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The Empress’ Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans
Empress, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesClassic Picatrixian style talismans. Malachite eggs, prayed over, fumigated, and subtly etched with Venusian symbols, imagery, and glyph during the height of the Empress Election. These can serve as altar pieces or actual Yoni Eggs, if the user decides they are suitable. More information in the toggle below. IMPORTANT: Absolutely do NOT use internally if you are pregnant, or wish to become pregnant. Only 1 Malachite Empress Egg is being offered to the public, $777 [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_toggle title="On the potential toxicity of malachite due to copper" open="false" width="1/1" el_position="first"] Some online sources claim malachite to be toxic because of its copper content, but that primarily impacts those involved with its mining and polishing (who should always be wearing protective gear on the job). Finished malachite poses almost zero risk to the user/ wearer, save for the case of prolonged exposure to acidic environments where trace amounts of copper can be leeched, which has resulted in fear mongering around even the consumption of Moscow Mules because of lime juice in the beverage. I have yet to know a single person who has been sickened or died of Moscow Mule poisoning, or been negatively impacted by the copper leaf that features in many Venus oils and materia. Copper is considered by science not to be meaningfully absorbed through the skin (if at all), and it is an essential trace metal found in lots of foods and things we regularly consume. Malachite is featured in some online lists of Yoni Eggs to avoid due to the same issue — the presence of copper combined with the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Copper IUDs have been used as a common contraceptive since 1967, because copper naturally inhibits how sperm cells move so they cannot reach the egg and result in pregnancy. This makes even more sense of copper as the metal of Venus, given that our Fair lady desires sex for fun, rather than procreation (that would be Luna’s purview). It is up to each individual if they feel comfortable using the Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans internally or instead keeping them as altar pieces, and I encourage everyone to perform their own research, consult a physician, and do whatever they decide is safe with their own bodies, always. Given the short period of time such an egg is likely to be inserted (especially compared to up to 12 years of 24/7 wear with a copper IUD), these concerns seem overblown to me, personally. If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, are sensitive to heavy metals, or have heavy metal poisoning, then do not use malachite internally. This same disclaimer/ contraindication is repeated on the Yoni Egg page. (This was only so in-depth because the issue was brought up in advance from a shared teaser, and we know how The Internet can be.) This non-controversy considered, no malachite was included in the standard 1/2 oz vial of Empress Oils, for those who still wish to avoid it. Malachite is the gem for Empress rollers. All of the malachite used in the Empress series is natural and undyed. [/spb_toggle]$777$777 -
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Asclepius III Talismans
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Asclepius III, Sold Out, Talismans + Reliquaries[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Talismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, delivering unto Sphere + Sundry our largest run of talismans yet, designed for affordability as much as efficacy —$297Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on April 12, 2020 at 12:39 am EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania, moon applying within three degrees of the fixed star Rasalhague, rising on the ascendant at 22 Sagittarius. Casting was accompanied by petition and suffumigation with S+ Asclepius II incense.
Cast in fine silver with calcined cypress, sage, and cedar. One side of the coin, carved in relief, is the messenger serpent of Asclepius (who in myth placed a healing herb into the mouth of a dead snake, resurrecting it; giving Asclepius/Polyidus the knowledge to restore life to the prince Glaucus.) On the reverse is the a lyre accented with serpent motifs, framing the fixed star alpha ophiuchi; an image recognizing Asclepius as son of Apollo, and the moon’s applying trine to the sun in its exaltation at the moment of the election.
Each coin includes a keepsake box bearing the wax seal of the Asclepius rod.
To pass savings on to the client, each Asclepius talisman comes with a Rose of Jericho and instructions for recharging with it. They can also be anointed with any Asclepius oil we offer. $297$297 -
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Forged Rods of Asclepius III
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Asclepius III, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesRe-ups of the Snake-bound rods debuted for Asclepius II, forged during the equivalent Asclepius III election per his location by sorcerous blacksmith Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks. Every talismanic rod includes a vial of Asclepius III for regular anointing. Mount above doors or beds to safeguard good health and act as a protective ward, or store upon altars or under mattresses for the same purpose. Can also be successfully employed as an energetic scraping tool by skimming it across the body in ways similar to the cleansing method suggested on the Son of Apollo Kolonía page, cutting cords and reclaiming your own energetic boundaries. Text and images lifted from the initial collaboration —$130“So be Wise as Serpents, and Innocent as Doves.” — Matthew 10:16
These relics are a visceral, ferrous expression of two primary principles observed within an occult framework : Salubrity and Resolve.
