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Layers w/ Son of Apollo (subset of Asclepius)


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    Honorary Martial Mention: Forgemaster’s Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

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    This is the result of a standalone project one and a half years in the making, formulated by long-time Martial arts practitioner and student of TCM Ashley Ayres, in collaboration with fellow martial artist, electional astrologer, and ritualist Austin Coppock. It was created during a supremely fine Mars in Capricorn election, the red planet rising in its hour, fortified by Jupiter in Scorpio on the midheaven, and anchored by a stalwart, exalted Taurus Moon. As always, the chart can be found in the image gallery. The Forgemaster's Iron Palm liniment is a specialized form of jow, intended to warm, strengthen, and fortify, in addition to providing the expedited healing properties of other more generalized dit da jows. It can be used in the formal context of iron palm (or shin, or foot, etc.) training, but it also provides energetic and magical properties encapsulated by the Mars election itself. It serves as a form of exterior armor and attunes one's vessel to the Martial sphere in a way that is both productive and invigorating. Apply and rub well into the skin before and/ or after workouts or combat, whether they be of a metaphoric or physical nature. For a deeper dive into the workings of this supremely fine, well aged formula, Austin writes —

    The furnace blazes, the iron glows. Blood burns in the hammer-arm of the blacksmith. Stubborn metal becomes malleable, open to convincing arguments from the hammer and the strong hand that wields it.

    Fire, iron, and blood. This is the holy trinity of Mars, as crucial for creation as it is for destruction. While many know Mars as the Warrior, the red planet is equally the Smith. In the Smith we see the constructive side of Mars, the blood, sweat, and tears necessary to shape and re-shape our lives, our bodies, ourselves.

    The Smith’s alchemical action is an especially apt metaphor for the transformation of the body. The layers of effort required to re-forge the body are quintessential martial, and there is no exercise regimen as close to the forge as Iron Palm.

    Iron Palm refers to a family of limb-training methods which strengthen the skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones for both defensive and offensive purposes. Many styles also emphasize the internal side, cultivating increased qi emission capacity for both striking and healing purposes.

    Though there are many variations, the training almost always consists of a daily routine of hitting progressively more resilient materials. A canvas bag of bean, then stones, then metal. Though the results are dramatic, the training process is incremental, with as much attention paid to healing and perfect recovery as to anything else.

    Over the years, a great number of liniments have been created for this purpose. Generally referred to as dit da jow, they are widely available and widely used for general athletic purposes well outside of the specific practice of an Iron Palm regimen.

    The Forgemaster’s Dit Da Jow is one of these Iron Palm formulae, but with a Sphere + Sundry twist. This Jow was created in a fully ritual manner and at a precisely elected astrological time.

    Prayers to Mars the Forgemaster were intoned to bless and empower this tincture at the outset of the operation. The operators were consecrated to the red work, and the medicine vessels adorned with magic square, seal, and sigil.

    The elected time seemed a spectacularly appropriate and rare moment for this work. It was the Day and Hour of Mars, with the red planet exalted in Capricorn and on the Ascendant. This powerful, earthy Mars was further supported by a trine from an exalted Moon in Taurus, and meanwhile, Jupiter in Mars-ruled Scorpio crowned the zenith (MC). Not only was Mars strong, but Mars, the Rising, Moon, and Sun were all in Earth signs in order to ensure that the planet’s iron blessings were sufficiently rooted in the very bodily goal of this creation.

    After the evocations were said, the herbal and animal ingredients were sealed in their alchemical bath for 18 months.

    The result, the Forgemaster’s Dit Da Jow, is not only rich with the spirit and energy of this powerful Mars election, it also possesses the excellent properties bestowed by the materia of the formulation itself.

    The basis for this recipe is the Iron Palm formula of Yu Cheung (1894- 1952), one of the famed Five Tigers of Canton. His iron palm feats were famously documented in the early 1900's by photographers, and though his stone-shattering exploits are too numerous to cover here, there are entire books dedicated to his training methods. Crucially, he was known not just his power of his hands, but also their sensitivity.

    This formula was designed by him to cultivate both strength and softness. Protection for the hand, energy gates, and organ systems while also maximizing sensitivity and the capacity to express qi for both healing and striking purposes. Yu Cheung’s formula is the basis for this liniment, though it has been modified in small ways for reasons of both ethics and efficacy.

    This liniment is designed to unblock the qi flow, activate blood movement, relax tendons and ligaments and increase bone strength.  The two types of qi this formula stimulates are wei qi or “defensive/guardian energy” and regular organ qi.  This formula activates both in harmony, and is one of the many reasons it is superior to a store-bought dit da jow.

    Forgemaster’s Dit Da Jow is formulated to facilitate the healing of bruises , tendons, sinews, and bones, and to reduce pain, strengthen blood vessels, reduce swelling, and mitigate blood stagnation. It also protects the meridians and mobilizes both protective and organ qi for health and vitality.

    The Forgemaster’s Dit Da Jow is, of course, perfect for an Iron Limb regimen, but has a number of other uses. Both physically and energetically, it is an ideal pre- and post- workout liniment for any martial striking practice, such as boxing and kickboxing. More broadly, it can be used to ready and fortify the muscles, tendons, and joints in preparation for any athletic activity, and to facilitate the swift healing of bruises. Magically, it is appropriate for works of fortification and the cultivation of personal power.

