Fiery Wall of Protection Anointing Oil
Anointing Oils, Available, Fiery Wall of ProtectionA combination of chili, cayenne, and aleppo peppers, ceylon cinnamon, ginger, rainbow peppercorn, pink Himalayan salt, and angelica root, fumigated in a Fiery Wall ritual conducted by Austin Coppock. High concentrations of red sandalwood, frankincense, gold standard myrrh, and dragon's blood, with 24k gold in organic jojoba. Finished with essential oils of blood orange, frankincense, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, palo santo, royal sandalwood, champaca, and benzoin. Fiery Wall of Protection Oil is best applied to external structures or items as a ward, rather than the body itself. It can also be used in spell work to provide protection of an aggressive and proactive nature. Use to anoint Archangel Michael amulets and connect with His energy. See the latter half of the series write-up for more information on applications, layering, and the like!$3 – $80$3 – $80 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Incense + Powder
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Incense, PowdersA combination of chili, cayenne, and aleppo peppers, ceylon cinnamon, ginger, rainbow peppercorn, pink Himalayan salt, and angelica root, fumigated in a Fiery Wall ritual conducted by Austin Coppock. High concentrations of red sandalwood, frankincense, gold standard myrrh, and dragon’s blood, with 24k gold. Palo santo, nutmeg, blood orange, and clove. Burn as an offering to protective Spirits, including Archangel Michael, who was mentioned in this series' conjuration. Fumigate to aggressively banish and cleanse auras + spaces (spicy! keep a window open! use something balancing afterward!). As a magical powder, sprinkle in mojo bags and spell jars for protection, and dress candles for protective workings. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Ritual Salts
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Ritual Salts, SaltsDead Sea salts stained a light rust by the addition of consecrated Fiery Wall powder, 24k gold, and essential oils of nutmeg, clove, champaca, cinnamon, and cassia. Add to spiritual washes and baths, use to create protective salt barriers, dress candles, or make as an offering to protective Spirits. Use as a component in spell work and to dust. Carry or keep some in places when a Fiery Wall of Protection is in order! Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Candles
Available, Candles, Fiery Wall of ProtectionConsecrated Fiery Wall herbal blend was sprinkled by Austin into each individual candle jar as he reiterated the objectives to EXPEL, PROTECT, FORBID, and DISARM. Wax was poured during a secondary Mars in Capricorn election. Topped with additional Fiery Wall concentrate and 24k gold. Burn to create auras of protection, and in works of magic toward compatible ends. Use its flame to ignite the names or belongings of those you wish to target.$168 – $260$168 – $260 -
One Left
Fiery Wall of Protection Bath Salts
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Salts, Bath SaltsDead Sea salts infused with consecrated Fiery Wall of Protection herbs, Anointing Oil, and 24k gold. Essential oils of nutmeg, frankincense, red mandarin, ginger, amber, and cassia. Bathe in these when you are under some form of spiritual or mundane attack, when you need a very high degree of spiritual protection and cleansing. You may wish to follow up with application of Deneb Algedi, Asclepius, or other tempering, benefic influences, to counter the Martial heat. Pairs wonderfully with prayers to Archangel Michael. Offered in an airtight 8 oz bale top glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bath bundle for $60 (enough to refill the bulk pot). Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!$36 – $66$36 – $66 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Ink + Stain
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Inks + Skin StainsConsecrated Fiery Wall of Protection herbal concentrate in an organic alcohol based stain, with alkanet, frankincense, red mandarin, royal sandalwood, champaca, palo santo, and cassia. Create sigils and protective barriers for protection. Best applied to external objects that can be worn or exterior walls, windows, and doors, rather than the skin itself. Structure operations thoughtfully so any targets of protection are surrounded by Fiery Wall, rather than consumed by it (see photo). Targets for explusion can be consumed by the flames, of course! Please note that our Inks + Stains are botanically derived, and relatively light. Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap.$66$66
The process for choosing Sphere + Sundry elections is as follows: Kaitlin mentions items from her wishlist at random and without provocation multiple times per week (is there St. Expedite II yet?!), to the degree that Austin (TO KAITLIN’S ACTUAL x UNMITIGATED DELIGHT!) literally gave her an election as a birthday gift in 2024 (note it was not the only gift! just her FAVORITE gift!).
Austin does his initial election-gazing for a coming period, and a meeting is set to review prospective series. The two sit on the floor of Austin’s office, marking up paper charts with +s and -s’, choosing between electional permutations until they are mere Islands in a sea of paperwork and Tarot cards, who confirm, deny, or refine the angle of each given Operation.