The Asklepian or ‘Rod of Asclepius’ consists of the serpent and staff. The serpent here may be said to represent both perpetual renewal & healing as well as the dual nature of pharmakon as both panacea and poison. The staff reminds us that in times of great need we must be willing to be supported. Their respective forms are expressed in hand-wrought iron, born of the hammer & anvil in flickering cacophony that is the ancient and venerable craft of the smith.
Some preparation of material took place the evening prior (cutting, layout, etc.) and final preparations were made during pre-dawn hours the morning of the election. Offerings of cedar, juniper, fir pitch and several native artemisia species were burned in the forge and a fumigatory rite of cleansing took place.
Enough material was cut and prepared for the 13+ relics to be forged, the serpent and staff to be officially intertwined during the beneficent interstice of this potent election. The election allowed a small but adequate window in which the work was to take place.
It was an intense fifty minutes. I can’t recall the last time I worked with as much vehemence, but I did manage to meet our goal. And not without some violence against my own corpus for as the work concluded, I fell into an intense bout of very unpleasant nausea and vomiting, swiftly (and mercifully!) followed by a deep sense of wellness. This speaks precisely to the often purgative, sicken-ing nature of pharmakon and again -- to the dual-nature of the serpent as an embodiment of wisdom and rejuvenation.
As for the iron Asklepians and their care, I recommend only this: while the relics have been treated with a thin coating of wax, I recommend that upon receipt they are further coated in the accompanying oil formulated by Sphere + Sundry during the election, or one of your choosing, preferably that lends itself to the restorative and health-giving nature of Asclepius and the noble art of physik.
I pray these talismanic objects of virtue serve in whatever capacity you desire, be they employed as ceremonial foci or by iron’s physical touch as a means of removing illness and dis-ease, thereby exploiting iron’s capability in the eradication of foul spirit presences afflicting both body and soul.
Only 13 were forged. Offered for $130 each.$130 -
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Luminous Sovereign Talismans
Luminous Crown, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to the Luminous Crown an extremely limited set of custom talismans, capturing this exceptionally rare and eminent hybrid election —$2,600Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on March 27th, 2020 at 6:57 am EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania. The Sun rising on the ascendant, exalted in Aries during the planetary hour of the sun [with an exalted Moon, Mars, and Venus/Saturn in their domiciles]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigations and petition created specifically for this hybrid election.
The head of Ptah, demiurge of Memphis who spoke into creation the Gods and forms conceived within his mind (heart), fleshed out in high relief and cast in molten electrum; a 80/20 alloy of silver and gold. With royal beard, and crowned with two plumes surrounding a solar disk (cast in gold). This crown was incorporated into depictions of Ptah as he absorbed aspects Tatenen, embodying the chthonic fire that raises and shapes the earth. Set into the forehead is a .6 carat octagonal-cut ruby mounted into a raised prong setting.
Only 10 were cast, 7 of which are offered to the public. Includes a vial of Luminous Crown Oil for charging, feeding, and attuning to your talisman. Talismans are included in each of the 3 large Box Sets. Arrives with a sterling silver chain in a black leatherette pendant box, marked by a custom wax seal for easy identification. $2,600$2,600 -
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Algol Watchtowers
Mother Algol, Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold OutLanterns fitted with convex Gorgon Mirror Talismans inside to reflect the Algol candle's flame. When the original candle burns out, additional black candles can be used to activate the Watchtower ad infinitum. Keep outside next to entryways or face in the direction of known danger, to intercept the energies, burn some in Algol's gaze, and return the rest to sender. Available in a small size with 2 oz candle for $378, or large with 24 oz candle for $570, both with Algol mirrors.$378 – $537Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase.$378 – $537 -
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Medusa Pendant Talismans
Mother Algol, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesSphere + Sundry's resident goldsmith Tony Mack offers to the Mother Algol a limited set of custom designed talismans —$1,583Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on November 12th, 2019 at 5:04 pm EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania; the moon applying to a conjunction within two degrees of the fixed star Algol, rising on the ascendant at 26 Taurus. Casting was followed by Suffumgation of wormwood, harvested on a previous Algol election.
