Bookended by considerable strings of piss-poor astroweather before and following, for one glorious span of days in late March 2020, the etheric clouds parted as a heavenly host of dignified spheres shifted into productive alignments, ripe for talismanic harvest. This, the Luminous Crown, was the first of 3 series seeded within a span of 4 days, and thus, the first release of a number debuting throughout 2020 and beyond. May the auspicious light preserved by these operations help pierce and illuminate the darkness of our trying times. May they bless, aid, and empower you — my fellow Sovereigns.
This is a legacy operation stemming from the Double Crown working (briefly touched on in Rune Soup), where Austin, Tony, and I were able to capture the Sun and Moon in their single degrees of exaltation simultaneously.
Sphere + Sundry wasn’t a twinkle in anyone’s eye at the time, and it wouldn’t open its skylights to the public until years later, but I fully believe its existence is a direct emanation of the Double Crown talismans — spirit and matter entwined at peak performance; magic and materia co-mingled under the syncopated spotlight; a symbiotic frenzy of complementary virtues, made all too manifest.
That’s how exceptional talismans of stone and metal do. Their perpetual shedding of celestial radiation influences the unfolding of events over long stretches of time, altering the very architecture of one’s life and works, bringing all into growing alignment with its frequency.
Profound upgrades can result.
The Luminous Crown is a hybrid election, composed of the exalted Aries Sun (rising and in the hour of Sol), ruled by Mars in his single Degree of Exaltation, an exalted Taurus Moon attended by Venus in her rulership, and Saturn in rulership, too. The election chart is below, and also in the image gallery of each offering.
The opening prayer entreated each sphere to shine its individual blessings upon the operation, the ingredients chosen a compound mélange, ensuring that each had allied materia through which to gain traction and perpetuate its influence. Eyebright, life everlasting, and electrum (an alloy of gold and silver) for the dual Luminaries. Mastic gum, sunflower seed, and bay laurel. White lotus, orris, chamomile, and saltwater pearl. Tahitian vanilla bean, damiana, and diamond. Apple, mullein, and sassafras. Alkanet, High John, and ruby. Tulsi and saffron. Frankincense, mugwort, and Grains of Paradise. Sweet woodruff, cinquefoil, and Solomon’s seal. Angelica root, rue. Abre Camino. It goes on.
This rare, hyper eminent configuration is made all the better by the fact that our power players rule all of the beneficent houses and angles of the chart, holding total dominion over vital and desirable functions.
The Sun is rising in the 1st ruling the 5th, heralding the Sovereign’s once and eternal reign, shining a brilliant light on the King’s creative legacy. The Moon is fortified in the treasury of the 2nd ruling the 4th and IC, in full Queenly command of her home and ancestral lands, in service to her people. The Princess tends to her mother, a tribute to her Realm and a diplomatic asset in and of herself, forging a happy alliance via blessed union, ruling the 7th. She rejoices in ample appeal amidst the cornucopia of her possessions, and the Crown Jewels become her.
Such a fruitful, bountiful, visible Realm would suffer great potential vulnerabilities if not for the keen employ of seasoned bureaucrats, well patrolled and stony borders, and loyal, elite-level soldiers.
Saturn is in the 11th, ruling the 10th and MC, in direct command of those who execute experienced, well-considered orders. Little black birds collect and disseminate information through outer networks, controlling useful intel. “No one has been able to get past those walls, not in a hundred years”, people from the outside say, “and no army can defeat them.”
This realm is famous for being impenetrable. Guarded by a well kept, disciplined and specialized military, its Spartacus style soldiers and not-so-secret assassins ever at the ready, Mars ruling the 1st, overseeing the Sovereign, and the 8th, safekeeping every bank, guarding the Crown’s co-mingled funds.
— end scene —
Being that most of us don’t actually occupy a privileged position in an alternative brightside Game of Thrones style universe, how can this series be applied in the real world?
