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St. Expedite I


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Following on the distinguished heels of Asclepius II and Hermanubis, Saint Expedite is the patron of our third series mediated through a spirit form. It was constructed after an invocation of Expedite on December 20th, 2018 during the full Gemini Moon in the hour of Mercury, as the Messenger was conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius on the MC. As always, the chart is in the image gallery for each individual offering.

The co-mingling of Mercurial and Jupiterian currents is the perfect vehicle for Expedite, a way-opening figure who specializes in delivering results with unparalleled speed and masterful efficacy. He is a tremendously powerful spirit favored in hoodoo, conjure, and folk magic circles for his fast and reliable turnaround, in addition to his good nature and relative ease of working.

Much lore surrounds Expedite, and questions about if he is or is not a “real” Catholic Saint abound. The answer is yes, and also no. According to his Wikipedia, Expeditus the man was a Roman centurion in Armenia who died a martyr in April of 303. Captured by enemy soldiers and set for beheading, he decided to convert to Christianity. According to legend, while he was making his decision, the Devil appeared in the form of a crow and advised him to put off his conversion until the next day. Expeditus stomped said crow exclaiming “HODIE!”, meaning “TODAY!” in latin.

In depictions, that phrase is pictured on the cross Expedite holds high in his right hand, while the Devil-crow can be seen under foot squawking “CRAS”, which means “tomorrow”. Note that astrologically speaking, crows are associated with Saturn, the planet representing the longest timeframes and situations of an obstinate, confining nature. Such is contrary to everything St. Expedite stands for, as Patron of the Present, Slayer of Pro(cras)tination, and Way-Finder General — of the Thundering Legions.

Expedite’s left hand bears a palm frond. In astrological correspondences, palm is Mercury ruled and also Solar, but in a Christian context it represents the victory of spirit over flesh as embodied by martyrs, and gives its namesake to Palm Sunday, which was the day of Jesus’ triumphant return to Jerusalem just before the Last Supper.

Saint Expedite was included in Catholic martyrologies from Italy before 1781, but somewhere along the way was dropped as an officially endorsed figure by the Church. His feast day was declared as April 19th, which is still celebrated by hundreds of thousands of people, especially in South America.

The Cult of Expedite has murkier roots. Some say it started in New Orleans, others claim a French convent. Either way, story goes that a statue of a Roman centurion was received in a box marked “Expedite”, which was apparently written to ensure fast passage, but people took it to mean the name of the figure inside. An association between the ex-martyr Expeditus was made, and prayers for intercession were offered and delivered upon. His legend thus spread as quickly as the results he’s famed for producing, and today there are churches and altars dedicated to him throughout the globe.

Expedite is a hot spirit, as demonstrated by the fiery Sagittarian influence in the electional chart for his series. Working with him can have Mars-like side effects in terms of overheating, overstimulation, and trouble sleeping, so I do not recommend keeping Expedite altars in the bedroom (he prefers being stationed by main doorways).

Following his nature, our items dedicated to St. Expedite feature heavily on fiery, quickening spices like chilis, cinnamon, and peppercorns, but also triumphant and luck-enhancing ingredients such as frankincense, golden copal, dragon’s blood, 24k gold, allspice, basil, red clover and High John the Conqueror root. Sweetening and beneficent additions include poundcake, vanilla bean, orange peel, and rose petal. The scents of the series are a combination of sweet and spicy, drawing from a hybrid of his usual offerings and creole influences.

This is the first series featuring hand-painted labels to match the offering glasses, candle jars, and boxes for our full sets.

We welcome back for this series Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, who has over 30 years of experience in root working and conjure. She brewed up three different ritual perfume oil blends in Expedite’s honor on the same election per her location, which can be worn during Expedite petitions and days where luck and expediency would do well on your side.

Frankincense, dragon’s blood, and golden copal resins were supplied by our friend Jeremy Bechelli at Phytognosis, ultra fine purveyor of ritual materia. We also thank resident Sphere + Sundry astrologer Austin Coppock for his assistance in fine tuning the perfect election to potentiate Expedite’s influence.

So what is Expedite good for?

