Saturn in Capricorn Oil
30% OFF, Anointing Oils, Available, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in CapricornA mélange of stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and various roots, stones, beans, and bones of a Saturnian nature, combined, and ritually fumigated with prayers for the Greater Malefic’s blessing, tempered in the election by Jupiter’s co-presence in Capricorn. Immersed in long-lasting, rancidity resistant 100% pure meadowfoam, alongside fossilized dinosaur bone. A grounded and true-to-form take on Saturn, which serves as the cornerstone for the series entire. While other sub-sets of Oils, Incenses, and Powders incorporate additional ingredients, including carriers of various nature, animalia, and precious metals to achieve more specialized aims, Saturn in Capricorn’s Oil is the one to work with for educational purposes and the most direct engagement with Earth's outermost Sphere. Formulated a la Temperance edition to mitigate overly-malefic manifestations, a touch of frankincense and ritually harvested evergreen sprigs from the altar help ensure Saturn in Capricorn's impacts are as productive and life-supporting as possible, while remaining within bounds of the Saturnian arcana. The power and potency of talismanic magic is not always a blessing... It is easy to crush and to curse and to create misfortune with strong Saturn elections, so for the best results (and with personal application in mind), we do recommend roping Jupiter or other benefics into the electional mix and adjusting the formulary to create something which will, for instance, reinforce boundaries and provide a sense of discipline, but not cut off all psychic air flow and trigger major depression, poverty, and hopelessness. This Oil can be applied to the self or jewelry during once weekly Saturn devotions in Saturn’s day and hour for planetary attunements, or used to anoint objects and ritual tools of a compatible nature whenever necessary. It can be used to dress candles for Saturnian devotion, or for candle magic designed to erect boundaries and facilitate binding. Promotes discipline, structure, practicality, responsibility, self-sufficiency, long-life, protection from the meddling of others, and a deeper understanding of Saturnian principles, including long-range planning, *productive self-sacrifice, and the merits of isolation, hard work, and complaint-less devotion. While we have done all we are able to mediate negative manifestations and create something as “positive” as possible, Saturn is the Greater Malefic... anything truly Saturnian *will* have characteristic side effects. Remember that cosmologically speaking, all of the Spheres balance, moderate, and temper one another, and Saturn’s primary job is providing containment and context. It does not exist in a vacuum, nor (as living beings) should our engagement with it. For this reason, we do recommend using Saturn’s materia in conjunction or rotation with other more benefic, uplifting, positive, and life-giving series. A little bit of Saturn provides structure and safe space for the “good stuff” you wish to fill yourself + your life with. Too much without the intervention and support of other influences will not render the best results, and may lead to a lack of joy, vitality, and the like. Use in moderation, and with mindful intent. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10 ml onyx gem, or "flawless glide" steel roller for $65, or mini 5 ml vials for $33, each with hand stamped Saturn label.$3 – $80$3 – $80 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Powder
Powders, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutSaturn in Capricorn herbal mix, largely comprised of various roots, beans, and fermented, aged ingredients — such as stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and fossilized dinosaur bone, ritually combined and fumigated using frankincense and myrrh during a strong Saturn in Capricorn election, made less malefic overall by the presence of Jupiter. Ground to a fine powder following six months of silent incubation, to be used for dressing candles, as a bed for Saturn talismans and pentacles, or to be sprinkled in shoes, added to mojos, or applied in any way magical powders are oft utilized. Reinforces boundaries and empowers bindings (to one’s own duties and obligations, or third parties). Increases one’s ability to operate under difficult conditions with less complaint, and maintain a stiff upper lip. Promotes maturity, “adulting”, and doing right by one’s commitments. Excellent for silencing the mind and getting down to brass tacks. Learn how to do more with less (when necessary) or maximize the application of finite resources, to keep calm, and to carry on. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, marked by a hand stamped Saturn image. Arrives in your selection of glass 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
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Saturn in Capricorn Incense
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, IncenseSaturn in Capricorn herbal mix, largely comprised of various roots, beans, and fermented, dried, and aged ingredients — such as stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and fossilized dinosaur bone, ritually combined and fumigated using frankincense and myrrh during a strong Saturn in Capricorn election, made less malefic overall by the presence of Jupiter. Ground to a fine powder following six months of silent incubation, and made into a smooth-burning and reasonably enticing (as far as the smells of Saturn go!) incense powder, which can be formed into a mound, line, or sigil and burned on a bed of ash or sand. Burn as an offering to Saturn during weekly prayers on Saturdays (or Tuesdays following sunset), in Saturn's hour. Smoke bathe the body entire before engaging in Saturnian meditations, rituals, or activities, reinforcing personal boundaries and connecting to a profound sense of duty. Fumigate spaces to set a serious and productive tone, in advance of workings or meetings of Saturnian import. Charge Saturn talismans or pentacles. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, marked by a hand stamped Saturn image. Arrives in your selection of glass 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$33 – $99$33 – $99 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Golden Goat Subset
Anointing Oils, Bath Bombs, Incense, Lip Balms, Powders, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold Out, Spell SoapsGoat hoof — shaved from the clompers of happy and thriving goaties on the Sun’s day in the hour of Saturn, for the ability to scale any terrain, steadfast and true. Jaw bone and teeth — to chew through all variety of metaphorical blackberry bushes, or whatever bullshit life decides to throw our way. Goat horn — for self-defense and offense; to communicate majesty, self-sufficiency, and virility. Combined with master root, consecrated herbal blend, frankincense, 24k gold, and organic 100% jojoba oil born of Saturn in Capricorn's working — a choice Saturn election featuring the support of the Greater Benefic. Oil of the Golden Goat is almost shockingly vigorous, spirited, and uplifting. Anoint oneself to embody the goat’s many virtues, in pursuit of being the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). An Oil for developing mastery over one’s self and one’s sphere. Achievement fuel like none other Golden Goat Incense is perfect for smoke bathing the body, and activating sigils for success and the achievement of goals and higher stations. Golden Goat Powder is ideal for dressing candles, adding to mojos, dusting shoes, and the like. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Goat Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($87) or onyx gem roller ($66). Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!$33 – $99$33 – $99 -
Less than 10Primordial Bath Mud
Re-Labeling *SALE*, 30% OFF, Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Salts, Face + BodyClay from a pristine Southern Oregon deposit and other earthen minerals, including ocean magnesium, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, humic and fulvic earth, and activated charcoal, to be added to a warm bath for grounding, detoxification, purification, and energetic protection. Includes organically occurring live probiotics to benefit the skin’s natural defense barrier, and offers benefits similar to earthing (the practice of walking barefoot over grass and dirt to connect with Earth’s energies), in the convenience of your own bathtub. Saturn and Capricorn each have their own distinct relationship to Earth and Sea, so it felt especially appropriate to offer some form of bathing paraphernalia alongside this series. *Too much* Saturn magic, however, directly applied to the living vessel, can drain vitality, cause tightness, and restrict energy flow, in addition to contributing to states of depression and hopelessness. For this reason, Sphere + Sundry's Bath Mud has not been explicitly enchanted, operating instead on the basis of the naturally occurring Saturnian virtues possessed by its formulary. Bathing in beneficent muck. A return to the most primordial of ooze... Come down from magical or mundane events, wipe the slate clean, and prime your body and mind for meditation, contemplation, and rest on every level. Reduces the impact of electromagnetic overexposure in the body, making this a natural (and incredibly helpful) energetic detox from these everyday modern conditions. Exfoliate first or within the bath to get increased skin softening, clarifying, and beautifying benefits (a natural extension of Saturn’s exaltation in the sign of aesthetic and lovely Libra). Yin restoration at its most fundamental... Bathe during Saturn’s day, night, and hours as a form of ritual observation and remediation, or as needed. A small amount of Ritual Salt, Powder, or Oil from any series and sub-set can be added, should additional magical oomph be desired. Add half a cup or more and soak for 15-40 minutes. Rinse well before drying. Septic safe. A small amount can also be added to water at the bedside or underneath a bed to quiet the mind and invite more grounded, less interrupted sleep. Can be added to mojos for the same. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass jar ($36) or 16 oz bulk pot ($72); or an 18 oz bundle by weight (the same amount the bulk pot holds) for those who would rather not risk shipping glass or have more than enough jars already, for $68. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!$36 – $72$36 – $72 -
