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Remember that week or two in the Spring of 2020 when quarantine was novel, relaxing, and fun? When we were baking bread and enjoying our down time and not yet sick of the people we would be locked inside with for the majority of the year, or the internet?

It was in that sweet little slice of time-heaven that the Empress was born, on the exact same day that the CARES Act was signed, which resulted in $1,200 checks for every American.

Economic stimulus in a bottle. And then some.

Empress is the sister series to Luminous Crown, ritually called forth the afternoon of the first operation as Our Ladies — Venus in Taurus conj. an exalted Moon — embraced the midheaven, in the day and hour of the Fairest Benefic. One of the cleanest and most powerful Venus elections the year prior or time since had to offer.

Both altars occupied adjoining rooms, lit until nightfall. Each operation (and their resulting creations) share a characteristically dignified and noble aura, though Luminous emphasized the symbiotic and world-building prowess of the Soli-Lunar, while the Empress’ focus is more self-indulgent, desire driven, and self-serving. What the Empress wants, She shall receive — and despite Her own obstinate nature, in due haste when it comes to those who seek to satisfy Her. And deeply.

This is, perhaps, a very different flavor of Venus than what you might be used to, Dear Reader, for the focus here is not on diplomacy or ease of relationship or to lube any overarching social dynamics, per se. It is to see our material needs and sensuous desires met by the world around us. It is to put ourselves and our own needs first. It is to admit what we want, and to feel know we are worthy. To drop the Good Girl (or Boy! or Enby!) facade, with all of its demurity and agreeableness and globally imposed limitation, in order to embody She who wears the Crown and commands the sparkling Sceptre.

She is the Empress, after all, and she becomes you.

Of the various Venii so far released, this series has the most resonance with the maiden Venus in Taurus… but on steroids. Empress is slightly less lazy, dreamy, and passive, but still comfortably seated on the throne of Her own desire, happier to be served than to do the serving, and unlikely to concede on matters of personal or material import. She is ambitious, sober, and commanding — imperious, even.

My own Venus in Virgo is shuddering just describing this. But working with Venus in Taurus in her manifold talismanic grade forms over the years has taught a number of things…

That there is a pure, unadulterated pleasure in being able to satisfy the object of our desire.

That by knowing and being honest about what we want, we either A. do not need to wait for anyone else to give it to us (by making it happen on our own), or B. make it easy like Sunday morning for those who wish to make us happy, to do so.

For in its own way, developing one’s capacity to receive, appreciate, and indulge without shame is a divine gift to those with whom we share an orbit, and in allowing ourselves and others to wholly please us, and allowing ourselves to linger in a wholly pleased state, for one shining moment the world becomes a little less neurotic, complicated, and frustrating.

The post-orgasmic bliss that only the fulfillment of authentic, loin-deep yearning can truly bring.

The transcendent simplicity of owning our desires — and our desirability! — unburdened by the scripts and lies we’re told to tell — to ourselves and to others.

And Key to these mysteries: the infuriating, yet compelling seductiveness that self-regard and even a little well wielded narcissism hold over the human psyche.

Yet Venus is Venus, and (dignified) Venus always makes for a higher quality aesthetic and sensory experience. Music resonates more deeply. Art becomes elevated — to the creator and beholder alike. Food tastes richer, and more satisfying. Highs run higher. Sex is sexier. Glamour more glamorous.

And because the Empress election features Venus + Luna goaded and in the 10th, these offerings are also good for career and reputational concerns. At the top of the chart, She occupies a privileged and pivotal position, impossible to ignore and ripe for promotion. This is absolutely the Venus materia of choice for wearing to work, as the specifics of the chart make it so. Which is a notable difference from our other Venus series, which came with an advisory not to, as the set and setting would likely prove incompatible.

Venus in the workplace can be difficult for all of the trope reasons that people say attractive women are (archetypically, they are one and the same), and also because Venus would rather enjoy herself than toil.

In terms of this series, there may still be some fallout in the workplace in the form of crushes, harassment, jealousy, social jockeying, and the like, but the difference is that the Empress can — and will — handle it. As HBIC, it is literally Her job to do so. The difference is the willingness to stand Her own ground, and the commanding gravitas with which she carries Herself. This is an optional application, of course (and if someone does not yet have a career, this series could be magically instrumental in securing and advancing one).

