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31-41 of 41 products

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    Exalted Venus Water I

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    Created during a mouth watering, talisman-worthy election during Venus’ time in Pisces 2019. A hydrosol of organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, bee pollen, and other herbs sacred to the fairer benefic, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, with purple and white flowers freshly harvested during Venus’ hour to open the working. River water was simultaneously fetched by handsome assistant and devoted husband Austin Coppock as the ritual creation of the Exalted Venus series began, and distillation via copper alembic initiated during the height of the election. Each bottle was marked with Venusian keywords in the spirit of Masaru Emoto's work on structured water, and left to bask upon the altar of Exaltation. The result is an incredibly beautiful hydrosol that triggers a light salivation response upon application, instantly relaxes and stirs the heart center. Promotes healthy emotional availability, facilitates connection, promotes intimacy, and heightens one’s appreciation for love, art, and all beautiful things, including one's own self. Use as a room spray to set the stage for Venus operations or magical works for love, beauty, and glamour. Use as a body spray to invoke the power of Exalted Venus and embody all she stands for. Great for natural stress and anxiety management, quelling neurosis, when spending quality time with loved ones, when you want to feel at ease, attractive, and magnetic in social situations, or before engaging with art, nature, or to help steer mind altering substances. Perfect when you’re ready to wash the day from your mind, body, and auric field, inviting a relaxed, pleasant, and untroubled state. Magical self care at its very finest — praise Venus! Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with keepsake amethyst for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.
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    Water of Jupiter’s Bounty

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    Water from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta was collected and used as the base for a distillation of various fruits and fine champagne served at Jupiter’s ritual feast, along with Jupitarian herbs, spices, and gemstones. It was begun after the ritual invocation of Jupiter using the full call from the Picatrix, and produced over low diffused heat for 20+ hours, so as to avoid burning the fruit sugars. Combined with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve. A mouth watering and comforting hydrosol, smelling of apple pie and molasses. Use to invoke Jupiter’s presence and blessing, attuning yourself to his sphere and setting the stage to receive his bounty. Can be used to spray altars, papers, spaces, or the body. For practical application, spray upon your person to uplift, fortify, and provide energetic nourishment. Promotes embodiment and has a grounding, calming, and centering influence. Use to increase emotional and mental capacity, restoring mana and promoting good judgment, sound generosity, and patience. Use to fortify oneself when under stress and improve outcomes via the Greater Benefic’s protection. Excellent before meditation, yoga, mantra, or teaching. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 4 juice-colored gems for $28 or 2 oz for $64
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    Water of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As further detailed in the series description, cypress, garden sage, rosemary, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested during the days and hours of Sol and Jupiter. These, along with rose of jericho, wildcrafted and ethically sourced white sage, and carnelian, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced on the Sun’s day, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, colloidal gold, and grain alcohol during the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing. Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is something truly special (see reviews from the first edition). For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine. Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity, and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. Includes a small piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, the stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Available in a half ounce spray for $26 or a two ounce spray for $52.
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    Regulus Water II

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    A hydrosol of blood orange, mugwort, mastic, bee pollen, yellow flower, red ginseng, and garnet. Distilled using water collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, and left to bask upon the Regulus altar in the warm glow of Cœur Leonis. Combined with colloidal gold, frankincense essential oil, and grain alcohol to preserve. Spray to invoke the blessings and qualities of Regulus, to restore your sense of self, before making public appearances, or in magical operations of a Solar and beneficent nature. Available in a reusable glass spray bottle with keepsake garnet and hand drawn Regulus glyph. 1/2 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $63
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    St. Expedite’s Holy Water

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    On the Wednesday before the election, poundcake, palm frond, and crow feather were distilled to create the base hydrosol for St. Expedite’s spray. This was ritually combined with colloidal gold and essential oils of cinnamon and citrus during the series election and prayed over for Expedite’s blessing. Holy Water from a Catholic Church, collected freshly after a Sunday mass, was a final addition just before bottling. Spray before prayers to or invocations of St. Expedite, as an olfactory draw and offering. Use in spaces that need be impacted by his influence — for instance, if you are asking for money, spray some inside your bank or on a blank check you’ve made out to yourself; if you are asking for a raise, apply in your office or on your business card with your old title crossed out and your desired title written in. Spray upon your person as you undertake any material work toward achieving the goals you’ve asked Expedite to help you deliver. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with hand-painted label for $27 or a 2 oz for $56.
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    Jup-Juice Lightning Rod Hydrosol