Swamp Gator Subset
30% OFF, Anointing Oils, Available, Bath Bombs, Incense, Lip Balms, Powders, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in Capricorn, Spell SoapsWhile the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Swamp and Golden. Swamp Gator is, in two words: down and dirty. The downest and dirtiest in fact — its formulation comprised of actual swamp mud (graciously harvested by Austin’s absolute saint of a mother in the depths of Florida), gator vertebrae, gator teeth, and shavings of skin. All of which were ethically, legally obtained... Fun fact: the alligator population in Florida is approximately 1.3 million, and the Kingdom of Animalia is inherently eco-friendly and sustainable to harvest from in conditions where populations are healthy (in this case overly so), the animal has lived under good conditions (preferably in their native habitat), and they have come to meet a natural or necessary end. The spent corporeal form is one of Saturn’s many gifts to the living, and making practical and magical use of these abandoned Spirit-shells is a worthy tribute to our Outermost Sphere: governor of death, of practicality, and of all well-aged and lifeless matter. Fossilized dinosaur bone is another ingredient in the Swamp Gator sub-set, which is an invitation to explore the deepest, darkest, and most yin aspects of the Saturnian arcana (within and without). Full disclosure: this is the most brutal and initially off-putting of any offering from Saturn in Capricorn’s coterie. Swamp Gator is excellent for gnostic exploration of the darker aspects of nature, and facilitating shadow work. Excavate your darker features... those which remain hidden from even oneself. Incorporate them into the ego-matrix to build a more integrated, honest, and fully realized personality, or decide to banish them. The main danger the Gator represents, is in not knowing what lurks… In practical terms, this would be useful for direct application and magical intervention in dark circumstances where one needs protection from genuinely seedy, dangerous characters, and finds themselves already mired in circumstantial swamp muck. Or things like exploring the Tunnels of Set, or adding atmosphere to some quality H.P. Lovecraft time. Swamp Gator’s main value for most people is going to be for exploration and incorporation of the shadow-self, and of exploring the crueler, more primordial aspects of all Nature. Get right with the Swamp Gator in you, and with the Swamp Gators of the world. Swamp Gator Oil is a combination of hemp and castor oils, gator vertebrae, teeth, and skin, fossilized dino bone, and swamp mud, ritually consecrated to talismanic standard during an excellent Saturn in Capricorn election. It is available in your choice of 1/2 oz standard vial ($80), or 10 ml hematite roller bottle ($65). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! The Incense and Powder are made of the same, and arrive in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or very few 2 oz bulk pots for $99. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! (If you do not wish to apply Swamp Gator items directly, a fetish for their vector may be used.) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$3 – $99$3 – $99 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Talismans
Saturn in Capricorn, Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold OutResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to Saturn in Capricorn an unparalleled run of (DROP DEAD GORGEOUS) talismans in the form of pendants and coins, modeled after one of our earliest private collaborations — a set of Degree of Exaltation Saturn rings from its time in Libra 2011, which are worn during the preparation of all our Saturnian sacraments.$717 – $4,717Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in Electrum; an 80/20 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of ibex tibia, pine resin, cumin, and hemp]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of Myrrh.
Saturn in Capricorn Coins
A traditional image of Saturn, carved in relief. He stands upon the earth bearing a scythe, surrounded by our seven wandering stars. On the reverse, an ouroboros encircling an onyx cabochon.
Saturn in Capricorn Pendants
On the back, a traditional image of Saturn, carved in relief. He stands upon the earth bearing a scythe, surrounded by our seven wandering stars. On the front, the astral sigils of Saturn from the Arabic Picatrix “Ghāyat al-Hakīm” engraved at quadrants. The center of the pendant was deposited with materia under the rulership of Saturn: pine resin, myrrh, hemp, cumin seed, lead [engraved with the character of Saturn from bk II ch 9 of the Ghayat], sapphire, gold marcasite, vulture feathers, and Cretan ibex tibia [scavenged]; which were sealed with an 18 karat gold setting, mounted with a pyramid-cut onyx.
Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Saturn.
Coins are available for $717 and include a vial of Saturn in Capricorn powder, which can be sprinkled on the bottom of the jewelry box (talismans love basking in the aura of their corresponding herbal matter). These are going to be dropped in batches... since Saturn in Capricorn only comes along every 28 years. Four of the ornate necklaces are being made available to the public (total), two of which will arrive with large Altar Box Sets, one of which will be offered to Plus Members in private auction.$717 – $4,717 -
Golden Gator Subset
Re-Labeling *SALE*, 30% OFF, Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Anointing Oils, Incense, Powders, Lip Balms, Bath Bombs, Spell SoapsWhile the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Golden and Swamp. Golden is the Gator in its most yang and “positive” aspect, drawing out the virtues of strength, of taking action when needed, and of point of focus. It, similarly to Golden Goat, is surprisingly active and motivating — almost to a euphoric degree; but it is also patient, imbued with the sense that “I’ve already got this”, where the Goat seeks to get and to go. Golden Gator is the better choice for people who are already more or less where they want to be in any given situation, and seek to maintain their empowered position with minimal wasted energy. Goat is for those who are in an active phase of striving and accomplishment (or wish to be). The same person can use both sub-sets in different circumstances, of course! Golden Gator offers fortification, empowerment, and the development of King alligator virtues: patience, conservation of effort, being chill most of the time and a killer when necessary, and enjoying a long-reign. It draws heavily on Jupiter’s influence in the election chart to mitigate malefic fallout and provide results that fall under the banner of excellence and positivity, while staying true to Saturn’s divine arcana. Ethically obtained gator vertebrae, frankincense, and birch, alongside 24k gold, ritually created to talismanic standard during a prime Saturn in Capricorn election, with support from the Greater Benefic. Use Oil of Golden Gator (100% organic jojoba) to anoint yourself, talismans, or other magical items, dress candles, and the like. Smoke bathe yourself or talismans in Golden Gator Incense, and activate sigils. Sprinkle the Powder in shoes, your office drawers, purse, or brief case, dress candles, add to mojos, or use however magical powders for protection, empowerment, and Saturnian virtue ought be employed. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Gator Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80) or hematite gem roller ($66). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. Golden Gator Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$3 – $99$3 – $99 -
The Goat’s Horns
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48This is an oil of protection - protection through bindings, limitations, and force of will. It is an oil that protects by defusing, inhibiting, constraining, and banishing curses, and of shoving your enemies back and away from you. The Goat’s Horns fortify you by setting boundaries, maintaining endurance, and for empowering you to overcome your enemies through sheer will, determination, and a stubborn and formidable refusal to capitulate.
This oil is relentless.
Cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), patchouli essential oil and patchouli leaf from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), opoponax gum resin (Commiphora opoponax), Solomon’s seal root (Polygonatum biflorum), rue essential oil and rue from the TAL garden (Ruta graveolens), grey vegetal musk, goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), and ethically sourced goat horn. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
The Goat’s Phalanges
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48First of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a Golden Race of mortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
When one thinks of Saturn, joy is usually not the first word that comes to mind, but there is joy there: it is the joy of an untroubled heart and a mind in balance, the joy found in the serenity that existed in the Time Before Time.
The Goat’s Phalanges reaches back into the age of Titans. It is an oil of bringing ideas into form and an oil of grounding and guidance both from the earth itself and from primal forces beyond our comprehension. It is an oil that invokes a very specific nature of inner peace: the peace that came from a time before conflict existed. This oil honors Kronos of Elysium, King of the Golden Age.
Myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), skullcap from the TAL garden (Scutellaria lateriflora), juniper berries, leaf, and essential oil (Juniperus communis), 3-year aged patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), caraway essential oil and seed (Carum carvi), cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens), spikenard essential oil and root from the TAL garden (Aralia racemosa), poplar bud (Populus nigra), clove bud and essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), home-brewed fruit extract of dark, earthy berries, and ethically sourced goat bone. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Miniature Saturn Oil Set
Anointing Oils, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutOne miniature 4 dram vial of every Oil from Saturn in Capricorn's coterie, created by Sphere + Sundry:$108- Golden Gator
- Saturn in Capricorn
- Swamp Gator
- Golden Goat
$108 -
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Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt
Ritual Salts, Salts, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutFinely ground Dead Sea Salt, activated charcoal, clarifying and cooling essential oils of Saturnian evergreen, and genuine 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense and myrrh during a Saturn in Capricorn election supported by the co-presence of Jupiter. Absorbs negativity, provides protection, and delineates energetic boundaries. Create lines, mounds, or sprinkle along thresholds. Add to a dish of water kept at the bedside to promote long-life and protect against nighttime psychic disturbances. Include a sprinkle in cleaning solutions, energy clearing sprays, or floor washes to purify energies, promote responsible conduct, protect what's within, and insulate against exterior meddling. Add to mojos or witch bottles. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
The Goat’s Teeth
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48After them was born Kronos, the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children.
The Goat’s Teeth grind away mercilessly at everything. This is an oil of cunning, shrewdness, self-control, ambition, and renegotiating relationships with subordinates and figures of authority, of giving and receiving respect and gaining prestige by earning it. This is an oil of setting sights on a goal, making the plans necessary, and achieving that goal.
Patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), rosemary essential oil and leaf from three plants in the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis, Foxtail, Gregori, Tuscan Blue), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), agrimony leaf and flower (Agrimonia eupatoria), comfrey leaf from the TAL garden (Symphytum uplandicum), cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat’s teeth. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Oil Lamp Kits
Candles, Lamps, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutConsecrated herbal, root, and lapidary mix in your selection of Saturn in Capricorn, Golden Gator, Golden GOAT, or Swamp Gator — enough to fill the base of the included spherical oil lamp, which includes extra wick and a funnel for filling. Add the mix to your lamp and fill with whatever color of petroleum based lamp fuel you fancy, in addition to whatever else your heart desires — small home etched Saturn talismans, sigils, bone, or keep it simple. Create and light for the first time in the hour of Saturn or Jupiter. Refill the lamp as needed, and burn indefinitely. Nine Oil Lamps + Kits are being offered to the public for $360. Please specify your sub-set selection... Note that the lamp fuel is not included and must be obtained by the client directly. It is easy to find online and in-stores.$360$360 -
The Goat’s Scapula
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48Ancient like Kronos, heavy-kneed, pouring rain.
This is an oil of discipline, duty, and perseverance during hardship. It is an oil of fierce independence, practicality, and gravity. This is an oil that sublimates irrational emotion in favor of cold logic. Use the Goat’s Scapula to increase patience, particularly during negotiations and to understand the mysteries of time and the passage of time.
Balm of Gilead buds and absolute (Populus nigra), patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), hyssop essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Hyssopus officinalis), vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanioides), American hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), tobacco absolute (Nicotiana tabacum L, alcohol extraction of the concrete of the cured leaves), tobacco tree flowers from the TAL garden (Nicotiana glauca), wild-cultivated Huichol tobacco leaf (Nicotiana langsdorfii), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat bone. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Candles
Candles, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutVirgin soy wax dyed a dull blue-grey, poured over consecrated Saturn in Capricorn herbal mix and solidified during our election window. Burn during weekly Saturn devotions as an offering, and immediate invocation of a Saturnian atmosphere. Gaze and meditate upon its flame to promote inner silence, resilience, and steel. Use in candle magic for boundary protection, discipline, and binding. Light sigils of a complimentary goal-set from its blazing flame. Set the stage for mundane or magical activities of Saturnian import by burning as a background influence. Arrives in a long-lasting slim vigil jar for $111, or very few 2 oz glass jars for $84$84 – $111$84 – $111 -
Saturn in Capricorn Talismanic Perfume Quartet
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesAll four of the talismanic perfumes crafted and charged by the GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial, for Sphere + Sundry’s Saturn in Capricorn series:$192- The Goat’s Teeth
- The Goat’s Scapula
- The Goat’s Horns
- The Goat’s Phalanges
$192 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Altar Box Sets
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutWooden boxes in two sizes painted matte black, which may be further inscribed or decorated by the client. Each Altar Box Set includes every single full sized item from Sphere + Sundry's one and only Saturn in Capricorn series, in small or large form (where there are size variations) based on set size. [There was text here originally indicating that Oil Lamp Kits were included with Altar Box Sets, but I overlooked adding them as a drop-down, the bullet point list below, and to the price. Those who got Altar Boxes are welcome to add on Oil Lamps if they would like one, but are not obligated to — this was my mistake, apologies!] Three Large Box Sets include Tony Mack’s ornate Saturn pendant (four of which total are available to the public). All other box sets include a Saturn in Capricorn coin talisman.$1,321 – $6,000- Saturn in Capricorn Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Saturn in Capricorn Incense (1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden Gator Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Golden Gator Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden Gator Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Swamp Gator Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Swamp Gator Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Swamp Gator Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden GOAT Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Golden GOAT Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden GOAT Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Candles (slim vigil style)
- Primordial Bath Mud (8 oz glass jar | 16 oz bulk pot)
- Loose Incense by Phytognosis (cork top vial)
- The Goat’s Teeth by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Scapula by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Horns by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Phalanges by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- Talismans by Tony Mack (coin | ornate pendant)
- Small (9 total): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $1,321 (including COIN talisman) + your Oil selections
- Large (3 total): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $1,935 (including COIN talisman) + your Oil selections
- Large (3 total): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $6,000 (including ORNATE PENTACLE talisman) + your Oil selections
$1,321 – $6,000 -
Saturn in Capricorn Spell Soap
30% OFF, Available, Face + Body, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in Capricorn, Spell SoapsWe are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!$48$33.60$48$33.60
You know you’re doing Saturn right when you’re laughing and crying.
[June 1st, 2021] It’s 9:08 AM on D-day for this series, and none of the photos I edited yesterday saved.
Elon-net is going the speed of vintage AOL, so I had to relocate to a place with more reliable internet. Upon sharing the writeup with Austin late last night, he confirmed my suspicion: that I had written way too much about the gnostic and nuanced things Saturn’s been teaching me over the last month, and not nearly enough about the approachable practicalities and use-cases.
So I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning, ready to cull at least 70% of the description text in creative-utero and write something more… widely informative, only to discover that without images, this shit is going nowhere fast anyway.