The head of the Gorgon, sculpted in high relief and cast in electrum [gold and silver alloy] with calcined wormwood. Set into the forehead is a .8-1 carat raw diamond (unique to each piece), mounted on a gold prong setting.
Each diamond and sterling silver pendant includes a silver chain and arrives in a black leatherette pendant box, marked by a wax seal of Algol for easy identification.
Includes a vial of Mother Algol Oil for charging and feeding. Six of these (literal) stunners are being offered to the public for $1,583Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase.$1,583 -
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Gorgon Mirror Talismans
Mother Algol, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesThe design for these Gorgon talismans was inspired by the use of convex mirrors used to not only reflect, but refract negative energies, and provide wider survey in bagua mirrors typically placed above doors in Feng Shui. Etched at the beginning of the Full Moon conjunct Algol 2019 in the hour of Saturn and day of Mars, quickly cleaned, suffumigated, and rubbed with Algol oil during the election. Mount externally, above entryways or in the direction of harm you know is being directed toward you. The back has a sticker which can be peeled off in order to stick it to a surface. Rubbing the image with a small amount of oil conceals the Medusa image, allowing for even more covert operation. Two of these are being offered standalone for $213, the rest being offered to the public are included with box sets and Watchtowers. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. Shoutout to long-time Renaissance AstroMage Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology, who himself created etched talismanic Algol mirrors many years ago. I did not know about them before designing/ executing this project, but after showing a friend my own, they mentioned having gotten something similar from Esquire Warnock in the past, so I would like to pay homage by linking to them 😊$213$213 -
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Eye of Mother Algol Talismans
Mother Algol, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesA beloved favorite returns. Black clay filled molded into a three dimensional vesica piscis during the Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Algol, 2019. Red clay was then inlaid to create an iris, and a genuine .07 ct silvermist diamond installed as pupil. Engraved with Algol's seal and cured with Helleborus in boiling water in the light of Luna as she conjoined the fixed star. These Algol Eyes feature a hole through the center, meaning they can serve as standalone talismans or as beads. Each Eye includes one of the toothpicks used to create and maintain these holes, which carry quite a charge on their own and can be applied in any manner usually reserved for nails, thorns, or pins. Algol talismans can be used to provide powerful protection against the evil eye or to defend oneself against various malefactors, both human and discarnate. They can also be used offensively to dominate, bind, and weaken a given target, for Athena's shield served dual purpose. Algol is the most notoriously malefic fixed star and should be treated with the utmost respect. These talismans, and all other artifacts from this series, should be covered when not in use. Thirteen Algol eye talismans were crafted during this election. Six are reserved for box sets and 5 are being offered standalone. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. $279$279$279 -
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Jupiter in Sagittarius Altar Ornaments
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesGlass orbs filled with consecrated mulling spices, herbs, frankincense, and 16 pieces of citrine from the Jupiter in Sagittarius operation on the day and hour of Jupiter (before he left his home sign of Sagittarius). Home grown lamb’s ear, ritually harvested in accord with Jupiter’s rulership. Genuine gold and silver leaf. Suffumigated with frankincense, internally and externally. These ornaments are charged vessels for Jupiterian possibility. They can be left “blank” or filled with sigils, affirmations, and intention for whatever benefic things you wish to make manifest within your own sphere. They can be hung on Christmas trees as a talisman for happy holidays and to promote generosity of spirit, and/ or kept on a suitable altar using its stand, where below it incense could be burned to activate or charge. The stand is very responsive to motion, resulting in gentle swinging and vibration which serves to promote ongoing energetic output. The outside could be painted or otherwise decorated to disguise it as standard ornament, or embellished with names and icons of power, in service to one's desired purpose. The orb itself is 3.5" x 3". The stand is just above 9" tall with a 5.5" footprint. Only eight were created, six of which are being offered to the public. Arrives with a stand and elongated ornament hook for $244$244$244 -
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Sun in Leo Talismans
2020 Holiday Grab Bag, Golden Sol I, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith and 5-star AstroMage Tony Mack offers to the Sol in Leo series custom designed talismans —$1,800Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in molten metal on August 9th, 2019 at 6:10AM EST in Williamsport PA, during the planetary hour of the Sun; accompanied by a solar petition and suffumigation of frankincense, cinnamon, sunflower, and celandine.
