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    Luminous Crown Candles

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    Virgin white beeswax poured over consecrated Luminous Crown herb and gem mix, including saltwater pearl, ruby, diamond, and saffron, super-quickly powdered and sprinkled into every mold. Each candle includes dual wicks which burn united as a single flame, representing each of the lights in their signs of exaltation, fueling united purpose. Topped or gilded with electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, the metals of Sol and Luna respectively, showcasing the same. This is the first series offering pillar candles in addition to glass jars, perfect for carving, dressing, and works of candle magic. I suggest burning them in glass containers near their size regardless, so if any wax drips down the side (see gallery), it can be used to feed the flame as it burns, rather than go to waste. Each candle is marked on the bottom with a hand stamped and embossed Luminous Crown seal. The pillars stand within 1/4" of their ideal height of 3" and 6". Unscented, burn on a firesafe surface, never leave unattended. Only half of what was poured is being offered to the public, the Luminous Crown being an exceedingly rare, highly eminent election. The slim vigil style jars seen in the photos have been paired with large Box Sets. Short pillars and 2 oz jar candles for $90, or tall pillars for $168.
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    Mars in Scorpio Candles

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    Red soy wax, poured over consecrated Mars in Scorpio herbal mix during the hour of Mars as he rose in Scorpio on day 1 of 2020. Burn during ritual Mars observations, or use in spell work for victory and Martial achievement. Light as a background influence to promote focus, tactical thinking, commitment to getting the job done, or physical activities. Use as a meditation aid to partake of the Martial sphere's wisdom. Arrives in an 8 oz slim vigil style for $155, or large 24 oz for $255
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    Mother Algol Oil Lamps

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    Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Algol herbal base, including black hellebore, mummified rattlesnake powder, snake's skin, diamond, and more. The clear paraffin oil has turned red since incubation due to chemical reactions between it and its contents. No dye was added. The main offering image shows it frozen from having been outside during its two month long incubation period, it has since returned to its liquid state. Oil lamps are frequently employed in the Hoodoo tradition and possess the virtue of being infinitely reusable, building an even greater charge with use over time and a personal relationship with their keeper. The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Direct its light to feed Algol talismans or implements of an appropriately protective, reversing, or malefic nature, as well as pictures or icons of those you wish to impact. Includes the charged Mother Algol talismanic lamp base, burner, ream of wick, and chimney for $360
    Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 
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    Mother Algol Candles

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    Soy wax, dyed black and ritually poured over consecrated Algol mix during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Algol, 2019, including black hellebore root, silvermist diamond, and other ingredients for protection, counter-magic, and maleficia. Topped with genuine silver leaf. Burn to invoke the primordial feminine and explore the gnosis and wisdom of the Dark Goddess. Pray for protection and light during times of magical need. Set fire to appropriate items, names, images, etc. with Algol's potent flame. Given the amount of sets involving candles for this series, not many standalone candles are available. Offered in either a small 2 oz for $87, or 8 oz slim vigil for $168. All of the gigantic candles are reserved for the Watchtowers. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil Lamps

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    Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Jupiter in Sagittarius mulling spice and herbal mix, frankincense resin, 14 small pieces of citrine and one large, and 24k gold leaf. The clear liquid paraffin oil has turned milky since incubation, mirroring the clouds within the freshly distilled Jup-Juice hydrosol and a nod to Jupiter’s rulership over “generous bodily fluids”, including those of... a prolific nature. Shout-out to Zeus’ many offspring. Oil lamps are frequently employed in the Hoodoo tradition and possess the virtue of being infinitely reusable, building an even greater charge with use over time and a personal relationship with their keeper. The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Direct its light to feed Jupiter talismans or implements of a Jupiterian nature, as well as pictures or icons of those in need of elevation, hope, and improved fortune. Burn during Jupiter’s day and hour for remediation and ritual observation, to ingratiate the greater benefic to your purpose and call his aid. Well kept on wealth altars and work desks. Given Jupiter is out of talismanic commission for the next 1-2 years, this is the largest run of oil lamps Sphere + Sundry has so far produced. Sixteen were created, twelve of which are being offered to the public. Includes the charged Jupiter in Sagittarius talismanic lamp base, burner, wick, and chimney ready to use for $360. Refill the oil and replace the wick during Jupiter’s days and hours, as a best practice.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Candles

