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391-420 of 702 products

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    The Empress’ Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans

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    Classic Picatrixian style talismans. Malachite eggs, prayed over, fumigated, and subtly etched with Venusian symbols, imagery, and glyph during the height of the Empress Election. These can serve as altar pieces or actual Yoni Eggs, if the user decides they are suitable. More information in the toggle below. IMPORTANT: Absolutely do NOT use internally if you are pregnant, or wish to become pregnant. Only 1 Malachite Empress Egg is being offered to the public, $777 [spb_blank_spacer height="30px" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] [spb_toggle title="On the potential toxicity of malachite due to copper" open="false" width="1/1" el_position="first"] Some online sources claim malachite to be toxic because of its copper content, but that primarily impacts those involved with its mining and polishing (who should always be wearing protective gear on the job). Finished malachite poses almost zero risk to the user/ wearer, save for the case of prolonged exposure to acidic environments where trace amounts of copper can be leeched, which has resulted in fear mongering around even the consumption of Moscow Mules because of lime juice in the beverage. I have yet to know a single person who has been sickened or died of Moscow Mule poisoning, or been negatively impacted by the copper leaf that features in many Venus oils and materia. Copper is considered by science not to be meaningfully absorbed through the skin (if at all), and it is an essential trace metal found in lots of foods and things we regularly consume. Malachite is featured in some online lists of Yoni Eggs to avoid due to the same issue — the presence of copper combined with the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Copper IUDs have been used as a common contraceptive since 1967, because copper naturally inhibits how sperm cells move so they cannot reach the egg and result in pregnancy. This makes even more sense of copper as the metal of Venus, given that our Fair lady desires sex for fun, rather than procreation (that would be Luna’s purview). It is up to each individual if they feel comfortable using the Malachite Yoni Egg Talismans internally or instead keeping them as altar pieces, and I encourage everyone to perform their own research, consult a physician, and do whatever they decide is safe with their own bodies, always. Given the short period of time such an egg is likely to be inserted (especially compared to up to 12 years of 24/7 wear with a copper IUD), these concerns seem overblown to me, personally. If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, are sensitive to heavy metals, or have heavy metal poisoning, then do not use malachite internally. This same disclaimer/ contraindication is repeated on the Yoni Egg page. (This was only so in-depth because the issue was brought up in advance from a shared teaser, and we know how The Internet can be.) This non-controversy considered, no malachite was included in the standard 1/2 oz vial of Empress Oils, for those who still wish to avoid it. Malachite is the gem for Empress rollers. All of the malachite used in the Empress series is natural and undyed. [/spb_toggle]
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    The Empress’ Attuning Tincture

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    Pennyroyal, cranesbill root, raspberry leaf, alfalfa leaf, orris root, watercress, damiana, fenugreek, red clover, marshmallow root, pink lotus stamens, rose hips, nymphaea caerulea (pink water lily), nelumbo nucifera (white water lily), passionflower, yarrow, slippery elm bark, Tahitian vanilla bean, and Royal Jelly (the nectar upon which the Queen Bee feeds), fumigated during the Empress operation and steeped in top shelf, gluten free potato vodka for nearly a full year. Shaken during Venus’ days and hours when she was in good transiting condition, and at long last strained through medium mesh as a nod to Taurus’ earthy nature. Bottled in glass with genuine red gold and sealed with a glass dropper cap. Use to anoint that which you do not want getting oily. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle for $35, or a 1 oz for $70 IMPORTANT: Due to the presence of Pennyroyal, do not use if you are pregnant. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Empress Skin, Hair, and Beard Oil

