As the Full Moon shone conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi on Thursday, August 15th 2019, this series was ritually created under its beaming light. What had been a calm, still evening before my entreaty to the star instantly became a blustery affair, threatening to snuff the candles, altar cloths billowing every which way. “This is like magic in the movies”, I briefly thought, and recalled how the old books associated Deneb Algedi with violent storms, especially at sea.
This star marks the tail of the goat in the constellation of Capricorn, though due to the natural course of precession, it resides now at 23° Aquarius. It feels very Saturnian-King, like an underlying primordial force of patriarchal order.
I’m really selling it, aren’t I? Violent storms and patriarchy, everyone’s favorite, 2019 (and ’20)!
But the star also brings protection, the favor of the law and powerful individuals, and builds wealth. All of the things we hate entrenched power structures and bureaucratic systems for keeping to themselves, depriving the common folk of such important advantages. Witchcraft and magic, the great equalizer ; )
Deneb Algedi is said to possess the nature of both the greater malefic, Saturn, and greater benefic, Jupiter. Classically speaking, these were the outer planets, representing forces more powerful than the individual, which every person is subject to — the state, the law, and religion. In a time of monarchy, the King was an avatar of both, depending on whether you found yourself in his good graces or earned his ire. The favored were protected and made rich, while his enemies were crushed beneath the full weight of every tool at his disposal, the law itself being (functionally) as he pleased it to be.
We still live in a time of Kings and Queens, make no mistake, in a broader social capacity and in the sense of individual Sovereignty.
The letter of the law is one thing, but it is the people we encounter who enforce it that have the most direct power to impact our lives individually. For instance, when a policeman pulls you over, he has the option to be friendly and let you go… or, to fairly, respectfully issue whatever ticket you know you deserved… or, to trump up the charges and bait you into resisting arrest… or, to literally kill you in an act of “self-defense”.
Regardless of how that plays out, the cop will likely be fine, because the cop is protected. He has the favor of the powerful. He has resources at his disposal. The likelihood of that scenario going badly increases the less protection, money, and power the police officer perceives you to have, to rival his own. Then it’s up to the judge, who also has the state-ordained power to let you off scot-free, or throw the book at you. Often the conviction is less about actual guilt or innocence than it is which party the judge or jury prefers, and just how much.
It’s a brutal world in which we live.
Deneb Algedi, in that sense, provides a form of… it wouldn’t be wrong to call it “magical privilege”. You may not be a rich white man, but what if the world treated you more as though you were?
It’s important to note that this star doesn’t keep the law away. A treasured friend, when asked what the Deneb Algedi series felt like from sampling it at As Above, described it as “Big Cop Energy”. That’s an easy first impression to get from a charge that’s essentially, in D&D terms, Lawful Good.
Deneb Algedi is not individual cops, or judges, or the legal system as it corruptly functions in the hands of the power hungry, nepotistic, and biased.
It’s the spirit of the right and the good. Stealing the property of others and assaulting or murdering them is — generally speaking! — wrong, and should not be accepted by civilized society. Deneb Algedi is the primordial law-giver, and invoking that spirit in your own sphere will help ensure fair treatment in the eyes of, and at the hands of, others.
It can be of aid for those who are truly innocent, or willing to accept fair punishment for their wrong-doings and learn from their mistakes. It can also prove medicinal for those who have had bad experiences with law enforcement and the justice system, to help encourage fairer treatment in the future, certainly, but also to connect with the purer and better intended spirit behind whatever miscarriage of justice blighted their prior intersection.
[Note — if you are engaged in unlawful activity, are a liar in a major/ malefic sense, or a routine doer of bad deeds, it’s probably best to sit this series out, as Deneb Algedi will be unlikely to find you deserving of his aid.]
Austin has described this star as feeling something along the lines of a stern-but-fair sky grandpa, benevolent to those in his charge, sagely and wise… but find him on the porch with intent to vandalize his property, he’ll cock that rifle at you and might just shoot.