So there is Bardo season and Mercury stationing retrograde and a Mars in Cancer Tuesday to blame (because there’s always something!), but let’s be honest — one of the hardest facts of life is that no matter how hard you try, no matter how well prepared you thought you were, sometimes there are simply roadblocks.
And those roadblocks, by another name, are Saturn.
The Client Community was alerted that we would likely not be sticking our pre-scheduled 11:11 AM landing, and that I’d give everyone a heads up when we were 20 minutes out — so for the first time in Sphere + Sundry’s 3-year history (note 3 is Saturn’s number), the launch time has become: “difficulties and practicalities have caused surmountable but meaningful delays; sorry for the wait, but this is happening in its own time, please hold tight until it is finished”.
And ain’t that the most flawless bitch?
So as this most recent life experience goes to show, Saturn talismans and materia are not magical Saturn-negators. The energy is the energy, and it does what it does. The difference is that talismanic-grade Saturn possesses virtue and wisdom which act as a sort of analgesic in the face of ordeal, and helps produce the smoothest, most predictable outcomes.
Use of these offerings will not fix delays or suffering — that is not Saturn’s job.
Saturn accepts that a certain portion of suffering is part of life, of being in-and-of the world; and that all things take time, and that time takes all things.
He teaches that exposure to small pain and pressure on a routine basis creates strength, steel, and natural armor, all of which which reduce the likelihood of excess suffering or breakage when something bigger and badder comes along.
Saturn’s proprietary approach to harm reduction is literally to become less fragile.
For when you’re going through hell, keep going. You’ll either find your way out… or you’ll die(!), and that’s the kind of thing Saturn finds HILARIOUS.
Everything’s a joke to Death itself…
And that leads us to Kronos as necessity — of not having the luxury to quit, or to collapse, or to go back, or to do things differently, because there are no other meaningful options.
Bad shit happens. Things don’t go to plan.
Saturn says: get over it.
Not all planets/ series do! Don’t blame the messenger!
Time moves on, so the question becomes what do you want to make of yours?
And MAKE is the operative word here, because Saturn in Capricorn is Cardinal Earth — activation and initiation of the material sphere (and an aspect of why Saturn’s Tarot card is The World).
If you want to build something real, you’re going to need enough Saturnian gravitas to not only create it, but to sustain and protect it, too.
Forethought. Self-sufficiency. Structure. Strategy. Resources. Discipline. Diligence. Patience. Follow through. Accountability.
(Side note that not all things are worth creating or sustaining — as Kronos knew all too well, some things are better off eaten in their metaphorical infancy. Weeds, for example also known as feasts for goats!)
Anything material begins requiring maintenance more or less immediately, and ultimately succumbs to inertia. Degradation can be staved off with high quality and consistent care over time (what we call stewardship), but only to a degree. All things wear, require replacement, and die off eventually.
“The best fertilizer is the gardener’s shadow”,
Chinese Proverb (or alternatively, a misquote of Pliny the Elder).
While the election for this series is for Saturn in Capricorn (+ we’ll talk more about the specifics of that shortly), there are many things to be learned about the virtues and utility of any planet by deep diving into the mechanics of its Exaltation. Which in Saturn’s case, is Libra: sign of diplomacy, beauty, of right-relationship, and of fairness and mutual flourishing.
Exaltations are symbiotic placements, offering the best things possible to Sign and Sphere alike, and have much to teach about the Natural Order of Earthly things.
Saturn’s Exaltation demonstrates that the most beautiful, awe-inspiring gardens are the result of diligent tending and necessary pruning.
(But also literal shit…
Because death + decay are nature’s very own fertilizer)
How gardens grow more splendid with each turn of the hourglass, but only through fair, consistent, and well-balanced doses of management — with duty, humility, and symbiosis in mind, and for a good far greater.
Boundaries and preventative measures protect from the corruption of invading pathogens and uninvited weeds, which would, left unchecked, blight the landscape and overtake a delicately balanced, intentionally cultivated ecosystem.
And that brings us to Saturn’s rings. Of which there are 7… and 7 visible planets… how curious!
(Astrological + Occult principles make such obvious cases for themselves with even the most basic of clear eyed observation that it never ceases to amaze…)
As our Outermost visible Sphere, Saturn represents not only boundaries, but levels.
Saturn has been around since before time and death were even a twinkle in the primordial void’s eye.
There is nothing She has not seen, or does not know, that She will not see + know over and over again until beyond any ultimate extinction… because even if everything else blinks out, She shall never.
And for this reason Saturn also represents mastery.
The well-aged among us are Saturn’s favored children — living links to history, more self-sufficient and sustainable ways of living, and a great deal of wisdom.
It is childish near-sight (and an insult to Saturn) to diminish or mistreat them, and inversely, taking care of and bringing joy to the elderly is excellent Saturn remediation.
This seems like an important cultural point to make in a time where every other -ism is so vociferously policed, yet ageism and ageist insults run rampant in online spaces populated by youth in magic and astrology.
And Elders come in many forms…
There are those who are chronologically older (than us, or than most other people), and then there are Elders of Arte. Saturn would have them all treated with due respect.
Do not wait for the elderly to die to give them their flowers.
Ancestral work requires tending the living, and the pre-deceased among us.
Getting back to the main point…
Saturn in a vacuum is a heavy and corrupting force. It represents obligations, strictures, judgements, debts, deficits, low and stagnant energies, dark and desolate places, isolation, depression, illness, misfortune, poverty, disability, and ultimately — death. It is reasonable to suggest that those are objectively not experiences most people would choose for themselves or their loved ones to be dominated by.
Luckily we do not live in Saturn’s vacuum…
We live in a well-balanced Solar eco-system comprised of 7 Spheres, which counterbalance one another.
Saturn in Exaltation receives his directives from Venus, who typically insists that he take a just, even-handed, and diplomatic approach to all things.
In rulership (as in Capricorn), the planet is STRONG, but it does what it feels like unchecked.
And, for our purposes, we do not want Saturn to be unchecked.
We want it in constant consultation with benefics, who can temper its most negative, punishing, and fascist impulses.
ESPECIALLY if we are using talismans and materia for personal benefit, self-development, and self-help, rather than cursing someone as brutally as planetarily possible (which I don’t recommend, btw, but that’s another piece).
On the flip side, the wise astromage seeks to minimize Saturn’s influence in electional charts for benefics (and pretty much everything which is not Saturn) to the maximum degree, because its influence would only diminish and hamstring their results.
Which finally brings us to the election for this series, chosen in consultation with long-time astrologer and practicing occultist Austin Coppock.
It features Saturn rising and in Capricorn, in tight conjunction with the Greater Benefic.
Jupiter is utterly decimated here, but he is in full service to Saturn, constantly advising him to be less of a judgmental curmudgeon/ dick.
[The electional chart is always the photo gallery of each individual offering, btw]
Jupiter also rules the waxing second quarter Moon, brimming with light, which has just left an aspect to Venus, the Fairer Benefic. Luna is hyper goaded, providing staying power and support, but from the the third, where she Rejoices. Saturn has regained its speed and is no longer brooding over its direct station from a couple months prior.
The ingredients, fumigations, and prayers used for this series reinforce the most positive (read: least malefic) outcomes possible, being composed of roots, stones, beans, and bones in possession of Saturnian virtues (long-life, good boundaries, insulation from exterior forces, strength, fortitude, humility, minimalism, focus, dedication, stillness, &c.), while omitting the harshest and most toxic features possible.
The goal, like Temperance edition Mars Oil, was to create the most productive, supportive, and workable vector for Saturn’s energy possible, to smooth and support our relationship with the Outermost Sphere.