An 18k gold blazing sun, conjoined with an electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) frame depicting our star ascending over the horizon. The heart of the sun is set with a 1.5ct ruby. The reverse side of the talisman is engraved with the planetary characters of the Sun as depicted in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim [Picatrix].
Mr. Mack's preliminary findings —The Sol in Leo talismans made space for a number of bird of prey synchronicities, beginning with a pair of hawks (the animal totem for the Sol in Leo series, featured upon The Golden Sovereign label) driving crows over my home in the morning hours following the casting (a scene which the talismans had a view of as they lay in a brass bowl under the sunlight post-casting).
My most immediate, embodied experience of the talismans was an awareness and correction of my breathing; which in turn reoriented my attention, put a bit more light behind my eyes and elevated my present experience - rather obvious; though I’d been unconsciously running on shallow breath, and I’d receive a nudge until this was remediated as I proceeded putting the finishing work/stone setting to the talismans.
In the days following the election I was contacted by a handful of clients, some familiar and some new acquaintances regarding not-explicitly-astrological metalwork; each of their projects connected either directly or indirectly to the Egyptian Horus. I'm thrilled with my experience with the Sol in Leo’s while they were at my bench, as well as with the opportunities that have presented themselves in their wake...
Nine talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a gold foiled and latched pendant box, marked by a golden wax seal featuring a Sun in Leo glyph for easy identification. Includes a vial of Oil of Golden Sol for charging and feeding. Available as an optional add-on to each full Sol in Leo box set. Available for $1,800$1,800 -
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Venus in Taurus Planetary Glyph Talismans
Sold Out, Talismans + Reliquaries, Venus in Taurus IGoldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns for his biggest Sphere + Sundry run to date, offering discreet, ultra wearable Venus in Taurus talismans —$646Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in copper [the metal of Venus] and silver on the corresponding series election.
A planetary glyph of Venus cast of copper with calcinated pearl and rose petal, married to a silver setting engraved with the ‘characters of Venus’ from Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim, Book II.
The center of the copper glyph is set with a rose quartz cabochon.
Each Venus in Taurus Planetary Glyph talisman arrives in a black leatherette pendant box stamped with a Venus glyph wax seal, and includes a 20” sterling silver chain.
Available for $646, including a vial of Venus in Taurus oil for charging the talisman.$646 -
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Exalted Venus Pendant + Ring Talismans
Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold Out, Exalted Venus ITalismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, this time with exalted Venus talismans in the form of size 6 rings, 3 of which are currently being offered to the public —$646Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and lost wax cast in fine silver on the corresponding election. Around the ring shank is a relief engraving of the ‘characters of Venus’, and the sigils of the intelligence and spirit of Venus [from book I chapter XXXIII, and book II chapter XXII of H. Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy]. The ring is set with a malachite cabochon, one of the stones attributed to Venus in the Ghayat Al Hakim aka Picatrix.
The ring arrives in a black leatherette ring box with a Venusian glyph wax seal. And 3 pendants —Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in copper on the corresponding election. Each pendant was cast in the image of Venus from Picatrix book II chapter X; “The form of Venus according the the opinion of other sages, is the image of a woman riding a stag with her hair down, and in her right hand an apple, and in her left she has flowers.” Engraved on the back of the talisman are the ‘characters of Venus’ and the planetary sigil of Venus from Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim. The piece is set with a malachite cabochon, one of the stones attributed to Venus in Picatrix.
The Exalted Venus Picatrix Image talisman arrives in a black leatherette pendant box with Venusian glyph wax seal, and includes a 20” sterling silver chain. Available for $646 each, and includes a vial of Exalted Venus oil for charging the talisman. Additional talismans will be released to the public within a few weeks, as the jeweler finalizes some aspects of the design.$646 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Charcuterie Sets
Jupiter's Bounty, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesCreated by Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks, these stunning charcuterie implements were forged during a prime Jupiter election for the service of both Gods and Man —$294In celebration of the eleemosynary hand of Lord Jupiter, Borealis Ironworks has again been honored to participate in an election series, here paying tribute to the charitable spirit-face of Jupiter as Dapalis, overseer and provider of the banquet, in the form of four charcuterie sets. The four sets of four implements were initially forged and formed during the election. Materials were prepared before hand and finished out during the days that followed. These solid carbon steel utensils are appropriate for either one’s private altar space or among your beloved, in his honour, at the lavish and bounteous banquet table. Ad Salutem!Each talismanic implement (most literally, in this case!) serves to promote the charge of our prime Jupiter's Bounty election. Only 3 of the sets are being offered to the public. $294 per set$294 -
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Jupiter’s Bounty Talismans
Jupiter's Bounty, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesTalismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, this time with Jupiter talismans —$444Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in fine .99 silver on the corresponding election.
