To help ease the burden on the main Thema Mundi page, opening entries / additional comments for pre-sale rounds have been moved to different categories. If you are unfamiliar with the project, please read Thema Mundi first, then come back here and start at the top. To read only the most recent opening entry for the current pre-order round, see RIV.
RI’s Entry
Thema Mundi was revealed to the public on May 23rd, 2023. Around 1 week later, on June 1st, a trailer debuted announcing that The 7th Guest was being rebooted in full virtual reality (VR).
It was posted to the Community by an eagle-eyed Client, as one of the first major Thema Mundi syncs to observably greet the Outer.
That this IP would be resurrected one Saturn return after its heyday was entirely unexpected. That it would be done in VR, so that players can be fully immersed in a more real•istic and 360° version of the experience — with actors filmed in cutting-edge 3D ‘volumetric video’ — is entirely within the realm of Thema Mundi’s arcana.
The trailer itself was replete with kaleidoscopic references, such as the protagonist canoeing through a Great Flood in the opening scene, the Thema Mundi House set against a backdrop of Moon and Stars.
A lamp in the player’s skeletal hand illuminates — its rays having the power to reveal things as they truly are, restore what it shows to its former glory, and re-establish real-world functionality.
Its light is cast on something reminiscent of a half-smudged depiction of Saturn, showing the front of the canoe was a stylized snake holding that lantern, calling to mind Asclepius (the only series released between Thema Mundi’s debut, and now!) — offering us (+ the players!) the priming and illuminating technologies necessary for navigating the World in which we find ourselves.
The lamp’s gaze restores an 8-plank bridge, leading to a gate warded by twin dragon-goyles. An orbital gem (Emerald in this operation… Mercury) is taken from one and placed in the socket of the other, re•pairing its two eyes (dual Luminaries…), which triggers the release of a golden key, which opens the lock that had previously barred our entry.
Gems and metals being key to the Talismanic Arts…
Mercury in Gemini being the release beIV Asclepius,
and the first non-Luminary to debut in Thema Mundi order…
We near the house, the attic our focus. The trailer progresses with other microscopic details someone who’s been within might notice, but as the curtains close, they pan to the same — the attic, this time showcasing a solitary figure.
These details are not offered because The 7th Guest game is so deeply tied to what Clients can expect of Thema Mundi for themselves (it’s very likely not!), but because it’s a (very) public case study of the way effective magic holds such crystal clear sway over the astra-physical, inter-connected layers of reality that millions of people collectively experience.
And how profoundly this operation is doing just that.
What it does for each Client… is very much up to what they apply it toward!
If you have Thema Mundi on the way (if you haven’t started this process already!), you had better start preparing the nursery, as the Luna in Cancer and Antares write-ups advise.
In other manifestations, on June 23rd we were given the gift of 3 completely out of the blue, unsolicited PEACOCKS!
Note that Austin has been podcasting in front of peacock wallpaper (at HQ) since July 2022, and the taxidermied peacock from Quicksilver Tongue ‘lives’ in the Thema Mundi house (+ was in residence during the operation). Other than Tony during casting, we are still the only two people to have routinely used it.
Shortly after Asclepius IV debuted — which touched on alchemical transformation and the Peacock as real-world stand-in for the mythological Phoenix — Cypress (shown above + below) did rip out his glorious 6′ train.
They do that every year, but it was fitting to see him drop his regalia during Venus’ retrograde in Leo!
Most of the Summer has been spent consumed by more personal manifestations, amidst operations being displaced by the Sphere + Sundry building’s remodel… which we’re moving back into the week that Thema Mundi pre-ship production well and truly begins!
Because of course that’s when we to move into Sphere + Sundry’s fully formed Platonic workspace ideal.
Another one of the other ON THE NOSE manifestations since launching Thema Mundi, is coming to understand the importance of being in contact with the Earth’s own field for the sake of health and flourishing — via the practice of grounding and Earthing. I highly recommend that each + every Client watch this documentary, and consider obtaining grounding sheets for personal use.
RII’s Entry
*Many of these photos are galleries that can be clicked, swiped, and arrowed through!*
Thema Mundi began shipping for the first time on September 28th, 2023. The day afterward, unbeknownst to us, Sphere entertainment venue opened in Las Vegas — a massive sync / global confirmation an eagle-eyed Client reported to the the Community.
The shifts from Thema Mundi are at once, massively tectonic and nigh imperceptible. Each day we walk upon this glorious Earth and take it for granted, not appreciating all the Stars that have metaphorically (and literally) aligned to host our incarnate experience.