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    Herbs, roots, and flowers from the Taoist and TCM tradition, classically used for topical beautification and to promote hair growth in consultation with Ashley Ayres, the collaborator who formulated our much beloved Forgemaster’s Dit Da Jow. Fumigated during the Empress operation and immersed in 100% pure organic, cold pressed argan oil with vitamin E. Aged for 10 months before being strained, combined with a light touch of skin soothing essential oils, and poured into glass serum bottles with genuine rose gold. Apply straight to the skin or add a few drops to moisturizer. Same for hair and beards. Massage into the scalp directly for hair growth. Non-greasy, and safe for all skin tones and hair textures. Offered in a 1 oz glass serum dropper jar for $77 Note: The pumps on the bottles originally ordered for this offering were not high enough quality/ did not work well, so we rushed to order something better. This photo is a placeholder. A new one will be uploaded as soon as the real bottles arrive later today or tomorrow!
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    Triple Lotus Steep + Smoke

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    Damiana, raspberry leaf, pink and white water lily, blue lotus, wild yam root, passionflower, rose hips, and Tahitian vanilla bean, combined, fumigated, and prayed over for Venus’ blessing during the height of the Empress election. Ground to a uniform, smokable grain during Venus’ day and hour. Smoke to sooth anxious states, and promote a sense of calm, embodied joyfulness. One of the dreamiest items in the Empress’ arsenal. Great for unwinding after a stressful day, or before bed. Steep and add to floor washes or spiritual baths toward Venusian ends. Offered in a 2 oz tin for $36, or 4 oz tin for $49 Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal use is undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Daughter of Heaven and Earth

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    A talismanic perfume oil formulated on Sphere + Sundry's exquisite Venus in Taurus election (2020) by Empress Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab. Of which, She shares —

    The intersection of inspiration, passion, intuition and fruition. This is the space within which the creative impulse blossoms into reality. It is an oil of artists, poets, musicians, and dreamers, not only as a source of revelation, but as a means by which you can make your art manifest.

    This oil is also an oil of kindness and compassion, both for yourself and to assist in cultivating compassion in others and compassion in the world that surrounds you.

    This oil contains steam-distilled organic frankincense essential oil and tears (Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carteri), marshmallow leaf and root (Althaea officinalis), orris butter (Iris pallida) and orris root (Iris germanica), organic passionflower petals and leaves from the TAL garden (Passiflora incarnata), raspberry leaf and root from the TAL garden (Rubus idaeus), solvent-extracted beeswax absolute (Cera alba), honey absolute (Apis melliferra), lilac petals (Syringa vulgaris), and sweet violet petals and leaves from the TAL garden (Viola odorata).


    Arrives in an amber apothecary bottle for $45
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    Empress Talismanic Perfume Trio

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    All three Empress Perfume Oils brilliantly formulated on our exquisite Venus in Taurus election 2020 by Mother Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab.
    • Queen of the Honeyed Heart
    • Fruitful Mother of Thousands
    • Daughter of Heaven and Earth
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    The Empress’ Altar Box Sets

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    Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand waxed and polished a beautiful rose gold. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, each set includes one of every item from the Empress series (aside from the Malachite Egg Talismans, only one of which is being offered to the public, and only the Large Box Sets include Tony Mack's Empress pendants).
    • The Empress' Oil (1/2 oz standard, or 10 ml roller in malachite or rose gold)
    • Rose + Pink Lotus Water (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • The Empress' Attuning Tincture (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Candles (S: 2 oz glass | L: 8 oz medium glass)
    • Empress Self-Igniting Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Powder (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz bulk pot)
    • Rose + Pink Lotus Bath Salts (8 oz | 16 oz bulk pot)
    • Triple Lotus Steep + Smoke (2 oz | 4 oz)
    • Triple Lotus Salve (2 oz | 4 oz bulk pot)
    • Empress Honey (2 oz)
    • Empress Skin, Hair, and Beard Oil (1 oz)
    • The Empress' Whipped Body Butter (2 oz | 6 oz bulk pot)
    • Queen of the Honeyed Heart Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Daughter of Heaven and Earth Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Fruitful Mother of Thousands Perfume Oil by BPAL
    • Large only: Empress Talismans by Tony Mack
    Availability, dimensions, pricing —
    • Small (7 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $700 + your Empress Oil selection
    • Large (7 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $2,222 (includes talisman) + your Empress Oil selection
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    Asclepius Inspired Candle Scribes