Each coin was cast with an image of Jupiter from Picatrix book II chapter X; “Under the influence of Jupiter make the image of a crowned man sitting on a throne carried by four winged men”. A spear was added to the right hand (borrowed from an alternative Jupiter image from picatrix bk II) to signify the protection and upholding of the fruits of his bounty. The reverse side bears an image of grape vines growing around the planetary sigil of Jupiter from the Arabic Ghayat Al Hakim.
The Jupiter’s Bounty coin talisman arrives in a black leatherette box.
Available for $468, and includes a vial of Jupiter's Bounty self-igniting incense for charging the talisman. Four talismans are being offered standalone, and four are being reserved for treasure sets.$444 -
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Forged Rods of Asclepius
Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold Out, Asclepius II (+ Jupiter)Snake bound rods, forged during the equivalent Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election by sorcerous blacksmith Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks. Of his exquisite creations, he offers —$130“So be Wise as Serpents, and Innocent as Doves.” — Matthew 10:16
These relics are a visceral, ferrous expression of two primary principles observed within an occult framework : Salubrity and Resolve.
The Asklepian or ‘Rod of Asclepius’ consists of the serpent and staff. The serpent here may be said to represent both perpetual renewal & healing as well as the dual nature of pharmakon as both panacea and poison. The staff reminds us that in times of great need we must be willing to be supported. Their respective forms are expressed in hand-wrought iron, born of the hammer & anvil in flickering cacophony that is the ancient and venerable craft of the smith.
Some preparation of material took place the evening prior (cutting, layout, etc.) and final preparations were made during pre-dawn hours the morning of the election. Offerings of cedar, juniper, fir pitch and several native artemisia species were burned in the forge and a fumigatory rite of cleansing took place.
Enough material was cut and prepared for the 13+ relics to be forged, the serpent and staff to be officially intertwined during the beneficent interstice of this potent election. The election allowed a small but adequate window in which the work was to take place.
It was an intense fifty minutes. I can’t recall the last time I worked with as much vehemence, but I did manage to meet our goal. And not without some violence against my own corpus for as the work concluded, I fell into an intense bout of very unpleasant nausea and vomiting, swiftly (and mercifully!) followed by a deep sense of wellness. This speaks precisely to the often purgative, sicken-ing nature of pharmakon and again -- to the dual-nature of the serpent as an embodiment of wisdom and rejuvenation.
As for the iron Asklepians and their care, I recommend only this: while the relics have been treated with a thin coating of wax, I recommend that upon receipt they are further coated in the accompanying oil formulated by Sphere + Sundry during the election, or one of your choosing, preferably that lends itself to the restorative and health-giving nature of Asclepius and the noble art of physik.
I pray these talismanic objects of virtue serve in whatever capacity you desire, be they employed as ceremonial foci or by iron’s physical touch as a means of removing illness and dis-ease, thereby exploiting iron’s capability in the eradication of foul spirit presences afflicting both body and soul.
