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Remediation / Rites of Jupiter


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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil II

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    Smelling the incense from morning mass on your scarf and gloves, faintly now that it's twilight. Making your way up the garden path to a house twinkling with Christmas lights; snow gently falling — condensing softly beneath each step. You let yourself in, to be greeted by the most loving, enthusiastic welcome by your nearests and dearest; the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg from the mulling spices simmering over a blazing hearth-fire. Mouth-watering bites of freshly baked ginger cookies, decorated with orange blossom. Calmer, more collected, and sophisticated than Jupiter in Sagittarius I Oil (some is still available to contrast!), but warming, uplifting, and illuminating nonetheless. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), 10 ml roll-on with flawless glide steel for $65, or adorable Mini for $33. This essential oil blend contains a small amount of cinnamon bark which may be warm on the skin. Highly sensitive individuals should patch test before broader application. Wipe away with kitchen oil on a paper towel rather than water if necessary.
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    Jup-Juice II (III?)

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    I don't know whether to call this iteration II or III because technically Jupiter's Lightning Rod was also JUP-JUICE, but regardless, it's BACK! Just in time for the holidays! For a detailed description, the one from Jupiter in Sagittarius I is basically the same, just from their respective elections, lapis instead of citrine, and the addition of blood orange and colloidal gold. Arrives in a glass spray bottle with hand drawn Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph and keepsake citrine, available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30 or full 2 oz for $75 Golden and clear drops of essential oil resulting from the distillation are still present, in some bottles more than others. These are completely natural, not any indication something is amiss.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Candles II

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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Ritual Salt

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    See that yellow salad spinning bowl at the top of the picture? It's filled with frankincense resin, which was fumigated and consecrated during Sphere + Sundry's Jupiter in Sagittarius II election way back in October of 2019. Following 1160-days of quiet incubation — after playing a notably important role in the making of Thema Mundi — it was powdered in the day and hour of Jupiter with a hint of Butter Ocean's residue, combined with purifying Dead Sea salt, essential oils of orange blossom, hyssop, manuka, more frankincense, and 24k gold. A Ritual Salt of the highest holy + benefic order results, to apply, ward, and purify as you see fit! Use as a candle dressing, sprinkle in floor washes and the corners/ thresholds of sacred spaces (or those in need spiritual protection). Carry on one's person, in the car, and hand bags or briefcases. Can also be used in a manner similar to magical Powders, sprinkling in the shoes, pockets, brassiere, or otherwise. Brings luck and good vibes. Begets elevation, inspiration, protection, and purity. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius II Talismans

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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Coin by Tony Mack

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 90/10 electrum [silver and gold] with a small amount of tin. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, and saffron.

    An composite image taking elements of the 'Images of Jupiter' from book 2 chapter 9 of the latin Picatrix. “The image of Jupiter, according to the opinion of Apollonius, is the shape of a man sitting on an eagle, wrapped in a cloth, with his feet on the eagles back.." Motifs were also used via the image of Jupiter "according to Mercurius"; the shape of a man covered in a single linen cloth, as well as his holding a "lance, or dart". The back of the pendant is engraved with the character of Jupiter as written in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al-Hakim [aka Picatrix in latin translations].

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter, and a Ritual Salt from its same mini-series for $888.
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    Butter Ocean Anointing Oil

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    For Jupiter told Man: Anoint in Good, Holy, and Ease-Giving Faith, and all Shall Be as on the 6th Day of Creation — Well Again. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard vial (with optional add-on Dropper Cap Kit) for $80, 10 ml flawless glide steel roller for $65, very few gold plated roller for $108, or sweet 5 ml Minis ($33).
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    Butter Ocean Salve

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    Jupiterian herbs for the promotion of relaxation and release, flow and abundance, fumigated during our Butter Ocean election and immersed in a combination of ghee and organic extra virgin olive oil. Left to incubate for over a year and a half, before being strained, and gifted the addition of organic beeswax and essential oils (arnica, amber, frankincense). You know what else Butter Ocean is teaching me? That every single individual offering description probably doesn't require a rehashing of the series description + ground-up masterclass in how to use the stuff! Put it on... rub it good... and feel like you too are made of butter! Crowned with white gold and lemon gold, offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $56, or if the Client prefers, a 4 oz bulk pot ($96). Infused (organic): comfrey root and leaf, borage, olive leaf, blue poppy seed, slippery elm bark, valerian root, catnip, blessed thistle, burdock root, echinacea, fenugreek, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, marshmallow, meadowsweet, milk thistle seed, mullein leaf, plantain leaf, wild yam root, yarrow flower.
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    Butter Ocean Candles

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    Palm wax candles poured over consecrated, powdered Butter Ocean herbal matter within the consecration window, in a royal, amethystine tone. Burn during weekly ritual observations to Jupiter, or employ in candle magic aligned with the series and planetary arcana: enrichment, gain, nourishment, wisdom, and the like. Offered as the classic slim vigil ($168) crowned with lemon gold and yellow jade, or as etchable, dressable pillars in your choice of magnum ($244), tall ($168), or cute lil' shortie ($108).
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    Butter Ocean Powder

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    Put it on stuff and in stuff! Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.
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    Butter Ocean Kolonía

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    Cleanse all aside Jupiter's sweet, restorative, nourishing Grace. Arrives in the Client's selection of 1.7 oz woozy ($32) or 5 oz bulk for $96, each with keepsake consecrated amethyst and yellow jade.
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    Butter Ocean Incense

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    Burn it! Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Butter Ocean Bath Salts

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    Bathe in Jupiter's Good Graces.   Literally! 8 oz bale top for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $64, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bundle for $60 Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Butter Ocean Altar Box Sets

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    Each Altar Box Set made available through the website directly for Butter Ocean *INCLUDES* its matching series Talisman and a Slim Vigil candle. Anointing Oils are add ons based on the Client's preference. Aside from that, one of everything associated with the series in small or large Form where there are size variations, and a beautiful stick o' butter-lookin' box to stow it. Fun additional bit of chaos is that when the Plus Member preview text was initially put up, I had chosen to include a recent photo Austin printed out of the Butter Ocean election because of the cute lil notes. Only to discover a few minutes before pre-launch that it had been our alternate election(!) and not the real one! GOOD TIMES! Pic in gallery for posterity.
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    Butter Ocean Hydrosol

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    Shasta water distilled with Jupiterian herbs and spices, tucked into cozy waves of consecrated Jupiter in Pisces II materia for an entire ocean of time. Grain alcohol for preservation, and essential oils of grapefruit, frankincense, and labdanum. Wash away stress and anxious states. Uplifting and buffering, comforting and soothing. Create your own cozy auric and atmospheric haze. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for travel or sampling ($30), or full 2 oz for $75.
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    Butter Ocean Attuning Tincture

