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Tonka Bean


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    Butter Ocean Kolonía

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    Cleanse all aside Jupiter's sweet, restorative, nourishing Grace. Arrives in the Client's selection of 1.7 oz woozy ($32) or 5 oz bulk for $96, each with keepsake consecrated amethyst and yellow jade.
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    Kolonía of Exalted Venus II

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    Water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta, grain alcohol, colloidal copper, purple jade, and organic essential oils, consecrated during the Exalted Venus II operation. Cleansing with this Kolonía helps purify the Venusian sphere, opening ourselves to self-love, along with more authentic, comfortable, and easily felt connections with those around us, including Spirits and Workings of the Venusian arcana. Best practice with any Kolonía is to seal the auric body after use. This is easily achieved by using any Anointing Oil, Salve, or even Body Butter which supports your chosen aims, to address your state in the moment, or for supporting longer-term goals. This can also be used as a purifying and priming wash for tools, talismans, and raw materials.
    Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering households and business establishments, providing natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. ⠀ ⠀ Sphere + Sundry’s talismanic Kolonías can be used in such a way, or as Celestial Florida Waters for energetic cleansing — promoting clarity and way-opening, as life demands or before ritual. ⠀ ⠀ Doing the following makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body, and establishes a clean slate which potentiates the efficacy of other materia…⠀ ⠀ Shake well to integrate and disburse organic essential oils, colloidal metals, and botanically derived colors.⠀
    Quick Kolonía Clearing Protocol ⠀ ⠀ Sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palm of the hand and gently rub both together for 5-10 seconds, coating tops and bottoms. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or lightly skim it.⠀ ⠀ Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of it, then start from the top again, going down the sides, the front of the face and down body, all the way to the tops of your feet. Sweep multiple times. ⠀ ⠀ If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking until energies disperse, and then proceed with additional downward sweeping.⠀ ⠀ Continue skimming downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, between the legs, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.⠀ ⠀ Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank your chosen Power for the cleansing and protection it provided, sealing the auric body from negativity.⠀ ⠀ Kolonías also serve to anoint and sanctify the hands, and can be used before performing energy work, ritual work, or any activity related to each series’ arcana – on oneself, one’s clients, or loved ones. They can be used to cleanse objects, spaces, and add oomph to spiritual baths, as well as added to floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside and entries. ⠀ ⠀ Extraordinarily simple, versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle with keepsake purple jade and orifice reducer for $35, or 5 oz bulk for $105
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    Bath Salts of Exalted Venus II

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    Dead Sea Salt, powdered honey, blue lotus, and sundry herbs consecrated during Exalted Venus II's election, mixed with organic lavender essential oils and a touch of infused Anointing Oil and Salve infusion, making this a bath salt and light bathing oil in one, which can be used as a soak or a salt scrub. This series is gentler than most, taking its sweet time to ease in. Best enjoyed as a long session with dimmed lights and lit candles, for ultimate relaxation, divine restoration, and utter release. Has a softening, beautifying effect on the skin, and moisturizes hair. Luxurious, penetrating, and yet soft... Use before Venusian rituals, date nights, or in pursuit of love — for the Self, and the Other. Available in your choice of 8 oz glass bale top jar ($36), 16 oz glass bulk pot ($70), or 18 oz bath bundle ($63). The bundles are a great choice for international clients given they're lighter to ship and far less likely to break, those with enough bath jars in their life, or anyone looking to refill a bulk pot, given they're a 1:1 refill in terms of volume... Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Salve of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic ingredients, fumigated and combined during the Exalted Venus II election: jojoba oil, lavender flowers, blue lotus, valerian root, ashwagandha, fenugreek, chamomile, marjoram, meadowsweet, spearmint, yarrow, passionflower, lemon balm, red clover blossom, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Strained following many months of incubation, combined with organic beeswax and essential oils of lavender, frankincense, and tonka bean. Apply to the bottoms of the feet and any areas holding tension, such as the shoulders, neck, low back and over the lower abdomen. Rubbing or massaging for a minute or more helps the active ingredients better penetrate the skin barrier, resulting in deeper relaxation. Applying to multiple areas and increasing the coverage increases the potency of its influence. Fantastic after getting off work (or before work if you work in a socially demanding or tipped field!), before socializing, or just wanting to enjoy oneself and unwind. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $63 or 4 oz bulk tin for $98
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    Exalted Venus II Bath Bombs

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    Exalted Venus II Anointing Oil, Hydrosol, and organic essential oils — including a soft, delicate lavender, infused into long-lasting, heart shaped Bath Bombs. This Form may be preferred to Bath Salts in some cases for Bombs' higher properties of energetic infusion (as opposed to primarily cleansing), skin softening (prior to romantic engagements, perhaps?), and luxurious, spa-like experience. — an offering to Self… a rare treat for the Sensorium. Works wonderfully to prepare the vessel for mundane and ritual purposes. Offered in a 3" heart for $33
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    Exalted Venus II Spell Soap

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    Luxurious honey based soap, infused with consecrated Venus in Pisces materia from Exalted Venus II. Use in the shower for a quick cleansing and infusion in one! Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly scratchy on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

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