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241-300 of 334 products

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    Water of Mars in Scorpio

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    In the pre-dawn hour of Mars as the red planet rose in Scorpio on day 1 of 2020, iron rich well water was drawn from the depths of the earth to fill the interior still pot for this Mars in Scorpio hydrosol. Herbs and gems of a classical Martial nature, including red ginseng, scorpion pepper, black and pink peppercorns, bloodstone, and red jasper were combined with sundry ingredients used in Hoodoo and Conjure for victory, strength, and potency, such as High John the Conqueror Root, Devil's Shoestring, and Devil's pod. A small piece of the cast iron grilled offering steak also thrown in. Distillation via copper alembic was initiated at the start of the ritual operation and left to generate throughout the course of the day, each bottle being placed upon the working altar after completion, and aged for a full lunar cycle before being bottled and made available to the public. The result is a potent and user-friendly mist that can be applied as an aura and body spray before physical activities and work sessions to amp productivity, create laser like focus, gain self-sufficiency, and promote strategic intelligence, rational thinking, and remain calm in the face of offensive and defensive maneuvering. Use to win negotiations and arguments. A great workout and weight loss aid, helpful for those trying to hold themselves accountable on paths of yang oriented self-improvement. Increases visual interest and makes other's pay more attention to what you say and do. Boosts your intimidate check. Stamps out lazy and whiney impulses. Increases pain tolerance. Full disclosure: this hydrosol doesn't smell delicious. If you want something pretty, turn elsewhere, for like dignified Mars himself, this one's a bit musky. It'll get the job done, but note that doesn't necessarily mean you'll love doing the work, just that Mars is content with being joyless and suffering for the sake of achievement. Application over time will help you develop the grit, resolve, and inner steel necessary to execute any mission, or to win any war. Side effects include a tendency toward myopia and getting sucked into the depths of a thing, increased sweating and body odor. Other series can be used in conjunction to guide and moderate the influence, including Venus for sexual purpose, and others. Arrives in a convenient 1/2 oz travel size glass spray bottle with keepsake consecrated bloodstone for $25, or full 2 oz for $55
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    Powder of Mars in Scorpio

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    Organic herbs and gems of a classical Martial nature, including red ginseng, scorpion pepper, black and pink peppercorns, bloodstone, and red jasper were combined with sundry ingredients famed in Hoodoo and Conjure for victory, strength, and potency, such as High John the Conqueror Root, Devil’s Shoestring, and others, in addition to yang potency enhancers such as horny goat weed, yohimbe, and tongkat ali. These were combined and ritually suffumigated with Mars' Exaltation Degree incense during the hour of Mars, as the zodiac's soldier rose over the eastern horizon in Scorpio following a lengthy entreaty for his empowerment. Election chart in the image gallery. Pure and uncut, ground with the addition of ammoniacum gum during the day and hour of Mars. Use as any magical powder is typically employed — dress candles, build mojos, or cut with corn starch or talcum powder to create your own Mars in Scorpio sachet powder. Use for overcoming and tactically outsmarting those who would work against you. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $25, or 2 oz bulk pot for $75
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    Oil of Scorpion: Emperor Edition

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    Scorpion had been intentionally omitted as an ingredient in the original Mars in Scorpio formula to reduce potential for malefic fallout, be less toxic, and more user-friendly — good for regular application by a wider variety of people for practical and remedial purpose. Throughout its lunar cycle of gestation, dream and omen pointed to the fact that Scorpion should in fact feature, so a round of divinations were performed to see which form that should take. I had anticipated it would be the powder or incense since those are things that appeal most exclusively to fellow mages in their own spellwork, but the tarot revealed otherwise. The reading indicated the Mars in Scorpio oil was already ideally mixed, as the goal had been to "temper" its malefic nature and the card pulled was literally Temperance upright, but also that adding Scorpion to a sub-batch would produce the kind of result you never turn down — The Emperor upright. Thus, 10 venomous scorpions were ground to a fine powder on Saturn's day and Mars' hour, and a small amount was dispersed throughout each vial of Emperor Edition Mars in Scorpio oil, which also features 24k gold and a different essential oil blend befitting its darker, more lethal nature. Use in extreme cases of conflict and danger, to invoke the spirit and allegiance of Emperor and Scorpion energy. Not intended for regular application for most people, but for those who need to bring a bigger weapon to the gunfight than a temperate Mars provides, perhaps by those working in high competition sectors, or find themselves vulnerable to particularly nasty enemies. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $75 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ red jasper rollerball for $60
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    Mars in Scorpio Incense

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    Organic herbs and gems of a classical Martial nature, including red ginseng, scorpion pepper, black and pink peppercorns, bloodstone, and red jasper were combined with sundry ingredients famed in Hoodoo and Conjure for victory, strength, and potency, such as High John the Conqueror Root, Devil’s Shoestring, and others, in addition to yang potency enhancers such as horny goat weed, yohimbe, and tongkat ali. These were combined and ritually suffumigated with Mars' Exaltation Degree incense during the hour of Mars, as the zodiac's soldier rose over the eastern horizon in Scorpio following a lengthy entreaty for his empowerment. Election chart in the image gallery. Pure and uncut, ground with the addition of ammoniacum gum and made self-igniting during the day and hour of Mars. Burn in offering to Mars during weekly ritual observations, or to spirits aiding in the execution of your will and mission objectives. Smoke to activate sigils for overcoming competition, self-defense, or others related to Mars. Contracts, letters, talismans, and weaponry can also be suffumigated to empower. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $25, or 2 oz bulk pot for $75
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    Mars in Scorpio Attuning Tincture

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    Horny goat weed, maca root, yohimbe bark, fo-ti, longjack, tongkat ali, and tribulus fruit were ritually suffumigated and tinctured in top shelf bourbon under the auspices of the Mars in Scorpio series election. Designed to enhance yang potency and drive, whether it be in the bedroom or the battlefield. Energetically and magically speaking, this attuning tincture is just as efficacious for women and non-binary individuals as it is men. For more on that, and how this election is specifically productive for enhancing desire and sexual performance, see the full series writeup. Easily guiden by chosen activity and supplementation from other series. Warming. Offered in a 1/2 oz dropper bottle for $30, or 1 oz for $55 Important: 100% of the ingredients in this formula were named in the first sentence of the description. Many of these occur in "male enhancement" herbal supplements and may cause hormonal changes, especially in favor of increasing masculinizing hormones which impact blood flow, in alignment with Mars as karaka for masculine presentation and bleeding. It could very well impact the efficacy of birth control and promote abnormal spotting or increased menstruation. Mars materia + talismans should always be avoided by anyone who is, could be, or is trying to get pregnant. Also note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Mars in Scorpio Oil Duo

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    Both the Temperance and Emperor Editions of the Mars in Scorpio oils.
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    Oil of Mother Algol

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    Organic almond and jojoba oil, ritually imbued with home grown black hellebore leaf and root harvested during the hour of Saturn, diamond, mummified rattle snake, rattler, snake's skin, belladonna, and other herbs, precious metals, and essential oils for the purpose of protection, counter-magic, cursing, curse breaking, and the like. Anoint Algol talismans or compatible wards for protection, the exterior of spaces for the same. Apply to the self with care and caution, to attune to primordial feminine and Dark Goddess energies. Appropriate for use in any way oils for counter-magic and cursing are oft applied. Each 1/2 oz glass vial is black, containing silver leaf and herbal matter for $80, and 5 ml mini vial for $33. Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 
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    Mother Algol Powder