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    Non-GMO soy wax, dyed bright yellow and poured over consecrated Jupiter in Sagittarius herbal mix during the height of the series election with a small amount of frankincense essential oil. Crowned with citrine and gold leaf, as a nod to Regulus’ background influence and Jupiter’s incorruptible spirit. Burn during Jupiter’s day or hour for remediation and ritual. Light to set an inspiring, optimistic, and jovial tone during brain storming sessions or social gatherings. Arrives in glass jars bearing the Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph on the bottom in 2 oz for $92. Two extra large 24 oz candles are also being offered to the public for $272
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    Aldebaran Candles

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    Red soy wax poured over consecrated organic Aldebaran herbal base including milk thistle, bull born, and more, in the prime moments of a fine Aldebaran election heavily supported by Jupiter in Sagittarius. Each candle contains a piece of rare coinage that can be kept upon a wealth altar or in one’s wallet after burning. Topped with ruby and genuine gold and copper leaf. Burn on altars or during workings related to Aldebaranian principles. Never leave candles unattended. Due to running out of small candle jars, this is a very limited run. Only twelve 2 oz jars were poured for $90, and seven hyper-large 24 oz for $272. Some of these are also reserved for box sets.
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    Deneb Algedi Candles

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax was poured over consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix during the Full Moon conjunct the asterism, 2019. Burn for protection, to avert the evil eye, reinforce boundaries literal and metaphorical, and facilitate a tactical, grounded, and stoic atmosphere. Use for spellwork concerning the rightful doling out of justice and defense, and to bring out the best in law enforcement and people in power. Great for wealth generation. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $156
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    Deneb Algedi Oil Lamps

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    Inspired by a workshop given by Professor Charles Porterfield on conjure lamps in the hoodoo tradition at the Viridis Genii Symposium 2019, glass vessels were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix before being filled with odorless and clean burning paraffin lamp oil during the height of the election. Contents include the traditional correspondences for Deneb Algedi — marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony, in addition to 24k gold, frankincense, and other fortifying herbs for protection, the safekeeping of borders, repelling the evil eye, wealth generation, and calling the favor of the powerful. As taught by the conjureman, the light (and shadow) from lamps (and candles, no doubt) can be guided with the use of mirrors to shine in certain directions, upon photographs or specific items for additional magical utility. It was this point in particular that inspired the idea that such light could also be used to feed, magnify, and activate astrological talismans, and experiments since have successfully confirmed that suspicion! A benefit oil lamps in particular possess over candles is that they can be eternally refilled, vastly increasing the span of their application and usefulness. Burn as you would a candle to promote the influence of Deneb Algedi within your sphere. Keep on altars for protection, wealth, success, and reputation. Shine the light on talismans and implements to empower, activate, and magnify their charge. These oil lamps are quart sized and come sealed. They include the burner top and wick, which the client will install themselves, and a glass chimney for increased safety and protection against wind. Keep on a stable, flat surface, do not jostle, and never burn unattended. Only 6 oil lamps are being offered to the public. $360
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    Candles of Golden Sol

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    Virgin yellow beeswax was poured over consecrated Sol in Leo herbal mix during a prime Sun in Leo election, making for talismanic candles perfectly at home upon success altars. Burn to call Solar spirits to attention, during meditation and self-reflection, or while engaged in spellwork for compatible self-actualizing and illuminating aims. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $162
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    Oil Lamps of Golden Sol

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    Inspired by a workshop given by Professor Charles Porterfield on conjure lamps in the hoodoo tradition at the Viridis Genii Symposium 2019, glass vessels were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Sol in Leo herbal mix before being filled with golden, odorless, and clean burning paraffin lamp oil during the height of the election. Contents include, among other high quality ingredients, sunflower harvested during the day and hour of the Sun, bay laurel, saffron, ginger, bloodstone, heliotrope, cedar, frankincense, and 24k gold. As taught by the charisma-laden conjureman, the light (and shadow) from lamps (and candles, no doubt) can be guided with the use of mirrors to shine in certain directions, upon photographs or specific items for additional magical utility. It was this point in particular that inspired the idea that such light could also be used to feed, magnify, and activate talismans, and experiments since have successfully confirmed that suspicion! A benefit oil lamps in particular possess over candles is that they can be eternally refilled, vastly increasing the span of their application and usefulness. Burn as you would a candle to invoke the Sun in Leo's light. Keep on altars for success, fame/ reputation, healing, or personal meditation. Shine the light on Solar talismans and implements to empower, activate, and magnify their charge. These particular lamps are round in honor of Sol, appearing from the top as the Sun's glyph itself. Comes with a 6" tall glass chimney for increased safety and protection against wind. Keep on a stable, flat surface, do not jostle, and never burn unattended. Only 6 oil lamps were created during the Sol in Leo series election, 4 of which are being offered to the public. Available for $360 All due praise + thanks to Prof. Porterfield for being a source of illumination and inspiration 🙌
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    Venus in Taurus Candles