    Double ended Asclepius inspired candle scribes forged by the wicked talented Borealis Ironworks. Eight were created, offered for $26 each
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    Ritual Bathing + Energetic Cleansing Kits

    The second restock of Sphere + Sundry's suggested tools for Energetic Cleansing and Ritual Bathing (+ space clearing!) as a full set, this round featuring the work of the wicked talented, entirely lovely blacksmith Liz Judkins of Ceremonia (seriously tho, peep her Instagram!) —
    • Iron Energy Scrapeys from Ceremonia (13" x 2.5" x .5")
    • Brass Incense Burner w/ wooden handle (9" x 4" x  4")
    • Box of premium Japanese White Ash (for the incense burner)
    • Brass Bell + Dorjee (5" x 2.75", larger than original kits - not pictured)
    • Large plastic pitcher (7.5 x 5.75 x 9")
    • Turkish Spa Exfoliating Glove
    Bath Salts and Anointing Oils offered separately. Kits are $149 and include an easy to follow printed version of the suggested ritual outline
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    Oil of the Immortal Heart

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    Organic and wildcrafted motherwort, lily of the valley, linden and elder flowers, blessed thistle, honeysuckle, bloodroot, white lotus, meadowsweet, milky oats, and more, ritually fumigated with frankincense and benzoin on a New Moon in Virgo III following prayers to the Divine Mother for unconditional love, nurturing, protection, and emotional support. White gold, cape amethyst, saltwater pearl, and mother of pearl in jojoba, sunflower, and sweet almond oils. Left to incubate for a full Lunar cycle before being decanted into individual vials and co-mingled with rich essential oils of a grounding, comforting, and reassuring nature. Anoint the front and back of the heart to invoke feelings of safety, calm, and instill a sense of the Divine Mother’s love, as though being wrapped in a cozy security blanket, fresh and warm from the cosmic dryer. Invites emotional authenticity and expression without the anxious states, shame, or shyness that often accompany upset, allowing for deeper understanding of the self and one’s beloveds. Promotes embodiment and helps facilitate states ripe for therapeutic progress. Apply to the self or consenting others, or tools used in healing processes, before engagement. Assists with inner child work, re-birthing, re-parenting, and re-framing therapies, especially in regards to upbringing, raising one’s own children, or matrilineal repair. Serves as a midwife for mourning or grieving. May elicit sadness upon fresh encounters. Continued engagement will oversee the integration of unprocessed, undigested emotions (Samskaras), clearing the heart of the minefields which lay there. Applications during periods of active trauma may reduce their ability to embed themselves, enhancing real-time processing and integration. Helps to override the Fight or Flight impulse, increasing the odds of maintaining one's presence and composure in stressful circumstances. Encourages a softer, kinder, more compassionate demeanor, in alignment with Divine Feminine virtues. Patience, understanding, and emotional bandwidth grow exponentially under this influence, especially over time, making for better listening skills. Excellent for therapists and those in service to the healing arts, or anyone on a journey of emotional self-improvement. Authentic self-care, in a bottle. Soothes children, pets, and adults alike; improves sleep and invites gnostic, healing dreams in accord with Immortal Heart’s divine arcana. Adds a grounded humility when layered with other types of magic or materia that are more ego driven and achievement oriented. Each glass vial includes 12k white gold and keepsake pieces of mother of pearl heart and cape amethyst, along with vitamin E to preserve. The rollers are especially good for drawing sigils and glyphs upon the body. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard glass vial for $66 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10ml precious metal roll-on in 16k electrum (a gold and silver alloy) for $108, or a cape amethyst roll-on for $54.
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    Water of the Immortal Heart