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    Black hellebore root, leaf, and stem, harvested in the hour of Saturn, diamond dust, mummified rattle snake powder, and other herbs useful for counter-magic, strong protection, and maleficia, ritually combined and suffumigated during the hour of Saturn on the day of Mars as the Full Moon conjoined the fixed star Algol at 26° Taurus after sunset. Later powdered with snake skin, vertebrae, ribs, sulfur, black charcoal, myrrh, and silver leaf. Add to mojos, dress candles, or create your own sachet powders for severe protection, counter-magic, and well-considered maleficia. Arrives in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $27
    Please note that due to the particularly malefic nature of Algol, divination is being done on all orders placed for this series. If the results are ill-omened, we cannot ethically fill your order, and you will be refunded in full for any Algol items in your purchase. 
    This item is not truly out of stock, just in need of rebottling. Join the Waitlist to be notified when it next becomes available.
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    Mother Algol Self-Igniting Incense

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    Black hellebore root, leaf, and stem, harvested in the hour of Saturn, diamond dust, mummified rattle snake powder, and other herbs useful for counter-magic, strong protection, and maleficia, ritually combined and suffumigated during the hour of Saturn on the day of Mars as the Full Moon conjoined the fixed star Algol at 26° Taurus after sunset. Later powdered with snake skin, vertebrae, ribs, sulfur, black charcoal, myrrh, and silver leaf. On a fire-safe surface, form into a peaked mound or shape (a snake, perhaps?) and touch with flame until ignition. Best burned out of doors, otherwise expect to banish and purify the space post-op, and thoroughly. Use during rituals for extreme protection, to send ill-magic back to its source, or casting your own well-considered maleficia. Arrives in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $27 This item is not truly out of stock, just in need of rebottling. Join the Waitlist to be notified when it next becomes available.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil

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    Note that Jupiter in Sagittarius II Oil is now available!
    A blend of 100% organic Jupiter ruled herbs, warming and quickening spices, and essential oils with 24k gold and frankincense, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix on a grade-A Jupiter in Sagittarius election, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of Regulus, crowned King of the fixed stars. Equal parts organic sunflower and almond oil with a natural antioxidant to preserve. Anoint the self to draw good fortune and banish limiting melancholic beliefs, expanding visionary and creative capacity. Use during Jupiter’s days and hours as a form of ritual observation and to boost the beneficence of Jupiter transits. Use to feed Jupiterian talismans and implements. Invokes a lightness and brightness of being, fortifying spiritual reserves and cutting through that which no longer serves. Promotes wisdom, warmth, and good naturedness. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ yellow jade rollerball for $58 This essential oil blend contains a small amount of cinnamon bark which may be warm on the skin. Highly sensitive individuals should patch test before broader application. Wipe away with kitchen oil on a paper towel rather than water if necessary.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Incense

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    A blend of 100% organic warming spices, such as cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, and orange peel as an uplifting, brightening nod to Regulus, with other ingredients of a Jupiterian virtue, including hops, ritually harvested home grown lamb’s ear, frankincense resin, genuine gold and silver leaf, citrine, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix. This on a choice Jupiter in Sagittarius election chosen by Austin Coppock, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of the fixed star Regulus, making for a potent, bright boost of Jovial goodness. Later made into an incense powder on the day and hour of Jupiter (before Jupiter left his home sign of Sagittarius). Burn during Jupiter day/ hour rituals for remediation, propitiation, or as an offering to Jupiterian figures, take a full body smoke bath to banish negativity and limiting energies, attuning to the opportunity and wise perspective Jupiter at his best provides. Use to activate sigils or vision boards. Pure, uncut, and organic spices, herbs, resins, gems, and precious metals, made into supremely effective, magically charged talismanic incense. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Powder

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    A blend of 100% organic warming spices, such as cinnamon bark, clove, allspice, and orange peel as an uplifting, brightening nod to Regulus, with other ingredients of a Jupiterian virtue, including hops, ritually harvested home grown lamb’s ear, frankincense resin, genuine gold and silver leaf, citrine, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated in dedication to Jupiter after issuing the full call from The Picatrix. This on a choice Jupiter in Sagittarius election chosen by Austin Coppock, featuring the Moon conjunct the Leo-end of the fixed star Regulus, making for a potent, bright boost of Jovial goodness. Later ground into a powder on the day and hour of Jupiter (before Jupiter left his home sign of Sagittarius). Use as any magical powder is typically employed — dress candles, build mojos, or cut with corn starch or talcum powder to create your own Jupiter sachet powder. Adds an uplifting, brightening, and wise quality. Improves luck, aids in benefitting and stabilizing the fortunes of the end-user. Dispels melancholy and limiting beliefs. Helps find opportunity and boosts creative visionary capacity. Put simply: makes stuff better. Pure, uncut, and organic spices, herbs, resins, gems, and precious metals. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84
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    Aldebaran Oil

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    Organic almond oil, ritually imbued with milk thistle, ruby, and bull horn during an Aldebaran election heavily supported by Jupiter in Sagittarius. Other ingredients include proprietary herbal components to support materialization, money drawing, fortitude, strength, magnetism, and personal force, including frankincense, myrrh, genuine gold and silver leaf, rose absolute, and dragon's blood. Anoint yourself to reinforce strength, will, and drive. Promotes some degree of entitlement along with charisma and ownership over what one desires, which renders the world more likely to provide it. Commanding of respect, won’t shy from conflict. Helpful for combatting door-mat tendencies and helping to discover and execute what one envisions. Provides focus, consistency, and determination. Aldebaran energies are best directed into creative and world-building pursuits. Use for money magic and to help make manifest your will in the world. Encourages embodiment, entitlement, intensity, and personal force, tools all necessary for supporting the ego-vessel in acquisition and achievement. For the sake of the innocents, please use responsibly. The possession of power is always best coupled with a sincere attempt to not be an asshole. Each 1/2 oz glass vial includes a piece of carbuncle and three milk thistle seeds, offered for $72, or a hyper limited edition 10ml roller with custom cast 24k gold plate rollerball for $108.
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    Water of Aldebaran

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    Water freshly collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, pasture grass, bull horn, milk thistle, ruby, rare coinage, and other herbs allied to the principles of strength, income generation, material command, and personal Sovereignty, distilled throughout the evening of the election and left to bask upon the Aldebaran altar. Mixed with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve, along with colloidal gold and silver. Use as a body and aura spray to steel and more deeply embody yourself, lending a temporary +5 bonus to your will save. Helpful for getting in touch with your honest worldly desires, and providing the drive and gravitas to make them manifest. Best applied when working on creative and world-building pursuits. May cause contention, especially where one feels under appreciated or under valued by those around them; promotes the confidence necessary to address conflict head-on. Encourages putting yourself and your own needs — especially in a material, financial, and magical terms — first. Heightens focus and determination. Use before engaging in wealth magic and mist over wealth altars, sigils, and vision boards. Each glass bottle contains one piece of carbuncle and a hand drawn label, offered in a convenient travel size of 1/2 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $63
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    Aldebaran Powder