In learning to work with the energies of this series, we become better adapted to the experience of Saturn transits and Saturnian circumstances, which serves as a form of remediation. It helps us get “right” with the order and brutalities of Nature, and find our way through tough terrain, emerging stronger, more self-sufficient, and wiser than we otherwise would.
On a practical level, this series is great to apply before meditation, to still the mind and invite Void-space. It can also be used for ritual observations during Saturn’s day + night (Saturdays, Tuesdays after Sunset), and hours through anointing or offering.
Its other primary functions include making things real, or of the world, developing a deeper understanding of the Saturnian sphere for educational purposes, reinforcing boundaries, binding (ourselves or others), protecting the interior, being more serious about the important things (and the inverse!), becoming less co-dependent and better able to function in isolation, and learning to be calmer, stiller, speak, and over-divulge (and indulge) less often.
Absorbing and contextualizing negativity, furthering our relationship to death, the elderly, and the Ancestors, becoming more patient, developing a sense of stewardship and service to one’s obligations, cultivating deeper discipline, humility, and better follow through, improving administrative capacities and structural intelligence, and minding one’s own GD business.
Like all Sphere + Sundry offers, there can be an adjustment period…
Saturn registers as very heavy on the surface, but the deeper into its catacombs you venture, the better it feels — the more we are able to appreciate the virtues of being alone without being lonely, for instance, or how lack of stimulation, quiet, and darkness are the foundations for meditation, contemplation, and rest, rather than sources of boredom and punishment.
Kronos helps us accept the things we cannot change, to complain less, to chop wood and to carry water. Above all, it makes us stronger, and more durable.
We do recommend balancing or alternating application of Saturn materia with other more beneficent and healing series, for while Saturn is an excellent delineator of boundaries and has helpful things to offer, you’ll likely want to fill the interior space of your self + sphere with all of the GOOD things you wish to protect and hold together, rather than become an empty husk in possession of a blown out shell. We do not necessarily recommend daily application of Saturn unless it feels very right for the individual. Cease application (or move to 3rd party application) if you experience significant dips in vitality, joy, joint pain, coldness, lack of blood flow, or, uh… death.
Just kidding! This won’t hurt too bad 😉
Just be mindful, apply with intention, and go slow.
We welcome back long-term collaborators Elizabeth Barrial and Tony Mack, and thank them for their diligence, professionalism, and mastery of their respective Spheres. It is, always, an honor and a privilege.
This is the first launch we’ve had since initiating the Plus Members program. The vast majority of those who submitted pre-sale applications will be very happy, having gotten most or all of what they wanted. We will be prioritizing the sending of Plus Member’s packages as invoices get paid, and will begin emailing ASAP.
There are already plans in place for improving this process in the future, but for this cycle at least, we will need to generate payment links for pre-sales (emails coming in hot as we speak). You are welcome to place additional orders through the website for consolidation, just please add a note reminding us you have a pre-order waiting.
General fulfillment will begin no later than Thursday, June 3rd and continue until all packages are out the door. It typically takes at least one full week to finish orders from launch day alone, since they come in like an avalanche, but up to two full weeks to finalize all shipments. The Shop will go dark again sometime in the next two weeks. We will re-open after taking a brief recovery period and refreshing low stock across the catalogue.
As a personal aside, THANK YOU for everyone’s patience with today’s insanely late launch.
There are probably 3 entire pieces worth of content that was generated and cut from this (and this is still WAY too long).
Saturn is such a gigantic topic, and these mysteries are so rich, and so deep.
This launch cycle has been… so fucking brutal… to be honest… for myself and the S+ team, but we’re all stronger for it — and we are thrilled and honored to FINALLY get to share the fruits of our Saturnian efforts with those who wish to partake of it.
One more initiatic ordeal down, a lifetime to go…
The other pieces will be put out as articles or made into a book, which leads to a couple final things:
I have been mostly off of social media for a while now, moved my own Community off of Facebook, and have spoken openly about the harms it is doing to individuals and to society.
(To learn more, please visit the Center for Humane Technology + watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix).
The fun and connection it provides is hard to give up (and for that reason even feeling how/ knowing as I do — do not desire to abandon it completely), but technologies are one of the main things we would likely be happier and healthier for erecting boundaries around, hence mentioning it in the Saturn writeup.
Following up on some of the changes and plans I laid out in the Age of Air piece:
There is a lot of Deep Work ahead, in the form of writing books, compiling courses, and the like.
Until completing at least some of those projects, I cannot justify spending much time on social media, or responding to DMs on any platform outside of what work absolutely requires.
Please resist the (understandable) urge to take necessary myopia on my behalf personally, if you do decide to write or engage and don’t hear back. There are simply not enough hours in the day (and have not been for some time).
My efforts at this point are best devoted to providing service and value for the maximum number of practitioners and clients possible, rather than on 1-off interaction. I am deeply appreciative of everyone’s support and understanding.
Sphere + Sundry has been undergoing some major internal changes over the last few months, shifting from a sole proprietor + one helper to a small business that employs 4 people aside from myself, provides great pay ($20+/ hr to start), and excellent health, dental, and vision benefits to everyone full time.
I’ve been in the process of training the team to handle as much of the day-to-day as possible, and am eternally grateful for their efforts in helping to meet the needs of our clients, as I continue ensuring quality, consistency, and efficacy, and can focus on the layers of Work that are necessarily and exclusively my own.
They will be the ones handling most customer service needs from here on out, and will escalate larger issues to me. Please note that it may take a while to hear back if it requires a written response from my end.
We also have a dedicated Plus Member Coordinator, to ensure everything goes smoothly as the program continues growing.
Thank you to the those who make all of this possible. Your support means the world to us.
I remain, as ever, a committed stewardess to the magic, the materia, and the wellbeing of those in my care. I’ll be in and out of orbit for a bit, but will return with all sorts of good stuff to share with you all.
Each order comes with basic instructions for use, timing suggestions, and a prayer. It also includes an invitation to the private client platform, for ongoing support from creator (at least some of the time!) and very welcoming community.