Intimidating, to say the least, but that’s how people with bad intentions toward you should feel, if Deneb Algedi has any say in the matter. This star is said, after all, to repel thieves and protect one’s home and assets, which was confirmed the day after the operation, when I got a fraud alert from my bank and was able to shut down thousands of dollars in attempted transactions.
It can be used as protection against the evil eye and to intimidate those who would slander or falsely persecute you. It can also be used for boundary reinforcement, physically and interpersonally, the cultivation of discipline and rightful living.
Some of these items possess a heavy Saturnian vibe — far less exciting, warm, and fuzzy than most of the other series Sphere + Sundry has so far released. It’s stoic, grounded, and pragmatic. Something you use because it’s necessary and you have a life to build/ protect, not because it feels amazing at the time. It promotes dutiful engagement with the world, and your role within it.
As is so often the case, when you erect fresh boundaries, it draws some people to test them. Shifts in power dynamics, upward social mobility, becoming richer and more successful, and carrying yourself with more self-respect will bring out the good in the outer world, but sometimes the nasty in one’s personal sphere, as those around us scramble to figure out what our positive life-changes mean for (or about) them.
People who use a lot of benefic magic, and who lead benefic lives, come to find that the power found in a star like Deneb Algedi can be useful in protecting what they’ve worked hard to build, as people’s envy and covetousness pose significant danger. In that regard, this series fills a huge gap in the Sphere + Sundry arsenal.
Collaborators for this series include Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, who formulated three distinct oil-based perfumes for particular purpose on the equivalent election per her location.
Thanks and praise to Austin Coppock, our resident astrologer, for selecting the election(s).
Each order includes basic instructions for working, timing suggestions, and a prayer, in addition to an invitation to the private Sphere + Sundry client forum (now off of social media) for ongoing support from both creator + community.
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Water of Deneb Algedi I
Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Sprays + Hydrosols, Waters[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II [/sf_iconbox] Water freshly collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, where and when the blue chalcedony used throughout the series and on the working altar was obtained and cleansed. Austin and I also had the friendliest, fairest, and most productive exchange with a police officer we've ever had that day, testifying to Deneb Algedi's ability to bring the favor of the law (but also, bring the law). Traditional associations for Deneb Algedi are marjoram, mugwort, and the aforementioned blue chalcedony. All were combined, along with the tail hair from a happy (and very much still alive!) goat-friend, as this fixed star represents the tail of the sea-goat in the constellation of Capricorn. Other herbs for protection, fortification, and wealth generation were also present, and distilled via copper alembic the night of the Full Moon conjunct the asterism, 2019. Spray to reinforce boundaries, physical and metaphorical, and provide protection. Facilitates a grounded and somewhat stoic sense of uprightness and right mindedness. Helpful for thinking through tactics, logistics, and topics of import. Aids in establishing a sense of security and containment. Averts the evil eye. Ever so slightly intimidating. Bottled and marked with a hand drawn Deneb Algedi glyph in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $27, or a 2 oz for $63$27 – $63$27 – $63 -
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Deneb Algedi Oil
Anointing Oils, Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] A blend of organic almond oil ritually imbued to talismanic standard on the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Marjoram, mugwort, cat nip, and blue chalcedony, with other insulating, grounding, and protective ingredients such as Solomon's seal, holy basil, mustard seed, silver leaf, and frankincense. One of the gentler items in the Deneb Algedi series. This oil can be used to anoint boundaries and thresholds for protection, the self for evil eye aversion and earning the favor of those in power, as well as encourage fair treatment by law enforcement and the justice system. Invokes a Saturnian sense of groundedness, security, and pragmatism, while simultaneously promoting a wise and empowered perspective. Use to anoint Deneb Algedi talismans and empower evil eye wards. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $66 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roller w/ blue chalcedony rollerball for $53. A handful of custom cast 24k gold plated rollerball editions are also available, for $108.$53 – $108$53 – $108 -
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Deneb Algedi Candles