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    Milk thistle seeds and plant matter, ruby, bull horn, genuine gold, silver, and copper leaf, alongside other herbs allied to the principles of strength, income generation, material command, and personal Sovereignty, frankincense and myrrh resin, dragon’s blood, essential oils. Ritually combined during an Aldebaran election heavily supported by Jupiter in Sagittarius in the Greater Benefic’s hour, and later ground after a lunar cycle of incubation, also on Jupiter’s day and hour. Employ as magical powders often are — add as a component in spell works, the making of talismans and mojos for wealth, personal power, material command, drive, and themes related to Aldebaran, as well as dress candles. Organic pure and uncut herbs, essential oils, resins, precious gems and metals. Mix with talcum powder or corn starch to create your own sachet powder. Offered in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $30
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    Aldebaran Self-Igniting Incense

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    Powder of Aldebaran, made self-igniting and with additional essential oils. Milk thistle seeds and plant matter, ruby, bull horn, genuine gold, silver, and copper leaf, alongside other herbs allied to the principles of strength, income generation, material command, and personal Sovereignty, frankincense, myrrh, and dragon’s blood. Ritually combined during an Aldebaran election heavily supported by Jupiter in Sagittarius in the Greater Benefic’s hour, and later ground after a lunar cycle of incubation, also on Jupiter’s day and hour. Burn in offering to spirits aiding in the execution of your creative vision and related to material and financial gain. Smoke to activate sigils for the same purpose, or others related to Aldebaran. Contracts, letters, talismans, and cash can also be suffumigated to bring favor, luck, gravitas, and the achievement of one’s aims, material, magical, and personal. Take a smoke bath to reinforce your will power and during times of strife, to promote inner steel and all that it takes to sustain and win serious conflict or pull a heavy burden. Promotes embodiment, entitlement, intensity, magnetism, and personal force, tools all necessary for supporting the ego-vessel in acquisition and world-building. For the sake of the innocents, please use responsibly. Offered in a glass 1/2 vial with hand drawn label for $30
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    Aldebaran Attuning Tincture

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    Consecrated organic Aldebaran herbal base in top shelf whisky, shaken throughout gestation on Jupiter’s days and hours. Use to anoint magical and mundane tools for material command, wealth generation, personal force, increased charisma, gravitas, elicit the favor of the Gods, luck, and the like. Offered in a 1/2 oz dropper bottle with four pieces of carbuncle and genuine gold and silver leaf for $30 Please Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    The Ancestors

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    Hermanubis was called to open the way and empower the entire Ancestral Series during a prime astrological election for contacting the deceased. Herbs and resins with necromantic and familial properties such as bloodroot, hops, mugwort, star anise, parsley, myrrh, and proprietary others, were combined, prayed over, and suffumigated using Hermanubis incense for the purpose of facilitating general ancestral contact. This blend was infused in organic sunflower oil, with a portion reserved to create the incense and powder. The rest was used as the “mother" herbal blend for specialty categories within The Ancestral Series — Comfort, Empowerment, and Channel. This sub-set, simply “The Ancestors”, acts as a primer for Ancestral work and devotions. It builds a bridge between you and your Dead, calling them to the here-and-now, wherever and whenever that happens to be. Use as summons before making offerings, or you can spike them with your own magic to facilitate personal ancestral goals. To best establish close contact, use these or Hermanubis materia to issue the invitation/ bring all your Dead to the yard (so to speak!). Give offerings or follow up with items from specialized sub-sets to support your desired aims and outcomes, to help you and your ancestors resolve unfinished business, or to work toward specific magical objectives with the class of spirits we call the Dead. Your Dead, specifically. Pure and uncut herbs, resins, essential oils, metal leaf, and gemstones. No fillers or artificial ingredients whatsoever. Half ounce glass vials of The Ancestors Oil for $66, Incense or Powder for $27
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    Ancestral Comfort

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    The Ancestors mother-blend, combined with calming herbs such as angelica, chamomile, arnica, and proprietary others, along with intent to soothe familial inflammations and provide a calm, easy intimacy. Rose quartz and saltwater pearl, genuine silver and copper leaf, white roses offered the night of the operation, baby’s breath. Organic cold pressed almond oil. After beta testing the Ancestral Comfort incense for the first time, Austin asked what the results were like. “Like Smoking bees”, I said, which FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON received a confused response. “You know how bee keepers, when they need to go into the hive, they smoke the bees first to calm them down? It’s basically like that, except the bees are dead people...” Use to smooth family dynamics and help everyone get along, mellow uppity ancestors, and ingratiate them to you. The safest and “best” sub-set of The Ancestral series for those looking to tread lightly into ancestral work or with a complicated family history, along with the Bath Salts. Apply to yourself or loved ones to soften relations and resolve bad feelings amongst family, living or dead. Please note, however, that this blend seems to make the dead drowsy, sedated, or even pleasantly high. Great for getting them to leave you alone if they’ve been restless or overactive, not great for if you want to chat them up or send them on a mission. I recommend using this blend after Hermanubis or The Ancestors; or in isolation; or to relieve them (and you!) after Channeling. Empowerment and Comfort seem to cancel one another out, so avoid combining those in the same session, or while your ancestors are engaged in big magical efforts on your behalf, requiring vigilance. Pure and uncut herbs, resins, essential oils, metal leaf, and gemstones. No fillers or artificial ingredients whatsoever. Half ounce glass vial of Ancestral Comfort Oil for $66, Incense or Powder for $27
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    Ancestral Empowerment

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    The Ancestors mother-blend, combined with empowering, fortifying herbs such as Solomon’s seal, High John the Conquerer root, holy basil, and Balm of Gilead, along with proprietary others, golden copal resin, citrine, garnet, genuine 24k gold, and the intent to call one's Ancestors to attention and arms. Organic cold pressed olive oil. Increases your ancestors' vigilance, ability to provide protection, and power to influence. Excellent for when going through big life changes or under attack, and you need the powers watching over you operating on all cylinders. Should you have magical requests to make of your ancestors, use this sub-series before or during petitions to activate, empower, and fortify their abilities. Anoint/ smoke tools or weapons your dead used in life, or implements of power you’d like to provide for their use on the other side, in your defense or to achieve requested aims. Anoint yourself or take a smoke bath to encourage your ancestors to watch your back, and walk at your side. Note that giving troublesome ancestors a bunch of extra energy and strength to work with isn't a great idea. This blend should be applied carefully (or avoided) for those with complicated and unresolved family histories, or asshole skeletons in the family crypt. One may, though, choose to use the Ancestral Empowerment sub-series in work targeted toward blocks of very old and wise ancestors a la the work of Dr. Daniel Foor in regards to ancestral lineage repair, or specific deceased individuals of the happy, healthy, and well-adjusted variety. Use after calling your Dead to the here-and-now via Hermanubis or The Ancestors, or standalone. Potentially effective before Channeling to make the dead louder, but also more willful. This and Comfort work to counter purpose/ cancel one another out, so I recommend avoiding that combination in the same session. Pure and uncut herbs, resins, essential oils, metal leaf, and gemstones. No fillers or artificial ingredients whatsoever. Half ounce glass vial of Ancestral Empowerment Oil for $80, 1/2 oz Tincture, Incense, or Powder for $30. Please Note: While the Ancestral Empowerment Tincture does not contain anything poisonous or inedible, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption is undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Ancestral Channel

