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31-60 of 1000 products

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    Butter Ocean Steep + Smoke

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    You'll never guess! 100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $28, 4 oz bulk pot for $48
    Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Butter Ocean Talismans

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    Jupiter in Pisces Pendants by Tony Mack:

    Modeled in high relief with hard carver’s wax, and Cast in an 90/10 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of frankincense, orange rind, and amber]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, and saffron.

    An image for Jupiter in Pisces of an ancient ammonoidea (the fossils of which we call ammonite) who's chabered shell spirals outward in a Fibonacci sequence. The 'golden ratio' composition of the shell shares a pleasant symmetry with the significations of Jupiter in Pisces; namely in balanced and equilibrated growth, and as a supportive and buoyant structure which provides protection and orientation. The back of the pendant is marked with the character of Jupiter as written in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al-Hakim [aka Picatrix in latin translations].

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter, and an accompanying Butter Ocean Powder for $888
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    Exalted Mercury Powder

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    Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock. You can find Incense / Powder of Exalted Mercury here.
    30+ organic herbs of Mercurial nature, including ritually harvested palm frond and fern leaf during the day and hour of Mercury during its Virgoan tenure, fumigated with Frankincense during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Mercury election. Lucky hand root and abre camino. Barley, wheat, and nutritional yeast. Ground with frankincense, agate, peridot, and high-grade opal. Sprinkle in your shoes to help getting from point A to point B faster (+ solve whatever problems you encounter along the way!), your purse and wallet to increase sales and draw wealth. Promotes eloquence, energizes, and acts as a natural magical nootropic/ study aid. Employ when a Way needs Found or Figured... Use to dress and load candles, in spell jars, blow over letters and communications, or in any way magical powders can possibly be employed. 100% pure, organic and uncut herbs and resins. Genuine 24k gold leaf. Nothing artificial, and no fillers. A very versatile choice for those on a budget! Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Exalted Mercury Talismans

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    Resident Sphere + Sundry goldsmith Tony Mack offers to Exalted Mercury —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in Mithraic silver [an alloy of majority silver with a portion of gold, palladium, copper, and tin] with calcined salts of corriander, spikenard, grapevine, and clove. Mercury governs among the metals [besides quicksilver] those which are mixed and alloyed. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Exalted Mercury Cazimi planetary incense.

    An image of a stylized caduceus, the staff of Hermes modeled in high relief. Above the dual serpents is the planetary glyph of Mercury, flanked by wings. In the center of the planetary glyph is a bezel set 2.5 carat welo opal.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake necklace box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Mercury, and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Each is available for $888 and includes a vial of Exalted Mercury Powder. Every Altar Box Set also includes one.
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    Exalted Mercury Altar Box Sets

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    PLEASE NOTE: The Plus Member program allows lottery winners to reserve Talismans + Altar Box Sets for a 30-day grace period. If funds are not sent in that time, rare items are restocked to the website and released to the public. If you would like to be notified if/ when any become available, please join the Waitlist for your preferred selection!
    One of *each and every item* in Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Mercury series, in small, large, or standard form, including a Talisman. Note that Sphere + Sundry’s Anointing Oils are added individually, so Clients can choose their preference of roller or standard vial. Sometimes there is confusion about this, so to be completely clear, they have not already been included in the base price  [BPALs were created for this series, but are not included with the Altar Boxes this time around, since they are not launching with the series. They will be released at a later date.]
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    Exalted Venus II Powder

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    Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock. You can find Exalted Venus II Incense / Powder here.
    Organic and wildcrafted herbs of a Venusian purview, including lavender, damiana, red clover, spearmint, and sundry others, fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election following prayers and offerings to the Fairer Benefic. Ground in the day and hour of Venus following months of quiet incubation, with the addition of sandalwood, benzoin, frankincense, genuine copper leaf, vanilla bean, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Add to hair products or carry a sprinkle on your person/ purse to carry the influence with you, drawing gifts, kinder treatment, adoration, and affection from those you encounter, softening your way through the world. Use as an ingredient in spell work (dress candles, add to mojos and spell jars, &c.) to promote Venusian ends — love, self-love, connection, beauty, glamour, the cultivation of social skills and a lovelier persona/ reputation. Add cornstarch if you wish, to create your own nearly infinite supply of sachet powder. Organic, wildcrafted, and uncut herbs, resins, and essential oils. Genuine metal leaf. Nothing artificial, and no fillers. The Sphere + Sundry way… Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
  • $108$244

