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    Oil of Luna in Cancer

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    100% organic, rancidity-resistant jojoba and fractionated coconut oils, poured over watercress, chamomile, milky oat, orris root, ashwagandha, poppy seed, heal all, calamus, mugwort, angelica, and sundry herbs of Lunar provenance following fumigation at the height of the election window. Silver leaf, white gold, pearl powder, white lotus, and dried moonflower. Likely thee *single most powerful offering* from Luna in Cancer's entire series, for its profound ability to alter state, promote receptivity, sensitivity, and key to the Moon's vast gnosis, deepest mysteries, and changeable arcana. It also increases the energetic gravitational pull of yourself and whatever you anoint it with. As the write-up states over and over again, it is highly recommended to pair this with other materia + talismans to help direct its influence, especially when worn upon on the body. [if you are a good candidate, primarily meaning not prone to psychotic breaks or episodes; breaks in consensus reality; &c.] Sphere + Sundry's Oils can be used to anoint any appropriate place upon the vessel per your intent, or those befitting the Power's associations: energy centers, meridians, or organs (in this case the stomach and breasts/ chest); or — for more intense altered states, "starfish" style: the 3rd eye/ crown of the head, both wrists/ palms, and the bottoms of both feet. Additional places include the heart center, lower back, and/ or base of the skull. Works as an excellent primer for Salves and Body Butters from other series, to promote their bodily influence and calming capacity (personal favorites being The Cloud King's and Fomalhaut — or Deneb Algedi for maximum warding against undesirable Lunar manifestations; for boundaries and to provide protection). Before ritual work — to better commune with spirits, boost extrasensory perception and psychic sensitivity, seership, aid scrying, divining, channeling, and mediumship — and before sleeping or journeying to invite adventures upon the dreamscape and astral, apply Luna in Cancer by itself or combined with something along the lines of Fomalhaut, Moon-Neptune, Hermanubis, or The Ancestral Series. [Be sure to practice good preparation and aftercare following such activities: cleansing, warding, grounding, and re-conditioning the self + space with homeostasis promoting, potentially banishing energies, especially of a Solar or Regulean nature] This will shock you, but wearing Luna's Oil *will* boost sensitivity to Lunar transits — globally and to the nativity — as well as whatever other materia and magical implements you handpick. It serves as an epic potentiator, helping the body, mind, and spirit to metabolize combined influences, aiding in their penetration and manifestation. The Oil and other offerings from this series can be applied before donning talismans and amulets, to empower the physical and auric bodies to carry their light/ influence. Over time, the Moon can heal foundational issues, rectifying attachment disorders and giving insight into abandonment issues, making us more "emotionally available" and in tune with our deepest, most basic animal needs: nourishment, sleep, security, safety; connection to those we love, to ourselves, and to the world around us — the spirit world included. It also attunes us to the needs of those around us — to those in our care, and can promote "hermit-ing" and comfort seeking, stoking carnal and emotional hungers. It is also very likely to improve memory. This Oil can be used magically rather than personally, to prepare candles before dressing them with powders that best fit your intended aims, to increase potency and expedite spell manifestation. Anoint petition papers, and use in any way magical oils possibly can be. Start slow... Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $80, 10 ml "flawless glide" steel roller for $65, each with a keepsake pearl, or 5ml mini vial for $33

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