Reality is but a Dreamscape, after all…
That same opportunity for lack of awareness is there on every front, at every turn. Someone can be given a plot of the richest, most generative soil on the Planet, and if they don’t know how to plant anything in it — all it is, is dirt.
As the first testimonials duly declare, many people have had, and are having, profound and impactful experiences with Thema Mundi. As a few in the Community have also reported, others are having a harder time accessing its arcana.
Something along these lines was touched on in my conversation with Denis before its debut, when asked about Opus — “sometimes it’s as if you took psychedelics, and other times it does nothing at all — it is truly wild…”
But I don’t believe when it “does nothing” that nothing is happening.
I believe changes are occurring beyond our levels of current perception, which are in fact vital to setting the stage for later development.
How long now has the Earth been forming?
How long was it, before consciousness as we know, came to witness?
Nothing Sphere + Sundry has put out before, is as initiatic or slow burn as Thema Mundi. This is mirrored by the many years it took to create (and the period of time before it becomes possible to create again!), the number of rituals involved, the duration of its pre-order windows, and how initial fulfillment spanned a literal 3-GD-weeks once it even began shipping. This, from what is undoubtedly the most generative and fastest fulfilling shop of lil’ Talismanic horrors Sundries on the planet.
The fact that writing an essay about it even now — more than 259-days since its initial debut — still feels impossible. That its energies are too big, gravitous, wondrous, and amorphous to even attempt definition. How it is exceedingly universal and at once, too personal to explain.
I’ve been working toward just that since the second pre-order window opened, and, nothing final has come to fruition on the write-up front. But since the third round is now open, consider this another helpful Waymark in our massive experiment of magical and material co-(r)evolution.
What I can say that is meaningful is — for those who already have Thema Mundi, and for those who are about to dive in — give it a job to do.
Work (clap!) that (clap!) SOIL!
Get your hands dirty, and incorporate its myriad potentials and fecundity into your spiritual and physiological microbiome.
PLANT something, even if that something, is your entire Self.
Be patient!
Partake of water and sunlight. Regularly, as seedlings must be tended.
Get clear on what you do — and/or do not! — want.
Do all of the things you know you should *already* be doing — that lead you toward more desirable outcomes, and less of whatever else.
Let time do its job, under conditions you are actively controlling, where and when you are able.
The sprouts and shoots that are meant will come, by their Creator’s own hand. Which are (drumroll…) YOURS!
Some will become as Yggdrasil.
And remember that above all, at its core — Thema Mundi is thee seed energy for all Creation and Becoming.
Focus on what you want to create and become — strive for that on all practical fronts, and supplement with Thema Mundi along your divine and unfolding Way. Physically and magically.
It’s really is that hard,
and that simple.
Other practical notes:
— Thema Mundi really does seem best suited and understood by seasoned magical practitioners. Know that if you don’t have a lot of deep experience on that front, and haven’t developed a taste / sense for how longer-term, broad scale magics can unfold in personally life-altering ways, its impacts might feel — or even be — lost upon you. For months, for years, or forever. That is no one’s fault. It is simply true.
And in good faith, can be worked around!
— If you follow the primary guideline “give it a job to do!”, its results are still very likely to fully manifest. But not understanding the process, “feeling them” in the same way less complicated series are often easily felt, or witnessing their coming to fruition (on your own timeline) is to be expected.
— This can be achieved magically, through the launching and activation of sigils, candle magic, petitions, honey pots, fumigation of vision boards, and whatever other forms you practice. Integrate Thema Mundi materia as you would any other. Incorporate it into the rituals you are already doing.
—— Note: divining on results for whatever the current operational blueprint is beforehand is always best practice. Your Oracle may suggest tweaks or lead you in directions which will yield better results than the original conception involved. If this is not part of your current practice, make it so! And keep a magical record!
— Functionally, or what the Classical Feng Shui practitioner in me refers to as “Form School”, giving it a job means rising to the occasion of your responsibilities and striving for the life you want, to become more of the person you want to be.
—— It means, on the days you apply Thema Mundi to your vessel, you strive to become worthy of the empowerments you seek. Embody higher principles and partake of whole-making activities. Speak with truer intent; and practice more mindfulness.
Take a walk to contemplate and omen watch. Journal. Eat healthier. Break with addictive, self-sabotaging behaviors, even if just for the day. Read a book. Spend more quality time with loved ones, including your divine Self.
——— Thema Mundi should be used standalone sometimes, though it is is also fine to layer it with the influences that are most meaningful and helpful to you, personally, to potentiate them (a la Luna in Cancer!).