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    White water lily, organic chamomile, lavender, rose buds, blue lotus, elder flower, hibiscus, and honeysuckle were co-mingled and distilled via copper alembic, along with mother of pearl and cape amethyst on the night of the New Moon in Virgo III opposite Neptune, 2020. To this was added colloidal gold and silvers, and a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve. Left to bask on the Immortal Heart altar with prayers for the Divine Mother’s blessing throughout the evening. Spray to facilitate emotional safe-spaces, setting the stage for therapeutic progress and authentic heartfelt exchanges. Apply to bed linens for improved sleep, instilling a sense of security for all ages. Use on the self or consenting others in need of trauma support, or in the midst of mourning. Promotes embodiment, calm, and an instinct for self-care. Offered in glass spray bottles with mother of pearl heart and cape amethyst keepsakes, available in your choice of 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    Descending Heart Powder

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    Immortal Heart offers two distinct sets of Incenses and Powders: Ascending and Descending, elegantly demarcated by an upward ▲ or downward ▼ facing triangle in the center of the radiating heart label. The Descending Sub-Set is an invocation of the Divine Mother at the bedside of our Grief — there to listen, to hold space, and to comfort us in our times of direst need. Infinite is Her capacity to understand our heartache... to absorb our tears... and to be lost in the seas of pain which leave us feeling as though we may never see or step foot on the shoreline again. Use on the inconsolable, to purge the deep moats of loss and sadness which stand between us and our ability to function, or pick back up again. Helps facilitate a good cry, with no need to feel anything but how we feel. No pressure to move forward or upward, just an understanding that authentic, heartfelt immersion in sadness can be a vital step to ultimate integration. That we must reach bottom, or have our darkest day, before anything else becomes possible. Waning Heart. Grieving Heart. Inconsolable Heart. You too shall be Full again. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, ground saltwater pearl, mother of pearl, and cape amethyst, along with 12k white gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin during the Immortal Heart operation, along with prayers to the Divine Mother that She tend to us in our mourning. Offer the powder to the Divine Mother or Ancestors, pouring forth the Heart, or praying for resolution. Both make great listeners. Not a very social or verbal influence — best used without incarnate human company, or someone very special. Make mojos or dress candles to comfort the inconsolable, or in any way a magical powder for unabashed immersion in emotional processing may be of service. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Descending Heart Incense

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    Immortal Heart offers two distinct sets of Incenses and Powders: Ascending and Descending, elegantly demarcated by an upward ▲ or downward ▼ facing triangle in the center of the radiating heart label. The Descending Sub-Set is an invocation of the Divine Mother at the bedside of our Grief — there to listen, to hold space, and to comfort us in our times of direst need. Infinite is Her capacity to understand our heartache... to absorb our tears... and to be lost in the seas of pain which leave us feeling as though we may never see or step foot on the shoreline again. Use on the inconsolable, to purge the deep moats of loss and sadness which stand between us and our ability to function, or pick back up again. Helps facilitate a good cry, with no need to feel anything but how we feel. No pressure to move forward or upward, just an understanding that authentic, heartfelt immersion in sadness can be a vital step to ultimate integration. That we must reach bottom, or have our darkest day, before anything else becomes possible. Waning Heart. Grieving Heart. Inconsolable Heart. You too shall be Full again. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, ground saltwater pearl, mother of pearl, and cape amethyst, along with 12k white gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin during the Immortal Heart operation, along with prayers to the Divine Mother that She tend to us in our mourning. Smoke bathe following deep loss, or before an Energetic Cleansing + Ritual Bath to facilitate emotional purgation and immersion in the grieving process. Addresses fresh as well as lingering heartaches. Fumigate iconic satellites or unintended talismans of grief. Offer the smoke to the Divine Mother or Ancestors, pouring forth the Heart, or praying for resolution. Both make great listeners. Not a very social or verbal influence — best used without incarnate human company, or someone very special. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Ascending Heart Incense