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    100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Combined in the Butter Ocean election window with high quality vodka, following fumigation of frankincense during Sphere + Sundry's second Jupiter in Pisces operation — in the wings since June of 2021. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    $33 $23.10

    Butter Ocean Ritual Honey

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    Make sweet. Arrives in a 2 oz glass pot for $33. 100% ingredients (organic): honey, fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Yellow gold.
    $33 $23.10
    $33 $23.10
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    Butter Ocean Ink + Skin Stain

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    Color stuff purple! 1 oz brush cap for $64.
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    Butter Ocean Steep + Smoke

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    You'll never guess! 100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $28, 4 oz bulk pot for $48
    Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    GHEE of the SEA! Body Butter

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    An infusion of 2♃ medicinal herbs of Jupiterian provenance designed to promote relaxation, release, calm, and general beneficence, ritually combined following fumigation of frankincense on Sphere + Sundry's Butter Ocean election — a Jupiter in Pisces series from June of 2021, which incubated over a year and a half before its debut. This is the first of the BodButs to include additional oils of organic grass-fed ghee, avocado, olive oil, and grapeseed, in addition to the classic shea butter and coconut. The texture has small crystals that dissolve when rubbed into the skin, and the results are remarkably refreshing to body, mind, and spirit. Both grounding and elevating, soothing and fortifying. And melts away stress like (drumroll...) its series' namesake. Comfrey, slippery elm, poppy seed, olive leaf, borage, valerian, catnip, yarrow, mullein, meadowsweet, hyssop, hops, and honeysuckle, Echinacea, blessed thistle, burdock, and more, with essential oils of labdanum, amber, frankincense, and tangerine. Excellent before bed or anytime to promote luck, ease, and abundance. A true thick and luxurious butter that can be mixed into lotion for a lighter application, but excellent to smooth winter dryness. In addition to insulating the skin, it creates a layer of protective, buttery insulation to the auric and astral. Offered in your selection of 2 oz for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $96. Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather. Thank you for understanding!
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    Butter Ocean Talismans

    Jupiter in Pisces Pendants by Tony Mack:

    Modeled in high relief with hard carver’s wax, and Cast in an 90/10 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of frankincense, orange rind, and amber]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, and saffron.

    An image for Jupiter in Pisces of an ancient ammonoidea (the fossils of which we call ammonite) who's chabered shell spirals outward in a Fibonacci sequence. The 'golden ratio' composition of the shell shares a pleasant symmetry with the significations of Jupiter in Pisces; namely in balanced and equilibrated growth, and as a supportive and buoyant structure which provides protection and orientation. The back of the pendant is marked with the character of Jupiter as written in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al-Hakim [aka Picatrix in latin translations].

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter, and an accompanying Butter Ocean Powder for $888
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    Cloud Kingdom Subset

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    Almost all high quality Jupiter materia shares certain features, such as drawing abundance, increasing resources, luck, wisdom, and promoting a good natured, jovial manner, in addition to elevating the mind and spirit. That being said, there are two sub-sets for Sphere + Sundry's first Jupiter in Pisces series: Cloud Kingdom and Empyreal Vantage, each having their own additional specialties... Both are elevating and potent, though Cloud Kingdom is the more yin, insulating, lightly hypnotic, and gentle of the two, akin to floating on a cloud-chariot hiiigh above it all, sheltered and shielded from the travails of terrestrial living. Application unwinds the heart-mind in order to facilitate letting go and letting live — detaching from nagging concerns and over-caring, and invites one to participate in the divine process of unburdened being. Relieves stressful and anxious sensations (as almost all high quality Benefic talismanic materia does, or even mundanely prescribed remedies of the modern world do), but with a distinctive easygoing, wise, and contemplative flow (and few to no debilitating side effects). It smooths the edges, adding a Jupiterian buffer to the auric body — ideal for those who are feeling raw, sensitive, or could simply use a break from whatever struggles they find themselves facing. It is very wearable, doing little to nothing to interfere with the performance of day-side tasks — yet provides a comforting and soothing distance that registers as relief and respite to overburdened nervous and adrenal systems. Promotes lightness of being, acceptance, letting go, wisdom, and patience. Ideal for meditation, before sleep, or in stressful circumstances where Jupiter’s added luck and good nature are a more than welcome influence. Breathe deeply… Deeper still amongst the clouds, For they shall sweep us from our burdens... Jupiterian and Piscean herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, seaweeds, and gemstones, including dandelion, blessed thistle, hops, hyssop, blue cohosh, marshmallow root, blue lotus, dulse, and dried plum, ritually combined at the height of Sphere + Sundry's series election following fumigation of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Fish bone, lapis lazuli, fresh water pearl, and genuine 12k white gold. Cloud Kingdom Oil is an immersion of equal parts organic jojoba and extra virgin olive oil, and the matter for Incense and Powder was left to gestate, later ground in the day and hour of Jupiter. Anoint oneself anytime as needed, or in the days/ nights/ and hours or Jupiter for remedial purposes. Apply to the temples, third eye, heart center, base of the skull or spine, wrists, thighs and buttocks (the Jupiter ruled areas of the body), feet, or ears. Likewise, meridians or acupuncture/ pressure points related to the liver, gallbladder, blood, adrenals, &c. The Salve (and even Body Butter) of this series can be applied similarly to even greater physical effect, in terms of muscle relaxation and embodied experience. Use this Oil to dress candles, apply to compatible magical works, or in any way magical oils can be utilized. Smoke bathe the body entire using the Incense to clear one's field and promote energetic insulation, especially in times of strife, stress, and attack. Note that all items from this series work gracefully and effectively with Sphere + Sundry's Ritual Bathing and Energy Clearing Protocol. Use the Powder to dress candles, add to mojos, sprinkle in drawers and shoes, in any way magical powders are often applied. Cloud Kingdom Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($30) or 2 oz bulk pot ($90). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps: 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! [To learn more about the more yang, clarifying, and Zeus-like impacts of the Empyreal Vantage sub-set, click here.] Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Empyreal Vantage Subset