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    Non-GMO soy, ritually poured over consecrated organic herbal mix and gold magnetic sand during one of the best Venus in Taurus elections 2019 had to offer. Crowned during Venus' day and hour with a fair trade emerald, genuine copper leaf, and royal jelly drizzle, a bee secretion used exclusively to feed the Queen Bee and her growing larvae. No cute word for larvae, is there? 😆 The point is the QUEEN! 👑🐝 Burn to make the Venusian manifest, and reinforce your assets. Perfect for operations to strengthen romantic bonds, draw admirers, gifts, or money, or other rituals for Taurean ends. On a mundane level, light to set an ambience for paid or romantic encounters. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84
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    Exalted Venus Candles

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    Organic beeswax, dyed purple in honor of Jupiter’s rulership of Venus in her exaltation of Pisces, ritually poured over bee pollen, consecrated Venus herbal mix, and Tahitian vanilla bean at the height of a supremely fine Venus election. Topped with fair trade diamond dust, amethyst, emerald, and genuine copper leaf. Burn during operations for love, beauty, glamour, repairing relationships, or other rituals oriented to the Venusian sphere. On a mundane level, light to set an ambience for romantic encounters, to facilitate emotional connection and promote harmony. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $161.
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Candles

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    Consecrated Jupiterian herbal base, dried fruit from Jupiter’s ritual feast, and gold magnetic sand were added to the base of candle jars before virgin soy wax was poured during the height of the election window. Burn during Jupiter rituals or when engaged in activities where Jupiter’s steady emanating support would be beneficial, such as when teaching classes, working your way through stressful situations, doing yoga, or meditating. Topped with various Jupitarian gemstones. Available in a 2 oz glass jar for $88, or a 12 oz for $164. Only four large candles are being offered to the public. Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Asclepius Candles II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax poured over suffumigated herbal mix during the height of the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, topped with frankincense resin and a sprinkling of Asclepius incense, along with 6 pieces of carnelian added on Jupiter’s day and hour. Lightly scented with frankincense and cypress essential oil. Burn while saying prayers for yourself or loved ones in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing and protection. Keep lit at the bedside of those convalescing, or create an altar with their image for works of sympathetic magic. Glass jars in three sizes, marked on the bottom with the glyph of Asclepius. Available in 2 oz for $65; 8 oz vigil style for $91 (sold out); or 12 oz for $130 (sold out).
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    Regulus Candles II

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    Virgin beeswax dyed rich yellow, poured over mugwort, wormwood, and mastic, topped with 24k gold and six garnets, in a similar style to the Regulus candles from the maiden series. The tall style contains approximately 8 ounces of wax and is almost 8" tall x 2" in diameter, perfect for short and routine ritual observations or multi-day vigils. Available in glass jars marked on the bottom with hand drawn golden Regulus glyph. Prayer candle style for $168, or 2 oz for $90
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    St. Expedite Candles

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    Virgin soy wax, dyed red and poured over the St. Expedite herbal mixture during the full Gemini Moon election, topped with genuine 24k gold leaf. The candle jars were all hand painted red and given golden accents, so after the original candle has done its work these can still serve as candle holders for future burns and kept on Expedite’s altar as permanent, dedicated statuary. Matches the offering glasses, box sets, and hand-painted labels for the rest of the series. Burn on your St. Expedite altar as you say your prayers and make petitions. Can be left to burn as an offering or only lit while you directly communicate with the spirit. Being offered to the public are 8 small 2 oz votive sized candles for $87, or 5 large 12 oz candles with a wooden wick for $165.
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    Jupiter’s Lightning Rod Candles

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    Virgin soy wax and a touch of ghee were melted, dyed bright blue, and poured over powdered lightning struck peach wood, fulgurite, lapis lazuli, and 24k gold leaf. These were created on the Thursday Jupiter entered Sagittarius, while the Moon and the Greater Benefic were conjunct the descending angle. Lightly scented with pure essential oils of clove, cinnamon, allspice, orange, and frankincense. The effects are warming, invigorating, and exciting. They create a sense of opportunity and will help draw it to you, as well as help you break away from bad luck and stagnant patterns. Burn in rituals designed for uncrossing, luck promotion, and achievement. Light in the background as you brainstorm goals and create game plans, to draw Jove’s blessings to your endeavor. Use during invocations of Jupiter or Jupitarian spirits, or during weekly rituals. While still warming and quickening, this, along with the spray, are the gentlest offerings in the Lightning Rod series, emphasizing Jupiter’s nurturing, wholesome qualities. Only 16 candles were created, 4 of which are reserved for box sets. 10 are being offered to clients standalone. Each candle is in a 2 oz glass jar and provides around 15+ hours of burn time. $88
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    Hermanubis Candles