Empress is also perfectly suited to increase the incomes, opportunities, and perceived prestige of creatives, artists, image based influencers, musicians, singers, models, actresses, OnlyFans creators, cam girls, sex workers, pornstars, perfumers, makeup artists, estheticians, stay at home moms, baby mamas, surrogates, chefs, taste makers, caregivers, nannies, daycare workers, Otorhinolaryngologists (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctors!), nurses, and the like (what a seemingly mismatched string of Venusian, Lunar, and Taurean career keywords that was!), in addition to those whose career or financial significations are keyed to Venus or the Moon in the natal chart.

The midheaven being the angle of utmost visibility, this election also provides excellent fuel for a potentially significant glow up. Since initiating this release cycle and heavily beta testing, I’ve felt compelled to devote more time to my fitness and overall beautification than perhaps ever before (#venusselfies incoming, no doubt!), but not in that typical “because I hate this part of myself and need to change it” sort of way. In a cliche “because you’re worth it” and “I deserve to feel good in my own body” lady’s deodorant ad sort of way, except actually.

And we are.

Equally as effective in the boudoir as the boardroom, anoint oneself, one’s partner, or toys for a magically enhanced sexual experience. Combine or cross-pair with Mars materia (Scorpio, DOE, or a spritz of Jow — avoid the junk, please!), or layer with additional Venus. Have fun exploring! Do note that Empress is naturally suited to emphasize sub/ dom dynamics. It may be of special aid to those who have a difficult time staying embodied during sexual activity, or who have a tendency to be uncomfortable receiving or testifying to what would give them pleasure.

Magically speaking, Empress materia can be used to charm and compel, to seduce, to cast and boost glamours, to increase income, to sweeten reputations, to dominate, to manifest material resources, to draw power, and to promote sexual desire and desirability.

Ingredients renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for such were combined with classic planetary herbal and lapidary correspondences to make for a particularly powerful formula: Eve Root, deer’s tongue, jezebel root, lucky hand root, and Abre Camino to open the way. Alongside pink lotus stamens, aloeswood, benzoin, vanilla bean, Royal sandalwood, rose, jasmine, pink and white water lily, blue lotus, damiana, cranesbill, raspberry leaf, orris root, watercress, red clover, rosehips, passionflower, yarrow, diamond, emerald, and more, all in top shelf, cold-pressed, and organic carriers. Topped with milk, honey, and Royal Jelly — the nectar upon which the Queen herself feeds.

No fillers or artificial scents, ever. Just pure and uncut herbs (organic, wildcrafted, or home grown wherever possible), precious metals, and gems, consecrated within the election window to talismanic standard, left to incubate (in this case for almost a full year), bottled by hand in metal or glass, and marked with an embossed rose gold glyph. The Sphere + Sundry way.

The scent profile of this series is very… Imperial Gourmand, akin to mingling beside the lavish spread of desserts at the Empress’ coronation, every once and a while catching a whiff of the finest incense smoke trailing Her lavish procession, amidst a cornucopia of rose and pink lotus bouquets. Olfactory statements rich and pronounced, in terms as monetary as they are sensory.

Malachite is the patron stone for this series, chosen for its high copper content (the metal of Venus) as well as its gorgeous ripples of green (a primary Venus color), the precious metal being rose gold (an alloy of gold + copper combined) as a nod to the election’s Exalted Sol, in house joy and ruling the first.

Each are offered as a rollerball selection for The Empress’ Oil, and feature in various offerings throughout the series, as well as the Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans and Tony Mack’s characteristically gorgeous pendants.

On the toxicity of malachite due to copper (or lack thereof in common application)

Some online sources claim malachite to be toxic because of its copper content, but that primarily impacts those involved with its mining and polishing (who should always be wearing protective gear on the job).

Finished malachite poses almost zero risk to the user/ wearer, save for the case of prolonged exposure to acidic environments where trace amounts of copper can be leeched, which has resulted in fear mongering around even the consumption of Moscow Mules because of lime juice in the beverage.

I have yet to know a single person who has been sickened or died of Moscow Mule poisoning, or been negatively impacted by the copper leaf that features in many Venus oils and materia. Copper is considered by science not to be meaningfully absorbed through the skin (if at all), and it is an essential trace metal found in lots of foods and things we regularly consume.

Malachite is featured in some online lists of Yoni Eggs to avoid due to the same issue — the presence of copper combined with the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Copper IUDs have been used as a common contraceptive since 1967, because copper naturally inhibits how sperm cells move so they cannot reach the egg and result in pregnancy. This makes even more sense of copper as the metal of Venus, given that our Fair lady desires sex for fun, rather than procreation (that would be Luna’s purview).

