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    Saturn in Capricorn Ritual Salt

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    Finely ground Dead Sea Salt, activated charcoal, clarifying and cooling essential oils of Saturnian evergreen, and genuine 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense and myrrh during a Saturn in Capricorn election supported by the co-presence of Jupiter. Absorbs negativity, provides protection, and delineates energetic boundaries. Create lines, mounds, or sprinkle along thresholds. Add to a dish of water kept at the bedside to promote long-life and protect against nighttime psychic disturbances. Include a sprinkle in cleaning solutions, energy clearing sprays, or floor washes to purify energies, promote responsible conduct, protect what's within, and insulate against exterior meddling. Add to mojos or witch bottles. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Exalted Sol Bath Salts

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    Exalted Sol herbal mix, alongside organic rue, rosemary, hibiscus powder, and flowers offered on the altar of Kolonía's creation, copious essential oils of a Solar nature, and 24k gold, combined with Dead Sea salt fumigated during our series election. Soak to cleanse the heart, mind, body, and spirit, as a purifying return to Selfhood. Key to the Sun’s day and hours for Solar remediation, or use anytime to help wash away self-doubt and confusion. Empowers, cleanses, and invigorates. Dissolves anxious sensations, turning them toward excitement for the big game or go-time. Big "I've got this" energy! Note that these contain orange peel and citrus essential oils, for those allergic. Arrives in your selection of an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $72, or for the first time — a 19 oz bundle for $66 (equivalent to the contents of the bulk pot, but in weight rather than volume!) for refills, International clients who would rather not risk the breakage, or those in possession of more than enough jars, thanks. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, and magnesium salt, fumigated during the operation and combined with honey, Royal Jelly, organic milk powder, and consecrated Empress herbal mix, alongside some of the Empress’ own oil and dried roses from Her working altar. White and pink lotus. Copper and rose gold. Soak as Cleopatra herself in beautifying, skin soothing, and energy clearing ingredients, spiked with Venusian magic to promote embodiment, glamour, self-worth, self-love, and self-care. The addition of abre camino and sweeteners opens the way for money, gifts, and admirers. Helps gain clarity on what one truly desires, and enhances their ability to secure it. The perfect choice for an Energetic Cleansing bath for Venusian ends, before date nights, photoshoots, or livestreams. Also the creation of music, poetry, or art. A standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with other salt to make a little go a longer way. Can also be dissolved and added to cleaning sprays or floor washes. Naturally scented with pure essential oils and absolutes from the Empress’ own dessert tray, filled with marzipan pastry, milk cocoa ganache, and white tea cake sprinkled with rose water. Arrives in your choice of an 8 oz reusable glass bale jar for $36, or 16 oz bulk pot for $72
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    Immortal Heart Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea Salt, magnesium flakes, organic powdered milk, and consecrated Immortal Heart herbal and floral blend, fumigated with frankincense and benzoin during the Virgo III New Moon opposite Neptune, alongside butterfly pea powder and essential oils of a comforting, soothing, and emotionally healing nature. Soak in the Divine Mother’s undiluted love, compassion, and understanding. Assists in clarifying emotions and making space for the grieving process, apart from the anxiety and loneliness the experience of intense emotions can sometimes carry. Inspired by the Grief Salts from The Ancestral Series, Bath Salts of the Immortal Heart can serve a very similar function, but also possess a more all-purpose quality that transcends the focus on loss of a loved one through dying. Use to comfort and wind down before bed, and invoke a sense of security that all will, in time and in fact, be well. The standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with additional salt to make a little go a longer way. Perfect for Energetic Cleansings + Ritual Baths intended to focus on emotional recovery and coming into right relationship with the Divine Feminine, or Mother Goddess of infinite compassion and understanding, in protective service to us — her beloved Children. Add to floor washes or cleaning agents used in areas of high emotional traffic, to help establish therapeutic safe space, banishing the spiritual glommers who feed off of negative emotions. Important note: Contains a small amount of pennyroyal. Do not use while pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or if you could be pregnant. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar for $33, or 16 oz bulk pot for $66
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    Ancient Egyptians harvested naturally occurring natron from dry saline lake beds, employing it for all manner of hygienic and household purposes, as it possesses cleansing, purifying, and preserving qualities. It was also an essential ingredient in the mummification process. Natron prepared with colloidal gold, dried, hand chopped, sifted, and blessed upon the altar of operation for Hermanubis II, as Mercury Eclipsed Sol in Scorpio on 11:11:2019. The resulting Natron can be used for the purification of statues and icons, to delineate ritual circles or barriers for containing Necromantic operations, creating boundaries for the Dead, added to baths and floor washes, mixed with additional salt for the curing and preservation of departed animalia, or in any way the Operator sees fit. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $16, or 2 oz bulk pot for $48
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    Bath Salts of Amenti