Saturn in Capricorn Oil
30% OFF, Anointing Oils, Available, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in CapricornA mélange of stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and various roots, stones, beans, and bones of a Saturnian nature, combined, and ritually fumigated with prayers for the Greater Malefic’s blessing, tempered in the election by Jupiter’s co-presence in Capricorn. Immersed in long-lasting, rancidity resistant 100% pure meadowfoam, alongside fossilized dinosaur bone. A grounded and true-to-form take on Saturn, which serves as the cornerstone for the series entire. While other sub-sets of Oils, Incenses, and Powders incorporate additional ingredients, including carriers of various nature, animalia, and precious metals to achieve more specialized aims, Saturn in Capricorn’s Oil is the one to work with for educational purposes and the most direct engagement with Earth's outermost Sphere. Formulated a la Temperance edition to mitigate overly-malefic manifestations, a touch of frankincense and ritually harvested evergreen sprigs from the altar help ensure Saturn in Capricorn's impacts are as productive and life-supporting as possible, while remaining within bounds of the Saturnian arcana. The power and potency of talismanic magic is not always a blessing... It is easy to crush and to curse and to create misfortune with strong Saturn elections, so for the best results (and with personal application in mind), we do recommend roping Jupiter or other benefics into the electional mix and adjusting the formulary to create something which will, for instance, reinforce boundaries and provide a sense of discipline, but not cut off all psychic air flow and trigger major depression, poverty, and hopelessness. This Oil can be applied to the self or jewelry during once weekly Saturn devotions in Saturn’s day and hour for planetary attunements, or used to anoint objects and ritual tools of a compatible nature whenever necessary. It can be used to dress candles for Saturnian devotion, or for candle magic designed to erect boundaries and facilitate binding. Promotes discipline, structure, practicality, responsibility, self-sufficiency, long-life, protection from the meddling of others, and a deeper understanding of Saturnian principles, including long-range planning, *productive self-sacrifice, and the merits of isolation, hard work, and complaint-less devotion. While we have done all we are able to mediate negative manifestations and create something as “positive” as possible, Saturn is the Greater Malefic... anything truly Saturnian *will* have characteristic side effects. Remember that cosmologically speaking, all of the Spheres balance, moderate, and temper one another, and Saturn’s primary job is providing containment and context. It does not exist in a vacuum, nor (as living beings) should our engagement with it. For this reason, we do recommend using Saturn’s materia in conjunction or rotation with other more benefic, uplifting, positive, and life-giving series. A little bit of Saturn provides structure and safe space for the “good stuff” you wish to fill yourself + your life with. Too much without the intervention and support of other influences will not render the best results, and may lead to a lack of joy, vitality, and the like. Use in moderation, and with mindful intent. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10 ml onyx gem, or "flawless glide" steel roller for $65, or mini 5 ml vials for $33, each with hand stamped Saturn label.$3 – $80$3 – $80 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Powder
Powders, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutSaturn in Capricorn herbal mix, largely comprised of various roots, beans, and fermented, aged ingredients — such as stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and fossilized dinosaur bone, ritually combined and fumigated using frankincense and myrrh during a strong Saturn in Capricorn election, made less malefic overall by the presence of Jupiter. Ground to a fine powder following six months of silent incubation, to be used for dressing candles, as a bed for Saturn talismans and pentacles, or to be sprinkled in shoes, added to mojos, or applied in any way magical powders are oft utilized. Reinforces boundaries and empowers bindings (to one’s own duties and obligations, or third parties). Increases one’s ability to operate under difficult conditions with less complaint, and maintain a stiff upper lip. Promotes maturity, “adulting”, and doing right by one’s commitments. Excellent for silencing the mind and getting down to brass tacks. Learn how to do more with less (when necessary) or maximize the application of finite resources, to keep calm, and to carry on. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, marked by a hand stamped Saturn image. Arrives in your selection of glass 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
Sold outRestock Incoming - Join List
Saturn in Capricorn Incense
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, IncenseSaturn in Capricorn herbal mix, largely comprised of various roots, beans, and fermented, dried, and aged ingredients — such as stone root, comfrey root, thyme, hemp seed, elder berries, black eyed peas, pu’erh tea, onyx, and fossilized dinosaur bone, ritually combined and fumigated using frankincense and myrrh during a strong Saturn in Capricorn election, made less malefic overall by the presence of Jupiter. Ground to a fine powder following six months of silent incubation, and made into a smooth-burning and reasonably enticing (as far as the smells of Saturn go!) incense powder, which can be formed into a mound, line, or sigil and burned on a bed of ash or sand. Burn as an offering to Saturn during weekly prayers on Saturdays (or Tuesdays following sunset), in Saturn's hour. Smoke bathe the body entire before engaging in Saturnian meditations, rituals, or activities, reinforcing personal boundaries and connecting to a profound sense of duty. Fumigate spaces to set a serious and productive tone, in advance of workings or meetings of Saturnian import. Charge Saturn talismans or pentacles. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, marked by a hand stamped Saturn image. Arrives in your selection of glass 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$33 – $99$33 – $99 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Golden Goat Subset
Anointing Oils, Bath Bombs, Incense, Lip Balms, Powders, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold Out, Spell SoapsGoat hoof — shaved from the clompers of happy and thriving goaties on the Sun’s day in the hour of Saturn, for the ability to scale any terrain, steadfast and true. Jaw bone and teeth — to chew through all variety of metaphorical blackberry bushes, or whatever bullshit life decides to throw our way. Goat horn — for self-defense and offense; to communicate majesty, self-sufficiency, and virility. Combined with master root, consecrated herbal blend, frankincense, 24k gold, and organic 100% jojoba oil born of Saturn in Capricorn's working — a choice Saturn election featuring the support of the Greater Benefic. Oil of the Golden Goat is almost shockingly vigorous, spirited, and uplifting. Anoint oneself to embody the goat’s many virtues, in pursuit of being the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time). An Oil for developing mastery over one’s self and one’s sphere. Achievement fuel like none other Golden Goat Incense is perfect for smoke bathing the body, and activating sigils for success and the achievement of goals and higher stations. Golden Goat Powder is ideal for dressing candles, adding to mojos, dusting shoes, and the like. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Goat Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($87) or onyx gem roller ($66). Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!$33 – $99$33 – $99 -
Less than 10Primordial Bath Mud
Re-Labeling *SALE*, 30% OFF, Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Salts, Face + BodyClay from a pristine Southern Oregon deposit and other earthen minerals, including ocean magnesium, epsom salt, Himalayan salt, humic and fulvic earth, and activated charcoal, to be added to a warm bath for grounding, detoxification, purification, and energetic protection. Includes organically occurring live probiotics to benefit the skin’s natural defense barrier, and offers benefits similar to earthing (the practice of walking barefoot over grass and dirt to connect with Earth’s energies), in the convenience of your own bathtub. Saturn and Capricorn each have their own distinct relationship to Earth and Sea, so it felt especially appropriate to offer some form of bathing paraphernalia alongside this series. *Too much* Saturn magic, however, directly applied to the living vessel, can drain vitality, cause tightness, and restrict energy flow, in addition to contributing to states of depression and hopelessness. For this reason, Sphere + Sundry's Bath Mud has not been explicitly enchanted, operating instead on the basis of the naturally occurring Saturnian virtues possessed by its formulary. Bathing in beneficent muck. A return to the most primordial of ooze... Come down from magical or mundane events, wipe the slate clean, and prime your body and mind for meditation, contemplation, and rest on every level. Reduces the impact of electromagnetic overexposure in the body, making this a natural (and incredibly helpful) energetic detox from these everyday modern conditions. Exfoliate first or within the bath to get increased skin softening, clarifying, and beautifying benefits (a natural extension of Saturn’s exaltation in the sign of aesthetic and lovely Libra). Yin restoration at its most fundamental... Bathe during Saturn’s day, night, and hours as a form of ritual observation and remediation, or as needed. A small amount of Ritual Salt, Powder, or Oil from any series and sub-set can be added, should additional magical oomph be desired. Add half a cup or more and soak for 15-40 minutes. Rinse well before drying. Septic safe. A small amount can also be added to water at the bedside or underneath a bed to quiet the mind and invite more grounded, less interrupted sleep. Can be added to mojos for the same. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass jar ($36) or 16 oz bulk pot ($72); or an 18 oz bundle by weight (the same amount the bulk pot holds) for those who would rather not risk shipping glass or have more than enough jars already, for $68. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!$36 – $72$36 – $72 -