When it came to discussing Mars’ pass through Capricorn in the earliest months of 2024, we knew two things. One, that we wanted to harvest as maximally as excellent elections would allow (it wouldn’t hit its Exaltation again for years!), and two, that Kaitlin would have just entered her third trimester (Mars rules bleeding and severance, and a Sphere + Sundry-sized dose could very realistically trigger early delivery, or even miscarriage).
For that reason, this is one of *FOUR* Mars in Capricorn-based series/ projects Austin ritually crafted during that time, with Kaitlin doing the work of formulation, and in the case of Fiery Wall — altar design, wax pouring, and bit of photography from the passenger’s seat.
As this election came before the tribunal, there were reservations. “So this one is really strong… but it’s very hot…”, Austin said, laying the chart before us. The Moon was in Aries co-present with the North Node, precluding it from any passive remedial applications, and applying very tightly to a square with Mars. Unsurprisingly, the cards didn’t like it as a general series. “What about, like… a Fiery Wall type thing?” Kaitlin posed, turning any potential maleficence outward in noble defense of its bearer. The oracle went wild — and so it was.
The Operation took place in the old detached Sphere + Sundry workshop, which has been affectionately re-named “The Man Barn”, where Austin now keeps his Mars altar, the bodies of his enemies (jk!), his weights and whatnot. A second complementary election was chosen for pouring the Fiery Wall candles, using consecrated materia from the core operation that Austin sprinkled into each vessel with an utterance of the series’ central tenants: EXPEL, PROTECT, FORBID, DISARM.
Fiery Wall’s Mage (Austin Coppock) Elaborates:
This series is inspired by a folk magic classic— The Fiery Wall of Protection. This Hoodoo mainstay exists with manifold variations, and recipes can be found across pamphlets, grimoires, and websites. Yet the power of the Fiery Wall is always two-fold: to keep the negative from getting in, and to push out any evil that’s already gotten in.
Get out and stay out.
The image of the Fiery Wall conjures two different defensive qualities. First is the wall, whose weight, structure, and solidity prevent physical trespass, and neutralize energy directed at it. This the Earth element in defense— heavy, absorptive, stubborn, and unmoved. All the qualities a good barrier should have.
But is not merely a Wall, but a Fiery one. Waves of Heat radiate from it, repulsing those who approach and scorching those who persist. Fire is an active element, and in a defensive capacity, pushes back and punishes. Sufficiently bright fire also blinds those who look upon it, discouraging even the senses.
This double strength means that Fiery Wall spells and materials are used for a variety of applications, such as cleansing an area, warding a property, getting rid of a problem person, expelling a negative spirit, protection against hostile magic, and personal security.
The primary planetary component of this operation was an extraordinarily strongly positioned Mars, just risen in the East. The enchantment took place at dawn, on the day and hour of Mars, with the red planet exalted in Capricorn and further supported by a trine to Jupiter. Mars’ red rays had been obscured by the Sun for months previous, and had just returned to full visibility. This return to visibility, called a heliacal rise, is a lovely cherry on top of a full, already-potent election, lending it additional power.
The point at which this re-emergence occurred was in the first decan of Capricorn, the portion of the sign focused on the dynamics of territory, place, property, and boundaries. This further focuses Mars’ considerable power onto the warding of both psychic and personal space.
This emphasis on the command and control of place and space is further anchored by Mars’ rulership over the 4th whole sign House and Moon in this chart, extending Mars’ power over place, and substance. The combination of these factors make an ideal recipe for the erection of Fiery Walls to protect dear spaces and those that dwell within them.
Though the primary emphasis of this moment is the red potency of Mars, there are meaningful Solar elements, as well. Dawn, when the operation begin, is the moment when the Sun’s orb breaks the line of the horizon. The Sun at dawn is a natural exorcist and expeller of shadows, for every morning it swiftly banishes the night.
This sunrise Sol was placed in the third decan of Capricorn [editor’s note: DECAN CAP III IS SPHERE + SUNDRY’S NEXT RELEASE!), which it has rulership over and whose power it unlocks and adds to the consecration. Capricorn III offers the authority to both allow and forbid, and the Sovereignty to see those edicts followed— a power most complementary to the fortification of boundaries and clearing of space.
Preparation for this working led to the condensation of the Fiery Wall’s power into four distinct functions. These four became an insistent chant, an abbreviated conjuration, repeated throughout the entirety of the consecration.
Let’s take each of these categories individually, as they each contribute something unique to the compound function of the series.