People who traffic in certain occult and philosophical circles are no doubt privy to the popular concept of Sovereignty, a state of empowered and self-sustaining individualism, free from having to answer to as many external powers as humanly possible. The degree to which this is feasible is obviously dependent on one’s personal circumstances. An adult has a lot more Sovereignty than a child living with their parents. A self-employed person working from home has a lot more Sovereignty than someone working in a cubicle for some multi-national corporation. But only if they can provide for themselves.
The Sovereign lives in dutiful service to their responsibilities, which in turn, generates safe haven.
One’s Sovereign reach, once established as the master of their own life, typically begins extending into the lives of others — dependents, and those not yet sitting their own thrones.
The Luminous Crown assists in the building of our individual Sovereign Realms, instilling leadership qualities and drawing material resources. It reinforces alliances and boundaries with the outside world, and nurtures what waits within the confines of our homelands, sacred temples, and secret gardens. It sows the fields, feeds them light, and brings the rain. It draws the right people to collaborate and help with the harvest, and provides storage for leaner times.
It is generative and stable, a patron of creatives and artists, as much as entrepreneurs. It balances empowered specialized forces within the individual, as a King or Queen taking in data from their inner council of advisors, issuing actionable edicts once all has been strategically considered. Mercury being uninvolved, this is a series of contemplation, consolidation, and action. Loose lips sink ships, and real power moves quietly. Robert Greene would approve.
The effects from application are bright, warming, centering, grounding, and empowered. Use over time results in a smoothing and co-coordinating of the topics governed by the spheres featured in the election, and can be keyed using planetary days and hours to potentiate the Power you most desire to draw from. It can also be layered with other materia to augment and emphasize certain characteristics.
Luminous Crown being a BYOJ (bring your own Jupiter) scenario, it is gloriously supplemented by Jupiter’s Bounty, adding a rich, buttery layer of calm, good vibes. Amp the excitement with Jupiter in Sagittarius, or an additional dose of Venus for Herculean feats of diplomacy and seduction. Spike your experience with a Lion Headed or Bull’s Eyed Royal Star to see if crowns and precious gems start falling at your feet. The world is your very own advanced astro-magical playground 😉
At its heart, the Luminous Crown is a multi-faceted powerhouse of mundane and magical potential. A primer and foundation for Big Life Magic, wherever you happen to be in your Sovereign journey. It will awaken, illuminate, and guide fruitful impulses within the wearer, and over time, aid in making manifest a more Sovereign existence. Kingship, or in the proprietary treatment of Gordon White, Rivendell magic, pure and simple.
(If you feel you still don’t understand it, don’t worry — it’ll teach you.)
Disclaimers — This series is physically warming and activating, comprised of mostly earth and fire. It summons a grounded, bright, piercing clarity and fortifies one’s auric body with the full weight of one’s own noble spirit. Use as an invocation of Self to promote deep embodiment and better alignment. Will likely disturb sleep if used too near bed, be it time or place.
Useful for maintaining composure, before, and after significant ritual activities and initiations. You may find that applying it during certain days and hours works better for you than others. If it is overly heating and activating, key application to periods governed by Venus or the Moon, for instance. Or layer with something cooling.
Test and learn to manage this series on your own before wearing it during important events. “Heavy is the head that wears the Crown”, and the Luminous is no different. This is not an effervescent, happy-go-lucky energy. It feels powerful, but also takes itself seriously, and it asks a lot of the wearer to channel so many dignified and diverse energies simultaneously. It is also the trellis upon which we grow, in order to become capable of such superhuman feats, so prepare to be stretched and worked and challenged, but also, should we persist, handsomely rewarded. The influence over time will cultivate some deeply impressive, self-possessed, and refined qualities in the wearer. It can also be used for sigil activation and other spellwork, for more exteriorized results.