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    With help from Hermanubis, The Ancestors mother-blend was combined with consecrated talismanic materia from the Moon-Neptune series and other herbs as Neptune rose in Pisces. Blue lotus, mugwort, myrrh, roman chamomile, genuine silver leaf, and other ingredients for the promotion of mediumship and psychic sensitivity, devoted to necromantic and ancestral purpose. Anoint or smoke yourself to increase perception of what your Ancestors are trying to tell you. Best used after formally inviting them via The Ancestors or Hermanubis, or giving offerings, once you've entered the communication phase of the operation. Smoke or anoint items used for divination, pens and paper for automatic drawing/ writing, or implements of seance. Ask specific questions or sit quietly with your dead and see/ hear/ feel what comes. Use this blend and tell your Dead of your woes — some of them are wonderful therapists! Or tell of your triumphs, so they can share in your joy. Smoke or anoint photographs or items of specific ancestors you would like to make contact with. Mix the powder in with a portion of their grave dirt or cremains. Note that banishing or clearing, cord cutting, and grounding are recommended after engaging with Ancestral Channel. The dead, even those that mean well, can be intensely draining if left to linger. In Sphere + Sundry terms, Asclepius Ritual SaltBath Salt, or Water are all good for this purpose, as are items from the Sol in Leo series. The herb rosemary, burning frankincense resin, and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) are other readily available resources.
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    Water of Deneb Algedi I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II [/sf_iconbox] Water freshly collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, where and when the blue chalcedony used throughout the series and on the working altar was obtained and cleansed. Austin and I also had the friendliest, fairest, and most productive exchange with a police officer we've ever had that day, testifying to Deneb Algedi's ability to bring the favor of the law (but also, bring the law). Traditional associations for Deneb Algedi are marjoram, mugwort, and the aforementioned blue chalcedony. All were combined, along with the tail hair from a happy (and very much still alive!) goat-friend, as this fixed star represents the tail of the sea-goat in the constellation of Capricorn. Other herbs for protection, fortification, and wealth generation were also present, and distilled via copper alembic the night of the Full Moon conjunct the asterism, 2019. Spray to reinforce boundaries, physical and metaphorical, and provide protection. Facilitates a grounded and somewhat stoic sense of uprightness and right mindedness. Helpful for thinking through tactics, logistics, and topics of import. Aids in establishing a sense of security and containment. Averts the evil eye. Ever so slightly intimidating. Bottled and marked with a hand drawn Deneb Algedi glyph in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for $27, or a 2 oz for $63
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    Deneb Algedi Oil

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] A blend of organic almond oil ritually imbued to talismanic standard on the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Marjoram, mugwort, cat nip, and blue chalcedony, with other insulating, grounding, and protective ingredients such as Solomon's seal, holy basil, mustard seed, silver leaf, and frankincense. One of the gentler items in the Deneb Algedi series. This oil can be used to anoint boundaries and thresholds for protection, the self for evil eye aversion and earning the favor of those in power, as well as encourage fair treatment by law enforcement and the justice system. Invokes a Saturnian sense of groundedness, security, and pragmatism, while simultaneously promoting a wise and empowered perspective. Use to anoint Deneb Algedi talismans and empower evil eye wards. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $66 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roller w/ blue chalcedony rollerball for $53. A handful of custom cast 24k gold plated rollerball editions are also available, for $108.
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    Deneb Algedi I Self-Igniting Incense

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II [/sf_iconbox] Herbal base, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Traditional correspondences include marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony inscribed with the star's glyph during the election. Other fortifying, protective, and wealth building ingredients include Solomon's seal, holy basil, mustard seed, as(s)afetida, myrrh, and genuine silver leaf, among others, later ground to a powder and made into a self-igniting incense blend with the addition of frankincense resin. Burn for protection, generally or against slander, jealousy, thieves, and those who would unduly persecute you or those in your care. Assists in fortification of one's boundaries, literal and metaphorical. Take a smoke bath to ingratiate yourself to bureaucrats, the law, and those in power. Smoke paperwork, evil eye averting talismans, and other appropriate implements. Aids in the generation and protection of wealth. Pragmatic and powerful. Pure and uncut herbs, gems, resins, and silver, sealed in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and hand drawn label. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $27, or 2 oz bulk pot for $81
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    Deneb Algedi Powder

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out... but a new batch is available as part of Deneb Algedi II 😘 [/sf_iconbox] Herbal base, ritually combined and suffumigated during the Full Moon conjunct the fixed star Deneb Algedi, 2019. Traditional correspondences include marjoram, mugwort, and blue chalcedony inscribed with the star's glyph during the election. Other fortifying, protective, and wealth building ingredients include Solomon's Seal, holy basil, mustard seed, as(s)afetida, myrrh, 24k gold, and others, ground to a powder. This is formulated to be actively protective, powerful, and intimidating. Full disclosure — it smells like it. Use as a potent spike for protection magic. Dress candles, bury beneath the top soil at the corners of your property, use as an ingredient in spellwork, or in any way magical powders can be employed. Useful as a component in evil eye wards. Pure and uncut herbs, gems, and genuine gold leaf. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial for $27, or 2 oz bulk pot for $81
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    Golden Oil of Sol

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    A blend of organic safflower and jojoba oils ritually imbued to talismanic standard on a carefully selected Sol in Leo election, complete with Jupiterian and Lunar support. Dried sunflower harvested during the day and hour of the Sun during Sol's time in Leo 2019, cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, bloodstone, heliotrope, 24k gold, and more. Anoint the heart, third eye, crown of the head, or elsewhere to better embody your authentic self, build deeper and truer self-confidence, and purify the heart-mind-spirit complex. Healing, illuminating, warming, and uplifting. Can also be used to feed Solar talismans and items of power. Apply before going on stage, to elevate melancholic states, and to gain greater perspective. Great for self-reflection and meditation practices, as well as worldly success. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ aventurine rollerball for $58 (sold out)
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    Powder of Golden Sol

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    A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis — sunflower harvested during the hour and day of the Sun was dried and ritually consecrated during the series election, alongside cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, ultra fine Hojari frankincense, and 24k gold. These were ground during the Sun's day and hour, making for a pure and uncut powder of great Solar potency. Dress candles, sprinkle in carefully selected areas, use as an ingredient in your regular spellwork, or in any way magical powders can be employed. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Golden Sol Self-Igniting Incense

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    A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis for increased luck and support — sunflower harvested during the hour and day of the Sun was dried and ritually consecrated during the series election, alongside cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, ultra fine Hojari frankincense, and 24k gold. These were finely ground and made into a self-igniting incense blend during the Sunday following the election, in the hour of the Sun. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Burn during Solar rites, or those for purification, healing, inspiration, and wholeness. Take a whole-body smoke bath to support self-development, greater embodiment, and self-actualization, or use during meditation. Use to clear away negative, limiting, or melancholic energies. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Water of Golden Sol

