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Face + Body


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61-90 of 1000 products

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    The Aerial Queen’s Beautifying Rose Gold + Honey Mask

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    Honey infused with consecrated Venus' Aerial Delight beautifying herbal blend + emeralds before being finely strained. Whipped with bean, 22kt rose gold, frankincense, and geranium. Clean and exfoliate the skin, perhaps with some Vanilla Bean Pearl Polish, and dry completely. Apply a quarter sized squeeze to dry fingers and begin spreading gently across the skin, which will become easier to spread as it warms. Once a thin layer covers the entire face (and optionally, neck + décolleté), begin patting gently and quickly with the fingers until the mask thickens and becomes tacky — bringing blood flow, and resulting in additional softness/ exfoliation. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Tone and proceed with skin care as usual. Clarifies, softens, makes more beautiful Offered in a 1 oz silicone squeezy for $35 Selfie in gallery taken following application of this Mask + the Beauty Oil (and makeup, obvs!)... Peruse testimonials from Venus in Libra I's Whipped Honey Mask here + here...
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    Special OOPSIE! Edition: Empress *Scented* Venus’ Aerial Delight Whipped Body Butter

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    A batch of Venus' Aerial Delight body butter base was whipped using the Empress' body butter essential oil mix by drool-worthy mistake This is a limited edition OOPSIE! release, featuring the VAD clamshell label in hand embossed Empress rose gold. Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Body Butter of Regulus III

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    Organic mugwort, goldenseal, comfrey root, yellow dock root, calendula, St. John’s wort, dandelion root, mastic, saffron, and garnet.⠀ Fumigated at the height of Regulus III's grounded and present Virgo Moon election for Cœur Leonis (opposite Jupiter in Pisces, creating a tropical Lion-Elephant yoga), immersed in a proprietary combination of safflower, apricot kernel, sweet almond, and jojoba oils. Strained and melted with organic shea butter and coconut oil, combined with uplifting and illuminating essential oils, set, and whipped to fluffy perfection alongside sheets of 24k gold. Apply as you would any other body butter for its moisturizing properties, but especially when you wish to feel confident, self-assured, and be seen in your best light. Energizing, uplifting, inspiring (and the scent is DELICIOUS ). Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Bath Salts of Regulus III

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    Dead Sea salts, fumigated in the election window with frankincense, combined with organic consecrated Regulus III herbal mix, including classical associations for Cœur Leonis: mugwort, celandine, wormwood, mastic, and garnet, alongside 24k gold, saffron, and sundry ingredients for personal empowerment, healthy ego development, and illumination. Essential oils of frankincense, mugwort, blood orange, and helichrysum. A touch of Regulus III Oil makes this not only a cleansing, but an anointing in one step. Bathe to banish self-doubt and low, melancholic states. Especially as part of the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Restore a strong sense of self, and embody that which makes you unique, authentic, and special — help others to see the same! Take confident command as the unfettered, unstoppable leader **your OWN Sphere** needs, emerging as Luminous Sovereign of thine own realm. The standard size is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or dilute smaller amounts with more salt to make a little go a much longer way. This salt can also be added to floor washes, sprays, or dishes of water for additional magical utility, or used as a salt scrub for those without a tub. Offered in an airtight 8 oz bale top glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $72, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bath bundle for $66 (enough to refill the bulk pot). Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Bath Salts of Asclepius I.I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Dead Sea Salts, rose of jericho, home grown and ritually harvested sages, incense cypress, and more. Fumigated during a Ras Alhague election featuring the co-presence of the South Node for additional cleansing power. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise. Use in the Energetic Clearing + Ritual Bathing protocol. Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water. Peruse testimonials for Bath Salts from Asclepius I, II, or III for a sense of what to expect. The formula is essentially the same. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or 18 oz unbreakable bundle for $60. For additional and varied Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III.
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    Quicksilver Tongue Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea salts and consecrated Quicksilver Tongue herbal mix, sundry essential oils, white gold, red gold. Bathe to invite a refreshed, energized and clean slate, ripe for creation or socializing. Banish creative blocks, reduce sensations of anxiety, facilitate states of flow. Add a pinch to a dish of water or floor washes to banish limiting energies near your creative working space. Refresh as-needed. For the most intense clearing, employ in the full Energetic Cleansing + Ritual Bathing protocol. Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, a 16 oz bulk pot for $72, or 18 oz (by weight) non-breakable bundle (the volume equivalent to a bulk pot refill) for $66 Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Cloud Kingdom Subset