Do not write into the support portal after a week of use, complaining that you haven’t been Crowned yet. Every life and person is different. We’re in the midst of some phenomenally difficult terrain, and what we’re looking for is improvement within the operating conditions of one’s current circumstances, not overnight pie in the sky perfection. Incremental change in the right direction, brick by brick. It is your own Sovereign responsibility to follow through with application, and the mundane and magical actions that will lead to the great things ahead of you. With love, do the work 😉
We thank Austin Coppock for delivering this, uh… CROWN JEWEL of an election, and Tony Mack for his exquisite handiwork in casting a few truly magnificent Dr-Manhattan-but-if-he-was-made-of-scintillating-white-and-gold-laserbeams-instead talismans. Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab graces us with not one, not two, but three unparalleled talismanic perfumes. And they are to die for.
Some notable changes — After being asked to offer larger sizes of certain items, this is the first series to feature “bulk” 2 oz options for incense, powder, and attuning tincture.
It also features add-on selections for the Luminous Crown oil, where you can choose to include a dropper cap kit (for those who don’t want to touch their oil) OR a quartz roller, depending on how you most prefer applying your oils.
The Luminous Crown stock has been incubating for two full lunations, and was bottled in glass during related planetary days and hours. No artificial ingredients, scents, preservatives, or fillers were used in the formulation of any item. Each label has been hand stamped and embossed by yours truly.
All orders include basic instructions for using each series, timing suggestions for application, and a prayer, along with an invitation for new clients to join the dedicated client forum (now off of social media) for ongoing support from both creator and community.
Launch Day Comments + Contributions
Luminous Crown was launched on May 31st, 2020.
New series typically have a section at the bottom of each description with comments pertaining to the zeitgeist and logistics of its release. These are later stripped from the copy as they become less relevant over time.
The following was instead preserved… its message remains timeless…
Due to CV-19, this launch has been delayed numerous times. It was rescheduled down to the minute last week and announced to hundreds of people in the client forum.
HOWEVER, there is obviously a lot of Very Real Shit happening in the world. Very. Real. Shit.
I did not want to let anyone down by deferring it again, so this release went forward as promised, BUT, I will not be sharing it publicly out of respect for some time. People’s attention should remain on more important issues. Racism. Systemic injustice. Police brutality. The militarization of the police. Politically and State sanctioned murder of innocent citizens.
I wish this were under better circumstances, and yet, now is a vital time to shine a light on issues surrounding personal Sovereignty and the right to selfhood. I can only pray that this particular magic coming into the world right now will serve to empower the side of the righteous, the disenfranchised, and those standing for what’s right.
$2,500 transacted from this series was split and donated to the following organizations, on 5/31/20 —
Black Lives Matter
Black Visions Collective
Southern Poverty Law Center
Minnesota Freedom Fund
+ the Memorial Fund for George Floyd
May George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and every other victim of police brutality and systemic injustice be healed and avenged. May the Gods, Spirits, and Ancestors of protestors and justice seekers attend mightily before, behind, and beside them, above, below, and within them, empowering and protecting their every move — now, and forever.
By Providence of the Luminous Sovereign, it IS and shall BE.