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    Beeswax was mixed with myrrh and dyed black before being poured over the Hermanubis herbal mix, including cemetery cypress, hops, and barley, along with some hair from a black dog. Each candle was topped with 24k gold leaf and ritually blessed by our patron, alongside the rest of the series. Acts as a lighthouse for the deceased, drawing them as moths to a flame. Burn on ancestral altars during offerings or to facilitate better connection and communication. Light during seances, while channeling the dead, or performing necromantic operations. Be specific in who you are trying to draw and consider employing a natron barrier as a ritual circle to keep from drawing wandering spirits. Can be burned as an offering to Hermanubis in exchange for guiding deceased loved ones through the other side, and helping get them to where they need to go. Light during Hermanubis operations to make invoking him easier. Available in a 2 oz glass jar for $72
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Candles

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    Unscented beeswax candles, ritually poured over the Moon-Neptune herbal mix, topped with a salt water pearl, tiny starfish, and silver leaf. Light while scrying or engaged in psychic, mystical, or artistic endeavors to enhance visionary capacity and thin the veil in your physical setting. Use the flame as a meditative aid and as a catapult for inner or outer void-work. Three variations were poured for this election. Available in a small Pisces-blue 2oz jar for $63, or larger 4oz mercury glass jars with a silver cast for $81, in white (limit 8) or Pisces-blue (limit 4).
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    Venus in Libra Beeswax Candles

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    Pure beeswax dyed a beautiful green, poured over the blessed Venus in Libra herbal mix. Crowned with genuine copper leaf, ethically sourced diamond dust, and emerald. Poured during one of the finest Venus in Libra elections and blessed by the fairest benefic. Light during Venus rituals or dedicate the charge in a candle spell for sympathetic aims. On a day-to-day level, burn this candle when you would like to create a pleasant, joyous, and relaxing atmosphere, such as during a date, dinner party, or family gathering. Each candle is about 2 ounces and provides roughly 15 hours of burn time. $84
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    Algol Candles

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Mother Algol 👁[/sf_iconbox] Black candles were lit during the petition and prayers to Algol and oversaw the creation of most of the other items in this series. They were then melted down in time to be poured as the fixed star was rising on the Ascendant. Black hellebore harvested the night of, powdered (ethically, legally begotten) rattle snake rattler, and snake's skin in black wax. Each jar features an engraving of Algol's seal. It goes without saying that most Sphere + Sundry candles are made from virgin wax, but these candles had a storied and compatible history and were therefore upcycled for the operation. They were combined with additional wax, and still possess a scent from the original pillars, which includes tobacco, bergamot, and amber. Ten 2 oz candles were poured during this election, which provide around 15 hours of burn time. Three are being kept for personal use, three are included in Algol box sets, and four are being offered standalone. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase.  $87
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Candle

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    Flaming red candles hand-poured while Mars was in the 28th degree of Capricorn, his point of peak performance. Each candle features a dose of Mars powder, made the same evening, comprised of five hand-ground herbs and resins sacred to Mars. These include hot red pepper, genuine dragon's blood resin, and yohimbe bark, among other proprietary sympathetic ingredients, and small bits of iron and rust. A keepsake in the form of a bloodstone arrowhead is revealed when the candle has fully burned, to be kept indefinitely by the owner as a talismanic generator of Martial potency. Each candle is in a large 12 oz jar that, depending on burning habits, can provide 45+ hours of burn time. They feature a glass cap with Mars' glyph, Agrippa's seal of character, and the kamea or magic square, all inscribed during the operation. As their burning will often be accompanied by that of incense, they are unscented. The first time you burn a large candle, try to let the pool of wax get as far out as possible because it will leave a 'memory' in the wax and create a tunneling effect for future burns, which will greatly reduce the life of a candle. Magical candles are sometimes lit for short periods of time during prayers or petitions, so sometimes this is unavoidable. If you have issues with tunneling, there are ways of fixing it. Ten candles were poured, 7 were offered by Sphere + Sundry. They are now sold out. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $95

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