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    Water freshly collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, distilled via copper alembic from one hour of the Sun to the next on the day of the election. A combination of herbs and gems under the governance and accord of Sol, with Jupiterian emphasis — sunflower, cedar, saffron, bay laurel, ginger, sweet cinnamon, rue, orange, clove, hibiscus, bloodstone, ruby, heliotrope, and colloidal gold. The result is an uplifting and warming hydrosol, honoring the Sun's invigorating, purifying nature. Use as a body or aura spray as an invocation of the Sun and authentic self, to help uplift, heal, clarify, and bring about better alignment. Can also be used as a room and linen spray to prepare for ritual operations of a Solar nature. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 24k gold leaf for $30, or a 2 oz for $66
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    Venus in Taurus Rose Water

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    A hydrosol of 2 dozen fresh and fragrant roses, rosehips, marshmallow root, raspberry leaf, and other herbs sacred to Venus, rose quartz and emerald, distilled during one of the best elections the Fairer Benefic's time in Taurus 2019 had to offer. As detailed in the description, the Venus in Taurus series was the first Sphere + Sundry created while traveling, which necessitated the use of a very small still. For this reason, the Rose Water of Venus in Taurus is the most limited run of waters available. Use as a body and aura spray to promote self-love and self-assuredness. Promotes desirability, groundedness, and reduces feelings of neurosis and judgment. Chill AF, indulgent, and lush. Can be used weekly as a form of Venus remediation. Apply before dates or social events where you desire to be seen at your most glamorous, turning your inner Queen out into the world. Draws admirers, gifts, free upgrades, food, libation, enjoyment, compliments, and money into your sphere. While absolutely not a requirement to utilize, the entire Venus in Taurus series is especially productive for those whose income is derived from their attractiveness, glamour, and Venusian social station, such as tipped workers, dancers, hostesses, sex workers, those looking to "marry up", and the like. Apply before going to work. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with rose quartz for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.
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    Venus in Taurus Oil

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    An oil ritually imbued to talismanic standard during one of Venus' finest Taurus elections 2019. Equal parts organic apricot kernel and almond oils, combined with organic rosehips, rose buds, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, rose quartz, emerald, copper, and additional herbs sacred to the Fairer Benefic. The scent is a naturally derived rich floral, containing essential oil of Belgium butter and rose absolute of French origin. Apply to the heart center and perfume points to embody the rightful Queen you are, be seen at the height of your glamour and attractiveness, draw admirers, feel at home in your body and environment, and establish a commanding Venusian aura. Or in popular parlance, #bethatbitch Of the three Venus series we offer, as the earth of Venus, Taurus is the most manifest and self-serving. It's particularly good for promoting the embodiment of Venusian qualities, drawing gifts, upgrades, money, free drinks and food, luxurious experiences, and the company of the affluent. Enhances self-worth and self-acceptance, connects you to your honest desires, and releases feelings of shame and judgment. Use in magical works devoted to strengthening and reinforcing relationships, promoting commitment, beauty, glamour, self-love and self-empowerment, or other things related to the Venusian and Taurean sphere. Apply before intimate encounters (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience. Check the testimonials from the Libra and Pisces sister oils to get a sense for the potency and results one can expect from Sphere + Sundry's Venus offerings — they're our most popular for a reason 😉 Available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68
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    Venus in Taurus Powder

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    An organic blend of herbs close to the Fairer Benefic's heart — rose bud, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, rosehips, and more, were ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019. Later powdered with rose quartz, emerald, and copper during the day and hour of Venus. Use to boost spellwork related to the attraction and endurance of love (self-love included), beauty, glamour, money, and gift drawing. Dress candles, create your own sachet powders and add to mojo bags, or use in any other way enchanted herbal mixes and powders can be employed. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28
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    Venus in Taurus Self-Igniting Incense

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    An organic incense blend of materia close to the Fairer Benefic's heart — rose bud, rosehips, rose quartz, marshmallow root, red clover blossom, emerald, and more, ritually combined and suffumigated during one of the finest Venus in Taurus elections of 2019. Create a small mound or trace sigils on a fireproof surface before lighting. Burn during weekly Venus observations, for remediation, or during magical works for maintaining and strengthening relationships, drawing lovers, gifts, upgrades, and money. Take a smoke bath to enhance glamour, beauty, and encourage self-acceptance, self-love, and feelings of desirability. Promotes comfort in one's skin and putting your own needs and desires first. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28
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    Exalted Venus Water I

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    Created during a mouth watering, talisman-worthy election during Venus’ time in Pisces 2019. A hydrosol of organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, bee pollen, and other herbs sacred to the fairer benefic, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, with purple and white flowers freshly harvested during Venus’ hour to open the working. River water was simultaneously fetched by handsome assistant and devoted husband Austin Coppock as the ritual creation of the Exalted Venus series began, and distillation via copper alembic initiated during the height of the election. Each bottle was marked with Venusian keywords in the spirit of Masaru Emoto's work on structured water, and left to bask upon the altar of Exaltation. The result is an incredibly beautiful hydrosol that triggers a light salivation response upon application, instantly relaxes and stirs the heart center. Promotes healthy emotional availability, facilitates connection, promotes intimacy, and heightens one’s appreciation for love, art, and all beautiful things, including one's own self. Use as a room spray to set the stage for Venus operations or magical works for love, beauty, and glamour. Use as a body spray to invoke the power of Exalted Venus and embody all she stands for. Great for natural stress and anxiety management, quelling neurosis, when spending quality time with loved ones, when you want to feel at ease, attractive, and magnetic in social situations, or before engaging with art, nature, or to help steer mind altering substances. Perfect when you’re ready to wash the day from your mind, body, and auric field, inviting a relaxed, pleasant, and untroubled state. Magical self care at its very finest — praise Venus! Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with keepsake amethyst for $28 or a 2 oz for $63.
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    Exalted Venus Oil

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    Ritually created during one of the finest elections Venus’ time in her exaltation had to offer in 2019. Equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils, combined with organic lavender, damiana, yarrow, passion flower, blue lotus, and other herbs sacred to Venus, along with bee pollen, emerald, diamond, and amethyst, frankincense, benzoin, and genuine copper leaf. Similarly to the Venus in Libra oil, our most beloved and best selling offering to date (check the testimonials...), apply to the heart center and perfume points to be seen at your best, brightest, and most beautiful, to increase glamour, draw others to you, calm anxiety, and facilitate connection between yourself and those around you. This is a more emotionally activating and intimate take on Venus. One may choose one or the other based on their natal chart placements, or whether they would prefer a lighter, more social and airy Venus, vs. a deeper, dreamier, emotionally activated Venus. For the most embodied and money drawing effects, see Venus in Taurus. Use in magical works devoted to love, beauty, harmony, connection, glamour, or other things related to the Venusian sphere. Apply before intimate encounters or tantric practices (in non-delicate areas) to enhance the experience. Supremely soothing, like a deeply satisfying emotional vacation. If those were available in in 1/2 oz vials for $68, of course ;) Note: The last portion of this oil was reserved for 10 ml roller bottles before the pre-bottled standard sizes ran out, and we were waiting for the custom commissioned rollerballs to arrive. These have been made available as of 10/30/20 in a limited edition Cape Amethyst for $53 or genuine copper plate for $98. The copper will patina over time and should be cleaned using a polishing cloth every as needed...
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    Exalted Venus Self-Igniting Incense

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    Organic herbs and stones sacred to Venus and related to Pisces, including lavender, blue lotus, yarrow, damiana, passion flower, diamond, emerald, and amethyst, were ritually suffumigated and consecrated by Venus during one of her most talisman-worthy 2019 exaltation elections. These were powdered during Venus’ day and hour and made into a self-igniting incense base. Form a small mound or sigil on a fire proof surface and light during Venus observations, or compatible workings for love, beauty, sex, and the like. Pass talismans and objects through the smoke, or run it along the body in preparation for appropriate rites. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28
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    Exalted Venus Loose Incense

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    For Occvlta's first ever collaboration with Sphere + Sundry, Júlia offers a dark and rich loose incense ritually crafted during the equivalent election from the Pyrenees of Lleida, Spain —

    The Venus Exalted incense was made Sunday between 8:31 and 9:24 UTC+1 in honour of Venus. Its base is composed of Alexandrian Rose buds, Nettle leaf, True Vervain, and Myrtle, plants that inflame and inspire desire and allure.