To expel is to relocate something from inside a boundary to outside it. An exorcism is an expulsion, as is taking the trash out, breaking up with someone, or vomiting up an ingested poison. Any relationship, badly ended, involves expulsion, as ties are cut and links to that person are purged.
This is the “Get Out” function— pushing the negative/hostile/toxic thing out, so that it is no longer close enough to do harm. Strong walls are no good if your enemies live inside them.
The energy of expulsion is archetypally fiery and righteous. It is the Genesis 3:24 moment when God casts the fallen human from the Garden, and forever bars the gate with a flaming sword. This is the purgation of negative relationships, spirit removal, and the less-dramatic action of regular space-clearing.
In order to expel a threat, be it a tumor, a frenemy, or a fell spirit, one needs to be aware of it. Here the fire element is again relevant, as we require enough light to see a threat clearly. This is another Solar component of the Fiery Wall, its sunrise creation exactly the shift from dimness to clarity needed to properly assess and address threats.
A Fiery Wall sync from the opening scene of Netflix’s Dark S02E01 (original, not dubbed, mandatorily!)
Once the negative has been expelled, it is important to insure that it does not simply walk back in. Boundaries must have substance in order to protect against further intrusions. This is the “wall” portion of the fiery wall, the earth element. A wall is a passive but effective barrier between in and out.
Protect by structure and coverage, as a wall protects by physically disallowing entry. The wall’s strength is its weight, root, and non-reactivity. It absorbs and neutralizes without pain or complaint.
As expulsion requires sight, so does protection involve the lack thereof. The animal kingdom’s two methods of protection are that of the turtle and the chameleon. The turtle lives inside a walled fortress, while the chameleon’s camouflage prevents it from being a target. A good wall performs double-duty, both fortifying and obscuring.
A wall does not require intention or will. It merely exists, and by existing, prevents trespass. To forbid is to intentionally disallow trespass, to deem it illegal under one’s own law. Forbiddance is an act of Sovereignty and authority. It is the drawing of a line in the sand. It promises consequences: implied, clearly stated, or both.
The specter of enforcement stops and dissuades intruders. The seal of the issuing authority conjures images of dogs, traps, curses, guns, and guardians. It is the fiery sigil carved into the stony wall, the active complement to its passive weight. We forbid by the mark of our power and authority.
The 4th protective function enchanted for is disarmament, the nullification of the capacity to do harm, to render threats powerless within our Sovereign space. The word “dis–arm” suggests the removal of the power to act, but to render harmless — both the organs of perception and action must be dealt with. Our foe is not merely the hand that reaches out to take, but also the hungry eye which directs it. So let the Fiery Wall’s blaze blind the evil eye and scorch the grasping hand.
Several other planets, stars, and S+ series can be mobilized for protection. Two, in particular, have explicit defensive functions that may be worth exploring in contrast to [+ pair with] Fiery Wall.
Deneb Algedi (DA) protects by enclosing and fortifying, like a safe. Additionally, Deneb Algedi has the power to seal things. To seal is to create a barrier to the Air and Water elements, so that no corrupting vapors or putrefying liquids might mingle with what is enclosed. Vessels for food and drink are sealed so that they stay fresh longer, and to prevent the incursion of tiny microbes. Deneb Algedi’s form of enclosing protection thus benefits what is placed inside by keeping it fresh and uncorrupted, extending shelf-life and preserving life-force. Kept sealed, safe, and air-tight, the ancient and fragile tome endures, and the unmolested investment quietly multiplies.
Deneb Algedi also has a forbidding function, of a moral or ethical nature, creating an energetic barrier to-entry repellent to the dishonest, thievish, and generally ill-intended.
More subtle and less forceful than Fiery Wall, DA’s walls are less thickly built than this, and does not actively expel. Nonetheless, the two can be layered in the warding of a perimeter, with DA being the inner layer, and FW the outer.
Caput Algol [known as Mother ’round here!] protects through dire forbiddance and the promise of punishment. Though providing less substantial structural barriers than FW, it can nonetheless stop trespass through intimidation and fear of consequence, as the mere sight and sound of a rattler hissing and shaking its tail paralyzes us. The rattlesnake’s body is not a significant physical barrier, but it nonetheless arrests intrusion.
Algol is therefore a very aggressive form of defense, more intimidating and punishing than FW, but lacking the structural coverage and rooted absorptive power of the Wall. The threatening quality of Algol is also inherently anti-social, and can scare off people we do not wish to repel. For situations requiring very serious defense, the two can be layered, with FW being the inner layer and Algol on the outside.
The energy of this series is simultaneously solid and hot, as befits any self-respecting Fiery Wall. The strong Earth element gives weight, root, and solidity, and the Fire element gives off waves of heat. It is ideal for the creation or enhancement of solid and forbidding barriers.
