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Layers w/ Thema Mundi


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    Asclepius Anointing Oil

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    Sphere + Sundry's classic Asclepius Oil formula, given new life as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Organic 100% extra virgin olive oil, rose of jericho (Selaginella lepidophylla), ecologically and respectfully wildcrafted sage, and ritually harvested incense cypress from Jove's hour on the Sun's day, untreated carnelian, and resin of frankincense. Anoint areas in need of healing, including acupuncture and meridian points which correspond to connected organ systems, as-needed (as always!). For chronic ailments, create a "treatment plan" for routine application based on planetary hours connected to natal or general astrology, or in stride with the TCM body clock. [We can workshop these together in the Client Community!] Application aids in purification, transformation, and facilitation of inner-alchemy. Increases one's general bandwidth/ tolerance for stressful circumstances, while expediting the assimilation of experience into wisdom. Layering with other influences helps mitigate symptoms, if Antares or Mars tends to result in overheating and headaches, for instance. It tends to help other Powers (and our own energies) run "cleaner" and with less buffering, clearing the way for better outcomes. Apply before bed to promote dream incubation, as well as healing and initiatic visitations from Gods, Ancestors, and whatever Spirit-Beings you call. Excellent for routine use by day and night, but may also trigger the need for sleep (or increase its duration). Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $65 (with an optional dropper cap kit), 10 ml "flawless glide" steel rollerball for $52, or 5 ml mini for $33.
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    Asclepius Incense + Powder

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    A blend of consecrated herbs and resins consecrated to Asclepius as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Rose of jericho, responsibly wildcrafted white sage, ritually harvested incense cypress, carnelian, and generous helpings of frankincense; ground into a fine powder that works equally well as an incense for smoke bathing the body (standalone or in ritual cleansings), offerings to Asclepius and healing Spirits, or a magical powder for dressing candles, adding to spell work, and sprinkling. Use to clear and elevate icky energies, and to banish the Dead. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 

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    Water of Asclepius

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    Freshly drawn waters from Mt. Shasta, rose of jericho, ritually harvested incense cypress, and sustainably collected white sage, distilled with carnelian via copper alembic and tucked into beds of consecrated Asclepius materia to incubate. A small amount of grain alcohol to preserve, along with essential oils of rosemary and frankincense. If Sphere + Sundry has anything approximating a "flagship" offering, this is likely it! An all-purpose aura cleansing, space clearing mist, which helps alleviate anxious states, extend one's bandwidth, and assist in the process of inner-alchemy. Spray over areas in need of healing, or as a primer before other influence to help them run cleaner, and more smoothly. Spray on bed linens, especially of those convalescing or during times of stress. Restore, revitalize, and renew. Arrives in the Client's selection of half ounce travel size/ sample spray for $30, or full 2 ounce for $75
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    Son of Apollo Bath Salts

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    Dead Sea salts, organic, ritually consecrated Son of Apollo herbal blend, organic clover honey, beer [see the Ritual Bathing Protocol for an explanation!], and golden mica. Frankincense, red and yellow mandarin, tangerine, helichrysum, and turmeric. Less stripping, sterilizing, and detoxifying than Sphere + Sundry's classic Asclepius Bath Salt formula, more warming, uplifting, and fortifying. A good choice for those who are Solar deficient and focused on building vital energies, as opposed to cutting away that which no longer serves. Instead, Son of Apollo works to dissolve inner shadows and outer darkness, as it creates deeper cohesion within the Self and Sphere. A perfect starter offering for those who have a hard time with "letting the light in", and who want to start feeling better faster, bypassing the harshest, most confrontational elements of the healing process. Akin to the Ascending Heart subset from Immortal Heart, but yang in orientation. Arrives in the Client's choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or 18 oz unbreakable bundle for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Asclepius Talismans

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    The one + only Tony Mack casts again —

    Modeled in hard carver's wax and cast in an 90/10 electrum alloy of silver and gold, with calcined salts of cedar and sage. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense and S+ Asclepius incense.

    An image of the asklepian serpent, or messenger serpent of Asclepius (who in myth placed a healing herb into the mouth of a dead snake, resurrecting it; giving Asclepius/Polyidus the knowledge to restore life to the prince Glaucus). Modeled in three dimensions, the underbelly of the pendant features the serpent's ventral scales. The center of the pendant features a 5 carat carnelian cabochon set over calcined salts of Japanese Knotweed root.