Swamp Gator Subset
30% OFF, Anointing Oils, Available, Bath Bombs, Incense, Lip Balms, Powders, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in Capricorn, Spell SoapsWhile the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Swamp and Golden. Swamp Gator is, in two words: down and dirty. The downest and dirtiest in fact — its formulation comprised of actual swamp mud (graciously harvested by Austin’s absolute saint of a mother in the depths of Florida), gator vertebrae, gator teeth, and shavings of skin. All of which were ethically, legally obtained... Fun fact: the alligator population in Florida is approximately 1.3 million, and the Kingdom of Animalia is inherently eco-friendly and sustainable to harvest from in conditions where populations are healthy (in this case overly so), the animal has lived under good conditions (preferably in their native habitat), and they have come to meet a natural or necessary end. The spent corporeal form is one of Saturn’s many gifts to the living, and making practical and magical use of these abandoned Spirit-shells is a worthy tribute to our Outermost Sphere: governor of death, of practicality, and of all well-aged and lifeless matter. Fossilized dinosaur bone is another ingredient in the Swamp Gator sub-set, which is an invitation to explore the deepest, darkest, and most yin aspects of the Saturnian arcana (within and without). Full disclosure: this is the most brutal and initially off-putting of any offering from Saturn in Capricorn’s coterie. Swamp Gator is excellent for gnostic exploration of the darker aspects of nature, and facilitating shadow work. Excavate your darker features... those which remain hidden from even oneself. Incorporate them into the ego-matrix to build a more integrated, honest, and fully realized personality, or decide to banish them. The main danger the Gator represents, is in not knowing what lurks… In practical terms, this would be useful for direct application and magical intervention in dark circumstances where one needs protection from genuinely seedy, dangerous characters, and finds themselves already mired in circumstantial swamp muck. Or things like exploring the Tunnels of Set, or adding atmosphere to some quality H.P. Lovecraft time. Swamp Gator’s main value for most people is going to be for exploration and incorporation of the shadow-self, and of exploring the crueler, more primordial aspects of all Nature. Get right with the Swamp Gator in you, and with the Swamp Gators of the world. Swamp Gator Oil is a combination of hemp and castor oils, gator vertebrae, teeth, and skin, fossilized dino bone, and swamp mud, ritually consecrated to talismanic standard during an excellent Saturn in Capricorn election. It is available in your choice of 1/2 oz standard vial ($80), or 10 ml hematite roller bottle ($65). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! The Incense and Powder are made of the same, and arrive in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $33, or very few 2 oz bulk pots for $99. We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! (If you do not wish to apply Swamp Gator items directly, a fetish for their vector may be used.) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$3 – $99$3 – $99 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Talismans
Saturn in Capricorn, Talismans + Reliquaries, Sold OutResident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to Saturn in Capricorn an unparalleled run of (DROP DEAD GORGEOUS) talismans in the form of pendants and coins, modeled after one of our earliest private collaborations — a set of Degree of Exaltation Saturn rings from its time in Libra 2011, which are worn during the preparation of all our Saturnian sacraments.$717 – $4,717Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in Electrum; an 80/20 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of ibex tibia, pine resin, cumin, and hemp]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of Myrrh.
Saturn in Capricorn Coins
A traditional image of Saturn, carved in relief. He stands upon the earth bearing a scythe, surrounded by our seven wandering stars. On the reverse, an ouroboros encircling an onyx cabochon.
Saturn in Capricorn Pendants
On the back, a traditional image of Saturn, carved in relief. He stands upon the earth bearing a scythe, surrounded by our seven wandering stars. On the front, the astral sigils of Saturn from the Arabic Picatrix “Ghāyat al-Hakīm” engraved at quadrants. The center of the pendant was deposited with materia under the rulership of Saturn: pine resin, myrrh, hemp, cumin seed, lead [engraved with the character of Saturn from bk II ch 9 of the Ghayat], sapphire, gold marcasite, vulture feathers, and Cretan ibex tibia [scavenged]; which were sealed with an 18 karat gold setting, mounted with a pyramid-cut onyx.
Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Saturn.
Coins are available for $717 and include a vial of Saturn in Capricorn powder, which can be sprinkled on the bottom of the jewelry box (talismans love basking in the aura of their corresponding herbal matter). These are going to be dropped in batches... since Saturn in Capricorn only comes along every 28 years. Four of the ornate necklaces are being made available to the public (total), two of which will arrive with large Altar Box Sets, one of which will be offered to Plus Members in private auction.$717 – $4,717 -
Golden Gator Subset
Re-Labeling *SALE*, 30% OFF, Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Anointing Oils, Incense, Powders, Lip Balms, Bath Bombs, Spell SoapsWhile the goat is probably Saturn's most commonly regarded animal patron (given its association with the sign of Capricorn itself), alligators and crocodiles too are tremendously Saturnian creatures. Primordial... ancient... cold blooded... sedentary… quiet… lurky af… and above all, lethal. Their lifespan is typically from one to two Saturn cycles — some documented cases being far longer — further compounding their natural alliance with the Saturnian sphere. Two Gator sub-sets were created for this series: Golden and Swamp. Golden is the Gator in its most yang and “positive” aspect, drawing out the virtues of strength, of taking action when needed, and of point of focus. It, similarly to Golden Goat, is surprisingly active and motivating — almost to a euphoric degree; but it is also patient, imbued with the sense that “I’ve already got this”, where the Goat seeks to get and to go. Golden Gator is the better choice for people who are already more or less where they want to be in any given situation, and seek to maintain their empowered position with minimal wasted energy. Goat is for those who are in an active phase of striving and accomplishment (or wish to be). The same person can use both sub-sets in different circumstances, of course! Golden Gator offers fortification, empowerment, and the development of King alligator virtues: patience, conservation of effort, being chill most of the time and a killer when necessary, and enjoying a long-reign. It draws heavily on Jupiter’s influence in the election chart to mitigate malefic fallout and provide results that fall under the banner of excellence and positivity, while staying true to Saturn’s divine arcana. Ethically obtained gator vertebrae, frankincense, and birch, alongside 24k gold, ritually created to talismanic standard during a prime Saturn in Capricorn election, with support from the Greater Benefic. Use Oil of Golden Gator (100% organic jojoba) to anoint yourself, talismans, or other magical items, dress candles, and the like. Smoke bathe yourself or talismans in Golden Gator Incense, and activate sigils. Sprinkle the Powder in shoes, your office drawers, purse, or brief case, dress candles, add to mojos, or use however magical powders for protection, empowerment, and Saturnian virtue ought be employed. Note that the Golden varieties of Saturn in Capricorn are smaller runs than the base series (and include a number of more expensive and exotic ingredients) — hence their higher price point. Golden Gator Oil is available in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80) or hematite gem roller ($66). Mini 5 ml vials now available ($33)! Powders and Incense are offered in 1/2 oz cork top glass vials ($33) or very few 2 oz bulk pots ($99), all with hand stamped iconography. Golden Gator Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.$3 – $99$3 – $99 -
The Goat’s Horns
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48This is an oil of protection - protection through bindings, limitations, and force of will. It is an oil that protects by defusing, inhibiting, constraining, and banishing curses, and of shoving your enemies back and away from you. The Goat’s Horns fortify you by setting boundaries, maintaining endurance, and for empowering you to overcome your enemies through sheer will, determination, and a stubborn and formidable refusal to capitulate.
This oil is relentless.
Cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), patchouli essential oil and patchouli leaf from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), opoponax gum resin (Commiphora opoponax), Solomon’s seal root (Polygonatum biflorum), rue essential oil and rue from the TAL garden (Ruta graveolens), grey vegetal musk, goat’s rue (Galega officinalis), and ethically sourced goat horn. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
The Goat’s Phalanges
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48First of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a Golden Race of mortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
When one thinks of Saturn, joy is usually not the first word that comes to mind, but there is joy there: it is the joy of an untroubled heart and a mind in balance, the joy found in the serenity that existed in the Time Before Time.