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    Almost all high quality Jupiter materia shares certain features, such as drawing abundance, increasing resources, luck, wisdom, and promoting a good natured, jovial manner, in addition to elevating the mind and spirit. That being said, there are two sub-sets for Sphere + Sundry's first Jupiter in Pisces series: Empyreal Vantage and Cloud Kingdom, each in possess of their own additional specialties... Both are elevating and potent, though Empyreal Vantage is the more yang, empowering, energizing, and clarifying of the two. Be as Zeus himself — liberated, potent, and fecund with all-potential. The Sky is the limit… and it’s clear as the Eye can see! Somewhere between the electrifying feel of Jupiter’s Lightning Rod and unbridled excitation of Jupiter in Sagittarius floats Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage: more akin to thunder than lightning, and less inclined to speed for speed’s sake, but high on potentiality and possessed of a certain easygoing gravitas. Cool and collected, yet imbued with all-power and possibility. This sub-set encapsulates Jupiter’s role as a vital (yet wise) Sky God — the One reigning from above, empowered to take effective (yet gracious), and decisive (well-considered) action… when needed, and as desired. A Way-Opener as the crow flies, sometimes the most effective way to get what we want is to rise above the many obstacles which sculpt the terrestrial plane, overcoming them with easy grace and infinite largesse. Upon application, one feels an undeniable sensation the weather is about to turn — and in our favor! A talismanic aphrodisiac of diverse applications, stoking the Jupiterian instinct to participate in works of active and charismatic creation. Excellent for a wide range of diurnal activities, such as working, leading, planning, honing one’s vision and aspirations, and exploring new frontiers, but also compatible with activities such as hosting parties and get togethers, rising above difficult encounters in an empowered and fortified manner, way-finding (especially our way toward Jupiter things: increase, wisdom, higher mind, wealth, better fortune, &c.), and much, much more. Energizing, but also cooling. Best applied during the day. For sleep and relaxation, Cloud Kingdom may be better suited. Jupiterian and Piscean herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, seaweeds, and gemstones, including dandelion, blessed thistle, hops, hyssop, blue cohosh, marshmallow root, dulse, and dried plum, ritually combined at the height of Sphere + Sundry's series election following fumigation of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Fish bone, lapis lazuli, and genuine 24k gold. Empyreal Vantage Oil is an immersion of equal parts organic jojoba and extra virgin olive oil, and the matter for Incense and Powder was left to gestate, later ground in the day and hour of Jupiter. Anoint oneself anytime as needed, or in the days/ nights/ and hours or Jupiter for remedial purposes. Use this Oil to dress candles, apply to compatible magical works, or in any way magical oils can be utilized. Smoke bathe the body entire using the Incense to clear one's field and promote a sense of possibility, especially in times of strife, stress, and attack. Note that all items from this series work gracefully and effectively with Sphere + Sundry's Ritual Bathing and Energy Clearing Protocol. Use the Powder to dress candles, add to mojos, sprinkle in drawers and shoes, in any way magical powders are often applied. Empyreal Vantage Oil arrives in your selection of a 1/2 oz glass vial with lapis and 24k gold for $72, or a 10ml citrine roller for $60. Cloud Kingdom Incense and/ or Powder is available in a choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($30) or 2 oz bulk pot ($90). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! [To learn more about the more yin, insulating, and stress reducing impacts of the Cloud Kingdom sub-set, click here.]
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    The Cloud King’s Salve

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    Full ingredients list, almost fully organic: jojoba oil, olive oil, MCT oil (coconut derived), burdock root, catnip leaf, chamomile flower, comfrey leaf, comfrey root, echinacea, goldenseal leaf, goldenseal root, hyssop, linden flower, linden leaf, plantain leaf, slippery elm bark, white willow bark, yarrow flower, blue lotus, beeswax, propolis, frankincense, labdanum, lapis lazuli, freshwater pearl, 12k white gold. Herbs and gems of Jupiterian and Piscean nature, fumigated in frankincense and saffron during the Empyreal Vantage election window, immersed in equal parts jojoba and olive oils with a touch of coconut derived MCT. Shaken during Jupiter’s days and hour, strained, gently melted with beeswax, and poured into tins, topped with white gold. Apply to the feet, low back, shoulders, neck, heart center, or wherever muscle tension and pain reside. Rub in for 30 seconds to 2+ minutes for the most deeply felt results. (Can also be applied to the thighs, buttocks, and hips, meridians and acupuncture/ pressure points related to the liver, gallbladder, blood, adrenals, and other Jupiter related parts/ systems, especially in the days/ nights/ hours of Jupiter.) Personal testimonial time: I had THEE BEST massage **of my life** using The Cloud King’s Salve during beta testing. No exaggeration, just pure, unmitigated ☁️ bliss ☁️ Let your worries go, and rise above whatever mundanity and bullshit may be going on. Great before sleep, or anytime you wish to unwind, relax, and drift among the clouds. Pairs *chef’s kiss* with Mother Mary Jane. Arrives in your choice of 2 oz tin for $64, or a handful of 4 oz bulk pots for $96. Summer Heat Advisory: These will sweat and melt if left in temperatures hotter than 80+ degrees for any meaningful length of time. Please collect your package as quickly as possible to protect it from excess temperatures (or ship somewhere it will be stored inside), and keep in the refrigerator if necessary. Melting and sweating does not impact the physical or magical efficacy of this salve, though it may be messy! We cannot issue refunds for melted salves due to summer heat, but would be happy to place yours on hold until cooler weather if you so desire. Please just add a note at checkout...
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    Turbulent Flow

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    Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of ♃ talismanic perfumes for Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage during Sphere + Sundry’s election —

    Continuously undergoing change.

    An oil of the Philosopher Queen, Turbulent Flow is the ordered chaos at the intersection of philosophy, faith, introspection, and knowledge. This is an oil of evolution and change, but the focus is on the evolution of your worldview, values, and belief system, enabling you to shake off the shackles of ideas that no longer serve you.

    Lignum aloes, benzoin resinoid (Styrax benzoin), European ash leaves (Fraxinus excelsior), white willow bark (Salix alba), white sage essential oil and white sage from the TAL garden (Salvia apiana), Western red cedar essential oil and leaf (Thuja plicata), cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), cardamom essential oil and pods (Elettaria cardamomum), evening primrose oil and seed (Oenothera biennis), English lavender flowers (Lavandula angustifolia), wild-harvested pine needles and pine needle essential oil (Pinus sylvestris L.), and celery seed essential oil (Solidago canadensis).

