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Sun in Leo


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    Golden Sol II Talismans

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    By Sphere + Sundry's resident goldsmith Anthony Mack

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in 90/10 Electrum [silver and gold] with calcined salts of cedar and frankincense. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of saffron, cedar, bay laurel, and frankincense.

    On one side, the image of a rayed solar disc. The center of the sun is set with a quartz crystal cabochon lens representing the New Moon in Leo. Behind the lens, a gold disc enhances the brilliance, making the cabochon appear as if it radiates soft golden light, symbolizing the union of the Sun and Moon during the conjunction, and the qualities of clarity, renewal, and illumination.

    The reverse side features an intricate design of Apollo’s lyre, accented with serpent motifs. This image recalls the "Son of Apollo" Asclepius Series, a previous talisman collection focused on rejuvenation and healing. Apollo, associated with both the lyre and divine healing, connects the image to the Sun’s purifying and clarifying aspect. The serpents, symbolic of transformation, renewal, and wisdom, further align with the nature of this series. Through the cut-out design of the lyre, the golden disc seen from the opposite side of the talisman is visible, linking both sides in a harmonious reflection of the Sun’s light. The image and materials were chosen not to evoke the heat of the Sun but rather its brilliance, purifying, and life-giving qualities.

    Each Golden Sol II talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box wax-sealed with the glyph of the Sun, and a 20" silver chain.

    When obtained via a complete Altar Box Set, these Talismans include a special matching box made of birch, complete with pillow filled with consecrated Golden Sol II materia.
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    Talismanic Copper Vessels: Golden Sol II Edition

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    Beautiful copper water bottles were laser etched with Sol's glyph as royal hojari frankincense and prayers uttered by the Mage washed over them, during the height of our Golden Sol II election During compatible auspicious times following, the Divine Letters of the Sun were added after Sol's glyph, taken from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Water stored in, and taken from, pure copper is one of the healthiest ways to drink it, according to the Ayurvedic tradition. Fill with fresh, purified water. Shake 6 times, with prayers and intent for Solar and Leonine outcomes. Leave overnight, optionally — to maximize impact — on an Altar. Water within can be consumed, fed to plants, children, and animals, used to bloom rose of jericho (at the bedside, in the office, or anywhere energies would benefit from illumination and life-giving chi), and as a medicinal water added to diffusers, humidifiers, spiritual baths, floor washes, and the like. Note that these fit in the Large Altar Box Sets for this series. Offered for $633, accompanied by a custom padded carrying case that matches the Altar Cases + Cozies for Golden Sol II.

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