The Goat’s Phalanges reaches back into the age of Titans. It is an oil of bringing ideas into form and an oil of grounding and guidance both from the earth itself and from primal forces beyond our comprehension. It is an oil that invokes a very specific nature of inner peace: the peace that came from a time before conflict existed. This oil honors Kronos of Elysium, King of the Golden Age.
Myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora kua), skullcap from the TAL garden (Scutellaria lateriflora), juniper berries, leaf, and essential oil (Juniperus communis), 3-year aged patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), caraway essential oil and seed (Carum carvi), cypress essential oil (Cupressus sempervirens), spikenard essential oil and root from the TAL garden (Aralia racemosa), poplar bud (Populus nigra), clove bud and essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), home-brewed fruit extract of dark, earthy berries, and ethically sourced goat bone. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Miniature Saturn Oil Set
Anointing Oils, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutOne miniature 4 dram vial of every Oil from Saturn in Capricorn's coterie, created by Sphere + Sundry:$108- Golden Gator
- Saturn in Capricorn
- Swamp Gator
- Golden Goat
$108 -
Sold outRestock Incoming - Join List
Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt
Ritual Salts, Salts, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutFinely ground Dead Sea Salt, activated charcoal, clarifying and cooling essential oils of Saturnian evergreen, and genuine 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense and myrrh during a Saturn in Capricorn election supported by the co-presence of Jupiter. Absorbs negativity, provides protection, and delineates energetic boundaries. Create lines, mounds, or sprinkle along thresholds. Add to a dish of water kept at the bedside to promote long-life and protect against nighttime psychic disturbances. Include a sprinkle in cleaning solutions, energy clearing sprays, or floor washes to purify energies, promote responsible conduct, protect what's within, and insulate against exterior meddling. Add to mojos or witch bottles. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90$30 – $90$30 – $90 -
The Goat’s Teeth
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48After them was born Kronos, the wily, youngest and most terrible of her children.
The Goat’s Teeth grind away mercilessly at everything. This is an oil of cunning, shrewdness, self-control, ambition, and renegotiating relationships with subordinates and figures of authority, of giving and receiving respect and gaining prestige by earning it. This is an oil of setting sights on a goal, making the plans necessary, and achieving that goal.
Patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), rosemary essential oil and leaf from three plants in the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis, Foxtail, Gregori, Tuscan Blue), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), agrimony leaf and flower (Agrimonia eupatoria), comfrey leaf from the TAL garden (Symphytum uplandicum), cypress essential oil and leaf (Cupressus sempervirens), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat’s teeth. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Oil Lamp Kits
Candles, Lamps, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutConsecrated herbal, root, and lapidary mix in your selection of Saturn in Capricorn, Golden Gator, Golden GOAT, or Swamp Gator — enough to fill the base of the included spherical oil lamp, which includes extra wick and a funnel for filling. Add the mix to your lamp and fill with whatever color of petroleum based lamp fuel you fancy, in addition to whatever else your heart desires — small home etched Saturn talismans, sigils, bone, or keep it simple. Create and light for the first time in the hour of Saturn or Jupiter. Refill the lamp as needed, and burn indefinitely. Nine Oil Lamps + Kits are being offered to the public for $360. Please specify your sub-set selection... Note that the lamp fuel is not included and must be obtained by the client directly. It is easy to find online and in-stores.$360$360 -
The Goat’s Scapula
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesThe long-standing GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of 4 talismanic perfumes for Saturn in Capricorn during Sphere + Sundry’s election, inspired by various aspects of goat anatomy —$48Ancient like Kronos, heavy-kneed, pouring rain.
This is an oil of discipline, duty, and perseverance during hardship. It is an oil of fierce independence, practicality, and gravity. This is an oil that sublimates irrational emotion in favor of cold logic. Use the Goat’s Scapula to increase patience, particularly during negotiations and to understand the mysteries of time and the passage of time.
Balm of Gilead buds and absolute (Populus nigra), patchouli essential oil and patchouli root from the TAL garden (Pogostemon cablin), hyssop essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Hyssopus officinalis), vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanioides), American hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), tobacco absolute (Nicotiana tabacum L, alcohol extraction of the concrete of the cured leaves), tobacco tree flowers from the TAL garden (Nicotiana glauca), wild-cultivated Huichol tobacco leaf (Nicotiana langsdorfii), black vegetal musk, and ethically sourced goat bone. DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. This oil is not vegan. No goats were harmed in the creation of this oil.
Arrives in that iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $48$48 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Candles
Candles, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutVirgin soy wax dyed a dull blue-grey, poured over consecrated Saturn in Capricorn herbal mix and solidified during our election window. Burn during weekly Saturn devotions as an offering, and immediate invocation of a Saturnian atmosphere. Gaze and meditate upon its flame to promote inner silence, resilience, and steel. Use in candle magic for boundary protection, discipline, and binding. Light sigils of a complimentary goal-set from its blazing flame. Set the stage for mundane or magical activities of Saturnian import by burning as a background influence. Arrives in a long-lasting slim vigil jar for $111, or very few 2 oz glass jars for $84$84 – $111$84 – $111 -
Saturn in Capricorn Talismanic Perfume Quartet
Available, Saturn in Capricorn, Talismanic PerfumesAll four of the talismanic perfumes crafted and charged by the GOAT of esoteric indie perfumery, Elizabeth Barrial, for Sphere + Sundry’s Saturn in Capricorn series:$192- The Goat’s Teeth
- The Goat’s Scapula
- The Goat’s Horns
- The Goat’s Phalanges
$192 -
Sold out100% Sold Out
Saturn in Capricorn Altar Box Sets
Altar Boxes + Ritual Sets, Saturn in Capricorn, Sold OutWooden boxes in two sizes painted matte black, which may be further inscribed or decorated by the client. Each Altar Box Set includes every single full sized item from Sphere + Sundry's one and only Saturn in Capricorn series, in small or large form (where there are size variations) based on set size. [There was text here originally indicating that Oil Lamp Kits were included with Altar Box Sets, but I overlooked adding them as a drop-down, the bullet point list below, and to the price. Those who got Altar Boxes are welcome to add on Oil Lamps if they would like one, but are not obligated to — this was my mistake, apologies!] Three Large Box Sets include Tony Mack’s ornate Saturn pendant (four of which total are available to the public). All other box sets include a Saturn in Capricorn coin talisman.$1,321 – $6,000- Saturn in Capricorn Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Saturn in Capricorn Incense (1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden Gator Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Golden Gator Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden Gator Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Swamp Gator Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Swamp Gator Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Swamp Gator Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden GOAT Oil (1/2 oz | 10 ml roller)
- Golden GOAT Incense 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Golden GOAT Powder 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt 1/2 oz glass vial | 2 oz bulk pot)
- Saturn in Capricorn Candles (slim vigil style)
- Primordial Bath Mud (8 oz glass jar | 16 oz bulk pot)
- Loose Incense by Phytognosis (cork top vial)
- The Goat’s Teeth by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Scapula by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Horns by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- The Goat’s Phalanges by BPAL (5 ml apothecary bottle)
- Talismans by Tony Mack (coin | ornate pendant)
- Small (9 total): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $1,321 (including COIN talisman) + your Oil selections
- Large (3 total): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $1,935 (including COIN talisman) + your Oil selections
- Large (3 total): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $6,000 (including ORNATE PENTACLE talisman) + your Oil selections
$1,321 – $6,000 -
Saturn in Capricorn Spell Soap
30% OFF, Available, Face + Body, Re-Labeling *SALE*, Saturn in Capricorn, Spell SoapsWe are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!$48$33.60$48$33.60