People most regularly turn to our patron Saint for fast cash, to bring an end to long-running situations and court cases, and invoke his aid in situations that require an immediate turnaround. In that regard, he’s Mr. Magical 911, one of the first spirits to turn to when one finds themselves in desperate need for reliable intercession.

While he’s great in a pinch, he can also be asked to help grow your business, get a job, deliver specific sums of money, sell your house, expedite results from sigil shoals, enhance luck, bring opportunity, and the like. Normally you’d have to traffic with demons for those kinds of results 😉

And the best part? He asks for very little in return…

St. Expedite loves being publicly revered and for his praises to be sung loudly, proudly, and to the high heavens. It’s customary when Expedite delivers on your request(s) to spread the word of his potency and glory, and in such a way, pay his influence forward.

This series was created to honor him using only the highest quality ingredients and sincerest devotion. As with all Sphere + Sundry offerings, detailed instructions for working and a prayer are included with every order.

All praise be to Glorious Expeditus for answering our prayers, now and in our times of need. HODIE!

For information on working with Expedite, including the setup of altars,
giving of offerings, making of petitions, and the like, see this article.

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    Oil of St. Expeditus

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    Organic sunflower oil ritually poured over Expedite’s consecrated herbal blend, along with a tiny bit of cinnamon bark essential oil, alkanet, 24k gold leaf, and dried rose petal from Expedite’s altar bouquet. Shake well and use to anoint yourself and statues or icons of St. Expedite. Wear to increase luck and draw results of your petition to your person. Can also be used to anoint sigils or other objects of your desire. High stain potential. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard glass vial for $66 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10ml 24k gold plated roll-on for $106, or a tiger's eye roll-on for $49.
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    St. Expedite’s Holy Water

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    On the Wednesday before the election, poundcake, palm frond, and crow feather were distilled to create the base hydrosol for St. Expedite’s spray. This was ritually combined with colloidal gold and essential oils of cinnamon and citrus during the series election and prayed over for Expedite’s blessing. Holy Water from a Catholic Church, collected freshly after a Sunday mass, was a final addition just before bottling. Spray before prayers to or invocations of St. Expedite, as an olfactory draw and offering. Use in spaces that need be impacted by his influence — for instance, if you are asking for money, spray some inside your bank or on a blank check you’ve made out to yourself; if you are asking for a raise, apply in your office or on your business card with your old title crossed out and your desired title written in. Spray upon your person as you undertake any material work toward achieving the goals you’ve asked Expedite to help you deliver. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with hand-painted label for $27 or a 2 oz for $56.
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    St. Expedite’s Self-Igniting Incense

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    The herbal Expedite mix, combined with makko powder and salt peter to make it self-igniting. Burn during invocations of St. Expedite or as an offering to fuel his works. Can also be burned to bring about good luck and progress in material circumstances. Suffumigate petitions and sigils in this incense to bring about faster results and kick-start workings. Available in a 1/2 oz vial with hand-painted label for $27
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    Powder of St. Expeditus

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    After invoking the blessings of St. Expedite on the Full Gemini Moon of 2018, herbs, resins, barks, and flowers were ritually combined to potentiate Expedite’s influence. Fiery, quickening spices like chilis, cinnamon, and three types of peppercorn, along with triumphant and luck-enhancing ingredients such as coptic frankincense, golden copal, 24k gold, basil, oregano, bay leaf, red clover and High John the Conqueror root, and sweetening, beneficent additions of vanilla bean, orange peel, and rose petal. These, along with various other sympathetic ingredients, were ground and combined with golden magnetic sand to make for a powder that can be used to dress candles, add to spell works, dusting implements related to your requests, and in any other way magical powders can be applied. Brings luck, speed, and the benefit of Expedite’s blessing. Note that this is for external use and not consumption, human or otherwise. Available in a 1/2 oz vial with hand-painted label for $27.
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    St. Expedite’s Fast Luck Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This is a new interpretation of a traditional Fast Luck intention blend, blessed by and consecrated to St. Expedite and containing flashes of his scents and colors.