Candles, Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax was poured over consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix during the Full Moon conjunct the asterism, 2019. Burn for protection, to avert the evil eye, reinforce boundaries literal and metaphorical, and facilitate a tactical, grounded, and stoic atmosphere. Use for spellwork concerning the rightful doling out of justice and defense, and to bring out the best in law enforcement and people in power. Great for wealth generation. Available in a 2 oz glass container for $84, or a 12 oz for $156$84 – $156$84 – $156 -
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Deneb Algedi I Self-Igniting Incense
Deneb Algedi I, Incense, Sold Out[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II [/sf_iconbox] Herbal base, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Traditional correspondences include marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony inscribed with the star's glyph during the election. Other fortifying, protective, and wealth building ingredients include Solomon's seal, holy basil, mustard seed, as(s)afetida, myrrh, and genuine silver leaf, among others, later ground to a powder and made into a self-igniting incense blend with the addition of frankincense resin. Burn for protection, generally or against slander, jealousy, thieves, and those who would unduly persecute you or those in your care. Assists in fortification of one's boundaries, literal and metaphorical. Take a smoke bath to ingratiate yourself to bureaucrats, the law, and those in power. Smoke paperwork, evil eye averting talismans, and other appropriate implements. Aids in the generation and protection of wealth. Pragmatic and powerful. Pure and uncut herbs, gems, resins, and silver, sealed in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and hand drawn label. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $27, or 2 oz bulk pot for $81$27 – $81$27 – $81 -
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Talismanic Bluing
Bluings, Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Waters[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Bluing was a common laundry additive used to make linens appear whiter and stave off the natural yellowing of soil x time. It was adopted by hoodoo and folk magic practitioners as a means of purification and protection, to promote luck and to drive away evil. Consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix tinctured in whisky, aged for a full lunar cycle, holy water, and bluing formula. Add a few drops to glasses of water and put them on altars for protection and evil eye aversion. Fill and seal bottles to bury them at the edges or gates of your property; keep a fresh bowl by the front entrance of your home. Store a small vial in your purse or wallet to protect against theft. Use to launder ritual raiments or clothing for court appearances. One of the more powerful and active items in the Deneb Algedi series. Intended for dispersion in water, not safe to not consume, will absolutely stain. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle with hand drawn Deneb Algedi label for $27$27$27 -
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The Lord of the Sacred Eye
Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Talismanic Perfumes[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new trio of BPALs are part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Collaborator of unparalleled virtue, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, ritually crafted one of three limited edition perfume oils during the Full Moon on Deneb Algedi, 2019. Of it, she shares —$42May the Name send its hidden radiance to open the gates of deliverance to His servants—and shine in their hearts, which now are shut in silent darkness.
May the great King be moved to act in perfection and righteousness - to open the gates of wisdom for us and waken the love of old, the love of ancient days.
By the power of the hidden Name I-am-that-I-am, and by the dew of Desire and Blessing, the dead will live again...
I-am is the power of your Name in concealment, and one who knows its mystery dwells in eternity’s instant.
Over the world, it pours forth abundance and favor, and on it all worlds hang, like grapes in a cluster.
Send the dew of blessing, the dew of grace; renew my dispensation, and grant me length of days.
Bring light to my eyes with your teaching, and let not the husks that surround your hosts obstruct me. May Heaven and Adam’s children judge me with mercy.
Sustain me with their strength and fortune - but do not leave me in need of the gifts of men. - Prayers for the Protection and Opening of the Heart by Ya’akov Hakohen, translated by Peter Cole
This oil possesses a pulsing radiance – the golden glow of a faraway star. It is an oil of protection and cleansing, of divine succor and true safety. This oil fortifies your defenses, repelling not just open acts of aggression or subterfuge, but also the bitter darts of cruelty, envy, and malice. It is a wall of resplendent force, assisting in protecting you from all manner of attack and violation. It is a defense against malocchio, hexes, curses, and psychic violence, and a method through which you can contain and retain positivity.
This oil is a protection that stems from your own personal and intimate connection with the divine. This is the flame that banishes the shadows. Enflame the oil with prayer.