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    Immortal Heart offers two distinct sets of Incenses and Powders: Ascending and Descending, elegantly demarcated by an upward ▲ or downward ▼ facing triangle in the center of the radiating heart label. The Ascending Sub-Set is for ushering new light into the corridors of the Heart, following its darkest days and most trying emotional winters. It aids in emerging from the hidey-holes of our mourning hibernations, for when we are ready test the waters of positive emotional input once again. Draws forth tears of joy and passion for the beauty the full emotional spectrum presents, rather than pain or sadness. Beams a happy, uplifting gravity, elevating the Heart and adding lightness and levity to the emotional sphere. Smoke bathe on days where you feel like feeling better, and wish for support in that process, or before an Energetic Cleansing + Ritual Bath to facilitate overcoming low points, embracing new light and new life, but still providing scaffolding for a delicate heart. Burn for your Ancestors, to invite them to partake in your emotional recovery, and therefore, their own. Smoke spaces to uplift depressive energies without outright banishing them, making for a peaceful transition between loss and new life, in the delicate stage or tender shooting. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, ground saltwater pearl, mother of pearl, and cape amethyst, along with 12k white gold AND 24k gold-gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election, along with prayers to the Divine Mother that She give our Heart Wings. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Salve of the Immortal Heart

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    White water lily, motherwort, passionflower, saltwater pearl, valerian root, skullcap, ashwaganda root, pennyroyal, white willow bark, and lily of the valley, ritually fumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election and immersed in sweet almond and olive oils, alongside prayers to the Divine Mother to provide comfort, security, and emotional safe haven. Gently warmed on the Moon's days to expedite therapeutic efficacy, given the tight incubation period of one Lunar cycle before being mixed with organic beeswax, essential oils of a grounding and soothing nature, and poured into tins over Mother of Pearl hearts with cape amethyst. Topped with 12k white gold. Rub well into the soles of the feet, front and back of the heart, and shoulders for a magical full body experience in self-care. Instantly banishes anxieties and pulls the Self back into the body, regaining composure and presence. Combats dissociation and makes it possible to explore heavy emotions without the dulling impact that pharmaceuticals would have for a similar intended purpose. Soothing, stress relieving, and especially good before bed, or as an intervention in times of intense emotional upset. The Divine Mother's magical tranquilizer. Offered in a 2 oz size for $63, or 4 oz bulk pot for $95 Note: 100% of the Salves for this series were poured at one time, what remains is final stock. No more 4 oz sizes for this iteration will ever become available.
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    Dei Genetrix

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    A talismanic perfume for healing the heart, ritually blended by Blessed Mother Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs —

    Beneath thy compassion, We take refuge, O Mother of God: do not despise our petitions in time of trouble, but rescue us from dangers, only pure one, only blessed one.

    An appeal to the Theotokos for succor, for relief from sorrow, for protection and peace, and for easing the heartache that comes from bearing witness to suffering. Queen of Heaven, grant us compassion and understanding, soothe our heartache. We have all seen, touched, and breathed so much suffering; Blessed Mother, heal our hearts.

    This oil is a prayer for healing and a balm for the grief of the world. May the Mother of Mercy release you from pain, may she heal the world of its traumas, may she grant us hope.

    White rose otto hydrodistilled essential oil (Rosa x alba L.), amyris essential oil (Amyris balsamifera L.), sustainably-harvested agarwood essential oil (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex Lecomte), lemon myrtle essential oil (Backhousia citriodora), organic melissa essential oil ( Melissa officinalis L.), wild lavender essential oil gleaned from an uncultivated harvest in the south of France (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.), and white lily petals from the TAL garden (Lilium candidum).

    Offered in an amber glass apothecary bottle for $45
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    Ascending Heart Powder