    Arrives in an iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $45
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    Water of Heavenly Succor

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    A bountiful harvest of peaches and consecrated Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage herbal base, 12k white gold, and lapis lazuli, with water freshly drawn from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta. Distilled via copper alembic during the election window and left to bask upon the altar throughout the day. Spritz to uplift, liberate, promote wellbeing and a sense of all-potential. Calms, centers, and puts at ease. Use as an aura wash or linen spray to increase wellbeing, and a chill good nature. Arrives in your choice of a 1/2 oz travel/ sample size glass spray bottle with lapis lazuli for $30, of full 2 oz for $75.
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    $36 $25.20

    The Cloud King’s Honey

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    Consecrated Jupiter in Pisces herbal base, lapis lazuli, 24k gold, and 12k white gold, folded into a base of raw and organic honey during the Empyreal Vantage election window, fumigated with frankincense and saffron. Create a honey pot or add as an ingredient in other spellwork related to Jupiterian ends: drawing opportunities, wealth, clients, sweetening existing offers or positions, improving disposition and reputation, liberation, and rising above whatever may be holding you down or back. In addition, honey pot oneself (or others) as insulation against works of maleficia, and the ill-will of those less evolved. Preferably following some form of energetic cleansing. Arrives in a 2 oz glass bulk pot with keepsake lapis lazuli for $36
    $36 $25.20
    $36 $25.20
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    ‘With Peace Divine’ Body Butter

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    The same herbal components as The Cloud King’s Salve, but in a proprietary base of organic shea, coconut, safflower, apricot kernel, extra virgin olive, and jojoba oils, ritually immersed in the heart of the Empyreal Vantage Jupiter in Pisces election window, following fumigations of frankincense and saffron, prayers and offerings. Shaken during Jupiter’s days and hours before being strained and made into a nourishing body butter, whipped with the addition of high grade frankincense and holy champaca, making for a gender-neutral scent that nonetheless imparts a sense of the Divine Masculine’s great virtue. Protective, embodied, and pulsing with all-potential. This is Sphere + Sundry’s second foray into body butters, following in the glittering footsteps of The Empress. Do take a moment to peruse those testimonials for a sense of the formula’s efficacy, if you wish. Relaxing, yet invigorating. Grounding, yet elevating. Centered, yet unbound. Cooling, yet active. Energizing, yet fully content. Something to experience to believe… Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Multiple Storm Interaction

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    Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of ♃ talismanic perfumes for Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage during Sphere + Sundry’s election —

    When cyclones move towards one another, they may either circle around one another or spiral into each other’s central point and merge.

    An oil of the convergence of ideas and philosophies, of finding companionship and friendship with those who uplift and enrich your life and whose lives you can improve in return. This is an oil of connection, empathy, intuition, and mutual healing, and an attraction oil that focuses on drawing kind, wise, and loving people into your sphere.

    Almond hull (Prunus dulcis), white sage essential oil and white sage from the TAL garden (Salvia apiana), Atlas cedarwood essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), Vietnamese aloeswood, tonka bean (Dipteryx odorata), French oakmoss absolute (Evernia prunastri L.), hyssop essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Hyssopus officinalis), jasmine absolute and flower (Jasminum grandiflorum), myrrh essential oil and tears (Commiphora myrrha), and Bulgarian rose absolute and rose petals (Rosa damascena).

    Arrives in an iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $44
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    ‘Within the Sky’ Steep + Smoke

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    Full ingredients list, 100% organic herbs: barberry root, blessed thistle, borage, burdock root, catnip leaf, raw dandelion root, goldenseal leaf, linden flower, linden leaf, plantain leaf, slippery elm bark, mugwort, mullein, white willow bark, lemon balm, and blue lotus, fumigated with frankincense and saffron during the Empyreal Vantage election window. Smoke to soothe, center, and uplift. Pairs well with Mother Mary Jane. Steep and add to floor and aura washes, baths, or water at bedsides and thresholds. Use during Jupiter’s days/ nights/ hours for remedial purposes, or as-needed to unwind. Arrives in a 2 oz clear top tin for $33, or 4 oz for $60. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Tincture of Empyreal Vantage

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    Full ingredients list, 100% organic herbs: barberry root, blessed thistle, borage, burdock root, catnip leaf, raw dandelion root, goldenseal leaf, linden flower, linden leaf, plantain leaf, slippery elm bark, mugwort, mullein, white willow bark, and white gold, fumigated with frankincense and saffron during the Empyreal Vantage election window, immersed in top-shelf cognac. Shaken during Jupiter’s days and hours, strained to a clear golden elixir. A Jupiterian sacrament of the highest order — energizing, uplifting, liberating, wealth and opportunity drawing. Anoint that which you don’t want getting oily, supplement Jupiter offerings, or add to floor washes. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    The Eye

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    Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of ♃ talismanic perfumes for Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage during Sphere + Sundry’s election —

    Within the Eye, you are shielded from the surrounding storm.

    A kingdom at peace requires a sovereign at peace. This is an oil of finding serenity, invoking the peace of mind necessary to make prudent choices. The Eye facilitates achieving and maintaining a level head, and crafting the equilibrium necessary to govern yourself, your life, and your kingdom with calm, mercy, and wisdom.

    Sri Lankan clove essential oil and bud (Syzygium aromaticum), kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum), French dandelion root and leaf from the TAL garden (Taraxacum officinale), nutmeg essential oil (Myristica fragrans), lotus root (Nelumbo nucifera), Egyptian lotus petals (N. nouchali), blue lotus absolute (Nymphaea caerulea), hyssop essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Hyssopus officinalis), ethically harvested palo santo essential oil and bark (Bursera graveolens) and sandalwood (Santalum spicatum), passion flower from the TAL garden (Passiflora incarnata), Macedonian juniper berries and essential oil (Juniperus communis), and wild clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllata).

    Arrives in an iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $44
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    Jupiter in Pisces Talismans

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Very few of these were restocked, following Plus Member reservations which fell through. You may have received a Waitlist notification email for this item, though unfortunately they have already sold 😢[/sf_iconbox] Resident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage two stunning talismans in the form of pendants and coins.

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in Electrum; an 80/20 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of frankincense, orange rind, and oak]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, amber, and saffron.

    Jupiter in Pisces Coins

    An image of Jupiter in profile, carved in relief. He wears a diadem of white oak leaves. On the reverse, four thunderbolts and tridents point outward at the quadrants. In the center is set a cabochon of blue chalcedony.

    Jupiter in Pisces Pendants 

    On the back, An image of Jupiter in profile, carved in relief. He wears a diadem of white oak leaves. Above him is the glyph of Jupiter. On the front, trident motifs point outward, engraved at quadrants. The center of the pendant was deposited with materia under the rulership of Jupiter: frankincense, orange rind, saffron, tin [engraved with the glyph of Jupiter], oak leaf, citrine, amethyst, quartz, and lapis lazuli; which were sealed with an 18 karat gold setting, mounted with a blue chalcedony cabochon.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter.