Sold out100% Sold Out
Luminous Crown Oil
Anointing Oils, Luminous Crown, Sold OutEqual parts organic olive and jojoba oils, ritually combined with consecrated Luminous Crown herbal mixture, precious metals, and gems on a hybrid election, featuring the Sun and Moon each in their signs of exaltation, supported by Venus in her rulership of Taurus, Saturn in rulership, and Mars in his single degree of exaltation. The chart can be found in the image gallery, and more about the effects and applications for this series can be read here. The operation's opening address featured individual entreaties to each sphere, the ingredients chosen a compound mélange, ensuring each planet and luminary had allied materia through which to find traction and gain influence. Eyebright, life everlasting, and electrum (an alloy of gold and silver) for the dual Luminaries. For the Sun, Mastic gum, sunflower seed, rosemary, and bay laurel. For Luna, white lotus, orris, chamomile, and saltwater pearl. Feathers of a Solary and Lunary nature. Tahitian vanilla, apple, damiana, and diamond in honor of the Fairer Benefic. Mullein and sassafras for Saturn. Alkanet, High John, and ruby for Mars. Saffron and Frankincense beget purity and opulence. Mugwort, rue, and sweet woodruff for potency. Grains of Paradise. Cinquefoil and Solomon’s seal. Angelica root and abre camino. The list goes on. Anoint the Crown of the head, heart, and other power points as an invocation of one's own spirit. Brings warmth, clarity, composure, and an energized calm. Apply on days and hours associated with the luminary or planet you are most looking to emphasize. Reinforces boundaries and facilitates auric density. Encourages personal congruence, patience, and groundedness. A profound tool for self-improvement, and faithful ally in one's pursuit of Luminous Sovereignty. Use in spellwork or anoint objects intended for material manifestation, or in support of self-actualization and selfhood. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $84 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10ml precious metal electrum roll-on for $108, or 10 ml w/ quartz rollerball for $68$68 – $108$68 – $108 -
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Water of the Luminous Sovereign
Waters, Sprays + Hydrosols, Sold Out, Luminous CrownFreshly drawn well water, distilled via copper alembic starting at sunrise on the Luminous Crown election and left to bask upon the altar. A combination of herbs and gems allied to the dignified Luminaries and planets attending — the Sun, Moon, and Mars in Exaltation, supported by Venus and Saturn in rulership. For more on the effects of this series, see the description. Eyebright, life everlasting, and colloidal gold and silver to represent the dual Luminaries. For the Sun, Mastic gum, sunflower seed, rosemary, and bay laurel. For Luna, white lotus, orris, chamomile, and saltwater pearl. Feathers of a Solary and Lunary nature. Tahitian vanilla, apple, damiana, and diamond in honor of the Fairer Benefic. Mullein and sassafras for Saturn. Alkanet, High John, and ruby for Mars. Mugwort, rue, and sweet woodruff for potency. Grains of Paradise. Cinquefoil and Solomon’s seal. Angelica root and abre camino. The list goes on. The water smells of Huachuma, opening brilliant floodgates of luminescence. Spray the crown of the head and body as a potent invocation of self, to fortify one's auric density and reinforce boundaries. Brings composure, and results in a warming, energized calm. Centering, grounding, illuminating. Aids in matters of diplomacy and personal import. Apply to facilitate manifestation and bless space before ritual work of a compatible nature. A small amount of grain alcohol has been added as a natural preservative. Arrives in your choice of 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $30, or a 2 oz for $66$30 – $66$30 – $66 -
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Luminous Sovereign Attuning Tincture
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, TincturesHerbs and gemstones ritually suffumigated following prayers to our dignified court of Lights + planets featured by the Luminous Crown election, immersed in top shelf cognac and left to age two lunar cycles. 100% of the ingredients follow: Cognac. Alkanet, grains of paradise, orris root, eyebright, holy basil (vana, krishna, and rama), orange peel, mugwort, mullein, life everlasting, marshmallow leaf, marshmallow root, milk thistle seed, bay leaf, chamomile, rue, sweet woodruff, balm of gilead, sunflower seed, white lotus, cinquefoil, sassafras, solomon's seal, mastic gum, angelica root, rosemary, hops, blackberry leaf, raspberry leaf, damiana, slippery elm, saffron, diamond, ruby and colloidal gold, saltwater pearl and colloidal silver. Bottled during astrologically supportive days and hours, marked by the stamped, hand embossed seal of the Luminous Crown. Each bottle contains genuine electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, to represent the unified luminaries. Apply to the self or items as an invocation of divine selfhood and empowerment, to fortify boundaries and improve auric density. Clears self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Improves one's ability to manifest and draw resources. Facilitates deep integration and congruence. An ally for self-development and authentic embodiment. Quite warming. Energizing, yet grounded. Brilliant, bright. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle for $30, or a 2 oz for $90 Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
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Luminous Crown Self-Igniting Incense