It is up to each individual if they feel comfortable using the Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans internally or instead keeping them as altar pieces, and I encourage everyone to perform their own research, consult a physician, and do whatever they decide is safe with their own bodies, always. Given the short period of time such an egg is likely to be inserted (especially compared to up to 12 years of 24/7 wear with a copper IUD), these concerns seem overblown to me, personally.

If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, are sensitive to heavy metals, or have heavy metal poisoning, then do not use malachite internally. This same disclaimer/ contraindication is repeated on the Yoni Egg page.

(This was only so in-depth because the issue was brought up in advance from a shared teaser, and we know how The Internet can be.)

This non-controversy considered, no malachite was included in the standard 1/2 oz vial of Empress Oils, for those who still wish to avoid it. Malachite is the gem for Empress rollers. All of the malachite used in the Empress series is natural and undyed.

Side effects of this series include haughtiness, stubbornness, self-importance (sometimes a feature, sometimes a bug — depends on how you use it!), and a propensity to throw money around. Sometimes the gifts we get end up being for ourselves (or those we love) by ourselves, rather than 3rd parties. The dignified Benefics all tend to promote generosity, so make sure you are using the Empress’ influence intentionally for your desired financial outcome. I encourage practicing formal money drawing magic if gain is the primary intent, rather than simple passive application. An unbridled Empress isn’t much for budgeting.

Also note (this has been described in myriad ways, it bears a direct mention) that this series is not really for social cohesion as much as social advancement and self-promotion (though order often does result from clearly defined social hierarchies).

Wear this to be the Belle of the Ball or to assist with relaxation, beautification, self-care, and to promote desire and desirability, not for a chill time amongst equals (unless perhaps all involved are *on* it). This series inherently keyed to power dynamics, and it’s not always the right time or place to don such a compelling influence.

This series can be especially helpful to those who tend to sacrifice and martyr themselves for the sake of others, who have a hard time standing up for their own needs, and who tend to sell themselves short. It can exacerbate narcissistic qualities in people who are already so inclined. Layering with Immortal Heart (and to a lesser degree, Asclepius) can help balance that aspect of the charge.

As usual, gratitude to Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix and Twilight Alchemy Labs for contributing three talismanic perfumes, and Austin Coppock for our election.

Each order comes with basic instructions for use, timing suggestions, and a prayer, alongside an invitation to the private Sphere + Sundry client community for those not yet part.

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    The Empress’ Oil

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    Classic herbal and lapidary correspondences for Venus and Luna were combined with ingredients renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for their ability to sweeten, seduce, and open the way, fumigated and prayed over before being immersed in a 50/50 combination of organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and jojoba for the Empress election, mere hours following Luminous Crown. Pink and white water lily, raspberry leaf, damiana, orris root, watercress, red clover, rose hips, passionflower, pennyroyal, yarrow, vanilla bean, aloeswood, benzoin, Royal sandalwood, pink lotus stamens, eve root, deer’s tongue, jezebel root, lucky hand root, abre camino, diamond, emerald, and a touch of royal jelly — the nectar upon which the Queen bee herself feeds. Genuine 23kt red gold — an alloy of copper (Venus’ metal) and gold (the Sun’s metal) to emphasize Sol’s exaltation and rulership of the First, from the House Joy. Left to gestate for nearly a year before being decanted into glass vials on the day of Venus and offered here to you, blessed Human Spirit, for the promotion of your own interests, especially pertaining to matters of finance, career, beauty, embodiment, self-worth, self-love, and desire. Anoint to evoke a regal air, to improve posture, and promote a more commanding presence — capable, deserving, and worthy of the utmost respect. Following opening and application, one is first likely to note the oil's divine smell — as if seated near the dessert table at the Empress’ coronation, wafts of incense smoke and clean botanical waters drifting from Her lavish procession, amidst the cornucopia of rose and pink lotus bouquets upon Her distant altar. Immediately the nerves settle, and ambient anxieties dispel. Consciousness and spirit root themselves into the vessel, and we shift to a taller, more upright position. Collected, sober, and embodied — our outlooks become clearer. We are better able to sift through our desires, selecting and actualizing those which actually matter. From this empowered, competent state, we ask for what we want (and settle for nothing less). If the outside world will not give it, we become She who is capable of taking it. Draws adoration, admiration, and adulation, as well as money, gifts, and the favor of those around us — the powerful most of all. Outputs a natural gravity which inclines others to please us. Useful for those who have a tendency to martyr themselves and put others ahead of themselves and their own interests. May promote narcissism in those who are already so inclined. Magically speaking, the Empress' Oil can be used to charm and compel, to seduce, to cast and boost glamours, to increase income, to sweeten and empower reputations, to dominate, to manifest material resources, to draw power, and to promote sexual desire as in addition to social desirability. Anoint oneself, one’s partner, or toys to enhance sexual experiences. Note that sub/ dom dynamics may well be emphasized. Appropriate and well suited to wear in the workplace. This oil, unlike our other Venus series, is well suited to games of power and doesn’t resent toiling as much as most Venii, especially toward one’s own (worthy) goals. (Mars occupying its Degree of Exaltation + the House Joy certainly doesn't hurt!) Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $84 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10 ml precious metal rose gold roll-on for $108, or 10 ml w/ malachite rollerball for $68
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    Rose + Pink Lotus Water