    The Asclepius IV talisman includes a 20-inch silver chain, and a keepsake box bearing the wax seal of the S+ Asclepius symbol.

    Each Talisman arrives with a rose of jericho fren, offered for $897
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    Son of Apollo Anointing Oil

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    Organic Son of Apollo herbal base comprised of calendula, St. John's wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, arnica, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis, consecrated as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, Jupiter in Aries, from the Nakshatra Ashwini. 100% incorruptible golden jojoba oil — actually a liquid wax, known for its qualities of preservation and nourishment, making it unlikely to expire (if well-stored). Carnelian and 24k gold. This Anointing Oil is the only in Sphere + Sundry's catalogue that contains zero essential oils, making it a great choice for those who are highly sensitive, or would enjoy the opportunity to add their own blends. The Son of Apollo recipe relies on healing herbs of a more warming, bitter, and yang constitution, often correlated with the Sun, as opposed to those used for the classical Asclepius formula, which are more yin and cooling. Akin to SoA Bath Salts, this is wonderful for people learning to "let the light in", helping develop a tolerance for inner and outer illumination, while improving general health and self-esteem. It is especially good for those suffering from depressive or anxious states, paving the way for a gentler Right Hand Path-type experience of the healing journey. An excellent option for addressing health problems associated with Solar or yang deficiency, especially layered with other Powers that directly govern those systems (Son of Apollo over the liver in collaboration with a Jupiter supplement, for instance, or SoA x Regulus for issues of the heart...). Likewise for Asclepius items and yin matters, where for the kidneys, Venus in Libra and Asclepius Oil together may make for a good treatment plan — though it is always best to check with an experienced medical astrologer for prescriptions based on the natal chart, if possible. Kira Sutherland is incredible (and familiar with Sphere + Sundry's catalogue, and recently did an episode on medical astrology for The Astrology Podcast!). Judith Hill is another phenomenal resource. Offered in your choice of 1/2 oz glass vial w/ 24k gold for $70 (with an optional dropper cap kit), 10 ml "flawless glide" steel rollerball for $56, or 5 ml mini vial for $33.
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    Son of Apollo Spell Soap

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    Honey-based soap infused with consecrated Son of Apollo herbal blend, 24k gold, and essential oils of frankincense, red and yellow mandarin, tangerine, helichrysum, and turmeric. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Asclepius Ink + Skin Stain

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    A botanically derived, alcohol-based stain made from pandan leaf, chlorophyl, and ritually consecrated sage, rose of jericho, and cypress. Frankincense, mint, and infused Asclepius honey. Sphere + Sundry inks and skin stains tend to be on the light side, making them versatile in terms of layering and coloring the backgrounds of petition papers and sigil canvas with their built-in brush caps — in this case, a natural sage green. For writing, they tend to perform best using something like a Japanese calligraphy or watercolor brush, rather than true fountain pens. When applied on the skin, this will likely be almost invisible on many tones, but still serve to activate the vessel as intended. Apply to resonant energy centers, acupuncture points, and meridians of afflicted systems. Draw sigils, forms, and affirmations upon the body. Anoint the hands before engaging with healing arts and energy work, and draw over areas of the body that are targets for healing magics, prayers, and the like. Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap for $65.
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    The Divine Physician’s Healing Salve

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    100% organic extra virgin olive oil infused with a ritually consecrated + organic herbal blend of calendula, St. John's wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, arnica, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Ras Alhague election. Organic beeswax, and essential oils of frankincense, wintergreen, cypress, and tea tree. Apply to the bottoms of the feet, low back, and shoulders, in addition to areas of localized tension. Spend 1-2 minutes rubbing into the muscles to aid penetration of medicinal properties. Great for relaxation, especially before bed. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $63 or 4 oz bulk pot for $107. For anyone sensitive to the smell, we do recommend application to the feet only before putting socks on and washing the hands. IMPORTANT NOTE: Those who are taking blood-thinning drugs or who have bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, should not use this offering due to the presence of wintergreen oil. Since it can be absorbed through the skin, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not use this salve, or any herbally infused products without prior approval from trusted, knowledgeable care providers. 
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    Bath Salts of Asclepius