    Exalted Venus II Candles

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    Beeswax candles dyed a lavender dusk and poured over consecrated, ground herbal matter throughout our Exalted Venus II window, topped with genuine copper leaf and pink amethyst. Burn during Venus devotions, while performing mantras for Venus remediation, or in the background to set a conducive atmosphere for socializing and intimacy. Set petition papers, sigils, photographs, and incense sticks alight in the Heart of Venus' divine flame.
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    Sugar Scrub of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic cane sugar and honey powder, combined with lavender, blue lotus, butterfly pea, and herbs of Venusian provenance during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election, along with a touch of purple jade and pink amethyst infused Anointing Oil and Salve base, to create a skin softening, beautifying body scrub. Organic essential oils. May be used to exfoliate the body, as well as added to Ritual Baths and spell work as a sweetening, love drawing component. Available in an 8 oz tin for $35 Read reviews of the first Exalted Venus Scrub here. If you're in pursuit of a facial polish, Venus-Spica has you covered! Photos coming as soon as they're available!
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    Exalted Venus II Talismans

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    Mr. Tony Mackreturns (the remix!) with one exquisite Talisman design, cast during the equivalent Sphere + Sundry Exalted Venus II election, per his location —

    Exalted Venus II Pendant Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in a 70/30 alloy of silver and gold Electrum [with calcined salts of pearl, damiana, honey, and orris root]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Empress Series planetary incense.

    An image of a 'venus comb' murex shell, modeled in high relief. In the center of the shell is a bezel set 8mm freshwater pearl. Among the implements of Venus in her planetary images via Picatrix are the apple, mirror, and comb; and "from the stones, she governs pearls". The back of the pendant is engraved with the character of Venus from the Ghayat Al-Hakim.

    Each talisman arrives in a triptych necklace box bearing a wax seal of the symbol of Venus and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Each is available for $1,300 and includes a vial of Exalted Venus II Powder. Altar Box Sets include them.
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    Steep + Smoke of Exalted Venus II

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    100% organic ingredients: lavender flower, linden flower, yarrow flower, meadowsweet, passionflower, catnip, damiana, red clover blossom, peppermint, heal all, lemon balm, chickweed, wood betony, fenugreek, oregon grape root, ashwagandha, food-grade myrrh powder. Fumigated following prayers and offerings during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election. Add to floor washes or spiritual baths. Smoke alone, or alongside Mother Mary Jane, especially before (or during) Venus rituals, social occasions, and date nights. Offered in your selection of 2.5 oz clear top tin for $30, or 4 oz for $56. Individual steeping pouches are available as accessories. If any Steep is too strong or bitter, simply infuse for shorter lengths of time and re-infuse for future cups, which has the added benefit of making a little go a longer way! Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Luna in Cancer Candles

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    Light{s} in the Darkness contributions: 3" Short Pillar ($108), 6" Tall Pillar ($168).
    Palm wax poured over consecrated Luna in Cancer herbal mix throughout the election. As talismanic candles are iconicly wont to do, many of these developed Moon-like craters and facial expressions throughout the course of their solidification, reminiscent of "the man in the moon" or maniacal, lunatic Jack-o'-lanterns The tops were melted and each slim vigil crowned with genuine silver leaf and saltwater pearl. Burn during Lunar rites, or as an ambient influence to boost emotional and extrasensory sensitivity, facilitate emotional presence and illumination, and do repair work on the inner foundation. Write on or etch the glass to key them to works of candle magic (with or without the addition of Oil or Powder from other series befitting your aims!) Offered in the form of 8 oz slim vigils for $133
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    Luna in Cancer Altar Box Sets