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    Immortal Heart offers two distinct sets of Incenses and Powders: Ascending and Descending, elegantly demarcated by an upward ▲ or downward ▼ facing triangle in the center of the radiating heart label. The Ascending Sub-Set is for ushering new light into the corridors of the Heart, following its darkest days and most trying emotional winters. It aids in emerging from the hidey-holes of our mourning hibernations, for when we are ready test the waters of positive emotional input once again. Draws forth tears of joy and passion for the beauty the full emotional spectrum presents, rather than pain or sadness. Beams a happy, uplifting gravity, elevating the Heart and adding lightness and levity to the emotional sphere. Offer the powder to the Divine Mother or Ancestors, inviting them to participate in our newfound, waxing joys. Make mojos or dress candles to uplift those ready to emerge from their mourning, depressions, or postpartum recoveries, or in any way magical powders for facilitating the upside of emotional forays may be of service. 100% pure, uncut organic and wildcrafted herbs and resins, ground saltwater pearl, mother of pearl, and cape amethyst, along with 12k white gold AND 24k gold-gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election, along with prayers to the Divine Mother that She give our Heart Wings. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Immortal Heart Herbal Steep + Smoke

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    Organic and wildcrafted white water lily, blessed thistle, motherwort, meadowsweet, lily of the valley, skullcap, honeysuckle, valerian root, vervain, hawthorn, white willow bark, chamomile, tulsi, sweet woodruff, milky oats, butterfly pea, and rose hips, suffumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election, alongside prayers to the Divine Mother for comfort, emotional support, and Her pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. Smoke to aid in emotional processing, soothing anxious states, and setting the stage for calm expression and authentic exploration. Pairs well with Mother Mary Jane. Steep and add to floor washes or spiritual baths for the same. Bitter herbs benefit the heart, but lend themselves best to short immersions, especially virgin, which is best left for about one minute. The same tea can re-infused multiple times, longer with each subsequent strain. Add lemon for a magical color changing experience. IMPORTANT: DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF PENNYROYAL, DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT, IF YOU ARE TRYING TO GET PREGNANT, OR COULD BE PREGNANT. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal use is undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability. Offered in a 2 oz tin for $33, or 4 oz tin for $44
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    Tranquillitas Animi

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    Talismanic perfume, ritually blended in the election window by Blessed Mother Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs —

    This is an oil created to assist with the processing, healing, and release of collective trauma. This oil can be used in ritual, as an anointing oil, or in conjunction with therapy and counseling. While it will help soothe the pain of personal suffering, it was created specifically to assist in healing wounds caused by large-scale life-threatening traumatic events that impact whole communities, such as plague, natural disasters, institutional bigotry, war, and acts of violence.

    Rose absolute (Rosa x damascena), CO2 extract of calendula (Calendula officinalis L.), Roman chamomile essential oil (Anthemis nobilis), steam-distilled java vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides), steam-distilled lemon essential oil ( Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck), bergamot essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. bergamia), organic Moroccan neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. amara L.), rose geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens L'Hér), petitgrain sur fleurs essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. amara),and kosher rock salt.

    Please note: this is not a substitute for therapy or counseling.

    Offered in an amber glass apothecary bottle for $48
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    Immortal Heart Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea Salt, magnesium flakes, organic powdered milk, and consecrated Immortal Heart herbal and floral blend, fumigated with frankincense and benzoin during the Virgo III New Moon opposite Neptune, alongside butterfly pea powder and essential oils of a comforting, soothing, and emotionally healing nature. Soak in the Divine Mother’s undiluted love, compassion, and understanding. Assists in clarifying emotions and making space for the grieving process, apart from the anxiety and loneliness the experience of intense emotions can sometimes carry. Inspired by the Grief Salts from The Ancestral Series, Bath Salts of the Immortal Heart can serve a very similar function, but also possess a more all-purpose quality that transcends the focus on loss of a loved one through dying. Use to comfort and wind down before bed, and invoke a sense of security that all will, in time and in fact, be well. The standard jar is enough for 2-3 deep baths, or use less and supplement with additional salt to make a little go a longer way. Perfect for Energetic Cleansings + Ritual Baths intended to focus on emotional recovery and coming into right relationship with the Divine Feminine, or Mother Goddess of infinite compassion and understanding, in protective service to us — her beloved Children. Add to floor washes or cleaning agents used in areas of high emotional traffic, to help establish therapeutic safe space, banishing the spiritual glommers who feed off of negative emotions. Important note: Contains a small amount of pennyroyal. Do not use while pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or if you could be pregnant. Offered in an 8 oz glass bail jar for $33, or 16 oz bulk pot for $66
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    Honey of the Immortal Heart