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    Almost all high quality Jupiter materia shares certain features, such as drawing abundance, increasing resources, luck, wisdom, and promoting a good natured, jovial manner, in addition to elevating the mind and spirit. That being said, there are two sub-sets for Sphere + Sundry's first Jupiter in Pisces series: Cloud Kingdom and Empyreal Vantage, each having their own additional specialties... Both are elevating and potent, though Cloud Kingdom is the more yin, insulating, lightly hypnotic, and gentle of the two, akin to floating on a cloud-chariot hiiigh above it all, sheltered and shielded from the travails of terrestrial living. Application unwinds the heart-mind in order to facilitate letting go and letting live — detaching from nagging concerns and over-caring, and invites one to participate in the divine process of unburdened being. Relieves stressful and anxious sensations (as almost all high quality Benefic talismanic materia does, or even mundanely prescribed remedies of the modern world do), but with a distinctive easygoing, wise, and contemplative flow (and few to no debilitating side effects). It smooths the edges, adding a Jupiterian buffer to the auric body — ideal for those who are feeling raw, sensitive, or could simply use a break from whatever struggles they find themselves facing. It is very wearable, doing little to nothing to interfere with the performance of day-side tasks — yet provides a comforting and soothing distance that registers as relief and respite to overburdened nervous and adrenal systems. Promotes lightness of being, acceptance, letting go, wisdom, and patience. Ideal for meditation, before sleep, or in stressful circumstances where Jupiter’s added luck and good nature are a more than welcome influence. Breathe deeply… Deeper still amongst the clouds, For they shall sweep us from our burdens... Jupiterian and Piscean herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, seaweeds, and gemstones, including dandelion, blessed thistle, hops, hyssop, blue cohosh, marshmallow root, blue lotus, dulse, and dried plum, ritually combined at the height of Sphere + Sundry's series election following fumigation of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Fish bone, lapis lazuli, fresh water pearl, and genuine 12k white gold. Cloud Kingdom Oil is an immersion of equal parts organic jojoba and extra virgin olive oil, and the matter for Incense and Powder was left to gestate, later ground in the day and hour of Jupiter. Anoint oneself anytime as needed, or in the days/ nights/ and hours or Jupiter for remedial purposes. Apply to the temples, third eye, heart center, base of the skull or spine, wrists, thighs and buttocks (the Jupiter ruled areas of the body), feet, or ears. Likewise, meridians or acupuncture/ pressure points related to the liver, gallbladder, blood, adrenals, &c. The Salve (and even Body Butter) of this series can be applied similarly to even greater physical effect, in terms of muscle relaxation and embodied experience. Use this Oil to dress candles, apply to compatible magical works, or in any way magical oils can be utilized. Smoke bathe the body entire using the Incense to clear one's field and promote energetic insulation, especially in times of strife, stress, and attack. Note that all items from this series work gracefully and effectively with Sphere + Sundry's Ritual Bathing and Energy Clearing Protocol. Use the Powder to dress candles, add to mojos, sprinkle in drawers and shoes, in any way magical powders are often applied. Cloud Kingdom Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($30) or 2 oz bulk pot ($90). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! [To learn more about the more yang, clarifying, and Zeus-like impacts of the Empyreal Vantage sub-set, click here.] Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Empyreal Vantage Subset