    Vanilla oleoresin, red rose petals, alkanet, Ceylon cinnamon essential oil, ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean powder, coconut oil, pyrite, red and gold mica, and red jasper chips.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on December 20, 2018 during the primary St. Expedite election window, and it was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
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    St. Expedite Candles

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    Virgin soy wax, dyed red and poured over the St. Expedite herbal mixture during the full Gemini Moon election, topped with genuine 24k gold leaf. The candle jars were all hand painted red and given golden accents, so after the original candle has done its work these can still serve as candle holders for future burns and kept on Expedite’s altar as permanent, dedicated statuary. Matches the offering glasses, box sets, and hand-painted labels for the rest of the series. Burn on your St. Expedite altar as you say your prayers and make petitions. Can be left to burn as an offering or only lit while you directly communicate with the spirit. Being offered to the public are 8 small 2 oz votive sized candles for $87, or 5 large 12 oz candles with a wooden wick for $165.
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    A Prayer to St. Expedite Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This is a general, all-purpose perfume oil for St. Expedite, appropriate for use in dressing candles, rosaries, conjure bags, petitions, and other items of power.

    Patchouli essential oil, vanilla bourbon absolute, ginger root essential oil, steam-distilled myrrh essential oil, Ceylon cinnamon essential oil, ground cinnamon, and cinnamon sticks, coconut oil, alkanet, pyrite, and red mica.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on December 20, 2018 during the St. Expedite election window, and was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
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    St. Expedite… Slime Pots?

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    Red slime with red and golden glitter was created during the St. Expedite election and prayed over for his blessing, likely making for the world’s very first talismanic slime. What on earth was I thinking? Well, for one, it entertains me to no end! For two, slime is fluid and quicksilver-like, but also sticky and all-consuming, meaning it has the capacity to act in a similar manner to honey pots #ChaosWitchery #PostmodernMagic Immerse petitions, sigils, or objects representative of your desire in the goop, to signify Expedite’s influence over the topic as inescapable and constant. Includes a vial of Expedite powder with gold magnetic sand to add to the slime just before working. Available in 4 oz pots for $54, includes a 1/2 oz vial of Expedite Powder. 12 Slime Pots are being offered individually to the public.
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    Golden Blessings of St. Expedite Perfume Oil

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    One of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, never to be made again.  In describing her creation —

    This oil focuses on prosperity, money drawing, and the rapid acquisition of funds through the guidance and blessings of St. Expedite. It is a sweet, honeyed fast luck in money blend, and is suited for dressing ritual tools and as an offertory oil for the saint.

    Fossilized amber oil (dry distillation of Oleum succini), honey absolute, CO2 extract of clementine, Pimenta racemosa essential oil (steam-distilled), wild-harvested red rose petals, white sandalwood chips, resin of Pinus succinfera, sunflower oil, coconut oil, pyrite, and golden mica.

    The initial charge for this oil was made on during the primary St. Expedite election on December 20th, 2018, and it was subsequently charged every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday through Epiphany, with boosts on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and Epiphany. Offerings of poundcake, candies, chocolate coins, spring water, incense, fire, coffee, whiskey, and rum were made in supplication during the process under the auspices of both St. Expedite and the Virgin Mary.

    Available for $42
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    St. Expedite Talismanic Perfume Trio

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    GO THRICE TWICE OR GO HOME! Three of three ritual perfume oils, specifically formulated by the illustrious Elizabeth Barrial. Best known as the proprietress of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, she also has 30 years of experience formulating oils and other magical wares in the hoodoo and conjure traditions, which she offers through the looking glass of Twilight Alchemy Lab. These are for the St. Expedite collaboration, consisting of Golden Blessings of Expedite (sold out), St. Expedite's Fast Luck, and A Prayer to St. Expedite, never to be made again. Available as a trio duo (while supplies last) for $84
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    St. Expedite Box + Offering Statuary Sets

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    Wooden boxes hand-painted red and with a gold cross design to match the candle jars and offering glasses, along with miniature red altar cloth. Large enough to house all of our Expedite offerings in small form, the price of which includes the full set — Three such box sets are being offered to the public for $387. Dimensions + Sizing —
    • Box 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep
    • Offering glasses 5.5 oz
    • Altar cloth 21” x 21”
    Optionally include a complete set of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab’s 3 ritually created St. Expedite perfume oil blends.

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