    Ornate pendants were claimed by Plus Members, though a handful of Coins remain. Available for $600
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    Bath Salts of Jupiter’s Grace

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    Dead Sea salt, fumigated with frankincense and saffron during the Empyreal Vantage election window, consecrated Jupiter in Pisces herbal base, seaweed, and a sprinkling of The Cloud King’s Salve (pre-beeswax) for increased muscle relaxation. White gold, three kinds of frankincense, labdanum, and copaiba. Soak to release stress, way-open as the crow flies, and promote a profound sense of wellbeing. Drink deeply of Jupiter’s wisdom, power, and liberation. Restore, release, and rise above. Bathe during Jupiter’s days/ nights/ hours for remedial purposes, or as life demands — before or following events of import. Promotes luck, helps insulate against maleficia, and draws opportunity. Clears the mind, enhancing wisdom and perspective. Works wonders with the Ritual Bathing + Energetic Clearing Protocol. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $36, 16 oz glass jar for $72, or 18 oz non-breakable (or refill) bundle for $64.
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    Jupiter’s Empyreal Vantage BPAL Quartet

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    The complete quartet of talismanic perfumes created by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged for Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage during Sphere + Sundry’s election —
    • Multiple Storm Interaction
    • Outflow Boundary
    • The Eye
    • Turbulent Flow
    Each comes in the iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $176 for the set
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    Outflow Boundary

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    Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, created and charged a set of ♃ talismanic perfumes for Jupiter's Empyreal Vantage during Sphere + Sundry’s election —

    The rush of cool air as a thunderstorm moves overhead; this boundary lifts moist, warm air and may cause new thunderstorms to appear.

    An oil of prolific, generative creativity – ideas coalesce in a swirl of mist and lightning. This oil can be used alone as an all-purpose inspiration blend or combined with other oils to amplify its focus, whether it be inspiration in the arts, problem solving, engineering, philosophy, theology, or academia.

    Organic horsetail (Equisetum arvense), pink lotus absolute (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn), Egyptian neroli (Citrus aurantium var. amara L.), Dalmatian sage essential oil ( Salvia officinalis L.), white sage from the TAL garden (Salvia apiana), beeswax absolute (Cera alba), meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), honey absolute (Apis mellifera), Atlas cedarwood essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), rose petals from the TAL garden (Rosa damascena), and vanilla bean and absolute (Vanilla planifolia).

    Arrives in an iconic BPAL 5 ml amber apothecary bottle for $44
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    ‘One with the Aether’ Cloud King Candles

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    Candles, ritually poured in our Empyreal Vantage election window over consecrated herbal mix. That too much candle dye was added to (womp womp womp), resulting in an unsafe burn for periods of longer than about 5 minutes at a time. Only the Slim Vigils work well enough to be released into the wild, but they must be treated with the utmost care. Although they are in glass, please put them on an extra fireproof surface and monitor very closely. These should only be used for short weekly devotions, but work extraordinarily well for that purpose. This is the first run of candles we’ve had this issue with, but when dealing with real magic, even the mistakes can be synchronous — these things seek to evaporate as quickly as possible, becoming as one with the Heavens. All Hail the Empyreal flame! Due to my error (deepest apologies), none of these are on offer. Though one will be included with each Altar Box Set as a gift, for those who feel comfortable taking one on.
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    Empyreal Vantage Altar Box Sets

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    All Altar Boxes + ornate talismans were claimed by Plus Members.   Small Altar Boxes with Coin talismans may be restocked, please join the Waitlist to be notified.  Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand painted sky blue. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, each set includes one of every item from the Empyreal Vantage series (including the Cloud Kingdom sub-set) in small or large form (where there are size variations). Oils must be added separately, depending on whether a standard 1/2 oz vial or roller was selected. The Oil Lamp Kits are optional, in the client's choice of EV or CK. Small boxes include Jupiter in Pisces coin talismans by Tony Mack.
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    Butter Ocean Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Butter Ocean Spell Soap

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    Rich, moisturizing glycerin soap infused with consecrated Butter Ocean materia and organic essential oils. Offered in an oversized bar that comfortably cuts into individual "pats" for more economical use, travel, or gifting. Do not eat! It's really not butter! This form contains about 30% more than our standard disc soaps, measuring 5" x 1.25" x 1.25". Offered as a stick for $66 Alternatively, snag yourself a rare Butter Zeus soap bust to serve as altar ware, general decor, or a really awkward shower experience! Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly scratchy on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil

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    Note that Jupiter in Sagittarius II Oil is now available!
    A blend of 100% organic Jupiter ruled herbs, warming and quickening spices, and essential oils with 24k gold and frankincense, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix on a grade-A Jupiter in Sagittarius election, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of Regulus, crowned King of the fixed stars. Equal parts organic sunflower and almond oil with a natural antioxidant to preserve. Anoint the self to draw good fortune and banish limiting melancholic beliefs, expanding visionary and creative capacity. Use during Jupiter’s days and hours as a form of ritual observation and to boost the beneficence of Jupiter transits. Use to feed Jupiterian talismans and implements. Invokes a lightness and brightness of being, fortifying spiritual reserves and cutting through that which no longer serves. Promotes wisdom, warmth, and good naturedness. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ yellow jade rollerball for $58 This essential oil blend contains a small amount of cinnamon bark which may be warm on the skin. Highly sensitive individuals should patch test before broader application. Wipe away with kitchen oil on a paper towel rather than water if necessary.
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    Jupiter’s Laughter

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    One of ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, per the equivalent election in her location. Of it, she shares —

    This is where I really leaned in particularly hard on the Sagittarius aspect of this election. This is an oil of good humor, optimism, and creativity. It will help bring joy where there is sorrow, and will burn through cynicism, pessimism, and despair like a lightning bolt. Jupiter’s Laughter is a catalyst for creativity in all endeavors, especially when you are trying to push past a block caused by melancholy, confidence issues, sorrow, or ennui. It is a great oil to use prior to events to maximize your charisma and your openness to friendship and connection, and to enhance the pleasure you receive from socializing.

    This oil has a side-effect of making good jokes funnier, and it enhances your ability to deliver a punchline. Go figure.

    Io Jupiter, Heavenly Protector, Thundering Benefactor, He Who Takes Part in the Banquets, He Who is Conquered By None. I bet you have a hell of a cosmic belly-laugh.