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    Almost all high quality Jupiter materia shares certain features, such as drawing abundance, increasing resources, luck, wisdom, and promoting a good natured, jovial manner, in addition to elevating the mind and spirit. That being said, there are two sub-sets for Sphere + Sundry's first Jupiter in Pisces series: Empyreal Vantage and Cloud Kingdom, each in possess of their own additional specialties... Both are elevating and potent, though Empyreal Vantage is the more yang, empowering, energizing, and clarifying of the two. Be as Zeus himself — liberated, potent, and fecund with all-potential. The Sky is the limit… and it’s clear as the Eye can see! Somewhere between the electrifying feel of Jupiter’s Lightning Rod and unbridled excitation of Jupiter in Sagittarius floats Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage: more akin to thunder than lightning, and less inclined to speed for speed’s sake, but high on potentiality and possessed of a certain easygoing gravitas. Cool and collected, yet imbued with all-power and possibility. This sub-set encapsulates Jupiter’s role as a vital (yet wise) Sky God — the One reigning from above, empowered to take effective (yet gracious), and decisive (well-considered) action… when needed, and as desired. A Way-Opener as the crow flies, sometimes the most effective way to get what we want is to rise above the many obstacles which sculpt the terrestrial plane, overcoming them with easy grace and infinite largesse. Upon application, one feels an undeniable sensation the weather is about to turn — and in our favor! A talismanic aphrodisiac of diverse applications, stoking the Jupiterian instinct to participate in works of active and charismatic creation. Excellent for a wide range of diurnal activities, such as working, leading, planning, honing one’s vision and aspirations, and exploring new frontiers, but also compatible with activities such as hosting parties and get togethers, rising above difficult encounters in an empowered and fortified manner, way-finding (especially our way toward Jupiter things: increase, wisdom, higher mind, wealth, better fortune, &c.), and much, much more. Energizing, but also cooling. Best applied during the day. For sleep and relaxation, Cloud Kingdom may be better suited. Jupiterian and Piscean herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, seaweeds, and gemstones, including dandelion, blessed thistle, hops, hyssop, blue cohosh, marshmallow root, dulse, and dried plum, ritually combined at the height of Sphere + Sundry's series election following fumigation of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Fish bone, lapis lazuli, and genuine 24k gold. Empyreal Vantage Oil is an immersion of equal parts organic jojoba and extra virgin olive oil, and the matter for Incense and Powder was left to gestate, later ground in the day and hour of Jupiter. Anoint oneself anytime as needed, or in the days/ nights/ and hours or Jupiter for remedial purposes. Use this Oil to dress candles, apply to compatible magical works, or in any way magical oils can be utilized. Smoke bathe the body entire using the Incense to clear one's field and promote a sense of possibility, especially in times of strife, stress, and attack. Note that all items from this series work gracefully and effectively with Sphere + Sundry's Ritual Bathing and Energy Clearing Protocol. Use the Powder to dress candles, add to mojos, sprinkle in drawers and shoes, in any way magical powders are often applied. Empyreal Vantage Oil arrives in your selection of a 1/2 oz glass vial with lapis and 24k gold for $72, or a 10ml citrine roller for $60. Cloud Kingdom Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($30) or 2 oz bulk pot ($90). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! [To learn more about the more yin, insulating, and stress reducing impacts of the Cloud Kingdom sub-set, click here.]
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    ‘With Peace Divine’ Body Butter

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    The same herbal components as The Cloud King’s Salve, but in a proprietary base of organic shea, coconut, safflower, apricot kernel, extra virgin olive, and jojoba oils, ritually immersed in the heart of the Empyreal Vantage Jupiter in Pisces election window, following fumigations of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Shaken during Jupiter’s days and hours before being strained and made into a nourishing body butter, whipped with the addition of high grade frankincense and holy champaca, making for a gender-neutral scent that nonetheless imparts a sense of the Divine Masculine’s great virtue. Protective, embodied, and pulsing with all-potential. This is Sphere + Sundry’s second foray into body butters, following in the glittering footsteps of The Empress. Do take a moment to peruse those testimonials for a sense of the formula’s efficacy, if you wish. Relaxing, yet invigorating. Grounding, yet elevating. Centered, yet unbound. Cooling, yet active. Energizing, yet fully content. Something to experience to believe… Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Bath Salts of Jupiter’s Grace