When applied to the body, the heat may be too much for some constitutions. Similarly, the decided weightiness does not facilitate light-heartedness, nor is it the nectar of social butterflies. In testing, several people who applied the materia to their bodies reported being significantly less verbal than normal. Upon reflection, walls, even fiery ones, are not known for their chattiness.
Daily bodily application is not the primary use for this series, though it is entirely sensible in specific circumstances and with certain forms, such as the bath salts. Constitutional incompatibilities with Fiery Wall are easily circumvented by applying the materia to the doors, windows, walls and property lines which already protect and enclose, as well as items of clothing or accessories worn with protective purpose.
Feelin’ that afterglow…
Beta testing Fiery Wall during final production was fantastically interesting.
Myself and the Team all experienced lack of eloquence and declined verbal facility as one of the first “side effects”, in addition to colors appearing more vividly, and the headaches and overheating par for the course with Martial materia generally.
This was with heavy personal application, however, which generally wouldn’t be how most Clients use it!
As Austin mentioned, the best method of application will typically be for anointing borders, as an early phase in clearings/ cleansings, and in spell work.
In a three layer physical warding scenario, Deneb Algedi would go on the bodily and innermost levels (on the inside of doors and window sills, above the bed/ by bedside), Fiery Wall would go on the exterior of physical barriers (outside of doors and window sills, on signs), and Algol would go on the edges of property lines or the “wilderness” of a plot (— if you feel She is necessary, otherwise, just two layers are plenty strong!).
Deneb Algedi, Asclepius, Venus, and other cooling influences can be used to help temper Fiery Wall’s heat or “wash off” after workings. Fiery Wall’s offerings are quite spicy, including the incense smoke. Be careful when working indoors. I would not suggest application to vehicles (use DA alone for that!).
This materia can be used in any classic Fiery Wall spell, and in freezer spells to EXPEL, PROTECT, FORBID, and DISARM.
Note that use or acquisition of this influence may in fact rid your Sphere of people you weren’t even intending per se, or activate situations you were letting lie. It can be aggressive and proactive like that, without even being asked. It can trigger people revealing themselves or you seeing their intentions toward you, and elicit swift and decisive responses in turn.
This happened in multiple ways during this launch cycle.
The night before going live to Plus Members, for instance, I had just finished staging the photos/ burning some Fiery Wall Incense before ordering delivery for dinner.
The marker indicated their car had stopped at our neighbor’s fork without progressing for about 15 minutes, so I walked into the dark mist to find yellow headlights with red hazards on. Upon coming to the window, no one was in the vehicle. Another pair of headlights approached and the passenger got out with the food — nothing but friendly and apologetic about the whole ordeal (could have been angry or any manner of other things!). They reported being disoriented and taking the wrong turn (away from our property!), and called a friend for help, since they didn’t feel comfortable backing down (there is a gate so you can’t turn around, etc. etc.).
I took video on the walk back, realizing it had been a sync at the SOS Alarm sign, to where Fiery Wall’s energetic perimeter likely extended.
[Note added next day: same wrong turn happened again when a friend came to visit! This has not been a common issue before Fiery Wall!]
This is reminiscent of another delivery scenario post-Mother Algol working, when the driver threw our food out the window on the side of the road halfway up the hill and ghosted it, utterly terrified! We didn’t even know it had happened until driving past its pile the next day!
These anecdotes are illustrative of the parallels yet differences in how Fiery Wall and Algol ward that Austin touched on in his write-up above: one is much more dramatic, and the other results in still getting to eat your dinner ; )
[Do keep in mind our experiences are typically more high-key than Clients can expect, because of the intensity of engagement and sheer metric tonnage involved in ushering a launch into the world!]
Fiery Wall Workings/ Altars can be modeled after the one used in this ritual, with the target of protection in the center (photos, personal concerns, name and birthday, &c.) candles dressed with Fiery Wall Oil and/ or Powder surrounding, and a Ritual Salt barrier would do very nicely.
As would burning Talismanic Fiery Wall candles in workings to light particular names and objects aflame, and beside entry windows or doors.
Salts can be used in ritual and spiritual baths, and to ward.
Basic instructions for use come with its accompanying Info Sheet!
Admittedly, this is a weird time to find yourself shopping at Sphere + Sundry,
since our Re-Labeling Sale has taken a long time to restock!
So long in fact that we are **RELOADING THE SALE**
with beloved staples (Deneb Algedi and Asclepius included) on December 14th.