    Peppermint essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Mentha piperita), passion flower from the TAL garden (Passiflora incarnata), organic vanilla beans and bourbon vanilla absolute (Vanilla planifolia), organic rosehips (Rosa rubiginosa), rose absolute (Rosa damascena), carnation petals from the TAL garden (Dianthus caryophyllus), blood orange essential oil (C aurantium var dulce), lemon myrtle essential oil (Backhousia citriodora), frankincense essential oil (Boswellia serrata) and tears (Boswellia papyrifera), sweet orange essential oil (Citrus sinensis), ylang ylang essential oil (Cananga odorata), cold-pressed mandarin essential oil (Citrus reticulata), honey absolute (Apis mellifera), Atlas cedar essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), bay laurel essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), and amethyst chips washed in a combination of orange hydrosol and carnation petals.

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    Note: A new edition is available as part of Jupiter in Sagittarius II!
    A beloved favorite, given new life just in time for the holidays! Consecrated mulling spices and citrine distilled with a combination of water collected during a thunder storm (8/9/19) and freshly drawn from the underbelly of the earth (well) via two copper alembics, initiated at the start of Jupiter’s hour during the ritual operation and produced until the following hour of Jupiter. This hydrosol was mixed with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve and left to bask upon the Jupiter altar, stored with the rest of the materia since to imbue its positive characteristics and “program” its charge. Synchronistically, the day the offering photos were staged (+ the day of launching this series), the air was heavy with cloudy white mist (see photo gallery), mirroring the clouds within the freshly distilled liquid and a nod to Jupiter’s rulership over “generous bodily fluids”, including those of... a prolific nature. Shout-out to Zeus’ many offspring. The result is an uplifting, motivating, and utterly delicious spray that can be conveniently applied any time one finds themselves in need of a jolt of good fortune, improved attitude, optimistic stimulation, and good cheer. Note that this is the only offering from the Jupiter in Sagittarius series containing lightning charged components, and is therefore closest to the Lightning Rod series in effect and temperament. Use to set the tone of a space before holiday or social gatherings, as well as ritual. Spray as an offering over wealth altars, or those in devotion to Jupiterian spirits. Stimulating, warming, and motivating. Instills a sense of bright, yet grounded hopefulness, cuts melancholy and helps emotionally reframe anxiety into an exciting sense of potential and possibility. Excellent for application before engaging in brain storming sessions and yang activities for self-improvement and goal achievement, ranging from going to professional development conferences, engaging active self-help practices and materials, running marathons, working out, or networking for opportunities. Or, simply use to help get yourself off the couch and out of an emotional rut. We start from where we're at Arrives in a glass spray bottle with hand drawn Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph and keepsake citrine, available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $28 or full 2 oz for $64 Golden and clear drops of essential oil resulting from the distillation are still present, in some bottles more than others. These are completely natural, not any indication something is amiss.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Incense

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    A blend of 100% organic warming spices, such as cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, and orange peel as an uplifting, brightening nod to Regulus, with other ingredients of a Jupiterian virtue, including hops, ritually harvested home grown lamb’s ear, frankincense resin, genuine gold and silver leaf, citrine, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix. This on a choice Jupiter in Sagittarius election chosen by Austin Coppock, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of the fixed star Regulus, making for a potent, bright boost of Jovial goodness. Later made into an incense powder on the day and hour of Jupiter (before Jupiter left his home sign of Sagittarius). Burn during Jupiter day/ hour rituals for remediation, propitiation, or as an offering to Jupiterian figures, take a full body smoke bath to banish negativity and limiting energies, attuning to the opportunity and wise perspective Jupiter at his best provides. Use to activate sigils or vision boards. Pure, uncut, and organic spices, herbs, resins, gems, and precious metals, made into supremely effective, magically charged talismanic incense. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Powder

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    A blend of 100% organic warming spices, such as cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, and orange peel as an uplifting, brightening nod to Regulus, with other ingredients of a Jupiterian virtue, including hops, ritually harvested home grown lamb’s ear, frankincense resin, genuine gold and silver leaf, citrine, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix. This on a choice Jupiter in Sagittarius election chosen by Austin Coppock, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of the fixed star Regulus, making for a potent, bright boost of Jovial goodness. Later ground into a powder on the day and hour of Jupiter (before Jupiter left his home sign of Sagittarius). Use as any magical powder is typically employed — dress candles, build mojos, or cut with corn starch or talcum powder to create your own Jupiter sachet powder. Adds an uplifting, brightening, and wise quality. Improves luck, aids in benefitting and stabilizing the fortunes of the end-user. Dispels melancholy and limiting beliefs. Helps find opportunity and boosts creative visionary capacity. Put simply: makes stuff better. Pure, uncut, and organic spices, herbs, resins, gems, and precious metals. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil Lamps

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    Unmarked standard size glass mason jars were suffumigated and filled with consecrated Jupiter in Sagittarius mulling spice and herbal mix, frankincense resin, 14 small pieces of citrine and one large, and 24k gold leaf. The clear liquid paraffin oil has turned milky since incubation, mirroring the clouds within the freshly distilled Jup-Juice hydrosol and a nod to Jupiter’s rulership over “generous bodily fluids”, including those of... a prolific nature. Shout-out to Zeus’ many offspring. Oil lamps are frequently employed in the Hoodoo tradition and possess the virtue of being infinitely reusable, building an even greater charge with use over time and a personal relationship with their keeper. The exterior is intentionally left unmarked so it can be decorated in accord with the user's desired purpose (optional, of course!). Direct its light to feed Jupiter talismans or implements of a Jupiterian nature, as well as pictures or icons of those in need of elevation, hope, and improved fortune. Burn during Jupiter’s day and hour for remediation and ritual observation, to ingratiate the greater benefic to your purpose and call his aid. Well kept on wealth altars and work desks. Given Jupiter is out of talismanic commission for the next 1-2 years, this is the largest run of oil lamps Sphere + Sundry has so far produced. Sixteen were created, twelve of which are being offered to the public. Includes the charged Jupiter in Sagittarius talismanic lamp base, burner, wick, and chimney ready to use for $360. Refill the oil and replace the wick during Jupiter’s days and hours, as a best practice.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Altar Ornaments