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    Dead Sea salt, fumigated with frankincense and saffron during the Empyreal Vantage election window, consecrated Jupiter in Pisces herbal base, seaweed, and a sprinkling of The Cloud King’s Salve (pre-beeswax) for increased muscle relaxation. White gold, three kinds of frankincense, labdanum, and copaiba. Soak to release stress, way-open as the crow flies, and promote a profound sense of wellbeing. Drink deeply of Jupiter’s wisdom, power, and liberation. Restore, release, and rise above. Bathe during Jupiter’s days/ nights/ hours for remedial purposes, or as life demands — before or following events of import. Promotes luck, helps insulate against maleficia, and draws opportunity. Clears the mind, enhancing wisdom and perspective. Works wonders with the Ritual Bathing + Energetic Clearing Protocol. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $36, 16 oz glass jar for $72, or 18 oz non-breakable (or refill) bundle for $64.
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    Golden Goat Subset

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    Goat hoof — shaved from the clompers of happy and thriving goaties on the Sun’s day in the hour of Saturn, for the ability to scale any terrain, steadfast and true. Jaw bone and teeth — to chew through all variety of metaphorical blackberry bushes, or whatever bullshit life decides to throw our way. Goat horn — for self-defense and offense; to communicate majesty, self-sufficiency, and virility. Combined with master root, consecrated herbal blend, frankincense, 24k gold, and organic 100% jojoba oil born of Saturn in Capricorn's working — a choice Saturn election featuring the support of the Greater Benefic. Oil of the Golden Goat is almost shockingly vigorous, spirited, and uplifting. Anoint oneself to embody the goat’s many virtues, in pursuit of being the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). An Oil for developing mastery over one’s self and one’s sphere. Achievement fuel like none other Golden Goat Incense is perfect for smoke bathing the body, and activating sigils for success and the achievement of goals and higher stations. Golden Goat Powder is ideal for dressing candles, adding to mojos, dusting shoes, and the like. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Goat Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($87) or onyx gem roller ($66). Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Primordial Bath Mud

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    Clay from a pristine Southern Oregon deposit and other earthen minerals, including ocean magnesium, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, humic and fulvic earth, and activated charcoal, to be added to a warm bath for grounding, detoxification, purification, and energetic protection. Includes organically occurring live probiotics to benefit the skin’s natural defense barrier, and offers benefits similar to earthing (the practice of walking barefoot over grass and dirt to connect with Earth’s energies), in the convenience of your own bathtub. Saturn and Capricorn each have their own distinct relationship to Earth and Sea, so it felt especially appropriate to offer some form of bathing paraphernalia alongside this series. *Too much* Saturn magic, however, directly applied to the living vessel, can drain vitality, cause tightness, and restrict energy flow, in addition to contributing to states of depression and hopelessness. For this reason, Sphere + Sundry's Bath Mud has not been explicitly enchanted, operating instead on the basis of the naturally occurring Saturnian virtues possessed by its formulary. Bathing in beneficent muck. A return to the most primordial of ooze... Come down from magical or mundane events, wipe the slate clean, and prime your body and mind for meditation, contemplation, and rest on every level. Reduces the impact of electromagnetic overexposure in the body, making this a natural (and incredibly helpful) energetic detox from these everyday modern conditions. Exfoliate first or within the bath to get increased skin softening, clarifying, and beautifying benefits (a natural extension of Saturn’s exaltation in the sign of aesthetic and lovely Libra). Yin restoration at its most fundamental... Bathe during Saturn’s day, night, and hours as a form of ritual observation and remediation, or as needed. A small amount of Ritual Salt, Powder, or Oil from any series and sub-set can be added, should additional magical oomph be desired. Add half a cup or more and soak for 15-40 minutes. Rinse well before drying. Septic safe. A small amount can also be added to water at the bedside or underneath a bed to quiet the mind and invite more grounded, less interrupted sleep. Can be added to mojos for the same. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass jar ($36) or 16 oz bulk pot ($72); or an 18 oz bundle by weight (the same amount the bulk pot holds) for those who would rather not risk shipping glass or have more than enough jars already, for $68. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Swamp Gator Subset

