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    Water of Asclepius

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    Freshly drawn waters from Mt. Shasta, rose of jericho, ritually harvested incense cypress, and sustainably collected white sage, distilled with carnelian via copper alembic and tucked into beds of consecrated Asclepius materia to incubate. A small amount of grain alcohol to preserve, along with essential oils of rosemary and frankincense. If Sphere + Sundry has anything approximating a "flagship" offering, this is likely it! An all-purpose aura cleansing, space clearing mist, which helps alleviate anxious states, extend one's bandwidth, and assist in the process of inner-alchemy. Spray over areas in need of healing, or as a primer before other influence to help them run cleaner, and more smoothly. Spray on bed linens, especially of those convalescing or during times of stress. Restore, revitalize, and renew. Arrives in the Client's selection of half ounce travel size/ sample spray for $30, or full 2 ounce for $75
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    The Radiant Glow of Perfect Health Hair, Skin, and Beard Oil

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    Inspired by (but not explicitly enchanted to!) the Goddess Aegle — daughter of Asclepius and Lampetia, granddaughter to Helios and Apollo, whose name means "brightness", "dazzling light" and/ or "splendor" — as in, the beautiful glow which results from perfect health. Sphere + Sundry's proprietary TCM-inspired herbal mix for Beauty and Hair, with additions of organic Son of Apollo blend, propolis, white lotus, 13 essential oils, and 24k gold, infused in 100% organic golden jojoba, argan, and emu oils. A few drops brings shine and radiance to the hair unlike any other (without giving a greasy look or weighing it down!), while application to the skin brightens, smooths, and softens. Use directly or as an addition to lotion, moisturizer, or other hair care products. Offered in a 1 oz glass dropper bottle with 24k gold for $91
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    Salve of Exalted Mercury

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    100% herbal ingredients (organic): Fennel, ashwaganda, alfalfa seed, skullcap, gingko, vervain, tribulus fruit, brahmi leaf, cinquefoil, gotu kola, corn silk, cornflower, lily of the valley, dill, bayberry root bark, wormwood, shepherds purse. Fumigated with frankincense following prayers to Hermes during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Mercury election, and immersed in a combination of organic extra virgin olive oil and golden jojoba. Left to incubate for many moons, strained, melted with organic beeswax and essential oils of frankincense, rosemary, myrrh, vetiver, and copaiba, poured into tins and topped with genuine 24k gold. The result is an incredibly energizing salve and transdermal nootropic, which helps support mental functioning, memory's increase, promote eloquence and rate of speech, and helps get from point A to point B swiftly, problem solving and task-slaying along thy way! Apply to the feet before a day's work, rub into the shoulders, neck, brain stem, and ears. This is like Regulus in that it's one of the few salves recommended primarily for diurnal use, rather than as a comedown from work or to invite restful sleep, since it activates the nervous system, rather than calms it. Applied too close to beddy-bye, this is very likely to keep someone wide awake. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $56, or 4 oz for $96
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    Water of Exalted Mercury

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    We weren't in a good position to erect a distillation station for the Exalted Mercury election, so this spray is a combination of consecrated Kolonía and water harvested from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta at sunrise from the first Mercuryday following its direct station in Virgo, 2022. Colloidal gold, abre camino, a small amount of shimmering mica, and essential oils of frankincense, copaiba, hyssop, and rosemary. Spray to fill your field or atmosphere with Exalted Mercurial goodness, opening the way for communications, commerce, and increased capacity to do what needs doin'! Offered in a 1/2 oz sample or travel sized spray bottle with keepsake agate for $30, or full 2 oz for $75

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