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    Note: A new edition is available as part of Jupiter in Sagittarius II
    Water from a rushing river was freshly collected to be used as the base in a Jupiter hydrosol, initiated in the hour of Jupiter on the Thursday he entered Sagittarius. Offerings of carrots and compliments were graciously accepted by a horse in exchange for tail hair, which was combined with some from a man’s head, fusing a symbolic centaur, the chimera representing Sagittarius, out of the alchemical distillation. The still pot also included saffron, the world’s most expensive spice, fulgurite (a gemstone created by lightning strike), lapis lazuli, four acorns, oak bark, cinnamon, allspice, clove, orange peel, and other Jupitarian herbs. It smells of mulling spices simmering away on the stove, or freshly baked spice bread, making it the perfect accompaniment for the cold and holiday seasons. This, along with the candle, are the gentlest offerings in the Lightning Rod series, emphasizing Jupiter’s moist and nurturing aspects. Spray for motivation, courage, and inspiration, to draw good luck and opportunity, and break through limitations. Apply before doing rituals for such things, or going into job interviews or other important events where opportunities may manifest. Will likely prove medicinal for those afflicted by dark, hopeless states, as Jupiter is the planet of positivity. Gently warming and invigorating, good for building healthy blood and supporting liver function. Each glass spray bottle features a chunk of lapis lazuli. Available in a 1oz spray for $28 or a 2oz for $56.
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    Exalted Mercury Cazimi Water

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    A wide variety of mercurial plants were ritually harvested the day before the cazimi election, on Mercury’s day and hour. These and other herbs, along with Virgoan grains, were combined with freshly collected water from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. The distillation process for this hydrosol was initiated the day of the cazimi as it conjoined the Midheaven in the hour of Mercury, and produced throughout the day as Mercury moved even closer to the heart of Sol. Mentally activating with a grounded quality, with notes of soft fennel and pearl barley. Spray on the neck at the base of the skull and around the head for a cerebral boost before writing, studying, researching, responding to written communications, setting upon your to-do list, or performing any activity that would benefit from expedited mental processing, linguistic traction, and attention to detail. Each glass bottle contains one stunning AAA grade Ethiopian opal with excellent clarity and colorful spark, ethically sourced. 1/2 oz spray for $27 or a 2 oz for $57
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    Pisces Moon-Neptune Water

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    Water was freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta the day before this series election, on the full Pisces Moon. This was used as the base water for a hydrosol of blue lotus, ritually harvested atropa belladonna, oyster mushroom, and other proprietary ingredients, then consecrated alongside the other Moon-Neptune offerings. This water has a naturally imbued purple cast, inspired by the liminal colors of dusk, the Pisces palate, and the blue lotus flowers which feature heavily as an almost narcotic note. This can be sprayed upon the self or a medium/ scryer to promote trance states and increase permeability between the body/ mind and other realms or entities. It can be used to prime a ritual space or sprayed on bed linens, to enhance dreamtime and induce magical sleep. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $27, or 2oz for $57.
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    Water of Venus in Libra

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    After making appropriate offerings to the spirits of a local stream and the attending genius loci, water was collected on August 14th, 2018 as the Moon conjoined Venus in Libra during Venus’ hour. This was used as the base for a hydrosol of star jasmine, honey, vanilla bean, and other herbs ruled by the planet of love and beauty, then distilled in a copper alembic before being consecrated alongside the rest of the Venus in Libra series. The resulting water has a sensually sweet, skin-musk aroma, finishing with a juicy citrus note. It can be used as a body spray to induce a pleasant emotional and mental state and as a psychic and emotional attractant to others. It can also be used to set the stage for social or romantic interactions by application to any given space or linens. This water was given a naturally occurring green cast to further ally it with the powers of Venus, as that is her primary color association, but is light enough that it won't stain. Arrives in a 1/2 glass spray bottle for $28 or a 2 oz for $56
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    Water of Asclepius I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius I.I ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    As further detailed in the series description, cypress, sage, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested on the Summer Solstice in the hour of Jupiter. These, along with rose of jericho, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, carnelian, and grain alcohol during the Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing.

    One of the beautiful qualities of this formulation is that upon vigorous shaking, it turns white — a color associated with healing and purity in many magical traditions.

    Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is truly something special. For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, but also applying directly to the chest, palms, and feet.

    You will feel instant clarity and refreshment, and it will continue helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. As a regular practice, consider full body applications after showering.

    A new edition of the Asclepius series was released on March 21st. Remaining offerings from Asclepius I are available at a discount while supplies last.

    Available in a half ounce spray for $26 $19 or a two ounce spray for $52 $39.

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    Degree of Exaltation Mars Spray

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    Five pure essential oils of Martial nature, including black pepper, cassia, and ginger, mixed with distilled water and tequila, along with other natural preservatives and emulsifiers. Mixed and sealed while Mars was in his exaltation degree, and left to incubate with the rest of the series. It was moved into individual spray bottles on the day and hour of Mars and includes a small chip from the bloodstone arrowheads used in the candles. Note that this not intended to be used as an everyday spray, or for the primary purpose of scenting a room, linens, etc. It is a highly potentiated and specific formula for intentional or ritual application. It can be sprayed around oneself to establish a productive, motivated, and empowered state, or in a space to set the tone for a working or interaction. It can also be used as an anointing wash to empower Martial objects. A small amount should last for quite some time and provide many applications under circumstances such as these. Keep covered and in a dark place when not in use, shake well before application. Click here for information about the use of these items for remediation of natal configurations or during Mars' retrograde.  $20 for 1/2 oz spray bottle, or $30 for 1 oz

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