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    PLEASE NOTE: The Plus Member program allows lottery winners to reserve Talismans + Altar Box Sets for a 30-day grace period. If funds are not sent in that time, rare items are restocked to the website and released to the public. If you would like to be notified if/ when any become available, please join the Waitlist for your preferred selection!
    One of *each and every item* in the Luna in Cancer series, in small, large, or standard form, including: All 4 BPALs + Talisman (Ornate or Standard) depending on selection. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Anointing Oils are added individually, so Clients can choose their preference of roller or standard vial. Sometimes there is confusion about this, so to be completely clear, they have not already been included in the base price 😊
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    Luna in Cancer Talismans

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    PLEASE NOTE: The Plus Member program allows lottery winners to reserve Talismans + Altar Box Sets for a 30-day grace period. If funds are not sent in that time, rare items are restocked to the website and released to the public. If you would like to be notified if/ when any become available, please join the Waitlist for your preferred selection!
    Cast during the equivalent Luna election (per his location) by the talismanic goldsmith we've worked with the last 13-years, the iconic Mr. Tony Mack...

    Luna in Cancer Pendant — $633

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and cast in silver with calcined salts of pearl, myrrh, and iris.

    Engraved around the outer edge are the characters of the moon from book I, chapter 33 of H. Cornelius Agrippa's 'Three Books of Occult Philosophy'. Center is a moon-like mother of pearl (nacre) cabochon. On the reverse is an image of the bow of Diana/Artemis, knocked with an arrow with a crescent moon tip.

    Luna in Cancer Ornate Pendant — $1,900

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in a 10/90 alloy of silver and green gold [gold + palladium] with calcined salts of pearl, myrrh, and iris. An image of Diana/Artemis, the face of the goddess carved in high relief; her hair pulled back and crowned with a crescent moon diadem. Below the face hangs a prong-set moonstone cabochon.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal depicting a crescent moon. Pendants and include a 20" silver chain.

    Includes a vial of Sphere + Sundry's Luna in Cancer Powder as a gift (these babies love resting in beds of their own consecrated matter...)
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    Fomalhaut Candles

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    Light{s} in the Darkness contributions: 3" x 7.5" Magnum ($244) pillars.
    Palm wax dyed the tone of the chilly Pacific, poured over consecrated Fomalhaut-Jupiter mix powdered during the height of Sphere + Sundry's election, topped with aquamarine and white gold. There are two grades of slim vigils here, the first poured *within the window* and the second slightly past its close (but still containing the consecrated herbal matter). Grade-B candles are listed for a discount. Some tall pillars for carving and dressing were also poured. Gaze upon the flame... burn in the background... offer to Spirits of a compatible nature... Offered in the form of tall pillars and 8 oz slim vigils for $168, or election overruns for $111
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    Fomalhaut Altar Box Sets

    Fomalhaut Altar Box Sets

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    NOTE: Two Plus Members chose to forego their small Altar Box Sets, one containing the **final** Fomalhaut Coin Talisman, and pillar candles instead of slim vigils. These are being made available alongside Luna in Cancer's public launch. If they show as Out of Stock once you're here, someone else got 'em first...
    One of *each and every item* in the Fomalhaut-Jupiter series, in Small or Large form (if there is size variation, otherwise, the only size), including all 4 BPALs and a Talisman. Small sets *include* a COIN Talisman by Tony Mack (and a full slim vigil candle since shorties weren't poured for this series) for a grand total of $1,266 Large sets *include* an ORNATE Pendant Talisman by Tony Mack for $3,122 Note that Anointing Oils are added individually, so Clients can select their choice of roller or standard vial. There is often confusion about this, so to be completely clear, they have not already been included in the base price 😊
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    Fomalhaut Talismans

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    Forged by the inimitable talismanic goldsmith Tony Mack:

    Fomalhaut Coin — $600

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 10/90 Electrum alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salt of blue lotus, kelp, yarrow, and ashwagandha].

    An image of a fish, depicting Fomalhaut (the eye) in its constellation Piscis Austrinus, "The Southern Fish". On the reverse is the eye of the great southern fish surrounded by scales. Gold, lapis lazuli, and onyx enamel amalgams are set-over with a magnifying lens of quartz crystal.