— Magic needs time and space to breathe, apart and undisturbed by our ongoing human attachments and interventions. Worrying about any operation too much invokes the “watched pot never boils” experience, and violates magical results’ ability to form as Sovereign entities in-and-of themselves. Which are necessary for the assumption of material form. Results must be born.
— Speaking as someone who is almost 8-months pregnant, the only key thing I/ our duad did, was plant the initial seed… at the right time… and under the right conditions. The rest has all been responsible stewardship, adaptation, and waiting. Material and magical processes mirror one another almost exactly. Following a successful trigger pull, the process is MOSTLY waiting, holding faith, and controlling conditions, more than anything else. By magnitudes of 100.
More resources/ exercises/ practices are being developed to help orient people’s Thema Mundi experience(s), which will be shared in the Client Community as and when they are finalized.
Alone, together…
The sacramental cookies that shipped with the first round will be appearing again, thanks to the willingness and good grace of the incredible Team who baked and decorated over 1,000 of them(!) as I bottled and packed the first round.
Cookies weren’t the original plan — I had something else lined up, but the provider backed out one week before anticipated delivery on religious (anti-astrology and anti-magic) grounds. How perfect though, it ended up being!
That the treats which would arrive with each order were created in the same kitchen that provided so many of the sacramental meals of Thema Mundi’s 7-day ritual cloister, imbued with the results of its labors.
And funnier still, that by night as all this was happening, Austin and I were working our way through Collection 10 of The Great British Baking Show, which kept featuring undeniable syncs. The likes of which we had never seen in years of watching! 1H Cancer indeed!
The mysteries and results of Thema Mundi continue unfurling — however imperceptibly in any given moment. Before our very eyes, and in real-time… past, present, and future. It has big things in store, that will be delivered to our Clients and Community through these works regardless of whether or not any given individual partakes. But we are most excited to see what YOU make of its energies, in your own Sphere.
May it aid in the cultivation of your very own Opus, providing fuel for all you dare will·fully Dream — and more!
RIII Opening Entry
The third round of Thema Mundi pre-orders is now closed. It brings us an entirely new Form: World-building Lip Balm.
I would love to be able to ‘clean up’ / streamline this chaotic, beautiful mess of a page — with its multiple journal-esque entries and meandering means of self-presentation, but the truth is that Thema Mundi as a whole is still very much in the birthing process, and actively evading such human conveniences.
Not an English garden, but a patch thicket, of Wild
At turns Sun dappled and Moon struck
Scented and Void, unfurling with Life
so living, it dies on the vine
Born Again, and again
and Again
each Season
Food and Drink,
for those ~who Come.
Since the second round, new tools for constructing the Edifi have entered our collective arsenal — Exalted Luna, and Sphere + Sundry’s first Decanic series, Capricorn II.
Which might be the most utilitarian magic we’ve ever released, and could be integral to connecting with Thema Mundi’s potential for those who do not know what to use it for. Yet.
Simultaneously, engagement need not be directed. To Experience is to be Changed. Lean in to the raw-and-writhing process, coordinated by Intelligences far superior to our own. Fertilization, gestation, and giving birth takes time (+ then you have to raise the Thing!).
Media of interest includes Monsieur Poisson’s unboxing video and our interview, for those who may not have seen them : ) and this one is a fun lil’ time capsule, too!
Shipping will commence as one shoal upon closure of the pre-order window, and yes, there will be sacramental cookies <3
Note that you can only check out with one pre-order item at a time! If you place multiple Thema Mundi orders, we will consolidate them and refund excess shipping automatically (including meeting the Free Shipping threshold).
If you order standard items with Thema Mundi items, they will be held to ship together. If you want offerings from the catalogue earlier than mid-to-late October, please place a dedicated order with only them. Capricorn II makes an excellent primer.