Every talismanic rod includes a bottle of Asclepius II Oil for anointing and regular feeding. Mount above doors or beds to safeguard good health and act as a protective ward, or store upon altars or under mattresses for the same purpose. Available for $130 each. Only 13 of these most excellent specimens are being offered to the public.$130 -
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Asclepius Talismans II
Asclepius II (+ Jupiter), Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesGoldsmith Tony Mack collaborated with Sphere + Sundry during the equivalent election in his location to create a stunning set of Ras Alhague Serpent-Bearer fixed star talismans, in two original designs. Cast in electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, featuring high grade carnelian set over viper’s tongue, cedar, frankincense, and sage. The casting of the talismans was supplemented by suffumigation using Incense of Asclepius form the first edition of the series. Wear on your person for healing and to help transmute various manner of poisons into medicine. These are helpful for preserving health and warding away disease, but can also be used by those who have an ongoing health struggle or are taking medications that produce negative side effects. These are wonderful to wear if you work in a healing profession and want to bring the Divine Physician’s blessing into the realm of your client or patient work. Each talisman includes a 20” sterling silver chain, and a beautiful keepsake box bearing a wax seal of the Asclepius rod. It includes a bottle of Asclepius II anointing oil, recommended times for feeding and empowering your talisman, and a prayer to Asclepius. Available in your choice of standard electrum, 4ct carnelian, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid for $729 (8 being offered to the public), or ornate electrum with gold accenting, 20ct carnelian, snake backing design, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid into the bezel for $1,029 (7 being offered to the public).$729 – $1,029$729 – $1,029 -
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Regulus Talismans II
Regulus II, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesRegulus talismans by goldsmith and planetary mage Tony Mack, cast during the equivalent election per his location. Of his glorious creations, he shares —$1,600Modeled in hard carver’s wax on January 22nd, 2019 at 7:27pm EST in Williamsport PA; accompanied by a petition to the Heart of the Lion, and suffumigation of celandine, mugwort, and wormwood; the corresponding herbs for Regulus via “Liber Hermetis tractans de 15 Stellis”, and H.C. Agrippa.
A pure gold lion’s head likens to a blazing star, conjoined with electrum (an 80/20 alloy of gold and silver) wreath of laurel framing the symbol of Regulus. Equal parts of the aforementioned herbs were placed behind the eyes of the lion before being hammer-set in place. A high grade 1 carat garnet is prong-set into the heart of Regulus.
On the effects —I began to notice ritual bleed as soon as the date had been set, starting with my being gifted two 80lb stone lions - which became a recurring theme. The hour leading up to the election carried with it tremendous momentum; culminating in an unusual/ moving silence. The words I had prepared gave way to a more fluid and emotive petition, and the entire operation became heart-centered in a way I hadn’t anticipated.
These talismans have a brilliant and warm presence. Like a lantern hung in the heart’s cathedral, from which you can orient or install yourself and shine forth from. There is a very particular courage that wells up, and a benefic desire for the heart to be shown. An expression which won’t diminish or augment itself for fear of the vulnerability that visibility necessarily entails.
The effects have been received very well; and acting upon those desires has been rewarding, including being gifted 1.5 ounces of gold as a direct consequence of the working. I’m still attuning with the talisman, but it’s already more than I hoped it would be, and in a pleasantly unexpected way.
Ten talismans are being offered to the public. Each comes with a 20” silver chain and arrives in a black leatherette latched pendant box, marked by the wax seal of Cœur Leonis' glyph. Includes a 1/2 oz vial of Regulus Oil to fuel its charge and directions for maintenance. $1600$1,600 -
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Lion-Heart Regulus Talismans II
Regulus II, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesClay was rolled with 24k gold, mastic, wormwood, mugwort, and yellow trumpet flower before being cut into disks. One side was impressed with the form of a lion, a piece of garnet in place of a heart and gold leaf as the mane. The other side showcases the glyph of Regulus, making for the exact same design as the sold out first series. These were then cured in an infusion of the herbal mixture consecrated to Regulus, setting the election at the prime moment of maximal influence. Keep on your person to command authority and output shine, the closer to the heart the better, whether in a shirt pocket or tucked within the left side of a brassier. Can also be placed within, behind, or underneath items such as business licenses, logos, artworks, or whatever your heart desires to use as an engine for magical prominence, empowerment, and promotion. Every talisman includes a vial of Regulus Oil for ongoing maintenance of its charge. Please note: Do not apply the anointing tincture to these talismans, as they will weaken the clay. Attempts to bend may result in snapping, so please handle with reasonable care. $189$189$189 -
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Dream Reliquary Boxes