If you would like your Fiery Wall order held to ship for that event/ a future order,
please add a note and we will consolidate and refund shipping!
The reason for the delay has been label printing SHENANIGANS I won’t bore you with here, but you’ll notice that for the first time (other than Thema Mundi), Fiery Wall bottles have been marked with paint, rather than an adhesive sticker.
This is likely how we will end up “rebranding” the catalogue, but it’ll take some time yet, since we’ve been sent back to the starting line in terms of new artwork vs. (or in addition to) simple text. We look forward to hearing the opinions and preferences of our Client Community!
The first 300 orders of Fiery Wall to ship will get an extra special treat. Happy holidays!
Fiery Wall of Protection Anointing Oil
Anointing Oils, Available, Fiery Wall of ProtectionA combination of chili, cayenne, and aleppo peppers, ceylon cinnamon, ginger, rainbow peppercorn, pink Himalayan salt, and angelica root, fumigated in a Fiery Wall ritual conducted by Austin Coppock. High concentrations of red sandalwood, frankincense, gold standard myrrh, and dragon's blood, with 24k gold in organic jojoba. Finished with essential oils of blood orange, frankincense, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, palo santo, royal sandalwood, champaca, and benzoin. Fiery Wall of Protection Oil is best applied to external structures or items as a ward, rather than the body itself. It can also be used in spell work to provide protection of an aggressive and proactive nature. Use to anoint Archangel Michael amulets and connect with His energy. See the latter half of the series write-up for more information on applications, layering, and the like!$3 – $80$3 – $80 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Incense + Powder
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Incense, PowdersA combination of chili, cayenne, and aleppo peppers, ceylon cinnamon, ginger, rainbow peppercorn, pink Himalayan salt, and angelica root, fumigated in a Fiery Wall ritual conducted by Austin Coppock. High concentrations of red sandalwood, frankincense, gold standard myrrh, and dragon’s blood, with 24k gold. Palo santo, nutmeg, blood orange, and clove. Burn as an offering to protective Spirits, including Archangel Michael, who was mentioned in this series' conjuration. Fumigate to aggressively banish and cleanse auras + spaces (spicy! keep a window open! use something balancing afterward!). As a magical powder, sprinkle in mojo bags and spell jars for protection, and dress candles for protective workings. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Ritual Salts
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Ritual Salts, SaltsDead Sea salts stained a light rust by the addition of consecrated Fiery Wall powder, 24k gold, and essential oils of nutmeg, clove, champaca, cinnamon, and cassia. Add to spiritual washes and baths, use to create protective salt barriers, dress candles, or make as an offering to protective Spirits. Use as a component in spell work and to dust. Carry or keep some in places when a Fiery Wall of Protection is in order! Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Candles
Available, Candles, Fiery Wall of ProtectionConsecrated Fiery Wall herbal blend was sprinkled by Austin into each individual candle jar as he reiterated the objectives to EXPEL, PROTECT, FORBID, and DISARM. Wax was poured during a secondary Mars in Capricorn election. Topped with additional Fiery Wall concentrate and 24k gold. Burn to create auras of protection, and in works of magic toward compatible ends. Use its flame to ignite the names or belongings of those you wish to target.$168 – $260$168 – $260 -
One Left
Fiery Wall of Protection Bath Salts
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Salts, Bath SaltsDead Sea salts infused with consecrated Fiery Wall of Protection herbs, Anointing Oil, and 24k gold. Essential oils of nutmeg, frankincense, red mandarin, ginger, amber, and cassia. Bathe in these when you are under some form of spiritual or mundane attack, when you need a very high degree of spiritual protection and cleansing. You may wish to follow up with application of Deneb Algedi, Asclepius, or other tempering, benefic influences, to counter the Martial heat. Pairs wonderfully with prayers to Archangel Michael. Offered in an airtight 8 oz bale top glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bath bundle for $60 (enough to refill the bulk pot). Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!$36 – $66$36 – $66 -
Fiery Wall of Protection Ink + Stain
Available, Fiery Wall of Protection, Inks + Skin StainsConsecrated Fiery Wall of Protection herbal concentrate in an organic alcohol based stain, with alkanet, frankincense, red mandarin, royal sandalwood, champaca, palo santo, and cassia. Create sigils and protective barriers for protection. Best applied to external objects that can be worn or exterior walls, windows, and doors, rather than the skin itself. Structure operations thoughtfully so any targets of protection are surrounded by Fiery Wall, rather than consumed by it (see photo). Targets for explusion can be consumed by the flames, of course! Please note that our Inks + Stains are botanically derived, and relatively light. Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap.$66$66