    Fomalhaut Ornate Pendant — 2,222

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 20/80 Electrum alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salt of blue lotus, kelp, yarrow, and ashwagandha].

    The eye of the "Southern Fish" surrounded by a motif of scales. Yarrow flower, blue lotus, kelp, and gold were placed inside the 'iris' and set-over with a magnifying lens of quartz crystal. On the reverse, an image of a fish depicting Fomalhaut in its constellation Piscis Austrinus "The Southern Fish".

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal depicting the constellation of the Southern Fish. Pendants and include a 20" silver chain.

    Includes a Fomalhaut-Jupiter Powder as a gift (talismans love resting in beds of their own herbal matter...)
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    Talismans of Deneb Algedi II

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    Created by the talented and much appreciated Tony Mack...

    Standard Pendant — $666

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 10/90 Electrum alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salt of margoram, Solomon’s seal, and holy basil]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Deneb Algedi incense.

    An image of the fish-tailed goat with a star over its tail, dipticting Deneb Agedi in its constellation Capricornus. On the reverse side is the glyph of Deneb Algedi from Liber Hermetis [de 15 stellis tractans et 15 herbis et 15 lapidibus et 15 figuris] above a chalcedony cabochon, a gem sharing co-rulership with both Deneb Algedi and Jupiter.

    Ornate Ram Pendant — $1,333

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 20/80 Electrum alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salt of margoram, Solomon’s seal, and holy basil]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Deneb Algedi incense.

    An image of a goat bust fully fleshed/modeled in three dimentions, dipticting Deneb Agedi's home constellation Capricornus. Above its head is a chalcedony cabochon, a gem sharing co-rulership with both Deneb Algedi [Liber Hermetis de 15 stellis tractans et 15 herbis et 15 lapidibus et 15 figuris] and Jupiter.

    The horns became quite sharp after the pendants were cast and polished. Consideration was given whether to round off the tips in order to make the pieces more friendly to wear, but due to the apotropaic/protective nature of the fixed star the horns were left intact and not dulled. Care should be taken if you plan to be particularly active while wearing this talisman.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the sigil of Daneb Agedi from Liber Hermetis, and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Includes your choice of Deneb Algedi II Powder as a gift (talismans love resting in beds of their own herbal matter...)
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    Candles Deneb Algedi II

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    Light{s} in the Darkness contribution: 3" Shortie ($108) and 6" Tall ($168) pillars.
    Virgin beeswax, poured over powdered consecrated Deneb Algedi II herbal mix consecrated earlier in the election into fumigated glass slim vigil jars. Crowned with blue chalcedony and 24k gold. The last two slim vigils are available for $166.
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    A talismanic perfume created for Sphere + Sundry's Deneb Algedi II election by thee Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (and Twilight Alchemy Lab!) —

    This is an oil of presence. Auctorias was crafted to augment your personal power, majesty, and authority. It can be used to enhance your sense of self-esteem and self-worth, bring dignity and honors in your field, and assist you in projecting confidence, competence, proficiency, and composure. This oil can also assist you in dominating situations and resolving legal matters.

    Frankincense essential oil and tears (Boswellia sacra), Spanish marjoram essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Thymus mastichina), juniper essential oil and berries (Juniperus communis), cedar berries and leaf (Juniperus monosperma), carnation petals from the TAL garden (Dianthus caryophyllus), gum mastic (Pistacia lentiscus), white oak bark (Quercus alba), sage leaf and essential oil (Salvia officinalis), saffron (Crocus sativus), hyssop herb and oil (Hyssopus officinalis), acacia bark and leaf (Acacia Senegal), angelica root and essential oil (Angelica archangelica), High John the Conqueror root (Ipomoea jalapa), licorice root (Lycyrrhiza glabra), master root (Imperatoria ostruthium), cascara sagrada (Frangula purshiana), deerstongue (Dichanthelium clandestinum), galangal (Alpinia galangal), and blue chalcedony.