Incense, Luminous Crown, Sold OutHerbs, resins, and gemstones of a Solary, Lunary, Venusian, Saturnian, and Martial nature, consecrated to their holy spheres and suffumigated with frankincense at the height of the Luminous Crown election. Grains of Paradise, Life Everlasting, dried apple, eyebright, holy basil, milk thistle and sunflower seed, orris, angelica, and marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, solomon's seal, cinquefoil and white lotus. High John. Sassafras, and bay laurel. Mastic gum and frankincense resin. Rue, mugwort, and sweet woodruff. Ruby, saltwater pearl, diamond, saffron, and electrum (an alloy of genuine gold and silver). Ground on the day of the Sun, hour of the Moon, and made into a self-perpetuating incense powder. Form a mound or sigil pattern on a heatproof surface, over ash if you wish, and light well. Burn during rituals for self-empowerment and manifestation. Take a smoke bath to clear limiting beliefs and assist in deeper integration. Elevate the atmosphere before ritual or meditation, and use as an offering to spirits of a compatible nature. Center and consolidate your auric body. Fortify defenses and boundaries. Elicits competence, brightness, and an energized calm. Promotes luminous embodiment of one's own spirit. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz "bulk" pot for $90$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
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Resplendent Diadem of the Sun and Stars
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesPLEASE NOTE: This offering continues being ghost-stocked by the website, meaning despite how many times we've set it to 0 it continues resurrecting itself. The Resplendent Diadem of the Sun and Stars is *long gone* (we miss it too!). If you do check out with it, we will need to refund you because no more exist. Apologies 💓 One of 3 perfumes artfully crafted upon the Luminous Crown election by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of The Resplendent Diadem, she shares —$45An oil for musicians, writers, poets, painters, illustrators, sculptors, dancers, vocalists, smiths, fiber artists, and all others in the arts. This oil is not only an oil of artistic inspiration and a boon to creativity, but also an oil of prominence and power: it is an oil designed to push your artistic achievements to greater heights, to enhance public respect for you as an artist and for your creative output, and to draw the positive attention of media, benefactors, clients, agents, and other people in positions of tangible support and power. Simply put, it is a sovereignty blend for artists, creators, and crafters.
Seize your power, artists. Shine.
Steam-distilled mugwort essential oil (Artemisia herba-alba) and mugwort from the TAL garden (Artemisia vulgaris), aloeswood essential oil (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte), ylang ylang absolute (Cananga odorata var. genuine), steam-distilled benzoin dilution and benzoin tears (Styrax benzoin), vanilla absolute (Vanilla planifolia), fossilized amber oil (Oleum succini), organic marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), pink rose petals (Rosa damascena), organic rose de mai extract (Rosa x centifolia), Bulgarian rose otto (Rosa x damascena ), frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata) and tears (Boswellia papyrifera), bay laurel essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), white lotus absolute (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn),lotus stamens (Nelumbo nucifera), blue lotus petals (Nymphaea caerulea), apple fiber and fruit extract (Malus domestica), blackberry leaf and fruit extract (Rubus fruticosus), 24-karat gold, silver, and white vegetal musk.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil IS vegan.
Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $45$45 -
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Luminous Crown Bath Salts
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Bath Salts, Face + Body, Luminous Crown, Salts, Sold OutConsecrated Luminous Crown herbal blend mixed with Dead Sea salt, suffumigated with frankincense, saffron, electrum (a gold and silver alloy), and pure essential oils. Soak in the tub to diffuse limiting beliefs, dispel fear, and promote integration and embodiment. Warming, energizing, and bright. Clear away that which does not serve, especially before important life events, rituals, empowerments, and initiations. Potentiates one's ability to manifest and actualize. Add a small amount to floor washes to elevate the atmosphere of a space and clear away stagnant, dark, and low grade energies, leaving behind a high key feeling or cleanliness and fertility. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable jar marked by the hand stamped, embossed seal of the Luminous Sovereign — enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar $36$36$36 -
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Luminous Sovereign Talismans
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to the Luminous Crown an extremely limited set of custom talismans, capturing this exceptionally rare and eminent hybrid election —$2,600Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on March 27th, 2020 at 6:57 am EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania. The Sun rising on the ascendant, exalted in Aries during the planetary hour of the sun [with an exalted Moon, Mars, and Venus/Saturn in their domiciles]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigations and petition created specifically for this hybrid election.
