean it. If you don’t have one, soon is the time to do it, to kickstart your Jupiter in Sagittarius experience!
Jupiter altars can act as or be incorporated with other pre-existing prosperity and money altars, and depending on the structure of your intent, be shared with other compatible deities like Ganesha, or stellar forces such as Regulus.
An example Jupiter altar could range from bare bones to excessively ornate, and include any or all of the following —
- A royal blue or yellow altar cloth (paper in a pinch!)
- One or four (the number of Jupiter) white, royal blue, or yellow candles
- Piece of tin or gold, or something made of those metals.
- The glyph/ symbol of Jupiter
- The planetary square of Jupiter
- Seals, symbols, and names of Jupiter
- A statue of your chosen Jupitarian Godform
- Fulgurite (crystals formed by lightning strikes), lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue topaz, sapphire, or yellow citrine
- Jupitarian incense or Frankincense resin
- A treasure box or place to put cash, checks, and coins
- Lightning struck wood or images of lightning
- Jupiter oils, powders, and talismans, or those for prosperity and power (coming soon!).
- The Wheel of Fortune and/ or Hierophant tarot cards
- A deep blue or yellow pen that you use for writing Jupiter related sigils or spells
- A space for offerings. Jupiter likes fine and golden spirits, such as spiced rum or cognac, along with wine. Roman offerings often included fresh fruit and pastry.
The Agrippan symbols, planetary square, and hebrew table for Jupiter are all at the bottom of this post. You don’t have to use them all or even understand them, they’ll work regardless. You can draw them by hand or print the image from the file available to download below.
Keep in mind that sometimes ritual advice can be a little extra. You don’t HAVE to pull out all the stops. Basic workings are also effective, but often your return is in proportion to the effort you put in. That fact is as true in magic as it is everything else. Applying yourself will always render better results, and the effort expounded on a planet’s behalf becomes an aspect of your offering to it.
Preparation and Opening
Jupiter likes an affect that is humble and priestly, or gregarious, generous, and over the top — pick your poison!
Be freshly washed and wear white, yellow, or royal blue clothing, especially for the first devotion you perform or for subsequent important Jupitarian rites. You can also wear priestly garb or a mage’s robe.
Light your candles and incense. Anoint yourself with any Jupiter oils or sprays (coming soon!). Take a moment to visualize the planet Jupiter and channel his energy into your body and the altar itself. Meditate on the symbols or draw them fresh.
Once you feel attuned, say the Orphic Hymn to Zeus/ Jove, the call from the Picatrix, or an invocation and prayer of your own design. The Hymn follows, addressing Jupiter directly. If you would prefer to sub “Jupiter” for “Jove”, that is fine —
O Jove much-honor’d, Jove supremely great, to thee our holy rites we consecrate,
Our pray’rs and expiations, king divine, for all things round thy head exalted shine.
The earth is thine, and mountains swelling high, the sea profound, and all within the sky.
Saturnian king, descending from above, magnanimous, commanding, sceptred Jove;
All-parent, principle and end of all, whose pow’r almighty, shakes this earthly ball;
Ev’n Nature trembles at thy mighty nod, loud-sounding, arm’d with light’ning, thund’ring God.
Source of abundance, purifying king, O various-form’d from whom all natures spring;
Propitious hear my pray’r, give blameless health, with peace divine, and necessary wealth!
Afterward, present your offerings and thank Jupiter for what blessings he has already given you, and ask that he continue to provide them. This is an original prayer addressing each of the twelve house topics, because why not cover all our bases?
These can be modified per your own goals and circumstances —
Wise, all powerful Jove! Ruling the skies and all below, rumbling the earth with your mighty thunder and incredible lightning! I present to you these offerings, of (incense, flame, light, golden rum, etc.). Please accept them, and have them take the form that most please you!
Thank you for the blessings and wisdom you have provided, and I pray for your continued beneficent support in all things, in all ways…
Make me sovereign, in your image.
See that my bank, savings, and investment accounts grow positively, becoming fatter and fuller, as you command all resources.
Open my eyes to the opportunities I encounter for success and gain on a daily basis, with all the clarity and perspective of your broad survey.
Protect my residence, belongings, and loved ones from any and all harm, as the supreme all-powerful provider. See that my home is filled with the blessed and good, and these are all that pass my doorstep.
Make me inspired and prolific, as you are.
Imbue me with habits to support my good health and ward away disease, for your vitality and strength are unrivaled.
Place me in right and close relationship with excellent partners, as husband of all.
Grant me access to vast resources through alliance, as you hold sway over every King and Queen of this world.
Make me wise, learned, and generous of spirit, which is your way. See that I learn from the wisest of teachers and most accomplished of priests, as these are your earthly retinue.
Help me find and hold my rightful place, and be seen in the best light for all I do and who I am, for you are the allocator of promotions and determiner of great reputations.
Include me in the noblest of courts, and see that I am well received by the social networks and organizations of which I am part, as you care for societal order.
Guide me away from dark thoughts and idleness, toward gainful, nurturing and productive practices, for the boons of your works are limitless, and I am a faithful devotee of your ways.
All thanks and honor to you, all-powerful Jove!
Bow and give heartfelt, happy thanks to the spirit of Jupiter or your Jupitarian Godform. You can blow out the candle(s) to close — there is normally no need to banish or do anything more formal, since you want these forces actively at work in your home and in your realm.
You could also segue into meditation or performing other related magics, such as launching a sigil shoal for success, protection, or gain.
Want to download a free Word file of these prayers, to personalize and print?
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May Jove’s blessings be forever upon you and yours,
especially if you find it in your generous nature to boost this post’s signal! ⚡️
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Comments (3)
What do you do with the product that was offered to Jupiter e.g wine or rum after the ritual? Can you drink it? Or you pour it out? I can’t find any mention of that…Thanks!
Right after finishing prayers and offerings to Jupiter I stumbled upon an “Amazing video created by still photos taken by the Cassini spacecraft during its flyby of Jupiter! Moons- Io and Europa .”
[…] which is tied to altars and rituals. I personally got involved after reading the article entitled Jupiter in Sagittarius— Altar, Prayers, and Offering Ritual by Sphere and Sundry.[3] The article opened my eyes to the practice of rituals. It mentioned an […]