    Bottled and a portion made available to the public on the first Tuesday after Mars returned to Capricorn in 2020, a year and a half after creation. Arrives in a glass bottle with spray top for easy application, in either a travel/ sample size of 1/2 oz for $25, or full 2 oz for $55 Note: Should not be used in areas with mucous membranes, skin rashes, open cuts, or sores. Apply a small amount, wait an hour, if no allergic reaction occurs, continue with use. External application only. 
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Oil

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    Powder from the same Mars Exaltation Degree series in organic sunflower oil, with nails and bloodstone. Combined and sealed at the height of the operation in a glass bottle marked with the appropriate symbolism, agitated during proper days and hours during an incubation period of a full lunar cycle, covered and left to cure with the other offerings. This oil has taken on a natural deep red tone from the Martial materials imbuing, and is earthy and warming, befitting Mars in Capricorn. May stain and cause skin irritation on sensitive individuals, remaining true to Mars' nature. Poured from the mother bottle during sympathetic days, hours, and transits. Includes a natural preservative to stave off oxidation. Keep the bottle covered and away from light when not in use. Available in a 1 oz clear glass vial, especially sealed to prevent leakage during transport. Includes basic instructions for use. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $65
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Incense

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    Incense cones handcrafted while Mars was in the 28th degree of Capricorn, his degree of optimal performance. The dried, powdered wood of the Machilus thunbergii tree was used as a natural binding and burning agent, mixed with five hand-ground herbs and resins sacred to Mars. These include hot red pepper, genuine dragon's blood resin, and yohimbe bark, among other proprietary sympathetic ingredients, and bits of iron and rust — not enough to make the smoke toxic, but enough for magical resonance. The scent is warming and invigorating, earthy and rich, befitting Mars at his best, in the Earth sign of Capricorn. All woods are said to be under the purview of Mars, making even the base agent a worthy addition. The decision to create this incense in the cone form was also intentional — the upward triangle is resonant with the natural shape of flame and, partially because of this, is also the form associated with the element of Fire in the Western magical tradition. Note that this incense is intended to be used in specialized ceremonial or Martial contexts, and is not for every day use. To light cone incense, hold it sideways so that the tip is in contact with flame until it catches and is well lit. Place the base of the cone on a heat proof surface, such as ceramic, metal, or a layer of sand. Let the flame extinguish itself naturally, leaving an ember that will create smoke as it burns its way down the base. If it goes out, re-light well. Any that is left over can be saved and burned on a piece of charcoal. Only 108 incense cones were created for this election. Packed with a silica pouch to retain maximum burn potential. Available in packs of 5, the number sacred to Mars. Each one is individually wrapped in tissue paper marked with a special seal, sigil, or kamea of Mars. For the purposes of magical work and spellcasting, these can be upcycled with the addition of your own compatible sigils, etc. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $25
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Candle

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    Flaming red candles hand-poured while Mars was in the 28th degree of Capricorn, his point of peak performance. Each candle features a dose of Mars powder, made the same evening, comprised of five hand-ground herbs and resins sacred to Mars. These include hot red pepper, genuine dragon's blood resin, and yohimbe bark, among other proprietary sympathetic ingredients, and small bits of iron and rust. A keepsake in the form of a bloodstone arrowhead is revealed when the candle has fully burned, to be kept indefinitely by the owner as a talismanic generator of Martial potency. Each candle is in a large 12 oz jar that, depending on burning habits, can provide 45+ hours of burn time. They feature a glass cap with Mars' glyph, Agrippa's seal of character, and the kamea or magic square, all inscribed during the operation. As their burning will often be accompanied by that of incense, they are unscented. The first time you burn a large candle, try to let the pool of wax get as far out as possible because it will leave a 'memory' in the wax and create a tunneling effect for future burns, which will greatly reduce the life of a candle. Magical candles are sometimes lit for short periods of time during prayers or petitions, so sometimes this is unavoidable. If you have issues with tunneling, there are ways of fixing it. Ten candles were poured, 7 were offered by Sphere + Sundry. They are now sold out. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $95
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Powder

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    Five hand-ground herbs and resins sacred to Mars, mixed with an iron spatula, suffumigated and petitioned over while Mars was in his degree of exaltation in Capricorn. Covered and left to charge with all of the other Mars offerings in the Exaltation Degree series. Includes hot red pepper, genuine dragon's blood resin, and yohimbe bark, among other proprietary sympathetic ingredients, and bits of iron and rust — not enough to make the powder toxic, but enough for magical resonance, along with crushed bloodstone. Available in 3.7 ml glass vials. No fillers - 100% uncut herbs, peppers, and resin. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $25
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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Spray

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    Five pure essential oils of Martial nature, including black pepper, cassia, and ginger, mixed with distilled water and tequila, along with other natural preservatives and emulsifiers. Mixed and sealed while Mars was in his exaltation degree, and left to incubate with the rest of the series. It was moved into individual spray bottles on the day and hour of Mars and includes a small chip from the bloodstone arrowheads used in the candles. Note that this not intended to be used as an everyday spray, or for the primary purpose of scenting a room, linens, etc. It is a highly potentiated and specific formula for intentional or ritual application. It can be sprayed around oneself to establish a productive, motivated, and empowered state, or in a space to set the tone for a working or interaction. It can also be used as an anointing wash to empower Martial objects. A small amount should last for quite some time and provide many applications under circumstances such as these. Keep covered and in a dark place when not in use, shake well before application. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $20 for 1/2 oz spray bottle, or $30 for 1 oz

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