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    While the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Swamp and Golden. Swamp Gator is, in two words: down and dirty. The downest and dirtiest in fact — its formulation comprised of actual swamp mud (graciously harvested by Austin’s absolute saint of a mother in the depths of Florida), gator vertebrae, gator teeth, and shavings of skin. All of which were ethically, legally obtained... Fun fact: the alligator population in Florida is approximately 1.3 million, and the Kingdom of Animalia is inherently eco-friendly and sustainable to harvest from in conditions where populations are healthy (in this case overly so), the animal has lived under good conditions (preferably in their native habitat), and they have come to meet a natural or necessary end. The spent corporeal form is one of Saturn’s many gifts to the living, and making practical and magical use of these abandoned Spirit-shells is a worthy tribute to our Outermost Sphere: governor of death, of practicality, and of all well-aged and lifeless matter. Fossilized dinosaur bone is another ingredient in the Swamp Gator sub-set, which is an invitation to explore the deepest, darkest, and most yin aspects of the Saturnian arcana (within and without). Full disclosure: this is the most brutal and initially off-putting of any offering from Saturn in Capricorn’s coterie. Swamp Gator is excellent for gnostic exploration of the darker aspects of nature, and facilitating shadow work. Excavate your darker features... those which remain hidden from even oneself. Incorporate them into the ego-matrix to build a more integrated, honest, and fully realized personality, or decide to banish them. The main danger the Gator represents, is in not knowing what lurks… In practical terms, this would be useful for direct application and magical intervention in dark circumstances where one needs protection from genuinely seedy, dangerous characters, and finds themselves already mired in circumstantial swamp muck. Or things like exploring the Tunnels of Set, or adding atmosphere to some quality H.P. Lovecraft time. Swamp Gator’s main value for most people is going to be for exploration and incorporation of the shadow-self, and of exploring the crueler, more primordial aspects of all Nature. Get right with the Swamp Gator in you, and with the Swamp Gators of the world. Swamp Gator Oil is a combination of hemp and castor oils, gator vertebrae, teeth, and skin, fossilized dino bone, and swamp mud, ritually consecrated to talismanic standard during an excellent Saturn in Capricorn election. It is available in your choice of 1/2 oz standard vial ($80), or 10 ml hematite roller bottle ($65). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! The Incense and Powder are made of the same, and arrive in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or very few 2 oz bulk pots for $99. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! (If you do not wish to apply Swamp Gator items directly, a fetish for their vector may be used.) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Golden Gator Subset

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    While the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Golden and Swamp. Golden is the Gator in its most yang and “positive” aspect, drawing out the virtues of strength, of taking action when needed, and of point of focus. It, similarly to Golden Goat, is surprisingly active and motivating — almost to a euphoric degree; but it is also patient, imbued with the sense that “I’ve already got this”, where the Goat seeks to get and to go. Golden Gator is the better choice for people who are already more or less where they want to be in any given situation, and seek to maintain their empowered position with minimal wasted energy. Goat is for those who are in an active phase of striving and accomplishment (or wish to be). The same person can use both sub-sets in different circumstances, of course! Golden Gator offers fortification, empowerment, and the development of King alligator virtues: patience, conservation of effort, being chill most of the time and a killer when necessary, and enjoying a long-reign. It draws heavily on Jupiter’s influence in the election chart to mitigate malefic fallout and provide results that fall under the banner of excellence and positivity, while staying true to Saturn’s divine arcana. Ethically obtained gator vertebrae, frankincense, and birch, alongside 24k gold, ritually created to talismanic standard during a prime Saturn in Capricorn election, with support from the Greater Benefic. Use Oil of Golden Gator (100% organic jojoba) to anoint yourself, talismans, or other magical items, dress candles, and the like. Smoke bathe yourself or talismans in Golden Gator Incense, and activate sigils. Sprinkle the Powder in shoes, your office drawers, purse, or brief case, dress candles, add to mojos, or use however magical powders for protection, empowerment, and Saturnian virtue ought be employed. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Gator Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80) or hematite gem roller ($66). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. Golden Gator Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Exalted Sol Bath Salts

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    Exalted Sol herbal mix, alongside organic rue, rosemary, hibiscus powder, and flowers offered on the altar of Kolonía's creation, copious essential oils of a Solar nature, and 24k gold, combined with Dead Sea salt fumigated during our series election. Soak to cleanse the heart, mind, body, and spirit, as a purifying return to Selfhood. Key to the Sun’s day and hours for Solar remediation, or use anytime to help wash away self-doubt and confusion. Empowers, cleanses, and invigorates. Dissolves anxious sensations, turning them toward excitement for the big game or go-time. Big "I've got this" energy! Note that these contain orange peel and citrus essential oils, for those allergic. Arrives in your selection of an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $72, or for the first time — a 19 oz bundle for $66 (equivalent to the contents of the bulk pot, but in weight rather than volume!) for refills, International clients who would rather not risk the breakage, or those in possession of more than enough jars, thanks. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    The Empress’ Whipped Body Butter