    To this base other components were added: storax bark, frankincense, juniper berries, damiana leaf, costmary, elder flowers, Icelandic moss, angelica root, yarrow flowers, orris root, passion flowers, and mugwort. These are spirits related to planet Venus and help balancing the power and directing the practitioner's will.

    Finally, this exalted mix is crowned with mallow, violet, lotus, and periwinkle flowers, elevating its potency and making it a fit offering for a deity.

    Beautiful and dark, perfect for calling up underworld aspects of Venus, such as Innana and Persephone. Must be burned on charcoal or an incense warmer. Available in a 1 oz dark amber glass jar for $35
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    Exalted Venus Powder

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    Organic herbs and stones sacred to Venus and related to Pisces, including lavender, blue lotus, yarrow, damiana, passion flower, diamond, emerald, and amethyst, were ritually suffumigated and consecrated by Venus during one of her most talisman-worthy 2019 exaltation elections. These were powdered during Venus’ day and hour. Add as an ingredient in magical works designed for beauty, love, glamour and the like, or in any fashion powders are typically employed, such as for dressing candles or making mojo bags. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, resins, gemstones, and flowers. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Oil

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    Following a ritual feast as an offering for the Greater Benefic’s blessing, consecrated Jupitarian mix — including organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices — were ritually combined with citrine and amethyst in equal parts organic jojoba and almond oils on a prime Jupiter election, before the addition of frankincense and other essential oils befitting the operation. Bright, uplifting, supportive, patient, centering. Anoint yourself to promote embodiment, improve head-game and outlook, center, ground, and motivate yourself to work toward the enrichment of yourself and others, materially and otherwise. Great for supporting meditative activities, teaching and consulting, Jupiter remediation and propitiation. Purifying and generous, protective and nourishing. Use in Jupitarian magical workings or those designed to promote steady growth, medium and long-term gains, and charitable causes. The greatest benefits from Jupiter’s Bounty will result from routine applications over time. Wear every Thursday to invoke Jupiter’s ongoing blessing and support. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $72 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ citrine rollerball for $60 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children. 
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Self-Igniting Incense

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    After a ritual offering feast and during a prime Jupiter election window, organic fruits, nuts, and Jupitarian herbs and spices were suffumigated, consecrated, and ritually combined with frankincense, golden copal, citrine, and amethyst. These were ground to a fine powder during Jupiter’s hour and combined with ingredients to make it self-igniting. Create a small mound on a fire safe surface or trace sigils. Burn as an offering to Jupiter for remediation and propitiation on Thursdays or in his hour, or invoke a purifying, beneficent blessing upon other magical works designed for growth, gain, protection, and healing. Available in a 1/2 oz vial for $28, or 2 oz bulk pot for $84 Important allergen/ legal note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Water of Jupiter’s Bounty

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    Water from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta was collected and used as the base for a distillation of various fruits and fine champagne served at Jupiter’s ritual feast, along with Jupitarian herbs, spices, and gemstones. It was begun after the ritual invocation of Jupiter using the full call from the Picatrix, and produced over low diffused heat for 20+ hours, so as to avoid burning the fruit sugars. Combined with a small amount of grain alcohol to preserve. A mouth watering and comforting hydrosol, smelling of apple pie and molasses. Use to invoke Jupiter’s presence and blessing, attuning yourself to his sphere and setting the stage to receive his bounty. Can be used to spray altars, papers, spaces, or the body. For practical application, spray upon your person to uplift, fortify, and provide energetic nourishment. Promotes embodiment and has a grounding, calming, and centering influence. Use to increase emotional and mental capacity, restoring mana and promoting good judgment, sound generosity, and patience. Use to fortify oneself when under stress and improve outcomes via the Greater Benefic’s protection. Excellent before meditation, yoga, mantra, or teaching. Available in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle with 4 juice-colored gems for $28 or 2 oz for $64
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    Jupiter’s Bounty Powder

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    Organic dried and freeze-dried fruits, mixed nuts, holy basil, red clover, dandelion root, wormwood, pie spice, other Jupitarian herbs, citrine, and amethyst, ritually combined and suffumigated after an offering feast to Jupiter on a prime astrological election. Add as an ingredient in magical works designed for prosperity, gain, growth, wisdom, and the like, or in any fashion powders are typically employed, such as for dressing candles or making sachet pouches. Wear on your person or inside your shoe, or place in your wallet to carry Jupiter’s influence with you, promoting wise decision making, luck, gain, and protection. Pure, uncut, and organic herbs, resins, fruits, nuts, gemstones, and dried yellow lilies from the offering table. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $28 Important allergen note: While this does not contain peanuts, it does contain other nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and cashews) that were processed in a facility that handles peanuts. Not suitable for use by those with peanut or other nut allergies. Buyer/ user agrees not to apply, gift, or make available to those with nut allergies, assumes full responsibility for any allergic interactions to self and others as a result of exposure, and releases Sphere + Sundry from any and all liability. Keep out of reach of children.
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    Oil of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Asclepius, the ancient Greek God of healing, was petitioned to make this oil as medicine by his own hand on February 27th, 2019 as Jupiter and the Moon conjoined the fixed star Ras Alhague on the midheaven, in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer. Ethically sourced, wildcrafted and cultivated white and garden sages, cypress, incense cedar, rose of jericho, frankincense, legally and humanely acquired heart of venomous pit viper, and cleansed, charged carnelian, combined with organic, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Anoint that which needs healing, with prayers and thanks to the Divine Physician for his curative blessings. Apply to areas of the body where healthfulness need be restored, during illness, or to boost immunity. Can also be applied to photographs or icons of those in need of healing and transmutation. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $52 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ carnelian rollerball for $42
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    Water of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As further detailed in the series description, cypress, garden sage, rosemary, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested during the days and hours of Sol and Jupiter. These, along with rose of jericho, wildcrafted and ethically sourced white sage, and carnelian, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced on the Sun’s day, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, colloidal gold, and grain alcohol during the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing. Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is something truly special (see reviews from the first edition). For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine. Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity, and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. Includes a small piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, the stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Available in a half ounce spray for $26 or a two ounce spray for $52.
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    Forged Rods of Asclepius

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    Snake bound rods, forged during the equivalent Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election by sorcerous blacksmith Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks. Of his exquisite creations, he offers —

    “So be Wise as Serpents, and Innocent as Doves.” — Matthew 10:16

    These relics are a visceral, ferrous expression of two primary principles observed within an occult framework : Salubrity and Resolve.