    Available in BPAL's iconic 5 ml apothecary bottle for $48
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    Deneb Algedi II Talismanic Perfume Trio

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    The full trio of BPALs created by Elizabeth Barrial for Sphere + Sundry's Deneb Algedi II election: — AuctoritasPraesidiumThrone of the House
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    Deneb Algedi II Altar Box Sets

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    One of *each and every item* in the Deneb Algedi II series, in small or large form (if there is size variation, otherwise, the standard size), including all 3 BPALs. Small sets *include* a STANDARD Pendant Talisman by Tony Mack, and a full slim vigil candle since shorties weren't poured for this series. Large sets *include* an ORNATE Pendant Talisman by Tony Mack. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Anointing Oils are added individually, so Clients can select their choice of roller or standard vial. Sometimes there is confusion about this, so to be completely clear, they have not already been included in the base price 😊
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    Candles of Aerial Delight

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    Light{s} in the Darkness contribution: 6" Tall ($168) and 3" x 7.5" Magnum ($244) pillars.
    Beeswax, dyed green, poured over consecrated Venus' Aerial Delight herbal mix + powdered with 22kt rose gold, emerald, freshwater pearl and within our election window. Burn to set the stage for socializing, romance, or diplomatic engagement... Use in works of candle magic toward Venusian or Libran aims... Light during weekly Venus devotions... Offered in the client's selection of a 2 oz glass jar ($91), or ultra long-lasting slim vigil for $168 Pillars were also poured for this election, but will be released at a later date...
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    Vanilla Bean Pearl Polish

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    Powdered saltwater pearl + vanilla bean. Wet the face with warm water or apply following a light steam. Make sure the fingers are moist, but not wet, before pouring a small mound onto them. Pat onto the skin to keep it from falling off, and gently rub in soft, circular motions for 1-2 minutes or until you feel it has dissolved. Rinse with warm water and dry. Optionally, follow with our Aerial Queen's Rose Gold + Honey Beautifying Mask. Offered in a 1/2 oz vial for $30
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    The Aerial Queen’s Beautifying Rose Gold + Honey Mask

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    Honey infused with consecrated Venus' Aerial Delight beautifying herbal blend + emeralds before being finely strained. Whipped with bean, 22kt rose gold, frankincense, and geranium. Clean and exfoliate the skin, perhaps with some Vanilla Bean Pearl Polish, and dry completely. Apply a quarter sized squeeze to dry fingers and begin spreading gently across the skin, which will become easier to spread as it warms. Once a thin layer covers the entire face (and optionally, neck + décolleté), begin patting gently and quickly with the fingers until the mask thickens and becomes tacky — bringing blood flow, and resulting in additional softness/ exfoliation. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Tone and proceed with skin care as usual. Clarifies, softens, makes more beautiful Offered in a 1 oz silicone squeezy for $35 Selfie in gallery taken following application of this Mask + the Beauty Oil (and makeup, obvs!)... Peruse testimonials from Venus in Libra I's Whipped Honey Mask here + here...
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    Venus’ Aerial Delight Talismans

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    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in Electrum; an 80/20 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of pearl, damiana, honey, and orris root]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Empress Series planetary incense, and Sage sown and harvested on previous spica elections. Venus + Spica Pendant An image of a man of beautiful countenance, with long hair and venusian features - brought about by Austin's suggestestion of the Hindu deity Śukra "Light, Brightness" [identified with Venus] as inspiration for an image in this unique election. On the reverse side is an image of outstreached wings surrounding a 1.3 carat emerald, a precious gem of shared rulership with both Venus and Spica. Engraved above them are the planetary sigil of venus from Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al Hakim, and the symbol of Spica from Liber Hermetis [de 15 stellis tractans et 15 herbis et 15 lapidibus et 15 figuris]. Venus + Spica Ornate Pendant An image of Venus - the face of the goddess carved in high releif, clothed heavenly raiment. She is crowned with a gold diadem of wings modeled after the greater bird-of-paradise of southwest New Guinea. In the center of the diadem is a prong-set 1.3-1.5 carat emerald; a precious gem of shared rulership with both Venus and Spica. Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the sigil of spica from Liber Hermetis [de 15 stellis tractans et 15 herbis et 15 lapidibus et 15 figuris], and includes a 20" silver chain.
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    Venus’ Aerial Delight Altar Box Sets