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    Dead Sea salt and Asclepius herbal blend, consecrated as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Rose of jericho, sustainably collected sage, and ritually harvested cypress. Frankincense, tea tree. Soak to facilitate healing, good health, and personal renewal, as well as improve energetic hygiene and clear the mind-body-spirit complex of inner and outer negativity. Aids in the process of inner alchemy, and invites spiritual dreaming before bed. A classic for ritual cleansing baths and spiritual baths of all kinds. Good following work with the Dead, may trigger detoxification reactions and the need for sleep. A standard 8 oz jar is enough for 2-3 'deep' baths, or many more supplemented by epsom or plain salts via the principle of (healthy!) contagion. Arrives in the Client's choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or 18 oz unbreakable bundle for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Asclepius Ritual Honey

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    Organic clover honey infused with consecrated organic herbs, including mullein, St. John's wort, skullcap, wormwood, tulsi, and eucalyptus. Use to sweeten outcomes for medical procedures and relationships with care teams. Offered in a 2 oz glass pot for $33 Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Son of Apollo Incense + Powder

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    Consecrated Son of Apollo herbal blend, ritually fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Asclepius election with the support of Jupiter in Aries, powdered with carnelian, 24k gold, and frankincense. Formulated to work beautifully as an Incense for offerings, smoke bathing the body, and interior spaces to banish low vibrations (+ the Dead) — particularly after someone has been unwell, and/ or as a magical Powder for dressing candles, sprinkling, and adding as an ingredient in spell work. A brighter, warmer form of Asclepius, perfect for constitutions and scenarios which would benefit from bio-spiritually available, easily assimilable forms of supplemental light and healthy yang. One could also select Son of Apollo by day and classic Asclepius by night... Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and 24k gold for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    The Radiant Glow of Perfect Health Hair, Skin, and Beard Oil

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    Inspired by (but not explicitly enchanted to!) the Goddess Aegle — daughter of Asclepius and Lampetia, granddaughter to Helios and Apollo, whose name means "brightness", "dazzling light" and/ or "splendor" — as in, the beautiful glow which results from perfect health. Sphere + Sundry's proprietary TCM-inspired herbal mix for Beauty and Hair, with additions of organic Son of Apollo blend, propolis, white lotus, 13 essential oils, and 24k gold, infused in 100% organic golden jojoba, argan, and emu oils. A few drops brings shine and radiance to the hair unlike any other (without giving a greasy look or weighing it down!), while application to the skin brightens, smooths, and softens. Use directly or as an addition to lotion, moisturizer, or other hair care products. Offered in a 1 oz glass dropper bottle with 24k gold for $91
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    Asclepius Spell Soap

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    Genuine olive oil based soap, infused with consecrated Asclepius herbal blend, scented with essential oils of cypress, tea tree, and frankincense. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Son of Apollo Bath Bombs

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    Consecrated Son of Apollo Water, Anointing Oil, and Powder combined in a luxurious Bath Bomb formula, scented with tangerine and eucalyptus essential oils, coated in shimmering golden mica. Has energetic cleansing properties, as well as nourishes and softens the skin. Adds a light and bubbly sensation to the auric field. A great bath to take standalone before before medical appointments and procedures, or aid in the healing process. Works wonderfully as a fun spin on the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Salt (enchanted or non-) can also be added for increased energy clearing potency. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Asclepius Kolonía

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    Grain alcohol and freshly harvested Mt. Shasta water, ritually combined with colloidal gold and medicinal essential oils as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one’s household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body. Energy Clearing Protocol For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it. Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping. Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer. Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius for his protection, sealing the auric body from negativity. Asclepius’ Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties. Other Applications This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection. Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or bulk 5 oz for $97
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    Magnesium Oil Spray

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    Naturally derived USP-grade liquid magnesium chloride, distilled water, colloidal gold, and frankincense essential oil. Long considered a natural remedy for sore muscles, cramps in the legs, feet, or elsewhere, and used for various body aches, as well as systemic stress. Application before bed improves sleep as the system relaxes. Especially good for those who are magnesium deficient (80% of Americans), BUT, contraindicated for those with kidney issues or known sensitivities to concentrated magnesium. Spray directly on cramps, aches, or anywhere for body-wide absorption and rub gently. Itches slightly upon application; do not use immediately after shaving! Leaves a dried residue like sea spray on the skin, but rinses from the hands easily. Arrives in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size glass spray bottle for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    Asclepius Ritual Salt