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    Glass orbs filled with consecrated mulling spices, herbs, frankincense, and 16 pieces of citrine from the Jupiter in Sagittarius operation on the day and hour of Jupiter (before he left his home sign of Sagittarius). Home grown lamb’s ear, ritually harvested in accord with Jupiter’s rulership. Genuine gold and silver leaf. Suffumigated with frankincense, internally and externally. These ornaments are charged vessels for Jupiterian possibility. They can be left “blank” or filled with sigils, affirmations, and intention for whatever benefic things you wish to make manifest within your own sphere. They can be hung on Christmas trees as a talisman for happy holidays and to promote generosity of spirit, and/ or kept on a suitable altar using its stand, where below it incense could be burned to activate or charge. The stand is very responsive to motion, resulting in gentle swinging and vibration which serves to promote ongoing energetic output. The outside could be painted or otherwise decorated to disguise it as standard ornament, or embellished with names and icons of power, in service to one's desired purpose. The orb itself is 3.5" x 3". The stand is just above 9" tall with a 5.5" footprint. Only eight were created, six of which are being offered to the public. Arrives with a stand and elongated ornament hook for $244
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Candles

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    Non-GMO soy wax, dyed bright yellow and poured over consecrated Jupiter in Sagittarius herbal mix during the height of the series election with a small amount of frankincense essential oil. Crowned with citrine and gold leaf, as a nod to Regulus’ background influence and Jupiter’s incorruptible spirit. Burn during Jupiter’s day or hour for remediation and ritual. Light to set an inspiring, optimistic, and jovial tone during brain storming sessions or social gatherings. Arrives in glass jars bearing the Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph on the bottom in 2 oz for $92. Two extra large 24 oz candles are also being offered to the public for $272
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    The Agora

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    One of ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, per the equivalent election in her location. Of it, she shares —

    A Jupiterian blend for merchants, business owners, craftspeople, and everyone that hustles in the marketplace. It is an oil crafted to expand your reach, increase sales, attract clients, and retain – joyfully – the clients you already have. The Agora is an oil of commerce, of prosperity, of increase and fecundity – of blessings bestowed on faithful merchants by Magnanimous, Commanding Zeus, He Who Nourishes - and of all the good that can be done to support yourself, your family, and your community through the expansion and support of ethical trade.

    O holy blessed father, hear my prayer, disperse the seeds of life-consuming care.

    Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), organic chocolate mint essential oil (Mentha piperita chocolat), sassafras leaf and bark (Sassafras albidum), grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta), benzoin resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis), essential oils from cinnamon bark and leaf (Cinnamomum verum), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), terebinth essential oil (Pinus palustris), Jamaican bay rum (Pimenta racemose), organic caraway seed (Carum carvi), whole allspice and allspice essential oil (Pimenta dioica), cinnamon powder (Cinnamomum verum), dark vegetal musk, and lapis chips washed in whiskey infused with bay leaves.

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    One of ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, per the equivalent election in her location. Of it, she shares —

    An oil to support education, enhance scholarship and insight, and spark discovery. This oil enhances the speed at which you absorb information and aids you in retaining and processing data.

    Peppermint essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Mentha piperita), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis) and rosemary leaves and flowers from the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis), anise seed essential oil (Pimpinella anisum), Sicilian lemon essential oil (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.) and lemon peel from the TAL garden (Citrus limon), cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), cedar leaf (Thuja plicata), Atlas cedar essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), lemongrass from the TAL garden (Cymbopogon citratus), bay leaf from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), and citrine chips washed in whiskey.

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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Talismanic Perfume Quartet

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    All ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab.
    • Jupiter's Laughter
    • Jupiter's Favor
    • The Agora
    • Reperio
    Jovial, uplifting, expansive, triumphant. $176
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    Jupiter’s Favor

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    One of ♃ talismanic perfume oils formulated for the Jupiter in Sagittarius series by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, per the equivalent election in her location. Of it, she shares —

    Jupiter Optimus Maximus, may it please you that every good fortune attend us. Forever may you grant safety, victory, prosperity, and health to us, and may you bless us with bounty in our kingdoms. I dedicate this perfume to you, Jupiter Optimus Maximus, in order that you may be willing to be favorable and propitious to us, to our families and loved ones, to our colleagues, to our communities, to our lands.

    An oil of good fortune, success, triumph, and benevolence.

    Parsley seed essential oil (Petroselinum sativum), grains of paradise (Aframomum melegueta), fennel essential oil (Foeniculum vulgare), bronze fennel from the TAL garden (Foeniculum vulgare), peppermint essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Mentha piperita), bay leaf from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), wildcrafted bay laurel essential oil (Laurus nobilis), steam-distilled liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua), juniper berry essential oil (Juniperus communis), frankincense essential oil (Boswelia serrata), and amethyst chips washed in juniper hydrosol.

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    Talismanic Mulling Spices

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    Jupiter is sometimes referred to as the Santa Claus of the zodiac, provider of bounty and good cheer. It’s fitting then that many of the spices the Western world uses throughout the holiday season fall under the Greater Benefic’s purview, providing warmth, fortifying the immune system, and bringing a generous and satisfying payload of spice to the table. A blend of organic winter warmers ruled by Jupiter: cinnamon bark, clove, and allspice, in addition orange peel — a nod to Regulus’ presence in the Jupiter in Sagittarius series election. Ritually combined with edible 24k gold leaf and suffumigated with Jupiter’s bounty incense, blessed by Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix.  Mulling spices are commonly used to make fragrant and delicious warm ciders and wine, but can also be made into tea. Cook up fragrant beverage offerings of Jupiterian virtue for Gods and human spirits alike, elevating the mood and crafting an atmosphere of good cheer. Can also be freshly ground and added to pies, gingerbreads, cakes, cookies. Offered for the 2020 Holiday season in three sizes — 1.5 oz mini tin for $20, 2 oz air tight glass bale jar for $26, or 8 oz bulk tin for $78.
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Oil

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    Following a ritual feast as an offering for the Greater Benefic’s blessing, consecrated Jupitarian mix — including organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices — were ritually combined with citrine and amethyst in equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils on a prime Jupiter election, before the addition of frankincense and other essential oils befitting the operation. Bright, uplifting, supportive, patient, centering. Anoint yourself to promote embodiment, improve head-game and outlook, center, ground, and motivate yourself to work toward the enrichment of yourself and others, materially and otherwise. Great for supporting meditative activities, teaching and consulting, Jupiter remediation and propitiation. Purifying and generous, protective and nourishing. Use in Jupitarian magical workings or those designed to promote steady growth, medium and long-term gains, and charitable causes. The greatest benefits from Jupiter’s Bounty will result from routine applications over time. Wear every Thursday to invoke Jupiter’s ongoing blessing and support. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ citrine rollerball for $60 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children. 
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Candles