Pre-Order - Limited Time
The Beauty of Creation Oil for Skin, Hair, and Beard
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, AvailablePre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Consecrated Thema Mundi Anointing Oil, paired with organic jojoba oil infused with our proprietary TCM-inspired herbal Beautifying blend, 2% hyaluronic acid, and 7 drops from the Thema Mundi mother globe with infusions of Jyotish remedial-grade diamond, ruby, blue sapphire, yellow sapphire, pearl, red coral, and emerald. Fine silver and 24k gold. Includes a custom prayer for the manifestation and potentiation of awe-inspiring beauty. Arrives in a 1 oz violet glass bottle with pump dispenser.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$252 – $320 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Sacramental Cookie Sets
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, AvailablePre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
When we had the idea to create sacramental sugar cookies spiced with consecrated Thema Mundi edible herbal mix, we had no idea they would generate their own cult following! By popular request, a limited number of cookie sets are available. We cannot offer many, because they take a good amount of TTLC (time + tender love and care) for our Team to painstakingly create. These are flavored with genuine Thema Mundi materia, with hand painted decorations inspired by the Earth itself. A small set contains 7 cookies in the 2" standard size, which pre-existing TM Clients will be familiar with as the type that arrives as a free gift with each order. Large sets are notably thiccer, and twice the size at 4", also in sets of 7. Note that if you order a cookie set, you will still get 1 free gift cookie with your order! Also note that the photos of cookies you see here are from the first round, when they had rougher designs and we were still working out the kinks! They are much more beautiful and polished now!$120 – $250 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Anointing Oil
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Anointing OilsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Anointing Oils tend to be the most concentrated, powerful offering in each series. A combination of herbal matter from 7 series which comprise all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Each individual bottle contains drops of Oil from the central Mother Vessel. The base here is 100% organic golden jojoba oil. It includes sterling silver and 24k gold, among many other things. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$84 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited TimeLess than 3
Thema Mundi Candles
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, CandlesPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Each Thema Mundi Candle was anointed with Oil from the central Mother Globe, and crowned with 24k and sterling silver leaf. The tops were not re-melted or treated in any way, so as to maintain their raw and original Form, allowing the Client to be the first to melt them in any capacity. Each is marked at the base in silver paint pen (shown in gallery). There are many candle varieties for Thema Mundi, all in glass jars, made of a soy-coconut blend. 7 layers poured over 7-days of cloistered ritual with the consecrated powders of each Planet in the Thema Mundi, as described in the write-up. This materia has been through 14 highly specified consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. The large candles are incredibly massive! Note that all of the candles from Thema Mundi have been made available in this first batch, so none can ever be restocked. If a size is sold out, it will likely not come back. Making your selection displays the price. Note that only 21 oz glass jars remain. Thema Mundi Candles were created layer by layer during the ritual itself, and cannot be resurrected / restocked in further rounds.$188 – $999 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Incense + Powder
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Incense, PowdersPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
A combination of ritual-grade hojari frankincense, 24k gold, high-end myrrh, and sterling silver leaf, accompanied by herbal matter from 7 distinct series which comprise all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Works as both an Incense and a Powder, for magical applications having to do with Creation, Potentiation, Manifestation, and Becoming, along with connecting with the Divine, Astrological, and Universal. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$75 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Water of Thema Mundi
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Waters, Sprays + HydrosolsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Consecrated Thema Mundi materia, distilled by way of copper alembic with all of the liquid offerings given throughout the 7-day ritual process, in water collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta. Organic pear alcohol and essential oils, colloidal silver, and colloidal gold. Each small bottle contains 3 drops of ocean water from the central Mother Globe, while the large contains 7. Use as an aura, body, or room spray to aid in creation, manifestation, and connecting with the Powers that be. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$75 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Ritual Salts
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Salts, Ritual SaltsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Dead Sea salt, ritual-grade Hojari frankincense, pearl powder, sterling silver, 24k gold, organic essential oils, and more. Used as an ingredient for clearing and protecting the entirety of one's micro-cosmic Universe... Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$75 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Bath Salts of Thema Mundi
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Salts, Bath SaltsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Dead Sea salt, magnesium, organic essential oils, and herbal matter from all 7 planets in the Thema Mundi chart, combined as detailed in the write-up. Topped with dried flowers given as offerings during the operation. Use to cleanse and connect with the Universal Divine, the Powers that be, and your innermost potential to create, to grow, to understand, and to manifest. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$131 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Ink + Skin Stain of Thema Mundi
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Inks + Skin StainsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
An organic, alcohol-based ink-stain made from a combination of herbal matter from the 7 series comprising all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Aids in the act of creation and state of understanding. Apply to the skin or paper, for petitions, sigils, and automatic writing or drawing. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. 1/2 oz
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$131 – $188 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Ritual Honey