Moon-Neptune in Pisces, Sold Out, Talismans + ReliquariesReal moss covers the floor of these beautiful reliquaries, which contain a Lunesta moth as the primary centerpiece, assisting in spirit and astral flight. A whole silk cocoon, the worm still within, represents dream incubation. Includes sympathetic herbs, mushrooms, shells, saltwater pearls, and a phrenite crystal. Starfish decorate the top glass panel, as a representation of the stars above, but also the oceans below, facilitating liminality via inversion. These were created the day of the working before being ritually consecrated, suffumigated, and sealed during the Moon-Neptune election. They enhance dreaming, astral travel, and magical sleep. These works of esoteric art are intended to be set upon a bedside table, or if space is a concern, under the bed. They can be used by candlelight as meditative aids, and pens for glass writing can be used to mark the panels with temporary words, images, or sigils, should the owner have specific intentions regarding their dream-works. The top is not permanently sealed, so the client can make their own additions to the interior. Three reliquaries were made, 2 are being offered to the public. Due to their delicacy, these will be shipped “fragile" mail class and are only available to those in the continental USA. Includes a bottle of the Moon-Neptune oil and large 2oz water. $450$450$450 -
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Pisces Moon-Neptune Talismans
Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold Out, Moon-Neptune in PiscesTony Mack returns for another collaboration, this time for the Moon-Neptune in Pisces series, the election adjusted per his location. Lost-wax cast in fine silver. Modeled in carver’s wax after an ancient Greek coin depicting the god Triton, son of Poseidon and messenger of the sea, circa 370BC. Slight modifications were made so we could offer mer-talismans in lad and lady varieties. On the reverse side of the image, a circular setting was carved. Within is blue lotus, oyster mushroom, and other herbs sent by Sphere + Sundry, featured throughout the rest of the series for greater cross-sympathy. A mother of pearl cabochon setting was then applied. Our smith, on the effects he noted working with the talismans —$297 – $360They are like keys or portals to the realm of dreams. I still get the intense dream recollection while in waking state. For me it’s mainly of places I was in past dreams. I just kind of sink into these dimensions. It’s been going on consistently since the talismans were cast.
I would definitely encourage people to keep a journal or something to write with/on handy when they wear and experiment with these. I’ve recovered and anchored an immense amount of otherwise hidden/unconscious experience, and there’s something very healing about that.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that they are a damn good visualization aid; it’s really easy to conjure up images and sensations, and that’s very useful.
Available in two forms... of two forms — Merlady: 8 necklaces and 9 coins Merlad:5 necklaces(sold out) and 7 coins Coins can be put under the mattress or in a pillowcase and are available for $297, necklaces can be similarly stashed or worn around the neck to enhance psychic sensitivity, visionary work, etc. for $360. All talismans from this series include a vial of Moon-Neptune oil for regular feeding and consecration, and come in a leatherette box decorated with a Full Pisces Moon ritual symbol. Pendants include a 20” silver chain. You may choose to include a silver and gold polishing cloth.$297 – $360 -
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Eye of Algol Talismans
Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold Out, Algol I[sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Mother Algol 👁[/sf_iconbox] Black clay filled with freshly harvested black hellebore and molded into a three dimensional vesica piscis during the New Moon in Taurus conjunct Algol, 2018. Red clay was then inlaid to create an iris, and finally, a genuine diamond (the stone attributed to this fixed star) was installed as pupil. Cured with Helleborus leaf in boiling water while Algol rose in the East, and quickly engraved with Algol's seal. They were then locked away in a box hand pyrographed with the head of Medusa to incubate for a full lunar cycle, along with the rest of the series. These Algol Eyes feature a hole through the center, meaning they can serve as standalone talismans or as beads. Each Eye includes one of the toothpicks used to create and maintain these holes, which carry quite a charge on their own and can be applied in any manner usually reserved for nails, thorns, or pins. Algol talismans can be used to provide powerful protection against the evil eye or to defend oneself against various malefactors, both human and discarnate. They can also be used offensively to dominate, bind, and weaken a given target, for Athena's shield served dual purposes. It is, however, the creator's opinion that the New Moon phase of Algol (this series) is better for works of aggression and offense, whereas the Full Moon phase is better for protection. Algol is the most notoriously malefic fixed star and should be treated with the utmost respect. These talismans, and all other artifacts from this series, should be covered when not in use. Basic instructions for a variety of applications are included with your order, to maximize results. Eleven Algol eye talismans were crafted during this election. Three are reserved for box sets and four are being offered standalone. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. $279$279$279
Talismans + Reliquaries
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