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    Consecrated Jupiterian herbal base, dried fruit from Jupiter’s ritual feast, and gold magnetic sand were added to the base of candle jars before virgin soy wax was poured during the height of the election window. Burn during Jupiter rituals or when engaged in activities where Jupiter’s steady emanating support would be beneficial, such as when teaching classes, working your way through stressful situations, doing yoga, or meditating. Topped with various Jupitarian gemstones. Available in a 2 oz glass jar for $88, or a 12 oz for $164. Only four large candles are being offered to the public. Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Self-Igniting Incense

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    After a ritual offering feast and during a prime Jupiter election window, organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices were suffumigated, consecrated, and ritually combined with frankincense, golden copal, citrine, and amethyst. These were ground to a fine powder during Jupiter’s hour and combined with ingredients to make it self-igniting. Create a small mound on a fire safe surface or trace sigils. Burn as an offering to Jupiter for remediation and propitiation on Thursdays or in his hour, or invoke a purifying, beneficent blessing upon other magical works designed for growth, gain, protection, and healing. Available in a 1/2 oz vial for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Water of Jupiter’s Bounty

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    Water from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta was collected and used as the base for a distillation of various fruits and fine champagne served at Jupiter’s ritual feast, along with Jupitarian herbs, spices, and gemstones. It was begun after the ritual invocation of Jupiter using the full call from the Picatrix, and produced over low diffused heat for 20+ hours, so as to avoid burning the fruit sugars. Combined with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve. A mouth watering and comforting hydrosol, smelling of apple pie and molasses. Use to invoke Jupiter’s presence and blessing, attuning yourself to his sphere and setting the stage to receive his bounty. Can be used to spray altars, papers, spaces, or the body. For practical application, spray upon your person to uplift, fortify, and provide energetic nourishment. Promotes embodiment and has a grounding, calming, and centering influence. Use to increase emotional and mental capacity, restoring mana and promoting good judgment, sound generosity, and patience. Use to fortify oneself when under stress and improve outcomes via the Greater Benefic’s protection. Excellent before meditation, yoga, mantra, or teaching. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 4 juice-colored gems for $28 or 2 oz for $64
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Charcuterie Sets

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    Created by Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks, these stunning charcuterie implements were forged during a prime Jupiter election for the service of both Gods and Man —
    In celebration of the eleemosynary hand of Lord Jupiter, Borealis Ironworks has again been honored to participate in an election series, here paying tribute to the charitable spirit-face of Jupiter as Dapalis, overseer and provider of the banquet, in the form of four charcuterie sets. The four sets of four implements were initially forged and formed during the election. Materials were prepared before hand and finished out during the days that followed. These solid carbon steel utensils are appropriate for either one’s private altar space or among your beloved, in his honour, at the lavish and bounteous banquet table. Ad Salutem!
    Each talismanic implement (most literally, in this case!) serves to promote the charge of our prime Jupiter's Bounty election. Only 3 of the sets are being offered to the public. $294 per set
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Bath Salts

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    Consecrated Jupiterian herbal base was suffumigated with frankincense and ritually combined with dried fruit, essential oils, Dead Sea salts, Celtic Sea salts, Himalayan salts, and epsom salt, a small amount of organic powdered milk and cane sugar, along with minerals for stress reduction and muscle release. A small amount of Jupiter’s Bounty oil, comprised in equal parts of organic jojoba and almond, was mixed in a few weeks later during day and hour of Jupiter before bottling, to add further skin nourishment and Jupiterian oomph. This bath is gently purifying and energetically cleansing, but also sweetening, protective, and fortifying. Use in times of stress to increase bandwidth, relax the body, clear away bad energies and depressive, anxious thoughts, and reset on a positive note. Enough for 2-3 deep baths, or add smaller homeopathic doses to make a little go a longer way. Time to Jupiter’s days and hours for remedial Jupiter observation or to strengthen outcomes. Available in a reusable 8 oz glass jar for $36 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    The Fulfiller Who Whispers Words of Wisdom

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    Following on the hooves of Jupiter’s Archer, Queenly collaborator Elizabeth Barrial of Twilight Alchemy Lab and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab formulated an exquisite blend in celebration of Jupiter’s Bounty. She offers —

    This is a perfume of sagacity and good counsel, and the prudence and judiciousness that leads to good judgement. It is a scent of stability, prosperity, and sovereignty - but more specifically, the creation, fortification, and nurturing of a kingdom that you build for yourself through self-respect and sound choices, the ability to govern your impulses wisely, and utilizing generosity, compassion and kindness as a means of protecting and expanding your dominion.

    This is a perfume dedicated to Jove.

    I will sing of Zeus, chiefest among the gods and greatest, all-seeing, the lord of all, the fulfiller who whispers words of wisdom to Themis as she sits leaning towards him.

    Be gracious, all-seeing Son of Cronos, most excellent and great!

    Initial preparation began on March 7th in Jupiter’s day and hour, and the consecration occurred between 6:06-6:55am Pacific on March 26, 2019.

    Peru balsam essential oil (Myroxylon balsamum), steam-distilled terebinth essential oil (Pinus palustris), pulverized organic fig and chestnut, handcrafted vegetal musk, blue chamomile and Roman chamomile essential oils (Matricaria recutita and Anthemis nobilis), hyssop essential oil (Hyssopus officinalis), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), blue yarrow essential oil (Achillea millefolium), valerian essential oil (Valeriana sp.), wild-harvested pinon pine resin (Trementina), chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita), sarsaparilla root (Smilax regelii), wild-harvested cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), organically grown orange peel from the TAL garden, juniper berries (Juniperus communis), bayberry root bark (Morella cerifera), crushed oak galls, organic rosehips (Rosa canina and Rosa rubiginosa), locally wild-harvested white sage leaf and white oak bark (many thanks to the genius loci of Los Angeles), and dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale). Each bottle contains a piece of lapis that has been washed in whiskey.

    $44 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain chestnuts that may have been processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Talismans

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    Talismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, this time with Jupiter talismans —

    Modeled in carver’s wax and lost-wax cast in fine .99 silver on the corresponding election.

    Each coin was cast with an image of Jupiter from Picatrix book II chapter X; “Under the influence of Jupiter make the image of a crowned man sitting on a throne carried by four winged men”. A spear was added to the right hand (borrowed from an alternative Jupiter image from picatrix bk II) to signify the protection and upholding of the fruits of his bounty. The reverse side bears an image of grape vines growing around the planetary sigil of Jupiter from the Arabic Ghayat Al Hakim.

    The Jupiter’s Bounty coin talisman arrives in a black leatherette box.

    Available for $468, and includes a vial of Jupiter's Bounty self-igniting incense for charging the talisman. Four talismans are being offered standalone, and four are being reserved for treasure sets.

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