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    Dead Sea salt, magnesium flakes, organic spirulina, Natron, and consecrated Hermanubis II herbal mix, suffumigated during Mercury's Eclipse of Sol on 11:11:2019, alongside prayers for Hermanubis' blessing. Bathe before engaging in Ancestral or Necromatic rituals, to prime for contact of the chthonic variety. May induce trance. Offered in an 8 oz glass jar for $36, 16 oz glass bulk pot for $66, or an 18 oz bath bundle (for those who wish to avoid breakage in transit, have their own jars, or are procuring a refill) for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Asclepius Bath Salts III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing (as detailed in the series description for Asclepius II), and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both meta and physical. Dead Sea salt and magnesium enriched epsom, fumigated with frankincense during the Asclepius III election, combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside home grown and ritually harvested herbs inherent to the election's consecrated herbal mixture. Rose of Jericho, incense cedar, and more. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise. Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water. Offered in our standard 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, or for the first time, a 16 oz bulk pot for $66. See testimonials of Asclepius II Bath Salt for reference.
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    Son of Apollo Ritual Salt

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — something similar is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Finely ground Dead Sea salt, fumigated with frankincense smoke during the Asclepius III election and mixed with essential oils of a warding Solar nature, along with genuine 24k gold. Sprinkle under or around the bed or those convalescing or in need of warding for good health. Add to floor washes and use in ways magical salts are typically employed. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $13, or 2 oz bulk pot for $39 View testimonials of Asclepius II Ritual Salt for reference.
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    Luminous Crown Bath Salts

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    Consecrated Luminous Crown herbal blend mixed with Dead Sea salt, suffumigated with frankincense, saffron, electrum (a gold and silver alloy), and pure essential oils. Soak in the tub to diffuse limiting beliefs, dispel fear, and promote integration and embodiment. Warming, energizing, and bright. Clear away that which does not serve, especially before important life events, rituals, empowerments, and initiations. Potentiates one's ability to manifest and actualize. Add a small amount to floor washes to elevate the atmosphere of a space and clear away stagnant, dark, and low grade energies, leaving behind a high key feeling or cleanliness and fertility. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable jar marked by the hand stamped, embossed seal of the Luminous Sovereign — enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar $36
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    Aldebaran Bath Salts

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    Consecrated organic Aldebaran herbal base, mixed with pure essential oils and coarsely ground Dead Sea salt, red rose petals from the altar, gold, silver, and copper leaf, precious ruby. Suffumigated with Aldebaran incense during Jupiter’s day and hour for added oomph. Essential oils of frankincense, myrrh, and pure rose absolute. Bathe to reinforce personal power, ground in your own vision, assist in the execution of your will within the world, and draw material resources to your command. Use to purge self-doubt and promote drive, strength, and grit. Employ before rituals related to Aldebaranian principles to prime the human vessel, or before negotiations or fights where determination, personal power, luck, and favor will help win the day. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller amounts to many homeopathy style. Offered in an 8 oz glass container with hand drawn label for $36
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    Grief + Ancestral Healing Bath Salts

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    The Ancestors mother-blend, combined with Dead Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, herbs, flowers, and essential oils to comfort and assist in grief processing, suffumigated with Hermanubis incense. Funereal white lily, baby’s breath, chamomile, blessed thistle, lavender, genuine silver leaf, rose quartz, saltwater pearl, white and yellow roses offered the night of the operation, blue lotus, talismanic materia under the auspices of the Divine Physician Asclepius, proprietary others. Immerse yourself in the mourning process to purify energies and emotions surrounding the death of a loved one, or throughout the course of ancestral healing. Intended to transcend the experience of the physical bather for the purpose of reaching and benefiting the aggrieved beyond the veil. Purgative and transmuting, but also gently facilitates healing, and perhaps a good cry. Gentle, but extremely effective. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Recommended as a primer for those with complicated family histories who are working their way toward ancestral work, or before ancestral operations, especially on the New Moon. Arrives in an 8 oz glass jar for $36 Note that these salts have a high magnesium and trace mineral content.
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    Deneb Algedi Bath Salts