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    Venus’ Aerial Delight has been soft launched before individual offering text + images have been finalized, so we can begin shipping to those who are already sure of what they desire, who’d enjoy going on a blind date with our Aerial Queen If you’d prefer to wait + learn more about specific offerings, signal flares will be sent through all channels once rollout has completed! Small sets include one of every small + standard sized offering + standard talisman + oil form of your choice (standard or roller) + box ($1700) Large sets include one of every large + standard sized offering + ornate talisman + oil form of your choice (standard or roller) + box ($5,355)
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    Special OOPSIE! Edition: Empress *Scented* Venus’ Aerial Delight Whipped Body Butter

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    A batch of Venus' Aerial Delight body butter base was whipped using the Empress' body butter essential oil mix by drool-worthy mistake This is a limited edition OOPSIE! release, featuring the VAD clamshell label in hand embossed Empress rose gold. Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Powder of Regulus III

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    Note that following our Re-Labeling Sale, as series are re-debuting, standalone Powders are being combined into Incense / Powders to increase utility, so this particular listing will forever remain Out of Stock. You can find Incense / Powder of Regulus III here.
    Classic herbs and materials associated with Regulus include mugwort, mastic, garnet, wormwood, and celandine. These, along with frankincense, 24k gold, saffron, chrysanthemum, calendula, dandelion root, orange peel, red ginseng, and other plants allied to the powers of empowerment, light, and leadership, were ritually combined, fumigated, and consecrated, during an election featuring the freshly ingressed, waxing Virgo Moon conjunct Regulus, applying to an aspect with Jupiter in Pisces (forming a strong and fortuitous Gaja Kesari yoga). Later ground in the hour of Sol and combined with additional 24k gold. Use to dress candles, add to mojos, sprinkle in shoes, breast pockets, and use as an ingredient or offering in spell work for Regulean ends. Dust the hair (or add to hair products!) to spike the mane. 100% uncut herbs, resins, and essential oils. Nothing artificial, and no fillers. Use as-is or cut with cornstarch to create your own nearly infinite supply of sachet powder... Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99
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    Salve of Regulus III

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    Organic mugwort, goldenseal, comfrey root, yellow dock root, calendula, St. John’s wort, dandelion root, mastic, saffron, and garnet.⠀ Fumigated at the height of Regulus III's grounded and present Virgo Moon election for Cœur Leonis (opposite Jupiter in Pisces), immersed in 3/4 golden jojoba and 1/4 extra virgin olive oil (all organic). Left to incubate 173 days before being strained in Sol's day and hour, combined with melted organic beeswax, scented with pure frankincense and refreshing yuzu. Shaken with generous amounts of 24k gold, spangled throughout. A highly absorbent, uplifting, and energizing day-side Salve results, perfect for rubbing into the feet, low back, heart center, and shoulders in the mornings, or to refresh before making an appearance. Calms and reassures the nervous system; anchors the spirit, mind, and heart to the body; and enhances one's natural charisma. Reduces pain where applied, and offers a comfortable, tempered warmth. Adds sustain to a long day (may disturb sleep if applied too close to bed!). Illuminate from within, embodying self-assured, quiet confidence. And a little goes a long way... Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $72, or 4 oz bulk pot for $106
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    Candles of Regulus III

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    Light{s} in the Darkness contribution: 3" Shortie ($108) and 6" Tall ($168) pillars.
    White beeswax dyed a natural, gentle yellow solely by the inclusion of saffron while melting. Vessels fumigated with frankincense and prayer during Sphere + Sundry's Regulus III working, poured and set during the election window. Crowned with 24k gold and a ❤️ of high-grade, faceted garnet. Burn in the background during important interviews and appearances. Light during Solar rites and rituals for success, visibility, and the accumulation of personal power. Helps to cultivate a charismatic, luminous, and self-determined aura/ mindset. Gaze and meditate upon its flame. Use the candle's light to feed Regulus talismans and other implements and icons of like-purpose. Offered in the client's selection of a 2 oz glass jar ($90), or ultra long-lasting slim vigil for $168 Pillars were also poured for this election, but will be released at a later date...

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