    The Asklepian or ‘Rod of Asclepius’ consists of the serpent and staff. The serpent here may be said to represent both perpetual renewal & healing as well as the dual nature of pharmakon as both panacea and poison. The staff reminds us that in times of great need we must be willing to be supported. Their respective forms are expressed in hand-wrought iron, born of the hammer & anvil in flickering cacophony that is the ancient and venerable craft of the smith.

    Some preparation of material took place the evening prior (cutting, layout, etc.) and final preparations were made during pre-dawn hours the morning of the election. Offerings of cedar, juniper, fir pitch and several native artemisia species were burned in the forge and a fumigatory rite of cleansing took place.

    Enough material was cut and prepared for the 13+ relics to be forged, the serpent and staff to be officially intertwined during the beneficent interstice of this potent election. The election allowed a small but adequate window in which the work was to take place.

    It was an intense fifty minutes. I can’t recall the last time I worked with as much vehemence, but I did manage to meet our goal. And not without some violence against my own corpus for as the work concluded, I fell into an intense bout of very unpleasant nausea and vomiting, swiftly (and mercifully!) followed by a deep sense of wellness. This speaks precisely to the often purgative, sicken-ing nature of pharmakon and again -- to the dual-nature of the serpent as an embodiment of wisdom and rejuvenation.

    As for the iron Asklepians and their care, I recommend only this: while the relics have been treated with a thin coating of wax, I recommend that upon receipt they are further coated in the accompanying oil formulated by Sphere + Sundry during the election, or one of your choosing, preferably that lends itself to the restorative and health-giving nature of Asclepius and the noble art of physik.

    I pray these talismanic objects of virtue serve in whatever capacity you desire, be they employed as ceremonial foci or by iron’s physical touch as a means of removing illness and dis-ease, thereby exploiting iron’s capability in the eradication of foul spirit presences afflicting both body and soul.

    Every talismanic rod includes a bottle of Asclepius II Oil for anointing and regular feeding. Mount above doors or beds to safeguard good health and act as a protective ward, or store upon altars or under mattresses for the same purpose. Available for $130 each. Only 13 of these most excellent specimens are being offered to the public.
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    Mask of Hygieia

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    A mask set featuring two all natural components, intended to be freshly mixed for each application. Add healing clay powder to a small bowl and moisten with the accompanying hydrosol, created from water harvested from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta with organic calendula flower, raspberry leaf, white willow bark, and carnelian, distilled via copper alembic, combined with colloidal gold, and ritually consecrated to Asclepius. Mix well and apply to the face and décolletage, or over patches of troubled skin. Create a thicker mask for additional detoxification and deeper healing. Wear until it dries, anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and proceed with toner and a good moisturizer. Clay masks are especially beneficial for oily and combination skin. If your skin tends toward dryness, you may prefer the honey mask or choose to add a few drops of skin soothing oil to the clay formulation. It will tighten as it dries, tonifying and pulling impurities, oil, and excess sebum from the skin, while infusing it with minerals and beneficial trace elements. Excellent for clearing acne, reducing pore size, and creating a younger, softer, brighter appearance. Use 1-2 times per week for best results. Because this hydrosol is intended for topical use, it does not contain any grain alcohol to preserve. As with any natural skin care product, shelf life may vary. Store away from light and keep the glass dropper from touching anything that may transfer germs. Each mask set comes with over 2 ounces of clay powder in a reusable glass jar, and 1 oz of topical hydrosol in a glass dropper bottle with sanitized piece of carnelian. Pairs extraordinarily well with our Saltwater Pearl Exfoliating Polish, which is best used before application in lieu of traditional cleansers that can overly strip the skin, available as an optional add-on. Clearer, softer, more beautiful skin, by the grace of Hygieia 🙌 $29
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    Bath Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As detailed in the series description, ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing, and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both physical and metaphysical. Dead Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, and epsom salt were combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside herbs from the consecrated incense mixture and 24k gold leaf, with Asclepius’ blessing. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify your system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. The formula of this salt is highly concentrated with essential oil to make less go a longer way. Available in an eight ounce glass jar for $33, enough for 2 deeply purifying baths, or add smaller amounts to many, utilizing the principle of contagion.
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    Asclepius Candles II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax poured over suffumigated herbal mix during the height of the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, topped with frankincense resin and a sprinkling of Asclepius incense, along with 6 pieces of carnelian added on Jupiter’s day and hour. Lightly scented with frankincense and cypress essential oil. Burn while saying prayers for yourself or loved ones in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing and protection. Keep lit at the bedside of those convalescing, or create an altar with their image for works of sympathetic magic. Glass jars in three sizes, marked on the bottom with the glyph of Asclepius. Available in 2 oz for $65; 8 oz vigil style for $91 (sold out); or 12 oz for $130 (sold out).
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    Skill’d to Heal Mankind

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    Handcrafted by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, she says of her creation —

    A perfume for Asclepius, the God of Doctors, Inventor of Medicine, Master of the Art of Surgery, the Sagacious, Blameless Lord of Healing, Man's Savior and Champion Against Diseases, and patron of the Asklepiades, the ancient guild of physicians. He is the son of Apollon, father to Chiron, Podalirus, and Machaon, and the greatest physician to ever have lived. It is said his skills were such that he was able to restore the dead to life.

    Merciful Asclepius, wise and skilled God of the Medical Arts, purge our bodies of illness, injury, and pain. Grant us the wisdom of talented and compassionate physicians, the skill of master surgeons, the boon of healing medicines, and strength and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

    This sacred perfume contains hydro-distilled Frankincense essential oil (Bowsella carteri), hyssop essential oil steam-distilled from the leaves and tops (Hyssopus off. decumbens) and hyssop herb (Hyssopus officinalis, fossilized Himalayan amber oil (Oleum succini, dry distillation in sunflower oil), aniseed essential oil (Pimpinella anisum), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), myrtle essential oil (Myrtus communis), bay leaf essential oil and organic bay leaves (Laurus nobilis), white vegetal musk, Indian rose attar, organic sunflower oil, Greek olive oil, frankincense tears (Boswellia sacra), gum mastic resin (Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia), life everlasting flower (Helichrysum stoechas), Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica), wild-harvested rose buds (Rosa damascena), yellow rose petals from the offertory bouquet, and ethically collected snake sheds.

    Charged and consecrated under the auspices of Apollon, Asclepius, and Hygeia on Wednesday, February 27th during the Asclepius II election, and the whole of the perfume and its contents passed through the smoke of frankincense tears and Greek monastic lemon flower incense.

    Each bottle contains pieces of carnelian and clear quartz that have been washed in frankincense hydrosol on the day and hour of Sol.

    Not vegan: contains ethically collected snake sheds. Please note that this perfume may contain solid plant material.

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    Incense of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] This incense is comprised of cypress, sage, and incense cedar, harvested during the days and hours of Jupiter and Sol before being prayed over in the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius (as detailed in the series description). These were combined with ethically sourced, wildcrafted white sage, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and 24k gold leaf, before invoking the Divine Physician’s blessing as the fixed star Ras Alhague began rising. This incense is an exquisite smudging mix for the clearing of space and body — in general, after traumatic events, or before ritual. It can also be used to bathe objects you wish to cleanse and restore, such as crystals or ritual implements prior to consecration. Available in 1/2 oz self-igniting form for $26, or loose in a reusable glass jar over two ounces for $52. Charcoal must be used for burning loose incenses. You may choose to add organic coconut charcoal to your order, which must be lit on a burner.
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    Ritual Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.

    Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.

    Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

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    Asclepius Talismans II

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    Goldsmith Tony Mack collaborated with Sphere + Sundry during the equivalent election in his location to create a stunning set of Ras Alhague Serpent-Bearer fixed star talismans, in two original designs. Cast in electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, featuring high grade carnelian set over viper’s tongue, cedar, frankincense, and sage. The casting of the talismans was supplemented by suffumigation using Incense of Asclepius form the first edition of the series. Wear on your person for healing and to help transmute various manner of poisons into medicine. These are helpful for preserving health and warding away disease, but can also be used by those who have an ongoing health struggle or are taking medications that produce negative side effects. These are wonderful to wear if you work in a healing profession and want to bring the Divine Physician’s blessing into the realm of your client or patient work. Each talisman includes a 20” sterling silver chain, and a beautiful keepsake box bearing a wax seal of the Asclepius rod. It includes a bottle of Asclepius II anointing oil, recommended times for feeding and empowering your talisman, and a prayer to Asclepius. Available in your choice of standard electrum, 4ct carnelian, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid for $729 (8 being offered to the public), or ornate electrum with gold accenting, 20ct carnelian, snake backing design, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid into the bezel for $1,029 (7 being offered to the public).
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    Powder of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] The Asclepius herbal mixture, comprised of ritually harvested cypress, incense cedar, and garden sage during the days and hours of Jupiter and Sol, along with ethically wildcrafted white sage, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and genuine 24k gold leaf, ground to a fine powder for magical use as a safe keeper of good health, protection, positive transmutation, and clarity. Available in a half ounce glass vial for $26.
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    Thy Vig’rous Force Inspires

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    Handcrafted by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, she says of her creation —

    A perfume for the Bright-Eyed Mother, Highest Queen of Apollon's Golden Throne, Desirable, Gently-Laughing Hygeia. All-glorious and undefiled, Hygeia is the daughter of Eros and Peitho, sister to Iaso and Panacea, and beloved wife of Asclepius, she is the goddess and protectress of physical and mental health.

    Benevolent, beloved life-bearing Hygeia, we ask that you preserve and safeguard our bodies and minds; keep ever vigilant so disease and decay touch us not. Make us whole and radiant.

    This sacred perfume contains hydro-distilled Frankincense essential oil (Bowsella carteri), steam-distilled Hungarian hops flower essential oil (Humulus lupulus), beeswax solvent-extracted absolute, French lavender essential oil and lavender absolute (Lavandula angustifolia), attar of jasmine, organic sunflower oil, Greek olive oil, organic lavender buds (Lavandula officinalis), organic hops flower (Humulus lupulus), frankincense tears (Boswellia papyrifera), life everlasting flower (Helichrysum stoechas), Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus), yellow rose petals from the offertory bouquet, and ethically collected snake sheds.

    Charged and consecrated under the auspices of Apollon, Asclepius, and Hygeia on Wednesday, February 27th during the equivalent Asclepius II election.

    Each bottle contains a piece of clear quartz that has been washed in frankincense hydrosol on the day and hour of Sol, and the whole of the perfume and its contents passed through the smoke of frankincense tears and Greek monastic lemon flower incense.

    Not vegan: contains beeswax and ethically collected snake sheds. Please note that this perfume may contain solid plant material.

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    Regulus Oil II

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    In a similar formulation to our first Regulus oil, organic sunflower and apricot kernel oils were ritually poured over the Regulus herbal mix containing the main ingredients associated with our patron Royal Star. These include celandine, mugwort, wormwood, and mastic, along with proprietary additions of saffron, frankincense, 24k gold, bee pollen, yellow trumpet flower, dandelion root, chrysanthemum, eyebright, red ginseng, and other herbs associated with personal empowerment, light, and Solar beneficence. Created as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, along with a natural preservative. Anoint your heart center or other areas of the body to invoke Regulus’ influence and aid, especially before public or important appearances. Can also be used in weekly Solar devotions, or as a component in other magical works for sympathetic ends. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with 24k gold, saffron, and 6 pieces of keepsake garnet, marked by hand drawn Regulus glyph. $72
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    Regulus Water II

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    A hydrosol of blood orange, mugwort, mastic, bee pollen, yellow flower, red ginseng, and garnet. Distilled using water collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter, and left to bask upon the Regulus altar in the warm glow of Cœur Leonis. Combined with colloidal gold, frankincense essential oil, and grain alcohol to preserve. Spray to invoke the blessings and qualities of Regulus, to restore your sense of self, before making public appearances, or in magical operations of a Solar and beneficent nature. Available in a reusable glass spray bottle with keepsake garnet and hand drawn Regulus glyph. 1/2 oz for $30 or 2 oz for $63
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    Regulus Powder II

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    Customary material and herbs associated with Regulus include mugwort, mastic, garnet, wormwood, and celandine. These, along with frankincense, 24k gold, saffron, chrysanthemum, yellow trumpet flower, calendula, dandelion root, orange peel, red ginseng, and other plants allied to the powers of empowerment, light, and leadership, were ritually suffumigated, consecrated, and mixed as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Use as an ingredient to empower magical works, add to mojo bags, dress candles, or in any other way magical powders can be employed. Pure herbs and resin, completely uncut. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with hand drawn Regulus glyph for $30
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    Regulus Self-Igniting Incense II

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    Customary material and herbs associated with Regulus include mugwort, mastic, garnet, wormwood, and celandine. These, along with frankincense, 24k gold, saffron, chrysanthemum, yellow trumpet flower, calendula, dandelion root, orange peel, red ginseng, and other plants allied to the powers of empowerment, light, and leadership, were ritually suffumigated, consecrated, and mixed as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Pour into a small mound or form lines and sigils on a heat proof surface before lighting. Burn as an offering to Regulus, to invoke the Royal Star's influence, or during other magical operations intended for self-promotion, self-actualization, success, or explorations of a heart-centered, empowering nature. Available in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30
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    Regulus Attuning Tincture II

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    Cognac is a distillation of Champagne, a beverage long associated with Kingship, wealth, and opulence, whose bubbles impart a quality of literal effervescence and therefore elevation. This was used as the tincture base from a high-end, well regarded manufacturer, combined with mugwort, mastic, wormwood, and honey as the Moon conjoined Regulus on the rising, in the hour of Jupiter. Available in a 1/2 oz dropper bottle with 24k gold and keepsake garnet for $30 Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user's sole risk and liability.
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    Oil of St. Expeditus

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    Organic sunflower oil ritually poured over Expedite’s consecrated herbal blend, along with a tiny bit of cinnamon bark essential oil, alkanet, 24k gold leaf, and dried rose petal from Expedite’s altar bouquet. Shake well and use to anoint yourself and statues or icons of St. Expedite. Wear to increase luck and draw results of your petition to your person. Can also be used to anoint sigils or other objects of your desire. High stain potential. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard glass vial for $66 (with optional Dropper Cap Kit), a 10ml 24k gold plated roll-on for $106, or a tiger's eye roll-on for $49.

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