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    Consecrated Empress herbal base with passionflower, valerian, chamomile, and extra pink lotus, fumigated and immersed in an oil mixture of sunflower, apricot kernel, sweet almond, and jojoba. Left to imbue for many Moons and shaken during Venus’ days and hours, strained, and combined with organic coconut oil and pure shea butter before being whipped into a rich, milk chocolate and heath bar frosting scented body butter A luxurious, nourishing, and preservative free (save the vitamin E) moisturizing melt, blending effortlessly into all skin types, with no fillers or artificial ingredients. Use on its own or add to lighter lotions. The scent, despite its deliciousness, is also 100% the result of natural essential oils and absolutes. A little goes a long way. Apply before intimate encounters for a magical aphrodisiacal boost, or anytime for some skin nourishing self-indulgence... Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $30, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, and magnesium salt, fumigated during the operation and combined with honey, Royal Jelly, organic milk powder, and consecrated Empress herbal mix, alongside some of the Empress’ own oil and dried roses from Her working altar. White and pink lotus. Copper and rose gold. Soak as Cleopatra herself in beautifying, skin soothing, and energy clearing ingredients, spiked with Venusian magic to promote embodiment, glamour, self-worth, self-love, and self-care. The addition of abre camino and sweeteners opens the way for money, gifts, and admirers. Helps gain clarity on what one truly desires, and enhances their ability to secure it. The perfect choice for an Energetic Cleansing bath for Venusian ends, before date nights, photoshoots, or livestreams. Also the creation of music, poetry, or art. A standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with other salt to make a little go a longer way. Can also be dissolved and added to cleaning sprays or floor washes. Naturally scented with pure essential oils and absolutes from the Empress’ own dessert tray, filled with marzipan pastry, milk cocoa ganache, and white tea cake sprinkled with rose water. Arrives in your choice of an 8 oz reusable glass bale jar for $36, or 16 oz bulk pot for $72
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    Empress Skin, Hair, and Beard Oil

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    Herbs, roots, and flowers from the Taoist and TCM tradition, classically used for topical beautification and to promote hair growth. Fumigated during the Empress operation and immersed in 100% pure organic, cold pressed argan oil with vitamin E. Aged for 10 months before being strained, combined with a light touch of skin soothing essential oils, and poured into glass serum bottles with genuine rose gold. Apply straight to the skin or add a few drops to moisturizer. Same for hair and beards. Massage into the scalp directly for hair growth. Non-greasy, and safe for all skin tones and hair textures. Offered in a 1 oz glass serum dropper jar.
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    Immortal Heart Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea Salt, magnesium flakes, organic powdered milk, and consecrated Immortal Heart herbal and floral blend, fumigated with frankincense and benzoin during the Virgo III New Moon opposite Neptune, alongside butterfly pea powder and essential oils of a comforting, soothing, and emotionally healing nature. Soak in the Divine Mother’s undiluted love, compassion, and understanding. Assists in clarifying emotions and making space for the grieving process, apart from the anxiety and loneliness the experience of intense emotions can sometimes carry. Inspired by the Grief Salts from The Ancestral Series, Bath Salts of the Immortal Heart can serve a very similar function, but also possess a more all-purpose quality that transcends the focus on loss of a loved one through dying. Use to comfort and wind down before bed, and invoke a sense of security that all will, in time and in fact, be well. The standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with additional salt to make a little go a longer way. Perfect for Energetic Cleansings + Ritual Baths intended to focus on emotional recovery and coming into right relationship with the Divine Feminine, or Mother Goddess of infinite compassion and understanding, in protective service to us — her beloved Children. Add to floor washes or cleaning agents used in areas of high emotional traffic, to help establish therapeutic safe space, banishing the spiritual glommers who feed off of negative emotions. Important note: Contains a small amount of pennyroyal. Do not use while pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or if you could be pregnant. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar for $33, or 16 oz bulk pot for $66
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    Bath Salts of Amenti