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    Originally two hydrosols were planned for the Empress: a Rose Water in honor of our maiden Venus in Taurus series, in addition to a Pink and White Water Lily, chosen to represent the co-mingling of Venusian and Lunar influences imbued by this election in particular. Each was given its own copper alembic and distilled over the course of the afternoon, filled waters placed upon the altar of operation. An Empress tarot card was distilled within the Rose pot, and freshly created malachite talismans, alongside sundry herbs and woods renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for seduction, sweetening, and the promotion of desirability, the Water Lily. Guidance was given following the Work to combine them, so only one Water results: the Rose + Pink Lotus, aquatic handmaiden of the Empress series. The result is an Imperial floral, charming and alluring, but with backbone; fresh and notably feminine, yet stoic and self-possessed. Anxieties dispel and posture improves. A sense of competence, self-respect, and Divine Order follow. Use as an aura and room spray to invoke a sense of calm and capability, while enhancing conscious awareness of the social landscape (as well as one's ability to dominate it), seduction, and the diplomatic feats necessary to achieve the objects of our desire. Feminine leadership, at its finest. Enhances desirability and the ability to take joy in harmonious sounds, striking visuals, exquisite tastes, and the most sensuous of sensations. Spray over Venus or manifestation altars. Mist sigils and vision boards for allied causes. Apply as a linen or body spray before engaging sexual activities, whether solo or partied. Boosts self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. Apply before affirmations or acts toward such ends. Promotes self-care and an instinct for physical upkeep and beautification. Acts as a magnet for gifts, money, and material manifestation. Promotes glamour. Arrives in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size glass spray bottle with malachite keepsake and hand embossed rose gold glyph for $30, or full 2 oz for $66
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    Empress Pendants

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    Resident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith and 5-star AstroMage Tony Mack offers to the Empress a set of custom designed talismans  —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on March 27, 2020 at 3:15 pm EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania; the moon applying to Venus in Taurus, both approaching the midheaven on the planetary day and hour of Venus. Casting was accompanied by petition and suffumigation with S+ Venus in Taurus incense.

    Cast in fine silver [with calcined salts of pearls, honey, and rose], and 18 karat rose gold. The front features the glyph of Venus set with a malachite cabochon; surrounded by a silver circle which fades from oxidized to high polish, framing an 18k rose gold background. On the reverse is a cropped bust of the empress from Pamela Coleman Smith’s illustration in the Rider-Waite Tarot. Over her shoulder is the glyph of Venus as shown in editions of the Latin Picatrix. A portion of her silhouette shows through to the rose gold behind.

    Each talisman includes a 20” silver chain, and a keepsake pendant box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Venus.

    FINAL Empress talisman is offered for $2,700 NOTE: If you would prefer a malachite roller, please mention so in the order notes and you will be refunded the difference!
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    The Empress’ Whipped Body Butter

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    Consecrated Empress herbal base with passionflower, valerian, chamomile, and extra pink lotus, fumigated and immersed in an oil mixture of sunflower, apricot kernel, sweet almond, and jojoba. Left to imbue for many Moons and shaken during Venus’ days and hours, strained, and combined with organic coconut oil and pure shea butter before being whipped into a rich, milk chocolate and heath bar frosting scented body butter A luxurious, nourishing, and preservative free (save the vitamin E) moisturizing melt, blending effortlessly into all skin types, with no fillers or artificial ingredients. Use on its own or add to lighter lotions. The scent, despite its deliciousness, is also 100% the result of natural essential oils and absolutes. A little goes a long way. Apply before intimate encounters for a magical aphrodisiacal boost, or anytime for some skin nourishing self-indulgence... Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $30, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, and magnesium salt, fumigated during the operation and combined with honey, Royal Jelly, organic milk powder, and consecrated Empress herbal mix, alongside some of the Empress’ own oil and dried roses from Her working altar. White and pink lotus. Copper and rose gold. Soak as Cleopatra herself in beautifying, skin soothing, and energy clearing ingredients, spiked with Venusian magic to promote embodiment, glamour, self-worth, self-love, and self-care. The addition of abre camino and sweeteners opens the way for money, gifts, and admirers. Helps gain clarity on what one truly desires, and enhances their ability to secure it. The perfect choice for an Energetic Cleansing bath for Venusian ends, before date nights, photoshoots, or livestreams. Also the creation of music, poetry, or art. A standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with other salt to make a little go a longer way. Can also be dissolved and added to cleaning sprays or floor washes. Naturally scented with pure essential oils and absolutes from the Empress’ own dessert tray, filled with marzipan pastry, milk cocoa ganache, and white tea cake sprinkled with rose water. Arrives in your choice of an 8 oz reusable glass bale jar for $36, or 16 oz bulk pot for $72
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    Empress Incense