The head of Ptah, demiurge of Memphis who spoke into creation the Gods and forms conceived within his mind (heart), fleshed out in high relief and cast in molten electrum; a 80/20 alloy of silver and gold. With royal beard, and crowned with two plumes surrounding a solar disk (cast in gold). This crown was incorporated into depictions of Ptah as he absorbed aspects Tatenen, embodying the chthonic fire that raises and shapes the earth. Set into the forehead is a .6 carat octagonal-cut ruby mounted into a raised prong setting.
Only 10 were cast, 7 of which are offered to the public. Includes a vial of Luminous Crown Oil for charging, feeding, and attuning to your talisman. Talismans are included in each of the 3 large Box Sets. Arrives with a sterling silver chain in a black leatherette pendant box, marked by a custom wax seal for easy identification. $2,600$2,600 -
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Luminous Crown Candles
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Candles, Luminous Crown, Sold OutVirgin white beeswax poured over consecrated Luminous Crown herb and gem mix, including saltwater pearl, ruby, diamond, and saffron, super-quickly powdered and sprinkled into every mold. Each candle includes dual wicks which burn united as a single flame, representing each of the lights in their signs of exaltation, fueling united purpose. Topped or gilded with electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, the metals of Sol and Luna respectively, showcasing the same. This is the first series offering pillar candles in addition to glass jars, perfect for carving, dressing, and works of candle magic. I suggest burning them in glass containers near their size regardless, so if any wax drips down the side (see gallery), it can be used to feed the flame as it burns, rather than go to waste. Each candle is marked on the bottom with a hand stamped and embossed Luminous Crown seal. The pillars stand within 1/4" of their ideal height of 3" and 6". Unscented, burn on a firesafe surface, never leave unattended. Only half of what was poured is being offered to the public, the Luminous Crown being an exceedingly rare, highly eminent election. The slim vigil style jars seen in the photos have been paired with large Box Sets. Short pillars and 2 oz jar candles for $90, or tall pillars for $168.$88 – $168$88 – $168 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
The Queen’s Exultation
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesOne of 3 perfumes brilliantly executed upon the Luminous Crown election by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of The Queen's Exultation, she shares —$45Never think you fortune can bear the sway Where virtue’s force can cause her to obey.
An oil of command and worldly power, of the claiming and reclamation of influence and authority. It is an oil of triumph in defiance of tyranny, bigotry, and oppression (both from external and internal sources). This is an oil of finding your power when you feel powerless, and amplifying your power when you are in your radiance. It is an oil of autonomy, self-sufficiency, of victory over those who would subjugate you. This oil shatters bonds of servitude, grants you increased control over your own life, and brings your enemies to heel - and it does it all through intensifying courage, augmenting your virtues, and turning the core of your being into a churning supernova of healthy, luminous power.
Frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata) and tears (Boswellia dalzielii), organic Roman chamomile essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Anthemis nobilis), bay laurel essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus), sandalwood essential oil gleaned from wild-harvested Australian heartwood (Santalum spicatum), tobacco absolute (Nicotiana tabacum) and tobacco blossoms from the TAL garden (Nicotiana glauca), supercritical fluid CO2 extraction of ginger and dried rhizome (Zingiber officinale), pink pepper essential oil (Schinus terebinthifolia), black pepper essential oil (Piper nigrum), basil essential oil (Ocimum basilicum), orris root and orris butter concrete (Iris germanica), red rose petals (Rosa damascena), tonka bean absolute (Dipteryx odorata ), cinnamon chips (Cinnamomum verum), hexane-free saffron absolute (Crocus sativus), fossilized amber oil (Oleum succini), 24-karat gold, silver, and rose vegetal musk.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil IS vegan.
Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $45$45 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
The Many-Jeweled Crown
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesOne of 3 perfumes graciously composed upon the Luminous Crown election by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of The Many-Jeweled Crown, she shares —$45This is a treasure trove of boons from a host of celestial kings and queens: a glittering gift of courage and physical strength, honorable leadership and authority, wise counsel and prophecy, finding wonder and delight even under adversity, cleansing and purification, beauty and vitality, joyousness and affection, harmony and skill in the arts, honeyed speech and diplomacy, courage and physical prowess, stability and the blessing of bringing ideas into material form.
In addition, this is an oil of manifestation. Used in conjunction, the strength and power you channel from the Queen’s Exultation can be further refined and expressed in the material realm through the Many-Jeweled Crown.
Fossilized amber oil (Oleum succini), frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata) and tears (Boswellia papyrifera), gold copal (Agathis dammar), bay laurel essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), rosehips (Rosa rubiginosa), anise seed (Pimpinella anisum), star anise pods and essential oil (Illicium verum), lemon verbena essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Aloysia citriodora), sandalwood essential oil gleaned from wild-harvested Australian heartwood (Santalum spicatum), honeysuckle tips (Lonicera periclymenum), spikenard essential oil (Nardostachys jatamansi), immortelle essential oil (Helichrysum italicum), jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), motia attar (Jasmin sambac), vanilla absolute and Madagascar vanilla beans (Vanilla planifolia), star jasmine petals from the TAL garden (Trachelospermum jasminoides), sunflower petals from the TAL garden 2018 harvest, honey amber resin, 24-karat gold, silver, and saffron stems.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil IS vegan.
Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $45$45 -
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Luminous Crown Powder
Luminous Crown, Powders, Sold OutHerbs, resins, and gemstones of a Solary, Lunary, Venusian, Saturnian, and Martial nature, consecrated to their holy spheres and suffumigated with frankincense at the height of the Luminous Crown election. Grain of Paradise, Life Everlasting, dried apple, eyebright, holy basil, milk thistle and sunflower seed, orris, angelica, and marshmallow root, slippery elm, solomon's seal, cinquefoil and white lotus. High John. Sassafras, and bay laurel. Mastic gum and frankincense resin. Rue, mugwort, and sweet woodruff. Ruby, saltwater pearl, diamond, saffron, and electrum, an alloy of genuine gold and silver. Dress candles, add to mojos and talismans, use as a component in other spellwork, or blow over or toward those you wish to bless and empower. Apply in any way magical powders are typically used. Ground on the day of the Sun, hour of the Moon, and bottled during compatible days and hours. Marked by the hand stamped and embossed seal of the Luminous Sovereign. Pure, uncut herbs, resins, and gems. Add cornstarch to create your own sachet powder. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz "bulk" pot for $90$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
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Luminous Crown Talismanic Perfume Trio
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismanic PerfumesAll threeBoth remainingNone of the perfume oils brilliantly formulated on the Luminous Crown election by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Those went fast! 😅The Many Jeweled Crown(sold out)Resplendent Diadem of the Sun and Stars(sold out)Queens Exultation(sold out)
$90 -
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Luminous Crown Altar Box Sets
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Sold Out, Luminous CrownWooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand-painted in gold and silver. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, this set includes all items from the Luminous Crown series. Most items fit upright within with the lid closed, with the exception of Bath Salts in the small set, and the tall vigil candle in the large. Talismans are included with large box sets only.$466 – $3,275- Luminous Crown Oil (one size, 1/2 oz)
- Water of the Luminous Sovereign (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
- Luminous Sovereign Attuning Tincture (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
- Luminous Crown Candles (S: 2 oz | L: 8 oz)
- Luminous Crown Self-Igniting Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
- Luminous Crown Powder (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
- Luminous Crown Bath Salts (one size, 8 oz)
- Resplendent Diadem of the Sun and Stars Perfume Oil by BPAL
- The Queen's Exultation Perfume Oil by BPAL
- The Many-Jeweled Crown Perfume Oil by BPAL
- Large: Luminous Sovereign Talismans by Tony Mack
- Small (3 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $466
- Large (3 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $3,275 (includes talisman)
$466 – $3,275