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    Dead Sea salt, magnesium flakes, organic spirulina, Natron, and consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix, suffumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, alongside prayers for Hermanubis' blessing. Bathe before engaging in Ancestral or Necromatic rituals, to prime for contact of the chthonic variety. May induce trance. Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz glass bulk pot for $66, or an 18 oz bath bundle (for those who wish to avoid breakage in transit, have their own jars, or are procuring a refill) for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Asclepius Bath Salts III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing (as detailed in the series description for Asclepius II), and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both meta and physical. Dead Sea salt and magnesium enriched epsom, fumigated with frankincense during the Asclepius III election, combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside home grown and ritually harvested herbs inherent to the election's consecrated herbal mixture. Rose of Jericho, incense cedar, and more. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise. Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water. Offered in our standard 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, or for the first time, a 16 oz bulk pot for $66. See testimonials of Asclepius II Bath Salt for reference.
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    Son of Apollo Healing Salve

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] A mélange of Solar herbs and sundry essential oils famed for their healing properties, in a blend of organic olive oil and fair-trade, incorruptible jojoba. Calendula, St. John's wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, and balm of gilead, suffumigated during the Son of Apollo election. Immersed in our 50/50 oil + liquid wax and placed upon the Asclepius altar before being moved to the front porch to greet the rays of Sol's rising on his Father's day. Left to incubate and shaken on Sundays in the hour of Sol for many months, before being mixed with organic beeswax and essential oils of frankincense, wintergreen, and eucalyptus, and poured in accord with the Sun's timing as Humanity's Own Star rejoiced in rulership. Topped with 24k gold leaf. "My muscles feel like... gently melting butter", Austin remarked following initial application. Apply and spend 1-3 minutes rubbing into areas in need of relaxation. Great on the feet and shoulders as a way to de-stress after a long day. Can also be used to soothe and protect the skin. Arrives in a 2 oz metal tin for $63 Note: Do not apply to cuts or open wounds! For comparison, peruse testimonials from our first Exalted Venus salve.
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    Honey-Clay Mask

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    Mixed just following Asclepius III's election window after suffumigating the clay during the operation. A combination of the Whipped Honey Beautifying Mask *recipe from Venus in Libra x Asclepius II's Mask of Hygieia = superior to each on their own. No oil purge, reduced breakouts, and the perfect amount of moisture. Just toned, clear, balanced perfection. Clean and exfoliate, perhaps using Sphere + Sundry's Saltwater Pearl Exfoliating Polish. Dry and apply about a quarter sized amount of the honey-clay mixture to the skin with clean fingers, allowing the mask to melt into the skin forming in a smooth, light, sweet smelling veneer. Pat the skin for a few minutes to improve blood flow and to further exfoliate. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse, moving straight into any other skincare routine without washing again. Apply 1-3 times per week, depending on how flawless one desires to look 😘 Arrives in an easy and clean-squeeze silicone bottle for $36
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    Luminous Crown Bath Salts

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    Consecrated Luminous Crown herbal blend mixed with Dead Sea salt, suffumigated with frankincense, saffron, electrum (a gold and silver alloy), and pure essential oils. Soak in the tub to diffuse limiting beliefs, dispel fear, and promote integration and embodiment. Warming, energizing, and bright. Clear away that which does not serve, especially before important life events, rituals, empowerments, and initiations. Potentiates one's ability to manifest and actualize. Add a small amount to floor washes to elevate the atmosphere of a space and clear away stagnant, dark, and low grade energies, leaving behind a high key feeling or cleanliness and fertility. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable jar marked by the hand stamped, embossed seal of the Luminous Sovereign — enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar $36
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    Aldebaran Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Aldebaran Spell Soap

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    We are beginning to roll out soaps for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Hermanubis II Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Hermanubis II Spell Soap

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    We are beginning to roll out soaps for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Exalted Sol Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Exalted Sol Spell Soap

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    We are beginning to roll out soaps for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!

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