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    Classic herbal and lapidary correspondences for Venus and Luna were combined with ingredients renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for their ability to sweeten, seduce, and open the way, fumigated and prayed over before being ground in the day and hour of Venus following almost a years worth of incubation, and made self-igniting. Burn on any heat proof surface in the form of a mound or a sigil, preferably over ash. Pink and white water lily, raspberry leaf, damiana, orris root, watercress, red clover, rosehips, passionflower, pennyroyal, yarrow, vanilla bean, aloeswood, benzoin, pink lotus stamens, eve root, deer’s tongue, jezebel root, lucky hand root, abre camino, and malachite with Royal Sandalwood. Includes copious amounts of genuine 23kt red gold — an alloy of copper (Venus’ metal) and gold (the Sun’s metal) to emphasize Sol’s exaltation and rulership of the First, from the House Joy. Burn as an offering to Venus, or to please and compel powers which aid in manifestation, money drawing, self-promotion, beautification, and glamour. Activate sigils or fumigate vision boards for the same. Smoke bathe one’s own vessel to clear away limiting beliefs and feelings, all the while embodying the Empress, in her infinite charm, competence, grace, and gravitas. Works just as well before entering the boardroom as the boudoir. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and hand embossed rose gold glyph for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Fruitful Mother of Thousands

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    A talismanic perfume oil formulated on Sphere + Sundry's exquisite Venus in Taurus election (2020) by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of which, She shares —

    Scatter in me the seeds Of a thousand saplings. Let grow a grassy heaven. On my brow: a sun. This bliss is yours, Living World, and alone it endures. Music at midnight. Young wine. Lovers hand in hand By daylight, moonlight. Living World, hold me In your mouth,

    Slip on your frivolous shoes And dance with me. - excerpt from Nature Aria by Yi Lei translated by Tracy K. Smith and Changtai Bi

    This is an oil that celebrates all that is fertile, rich, and bountiful - an oil of abundance and growth, of sensuality and inspiration rooted in the pleasures and joys of the natural world. It is the curl of a rose petal, the honey-gold of a sunbeam, the renewing breath of spring’s first breezes. It is the generative and propagative impulse merging with the drive to express delight through art. Bliss and gladness, pleasure and exultation. This is the joy that creates new life.

    This oil is also an oil of physical beauty and charm, of self-respect and self-love. It is a glamour oil that renews and fortifies your love of yourself, your love of others, and your love of the world around you.

    Fruitful Mother of Thousands also functions as a unique lust and passion blend, one rooted in sensuality, pleasure, and luxury. This oil contains organic rosehips (Rosa rubiginosa and Rosa canina), red rose petals (Rosa damascena), hydrodistilled white rose otto essential oil (Rosa alba) and Moroccan rose absolute (Rosa damascena), apple fruit compound, apple blossoms from the TAL garden (Malus domestica), frangipani absolute (Plumeria rubra), vanilla absolute and bean (Vanilla planifolia), orris butter (Iris pallida) and orris root (Iris germanica), ambrette seed (Abelmoschus moschatus) and amber oil (Oleum succini), cubeb oil and berries (Piper cubeba), Turkish bay oil (Laurus nobilis), and rose-pink vegetal musk.