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    Organic and unfiltered local honey, poured over consecrated Immortal Heart herbal and floral blend, fumigated with frankincense and benzoin during the Virgo III New Moon opposite Neptune. Honey pot yourself, or those who would benefit from the balm of the Divine Mother’s unconditional love and healing support. Offer to Ancestors or Spirits with prayers for recovery, comfort, and security. Add as a component in spell work, talisman construction, or ritual for the same. Gift to those you care for. Offered in a 2 oz jar with keepsake mother of pearl heart for $33 This honey has crystalized and needs to be heated, strained, and re-listed. Join the waiting list to be notified when these become available!
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    Eternal Flame

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    A olfactory testament to Hestia, ritually blended for the Immortal Heart by Blessed Mother Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs. Of which, she shares —

    Hestia, you who tend the holy house of the lord Apollo, the Far-shooter at goodly Pytho, with soft oil dripping ever from your locks, come now into this house, come, having one mind with Zeus the all-wise: draw near, and withal bestow grace upon my song.

    An oil dedicated to Beloved Hestia, to the Lady of the Undying Hearthfire. May she keep peace in your home and your community, may she grant you and your household perpetual succor, and may she bring safety and peace to your home, your community, your city, and your country.

    Barley, crushed fossilized red amber, organic bay laurel essential oil (Laurus nobilis), organic angelica essential oil and pulverized root (Angelica archangelica), basil essential oil (Ocimum basilicum), green cardamom pods and cardamom essential oil (Elettaria cardamomum), steam-distilled organic thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris ), organic saffron threads (Crocus sativus), frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carteri) and tears (Boswellia sacra), and a harvest of herbs from the TAL garden: basil (Ocimum minimum), bay leaves (Laurus nobilis var. Crestwood), Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare hirtum), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), dill (Anethum graveolens), and thyme (Thymus vulgaris and Thymus zygis).

    Offered in an amber glass apothecary bottle for $45
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    Amethyst One Hitters

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    Amethyst one-hitters for smoking herbal blends, striated with quartz. Sound bathed in 432Hz using a crystal singing bowl attuned to the heart chakra, cleansed in the waters of Mt. Shasta, and fumigated with Ascending Heart Incense. Pairs well with Immortal Heart Smoking + Steeping blend, but can of course be used as the heart desires. Thirty were consecrated, offered for $33 each
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    Immortal Heart Candles

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    Virgin soy wax poured over ritually consecrated herbal blend during the height of the Immortal Heart operation. The Divine Mother’s love, cast by candlelight. Burn to establish an atmosphere of emotional authenticity and safe space. Light in talks with Ancestors or other spirits of a compatible Maternal and healing nature, alongside prayers for relief and guidance. Offered as an 8 oz slim vigil for $111
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    Immortal Heart Talismanic Perfumes Trio

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    All three Immortal Heart talismanic perfumes, lovingly crafted by Blessed Mother Barrial of Twilight Alchemy and Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs Offered in amber glass apothecary bottles for $135
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    Immortal Heart Reliquary

    (Rather precious) Anubis reliquaries cast on the night of the Immortal Heart by Tony Mack, which open to reveal a small cavern, ready to receive whatsoever the client chooses. Keep as an altar piece, or carry along your daily Way. Fill with ashes or personal concerns of some Beloved, magical powders, or whatsoever your heart desires —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast in fine silver on September 16th 2020 on the planetary night and hour of the moon; during the new moon in the third Decan of Virgo. This casting was not accompanied by petition or suffumigation; its focus being on one’s personal relationship with the deceased.

    A reliquary box, inspired in part by the canopic jars of ancient Egyptian funerary rites. The reliquary bears carvings in high relief: two versions of lilies, as observed on Egyptian funerary stele, flank the sides; and on the back a scarab pointing toward the subterranean. The front is set with a white mother of pearl cabochon. On the lid of the piece is a seated canid form of Anubis.