Golden vegetal musk and golden oud suffused with Australian sandalwood essential oil (Santalum spicatum), bay laurel essential oil (Laurus nobilis), ethically-harvested frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carterii), palo santo essential oil (Bursera graveolens), lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon citratus), organic fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare), organic ginger root (Zingiber officinale), grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta), organic marjoram leaves (Origanum majorana), organic goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), sweet marjoram essential oil (Origanum majorana), Spanish marjoram essential oil (Thymus mastichina), organic fair trade cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum), coconut oil, devil’s shoestring, blue chalcedony, and lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), black snakeroot (Cimicifuga racemose), and bay leaves (Laurus nobilis) from the TAL garden, plus bay leaves from Louisiana that were gifted to us by a dear friend.
This oil was charged and consecrated under the auspices of Deneb Algedi on 15 Aug 2019 between 12:25 and 12:56am in the City of Angels. Each bottle contains blue chalcedony chips.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil contains cinnamon bark and ginger root.
$42$42 -
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Deneb Algedi Oil Lamps
Candles, Deneb Algedi I, Lamps, Sold OutInspired by a workshop given by Professor Charles Porterfield on conjure lamps in the hoodoo tradition at the Viridis Genii Symposium 2019, glass vessels were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix before being filled with odorless and clean burning paraffin lamp oil during the height of the election. Contents include the traditional correspondences for Deneb Algedi — marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony, in addition to 24k gold, frankincense, and other fortifying herbs for protection, the safekeeping of borders, repelling the evil eye, wealth generation, and calling the favor of the powerful. As taught by the conjureman, the light (and shadow) from lamps (and candles, no doubt) can be guided with the use of mirrors to shine in certain directions, upon photographs or specific items for additional magical utility. It was this point in particular that inspired the idea that such light could also be used to feed, magnify, and activate astrological talismans, and experiments since have successfully confirmed that suspicion! A benefit oil lamps in particular possess over candles is that they can be eternally refilled, vastly increasing the span of their application and usefulness. Burn as you would a candle to promote the influence of Deneb Algedi within your sphere. Keep on altars for protection, wealth, success, and reputation. Shine the light on talismans and implements to empower, activate, and magnify their charge. These oil lamps are quart sized and come sealed. They include the burner top and wick, which the client will install themselves, and a glass chimney for increased safety and protection against wind. Keep on a stable, flat surface, do not jostle, and never burn unattended. Only 6 oil lamps are being offered to the public. $360$360$360 -
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Deneb Algedi Bath Salts
Salts, Bath Salts, Face + Body, Sold Out, Deneb Algedi I[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix was created to a talismanic standard, suffumigated with Dead Sea salt, silver leaf, and blue-green algae for natural coloration and its skin nourishing properties. Essential oils of frankincense, marjoram, and blue tansy, mixed to take on the appearance of blue chalcedony and storm clouds over the frothy sea. Soak in a safe harbor, should you find yourself in need of protection and boundary reinforcement, to avert the evil eye, earn the favor of those in power, and encourage fair treatment by the law. Promotes a grounded pragmatism, sense of security, clear headedness, and purifies the auric body. Arrives in a reusable 8 oz glass jar with hand drawn label for $33$33$33 -
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Regna Pacificae
Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Talismanic Perfumes[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new trio of BPALs are part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Collaborator of unparalleled virtue, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, ritually crafted one of three limited edition perfume oils during the Full Moon on Deneb Algedi, 2019. Of it, she shares —$42This is an oil of peace: peaceful spirit, peaceful relationships, peaceful mind, peaceful home, peaceful community, peaceful world. Regna Pacificae is the diplomat, mediator, negotiator, and arbitrator, facilitating mutually-beneficial communications while invoking a calm state of mind, serenity, and tranquil environments without tipping towards passivity or apathy. This is a balm for cynicism, and a means by which you can move forward in healing the ravages of violence, pain, suffering, and despair; this is an oil of armistice and the prospect of genuine emotional and psychological well-being that comes in the wake of a ceasefire.
Governing a peaceful kingdom requires a steady hand, an objective and balanced mind, and a strong spirit. Regina Pacificae will support you in achieving this – peace within, and peace without.