    Arrives in an amber apothecary bottle for $45
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    Empress Powder

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    Classic herbal and lapidary correspondences for Venus and Luna were combined with ingredients renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for their ability to sweeten, seduce, and open the way, fumigated and prayed over before being ground in the day and hour of Venus following almost a years worth of incubation. Pink and white water lily, raspberry leaf, damiana, orris root, watercress, red clover, rosehips, passionflower, pennyroyal, yarrow, vanilla bean, aloeswood, benzoin, pink lotus stamens, eve root, deer’s tongue, jezebel root, lucky hand root, abre camino, and malachite with Royal Sandalwood. Includes copious amounts of genuine 23kt red gold — an alloy of copper (Venus’ metal) and gold (the Sun’s metal) to emphasize Sol’s exaltation and rulership of the First, from the House Joy. Add a Venusian boost to mojos or dressed candles on behalf of yourself or clients. Sprinkle in your shoes, wallet, purse, or lingerie drawer. Run through your hair, or use in any way magical powders are typically employed to achieve that which resides within the Empress’ purview. For more on what this series does, please see the writeup. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and hand embossed rose gold glyph for $30, or a 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Triple Lotus Salve

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    PLEASE NOTE: This offering continues being ghost-stocked by the website, meaning despite how many times we've set it to 0 it continues resurrecting itself. The Triple Lotus Salve is *long gone* (we miss it too!). If you do check out with it, we will need to refund you because no more exist. Apologies 💓 Pink, white, and blue lotus with passionflower, valerian, and chamomile in a base of organic, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, aged for almost a full year, strained and co-mingled with organic beeswax, essential oils, and absolutes on the day and hour of Venus. Poured into tins and topped with genuine rose gold. This is, at first blush, a more gentle and subtle salve than the others Sphere + Sundry have to offer, with less heavy handed physical effects. It can be used at the start of the day or before stressful engagements to help anchor a sense of inner serenity and self-sustained centeredness. Promotes patience, grace, and embodiment. If applied in more liminal circumstances — such as before bed or engaging trance states — this salve possesses noticeable psychoactive and astral journeying effects, lending itself to vivid or lucid dreaming and psychic exploration, especially of a sensual and emotionally connective nature. Rub well into the base of the skull, along the neck, shoulders, and ears for this purpose, in addition to the feet, base of the spine, and heart center for more intensity. Due to its more subtle physical impact but psycho-sensorial potency, the Triple Lotus salve almost qualifies as more of a Venusian witches' flying ointment than something engaged for something as simple as better sleep or muscle relaxation. Rubbed on oneself or aided by a partner, use before sexual engagement to bring ease, desire, and promote connection. Draws the waters of the body, as the Moon does tides (lymph flowing, saliva pooling... and likely others). The scent profile remains in alignment with the rest of the Empress’ offerings — Imperial Gourmand, but in this case, with a hint of valerian musk. Each tin contains a hidden keepsake. Offered in the 2 oz size for $63, or 4 oz bulk pot for $95 Note: 100% of the Empress salves were poured at one time, so there will be no restocking of large 4 oz bulk pots. Once these are gone, they are gone forever more. Do not apply to genitalia or sensitive areas. The feet, shoulders, &c. work beautifully!
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    Empress Honey

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    Consecrated Empress herbal blend, made of classic herbal and lapidary correspondences for Venus and Luna. Combined with ingredients renowned in Hoodoo and Conjure for their ability to sweeten, seduce, and open the way, fumigated and prayed over before being immersed in pure unfiltered local honey, mere hours following Luminous Crown. Pink and white water lily, raspberry leaf, damiana, orris root, watercress, red clover, rosehips, passionflower, pennyroyal, yarrow, vanilla bean, aloeswood, benzoin, Royal sandalwood, pink lotus stamens, eve root, deer’s tongue, jezebel root, lucky hand root, abre camino, malachite, and a drizzle of royal jelly — the nectar upon which the Queen bee herself feeds. Genuine 23kt rose gold. I recommend that this honey be used on oneself or one’s clients, rather than to “sweeten” adversaries or other problematic contacts, since its effects are more empowering and beneficent than such operations are typically intending. Such will magnetize money and gifts, empower material manifestation, promote glamour, self-love, self-worth, and embodiment. Grace, competence, and groundedness. Aids in cultivating a regal, deserving, and empowered presence. Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $36
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    Empress Candles

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    Virgin beeswax dyed a sparkling peach, poured over consecrated Empress herbal mix during the height of the election. As talismanic candles tend to do, these took on the form of one of Venus’ more… iconic... associations throughout the course of their gestation. The tops were melted and each candle crowned with a drizzle of royal jelly, piece of malachite, and genuine rose gold. Burn during Venus observations, prayers, or petitions. Keep on altars for material manifestation, beauty, and self-promotion. Light in the background of photos or livestreams. Use in more traditional works of candle magic for yourself or clients. Currently offered in three varieties, with a fourth short pillar style forthcoming in a dedicated drop or next year’s Holiday Grab Bag. For now: 2 oz glass containers for $84, 8 oz slim vigils for $168, or 8 oz medium sized glass pots, also for $168
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    Queen of the Honeyed Heart

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    A talismanic perfume oil formulated on Sphere + Sundry's exquisite Venus in Taurus election (2020) by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of which, She shares —

    This is an oil of peace and healing; of reconciliation without surrender, of forgiveness without capitulation. It is rooted in the healing power of the natural world, and was created to assist us in moving forward from pain and trauma in wholeness and strength. It was crafted to bring comfort and emotional succor, stability, and growth through love.