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Consecrated Deneb Algedi herbal mix was created to a talismanic standard, suffumigated with Dead Sea salt, silver leaf, and blue-green algae for natural coloration and its skin nourishing properties. Essential oils of frankincense, marjoram, and blue tansy, mixed to take on the appearance of  blue chalcedony and storm clouds over the frothy sea. Soak in a safe harbor, should you find yourself in need of protection and boundary reinforcement, to avert the evil eye, earn the favor of those in power, and encourage fair treatment by the law. Promotes a grounded pragmatism, sense of security, clear headedness, and purifies the auric body. Arrives in a reusable 8 oz glass jar with hand drawn label for $33
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    Pink Himalayan Milk and Honey Bath Salts

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    Consecrated organic Venus in Taurus herbal base was ritually combined to talismanic standard with pink Himalayan salt, skin softening Dead Sea salt, rose petals, organic powdered milk, and honey on a supremely fine Venus in Taurus election. Includes copper, the metal of Venus, and royal jelly - the nectar upon which the Queen Bee feeds. Naturally scented with rose absolute of French origin, essential oils of Belgium butter and Somali Frankincense. It was said that Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey, both natural humectants, long employed as a beauty secret by those whose livelihoods (or old fashioned vanity) drove them to embody their loveliest selves. Enjoy a luxurious soak to promote feelings of self-worth, self-love, and self-acceptance. Enhances beauty, glamour, and promotes soft, kissable skin. Get in touch with your core desires and banish feelings of shame or judgment. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller homeopathic doses to make a little go a longer way. Time to Venus' days and hours for remedial Venus observation or to strengthen outcomes, or before important engagements where you need to feel and be seen as the Queen you are. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar for $35
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Bath Salts

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    Consecrated Jupiterian herbal base was suffumigated with frankincense and ritually combined with dried fruit, essential oils, Dead Sea salts, Celtic Sea salts, Himalayan salts, and epsom salt, a small amount of organic powdered milk and cane sugar, along with minerals for stress reduction and muscle release. A small amount of Jupiter’s Bounty oil, comprised in equal parts of organic jojoba and almond, was mixed in a few weeks later during day and hour of Jupiter before bottling, to add further skin nourishment and Jupiterian oomph. This bath is gently purifying and energetically cleansing, but also sweetening, protective, and fortifying. Use in times of stress to increase bandwidth, relax the body, clear away bad energies and depressive, anxious thoughts, and reset on a positive note. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller homeopathic doses to make a little go a longer way. Time to Jupiter’s days and hours for remedial Jupiter observation or to strengthen outcomes. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar for $36 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Bath Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As detailed in the series description, ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing, and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both physical and metaphysical. Dead Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, and epsom salt were combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside herbs from the consecrated incense mixture and 24k gold leaf, with Asclepius’ blessing. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify your system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. The formula of this salt is highly concentrated with essential oil to make less go a longer way. Available in an eight ounce glass jar for $33, enough for 2 deeply purifying baths, or add smaller amounts to many, utilizing the principle of contagion.
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    Ritual Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.

    Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.

    Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

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    Regulus Bath Salts II

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    Pink Himalayan salt and epsom salt, ritually combined with consecrated Regulus herbal mix, dried flower petals, essential oils, and 24k gold as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the ascendant, in the hour of Jupiter. The water becomes soft... energetically warm, as if being immersed in reassurance from a most beloved familiar. The constitution of the soul is restored. The narrator discloses: This is my very favorite offering from all of Regulus II. Soak to calm and center yourself in your own power. Cleanses the auric body of debilitating notions, soothes muscle tension, invites deeper breathing. Use to clear away self-doubt and anxiety, especially in regards to public appearances or putting yourself out into the world. Helps alleviate melancholy and heal the heart, restoring a sense of secure selfhood, ease, and possibility. Welcomes deep rest. It's almost painful to watch it go down the drain. Highly concentrated. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar marked by hand drawn Regulus glyph, enough for 2-3 deep baths, or many more via the principle of contagion. Please Note: Due to high magnesium content, do not use in cases of kidney failure, or if kidney issues present. Lift yourself out of the bathtub carefully, and drink plenty of water. $36
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    The ancient Egyptians harvested naturally occurring natron from dry saline lake beds and used it for all manner of hygienic and household purposes, as it holds cleansing, purifying, and preserving qualities. It was also an essential ingredient in the mummification process. This natron was ritually cooked during the Hermanubis operation and left to dry throughout the night of the Mercury cazimi. The result is a salt blend which can be used to create ritual circles or barriers for containing necromantic operations, delineating boundaries for the dead, or used however else natron can be applied. It can be cut with other salts to make it go a longer way, via the principle of contamination. 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $13

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