Crystalline white vegetal musk, angelica root CO2 extract (Angeliza sinensis), lavender essential oils (Lavandula angustifolia, Lavandula latifolia, Lavandula officinalis), borage seed oil (Borago officinalis), sweet marjoram essential oil (Origanum majorana), organic motherwort leaves (Leonurus cardiac), organic pennyroyal leaf and flower (Mentha pulegium), organic marjoram leaves (Origanum majorana), organic goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), blue chalcedony chips, and basil leaf (Ocimum basilicum), borage (Borago officinalis), passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), and rue (Ruta graveolens) from the TAL garden.
This oil was charged and consecrated under the auspices of Deneb Algedi on 15 Aug 2019 between 12:25 and 12:56am in the City of Angels. Each bottle contains blue chalcedony chips.
PLEASE NOTE: this oil contains pennyroyal.
$42$42 -
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Deneb Algedi Powder
Deneb Algedi I, Powders, Sold Out[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Herbal base, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Traditional correspondences include marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony inscribed with the star's glyph during the election. Other fortifying, protective, and wealth building ingredients include Solomon's Seal, holy basil, mustard seed, as(s)afetida, myrrh, 24k gold, and others, ground to a powder. This is formulated to be actively protective, powerful, and intimidating. Full disclosure — it smells like it. Use as a potent spike for protection magic. Dress candles, bury beneath the top soil at the corners of your property, use as an ingredient in spellwork, or in any way magical powders can be employed. Useful as a component in evil eye wards. Pure and uncut herbs, gems, and genuine gold leaf. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $27, or 2 oz bulk pot for $81$27 – $81$27 – $81 -
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The Lawgiver
Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Talismanic Perfumes[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new trio of BPALs are part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Collaborator of unparalleled virtue, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, ritually crafted one of three limited edition perfume oils during the Full Moon on Deneb Algedi, 2019. Of it, she shares —$42Our faith is kept alive by the knowledge, founded on long experience, that the arc of history is long and bends toward justice. We have seen so many ancient tyrannies pass from earth since Egypt and Rome held dominion - that our eyes are directed not to the tragic present, but to the beyond, wherein the arc of history will be found bending toward justice, victory and freedom. - Rabbi Jacob Kohn, Los Angeles 1940
This is an oil for true justice. Not the manipulations and cruel machinations of a despot or tyrant, but the justice found in equity and fair laws, civil rights and equality for all. This oil can be utilized to explore the abstract and divine concepts of justice, in works of true justice, and to help achieve justice in our communities, our countries - and globally. The Lawgiver is stabilizing, ordered, and benevolently civilized, deeply rooted in kindness and strength.
Black vegetal musk and champaca blossom (Magnolia x alba) with organic elderflower C02 extract (Sambucus nigra), organic marjoram leaves (Origanum majorana), organic goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), sweet marjoram essential oil (Origanum majorana), single-origin olive oil, organic buckthorn bark (Frangula alnus), organic cascara sagrada bark (Frangula purshiana), organic celandine (Chelidonium majus), wild-harvested hickory bark (Carya ovata), red jasper chips, sumac berries (Rhus typhina), and Mexican marigold blossoms (Tagetes erecta) and calendula blossoms (Calendula officinalis) harvested from the TAL garden.
This oil was charged and consecrated under the auspices of Deneb Algedi on 15 Aug 2019 between 12:25 and 12:56am in the City of Angels. Each bottle contains red jasper chips.
$42$42 -
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Deneb Algedi x Talismanic Perfumes
Deneb Algedi I, Sold Out, Talismanic Perfumes[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new trio of BPALs are part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox]$84All threebothremaining Deneb Algedi perfumes created by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, ritually crafted on the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star, 2019. $84$84 -
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Deneb Algedi Altar Box Set
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Deneb Algedi I, Sold OutAntiqued wooden treasure boxes with golden Deneb Algedi glyph on the outer ceiling. This set includes all items from the Deneb Algedi series excluding the Oil Lamps. All fits upright within, save the Bath Salts. Six such box sets are being offered to the public for $494 each$494$494