    Queen of the Honeyed Heart is also an oil of quiet, gentle power. It is not the red-hot conflagration of rage and desire for dominion, but power that stems from the genuine desire to care for others and create positive change in your life, your community, and the world.

    Queen of the Honeyed Heart is an oil of spiritual, mental, and physical grace.

    This oil contains honey absolute (Apis melliferra), Sumatran benzoin gum oleoresin and tears (Styrax benzoin), blue yarrow essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Achillea millefolium), organic motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), strawberry fruit compound, organic ylang ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata var. genuine), white lotus absolute (Nelumbo nucifera), pink lotus stamens (Nelumbo nucifera), organic hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and red vegetal musk.


    Arrives in an amber apothecary bottle for $45
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    The Empress’ Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans

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    Classic Picatrixian style talismans. Malachite eggs, prayed over, fumigated, and subtly etched with Venusian symbols, imagery, and glyph during the height of the Empress Election. These can serve as altar pieces or actual Yoni Eggs, if the user decides they are suitable. More information in the toggle below. IMPORTANT: Absolutely do NOT use internally if you are pregnant, or wish to become pregnant. Only 1 Malachite Empress Egg is being offered to the public, $777 [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_toggle title="On the potential toxicity of malachite due to copper" open="false" width="1/1" el_position="first"] Some online sources claim malachite to be toxic because of its copper content, but that primarily impacts those involved with its mining and polishing (who should always be wearing protective gear on the job). Finished malachite poses almost zero risk to the user/ wearer, save for the case of prolonged exposure to acidic environments where trace amounts of copper can be leeched, which has resulted in fear mongering around even the consumption of Moscow Mules because of lime juice in the beverage. I have yet to know a single person who has been sickened or died of Moscow Mule poisoning, or been negatively impacted by the copper leaf that features in many Venus oils and materia. Copper is considered by science not to be meaningfully absorbed through the skin (if at all), and it is an essential trace metal found in lots of foods and things we regularly consume. Malachite is featured in some online lists of Yoni Eggs to avoid due to the same issue — the presence of copper combined with the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Copper IUDs have been used as a common contraceptive since 1967, because copper naturally inhibits how sperm cells move so they cannot reach the egg and result in pregnancy. This makes even more sense of copper as the metal of Venus, given that our Fair lady desires sex for fun, rather than procreation (that would be Luna’s purview). It is up to each individual if they feel comfortable using the Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans internally or instead keeping them as altar pieces, and I encourage everyone to perform their own research, consult a physician, and do whatever they decide is safe with their own bodies, always. Given the short period of time such an egg is likely to be inserted (especially compared to up to 12 years of 24/7 wear with a copper IUD), these concerns seem overblown to me, personally. If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, are sensitive to heavy metals, or have heavy metal poisoning, then do not use malachite internally. This same disclaimer/ contraindication is repeated on the Yoni Egg page. (This was only so in-depth because the issue was brought up in advance from a shared teaser, and we know how The Internet can be.) This non-controversy considered, no malachite was included in the standard 1/2 oz vial of Empress Oils, for those who still wish to avoid it. Malachite is the gem for Empress rollers. All of the malachite used in the Empress series is natural and undyed. [/spb_toggle]
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    The Empress’ Attuning Tincture

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    Pennyroyal, cranesbill root, raspberry leaf, alfalfa leaf, orris root, watercress, damiana, fenugreek, red clover, marshmallow root, pink lotus stamens, rose hips, nymphaea caerulea (pink water lily), nelumbo nucifera (white water lily), passionflower, yarrow, slippery elm bark, Tahitian vanilla bean, and Royal Jelly (the nectar upon which the Queen Bee feeds), fumigated during the Empress operation and steeped in top shelf, gluten free potato vodka for nearly a full year. Shaken during Venus’ days and hours when she was in good transiting condition, and at long last strained through medium mesh as a nod to Taurus’ earthy nature. Bottled in glass with genuine red gold and sealed with a glass dropper cap. Use to anoint that which you do not want getting oily. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle for $35, or a 1 oz for $70 IMPORTANT: Due to the presence of Pennyroyal, do not use if you are pregnant. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Empress Skin, Hair, and Beard Oil