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, HoneysPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Organic honey, fumigated each day of Thema Mundi's integration on the central altar, imbued with consecrated Thema Mundi herbal materia. To be strained and mixed with extra 24k gold and silver leaf. Arrives in a keepsake 50 ml miron violet glass jar for $188.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$131 – $188 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Salve
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, SalvesPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
A blend of all of the TOPICAL Salve + Body Butter herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no topical blend was made (malefics), a very small amount of the main blend was used. Apply before ritual, trance, divination, or dream work. The base here is 100% olive oil. Topped with sterling silver leaf and 24k gold. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$133 – $300 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Spell Soap
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Face + Body, Spell SoapsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Olive oil based soaps imbued with the magic of Thema Mundi, in the form of ultra long-lasting 3" x 1" discs. Arrives in a keepsake miron violet glass dish for $188.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$108 – $188 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Body Butter
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Face + Body, Body ButtersPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
A blend of all of the TOPICAL Salve + Body Butter herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no topical blend was made (malefics), a very small amount of the main blend was used. A proprietary mix of nourishing, skin-soothing oils whipped with 24k gold, organic essential oils, shea butter, and coconut oil. Apply to aid in connecting with planetary Powers, and acts of creation, Becoming, making manifest, and self-cultivation. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$75 – $360 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Attuning Tincture
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, TincturesPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
A blend of all of the EDIBLE herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no edible blend was made (malefics), a token, homeopathic amount of the main blend was used. Edible 24k gold and drops of seawater from the main Mother Globe in a tincture of vodka. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$75 – $240 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Kolonía
Thema Mundi, Available, Waters, KoloníasPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Water collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, organic pear alcohol and essential oils. Flakes of sterling silver and 24k gold, along with 7 drops of seawater from the Thema Mundi's central, gem-infused Mother Globe. Cleanse and attune to your innermost abilities to create, to connect with Planetary Powers, and find your most meaningful way. A powerful ally in the process of Becoming. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Comes in only one size, due to extreme limited edition: 1.7 oz Violet Glass, $216
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$151 – $216 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Thema Mundi Altar Globe Sets
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Sold Out, Talismans + Reliquaries, Thema MundiNote that the final 4 Thema Mundi Talismans we have available are being paired with Large Altar Globe Sets. These include one of each and every item in Round 2 of the Thema Mundi series, in Large or Standard form (where there is variation), including a big 20.5 oz (3" x 6") Thema Mundi candle, and Thema Mundi Talisman. The Globe that houses this set is capable of holding all of its items when fully closed.Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear! -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Thema Mundi Talismans
Sold Out, Talismans + Reliquaries, Thema MundiNote that no more Talismans for Thema Mundi remain.$4,800 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
The election chart for the casting of the Thema Mundi Talismans by Tony Mack can be found in the image gallery. These were fumigated with Thema Mundi Incense and contain Thema Mundi herbal mix within. They were created on the day of the Aries Ingress per Marsilio Ficino’s “How to Construct a Figure of the Universe” from The Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book 3. This is the only Aries Ingress for another decade+ to feature co-presence with Jupiter.Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast in electrum, gold, calcined salts of Sphere + Sundry's Thema Mundi materia, and a portion of casting sprues [metal from the channel that fills the castings, which talismans are later removed from] saved from S+ planetary series' comprising the Opus series. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+ Thema Mundi incense.
The front of the piece consists of a heptagonal blazing star, representing our seven planets or "wandering stars". The star is encircled with a zodiacal wheel engraved with the glyphs of the signs, positioned with cancer rising as it is in the Thema Mundi aka chart of the world. This image is set over gold, behind which a portion of S+ Thema Mundi materia was deposited before setting each layer together.
The back of the piece is an engraved image of the Thema Mundi chart, showing the planets in their corresponding houses. In the "empty houses" [8th-12th], the constellations were engraved as they would be observed in the night sky houses at the time of the casting.
Each talisman arrives in a keepsake necklace box bearing a Thema Mundi wax seal and includes a 20" silver chain.
Offered for $4,800$4,800 -
Pre-Order - Limited Time
Thema Mundi Lip Balm
Thema Mundi, Round IV Pre-Order, Available, Incense, Powders, Lip BalmsPre-orders for TM Round IV are expected to ship in May.
Full strength Thema Mundi Anointing Oil in an organic jojoba base, combined with a touch of shea butter, organic beeswax, 24k gold, and essential oils to bring a new Form into Being: World-Building Lip Balm. In(s)p(ired) by its predecessors Exalted Luna and Capricorn II, this incredibly potent method of application enchants the speech directly, as words and sounds flow through the gateway of the lips. Apply before prayer, mantra, affirmations, or the spoken portion of any magical work. Use before significant events and during spiritual initiations. Anoint with a kiss. Available in an upgraded black kraft tube (too convenient not to offer!) or Miron glass bulk pot, poured / prepared exclusively by Thema Mundi's Creatrix. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
Refills are now available for Clients who have ordered this item previously, who are in possession of its keepsake packaging. New orders will be cross-checked with past Thema Mundi history to verify eligibility. Refills can be smaller sizes than the original order, but not larger (someone who ordered a 1/2 oz Anointing Oil could order a 5 ml refill, but someone who ordered a 5 ml originally would not be eligible to procure a 1/2 oz refill. Refunds and cancellations will be made automatically for any mistake or violation.).$101 – $288 -