    If so desired, the lid can be sealed permanently by folding the silver prong over the loop of the lid with a simple hand tool such as needle nosed pliers. The reliquary was made for the purpose of containing a small amount of materials (remains, hair, grave dirt, etc) of the deceased, though its purpose is up to you. It is recommended that very minute material such as cremated ashes be mixed into an amalgam [such as soft wax] before being deposited, as the lid is not hermetically sealed.

    Seven such reliquaries are being offered to the public for $579; 3 being set aside for large Immortal Heart Altar Box Sets.
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    Immortal Heart Attuning Tincture

    Organic and wildcrafted white water lily, blessed thistle, motherwort, meadowsweet, lily of the valley, skullcap, honeysuckle, valerian root, vervain, hawthorn, white willow bark, chamomile, tulsi, sweet woodruff, milky oats, honey, and 12k white gold, fumigated in frankincense and benzoin on the Immortal Heart election, alongside prayers to the Divine Mother for comfort, emotional support, and Her pure, unadulterated, and unconditional love. Immersed in top shelf brandy and left to incubate for a full Lunar cycle, agitated on the Moon’s days and hours. Use to anoint items you would rather not get oily, or add to floor washes and spiritual baths to expedite emotional metabolic processing. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability. IMPORTANT: DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF PENNYROYAL, DO NOT USE WHILE PREGNANT, IF YOU ARE TRYING TO GET PREGNANT, OR COULD BE PREGNANT.
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    Immortal Heart Altar Box Sets

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    Wooden boxes in 2 sizes, hand-painted with a lavender satin finish. May be further decorated or inscribed by the client. Along with the box, the sets include all items from the Immortal Heart series in Large or Small form, determined by box size (only the Large contain Anubis Reliquaries). Most items fit upright with the lid closed. Three small sets and three large sets are being offered...
    • Immortal Heart Oil (standard | cape amethyst roller | 16k gold + silver alloy precious metal roller)
    • Water of the Immortal Heart (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Slim Vigil Candle (8 oz)
    • Ascending Heart Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Ascending Heart Powder (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Descending Heart Incense (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Descending Heart Powder (S: 1/2 oz | L: 2 oz)
    • Bath Salts of the Immortal Heart (S: 8 oz | L: 16 oz)
    • Immortal Heart Herbal Smoking + Steeping Blend (S: 2 oz | L: 4 oz)
    • Immortal Heart Salve (S: 2 oz | L: 4 oz)
    • Immortal Heart Attuning Tincture (S: 1/2 oz | L: 1 oz)
    • Honey of the Immortal Heart (2 oz)
    • Eternal Flame talismanic perfume by BPAL/ TAL
    • Dei Genetrix talismanic perfume by BPAL/ TAL
    • Tranquillitas Animi talismanic perfume by BPAL/ TAL
    • Anubis Reliquary by Tony Mack (Large sets only)
    Availability, dimensions, pricing —
    • Small (3 each): 6.5” wide, 4.5” tall, 3.8” deep = $507 + oil selection
    • Large (3 each): 9.5” wide, 5.5” tall, 6” deep = $1409 + oil selection
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    S+ Big Ass Forever Tote

    Cotton canvas totes originally obtained to ferry packages for day-to-day operations, made available by request Gigantic and virtually indestructible, these babies are wonderful for transporting shipments and filling to the brim with groceries or heavy bottles. They also serve as supreme kitty beds, or spacious servitors for laundry and herb harvesting. Featuring a convenient front pocket for smaller items, such as a harvesting knife, scan form, cellphone, keys, or water bottle, and comfortable 12" long handles in Sphere + Sundry red. Each is 15"H x 20"W x 9"D, weighing 1.4 pounds. New and unused, simply designed to match S+'s official work bags. High quality, extraordinarily strong totes that could very well last a lifetime, being offered (at cost!) in a run of 36. Available for $20

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