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    Herbs, roots, and flowers from the Taoist and TCM tradition, classically used for topical beautification and to promote hair growth. Fumigated during the Empress operation and immersed in 100% pure organic, cold pressed argan oil with vitamin E. Aged for 10 months before being strained, combined with a light touch of skin soothing essential oils, and poured into glass serum bottles with genuine rose gold. Apply straight to the skin or add a few drops to moisturizer. Same for hair and beards. Massage into the scalp directly for hair growth. Non-greasy, and safe for all skin tones and hair textures. Offered in a 1 oz glass serum dropper jar.
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    Triple Lotus Steep + Smoke

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    Damiana, raspberry leaf, pink and white water lily, blue lotus, wild yam root, passionflower, rose hips, and Tahitian vanilla bean, combined, fumigated, and prayed over for Venus’ blessing during the height of the Empress election. Ground to a uniform, smokable grain during Venus’ day and hour. Smoke to sooth anxious states, and promote a sense of calm, embodied joyfulness. One of the dreamiest items in the Empress’ arsenal. Great for unwinding after a stressful day, or before bed. Steep and add to floor washes or spiritual baths toward Venusian ends. Offered in a 2 oz tin for $36, or 4 oz tin for $49 Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal use is undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Daughter of Heaven and Earth

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    A talismanic perfume oil formulated on Sphere + Sundry's exquisite Venus in Taurus election (2020) by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of which, She shares —

    The intersection of inspiration, passion, intuition and fruition. This is the space within which the creative impulse blossoms into reality. It is an oil of artists, poets, musicians, and dreamers, not only as a source of revelation, but as a means by which you can make your art manifest.

    This oil is also an oil of kindness and compassion, both for yourself and to assist in cultivating compassion in others and compassion in the world that surrounds you.

    This oil contains steam-distilled organic frankincense essential oil and tears (Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carteri), marshmallow leaf and root (Althaea officinalis), orris butter (Iris pallida) and orris root (Iris germanica), organic passionflower petals and leaves from the TAL garden (Passiflora incarnata), raspberry leaf and root from the TAL garden (Rubus idaeus), solvent-extracted beeswax absolute (Cera alba), honey absolute (Apis melliferra), lilac petals (Syringa vulgaris), and sweet violet petals and leaves from the TAL garden (Viola odorata).


    Arrives in an amber apothecary bottle for $45
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    Empress Talismanic Perfume Trio

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    All three Empress Perfume Oils brilliantly formulated on our exquisite Venus in Taurus election 2020 by Mother Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab.
    • Queen of the Honeyed Heart
    • Fruitful Mother of Thousands
    • Daughter of Heaven and Earth
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    The Empress’ Altar Box Sets

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    Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand waxed and polished a beautiful rose gold. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, each set includes one of every item from the Empress series (aside from the Malachite Egg Talismans, only one of which is being offered to the public, and only the Large Box Sets include Tony Mack's Empress pendants).
    • The Empress' Oil (1/2 oz standard, or 10 ml roller in malachite or rose gold)
    • Rose + Pink Lotus Water (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • The Empress' Attuning Tincture (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Candles (S: 2 oz glass | L: 8 oz medium glass)
    • Empress Self-Igniting Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Powder (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts (8 oz | 16 oz bulk pot)
    • Triple Lotus Steep + Smoke (2 oz | 4 oz)
    • Triple Lotus Salve (2 oz | 4 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Honey (2 oz)
    • Empress Skin, Hair, and Beard Oil (1 oz)
    • The Empress' Whipped Body Butter (2 oz | 6 oz bulk pot)
    • Queen of the Honeyed Heart Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Daughter of Heaven and Earth Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Fruitful Mother of Thousands Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Large only: Empress Talismans by Tony Mack
    Availability, dimensions, pricing —
    • Small (7 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $700 + your Empress Oil selection
    • Large (7 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $2,222 (includes talisman) + your Empress Oil selection
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    Limited: Empress Massage Oils

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    EQUINOX GRAB BAG 2022 LIMITED EDITION SPECIAL: The last of the Triple Lotus Salve infusion from the Empress series, mixed with the Rose + Pink Lotus Water essential oil mix and offered as a massage oil in 1 oz dropper vial for $63

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