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    Dead Sea salt, lightly coated in consecrated rose of jericho, sustainably wildcrafted sage, and ritually harvested cypress, alongside frankincense, rosemary, tea tree, and 24k gold. Put below the mattress or in the pillow cases of people recovering or in need of medical support. Add to floor washes and spiritual baths. Use as an ingredient in spell work, or dress candles to banish spiritual sources of dis-ease. Add a dash to water-based essential oil diffusers and humidifiers. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Talismanic Copper Vessels

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    Thirteen copper water bottles were etched and fumigated with royal hojari frankincense during the election, roughly by the Mage's own hand with the Serpent-Bound Rod and Serpent-Wound Chalice on the base, symbols of Asclepius and Hygieia. Simultaneously, the interior of the caps were being laser etched with the medical symbol, so the talismanic image could make direct contact with water stored within the confines of vessel. Over time, much more detailed original artwork of (a très handsome!) Divine Doctor (thank you, Tony!) was laser etched into the side of each. Water stored in, and taken from, pure copper is one of the healthiest ways to drink it, according to the Ayurvedic tradition. Fill with fresh, purified water. Shake 13 times, with prayers and intent for any specific health or dream related outcomes. Leave overnight, optionally — to maximize impact — on an Asclepius Altar. Water within can be consumed, fed to plants, children, and animals, used to bloom rose of jericho (at the bedside, in the office, or anywhere energies would benefit from refreshment and renewal), and as a healing holy water added to diffusers, humidifiers, spiritual baths, floor washes, and the like. Offered for $633, accompanied by a complimentary rose of jericho
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    Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture

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    100% organic herbal ingredients, fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Asclepius election and added to vodka within the window: calendula, St. John’s wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis. Colloidal gold. Use to anoint what you don't want getting oily. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Asclepius Candles

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    Talismanic Candles are poured and begin to set during their requisite election window, as these were during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Ras Alhague election, in dedication to Asclepius. Consecrated organic herbal blend was ground and sprinkled into each vessel before wax was poured; soy wax for the jars, and organic beeswax for the pillars. Jar candles are topped with carnelian, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and ritually harvested cypress. They work beautifully burning at the bedside of those in need of healing, or shining their light on photographs to heal 3rd parties from a distance. Pillar candles are best suited to works of classical candle magic, wherein names, prayers, images, and sigils can be carved into the sides. From there, dressing with Anointing OilsPerfumes and Powders (and Incenses) is welcome but optional, since all Sphere + Sundry candles come pre-enchanted by their method of ritual creation.

    Such a practice does, however, invite opportunities to combine influences toward very specific ends, such as dressing an Asclepius pillar with Venus materia to resolve issues of self-love and romantic insecurity, or Jupiter to heal 'scarcity mentality' and religious wounds. Regulus can be added for resolving issues with authority, self-promotion/ being seen, and patrilineal resolution. Antares for overcoming self-sabotage and building healthy shen. Mercury in Virgo for learning disabilities, impairments to executive function, and speech impediments, or Mercury in Gemini for healing the inner child. Deneb Algedi for increasing protection and support during times of vulnerability.

    The sky is *truly* the limit! I am sure that the welcoming Spirits of the Client Community would be happy to help workshop combinations, should you want inspiration and input.

    Burn Asclepius candles while issuing prayers for healing and transformation, or as an offering to compatible Spirits. Meditate upon the flame, and use it to ignite sigils and petition papers. To view pricing and availability, make a selection from the dropdown. QC Notice: The wrong size wicks were used on the 3" and 6" pillars for this series, resulting in tunneling and poor burn-ability. We have taken down the remaining stock and will be going through the process of double wicking to compensate. If you already have one and would like a refund, please write into the support portal. Apologies and thank you for understanding!
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    Asclepius Bath Bombs

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    Consecrated Asclepius Water, Anointing Oil, and Powder combined in a luxurious Bath Bomb formula, scented with carrot seed, palo santo, tea tree, and frankincense essential oils.  Has energetic cleansing properties, as well as nourishes and softens the skin. Adds a light and bubbly sensation to the auric field. A great bath to take standalone before before medical appointments and procedures, or aid in the healing process. Works wonderfully as a fun spin on the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Salt (enchanted or non-) can also be added for increased energy clearing potency. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    The Divine Physician’s Whipped Body Butter

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    Sphere + Sundry's first Body Butter featuring  100% organic extra virgin olive oil infused with a ritually consecrated + organic herbal blend of calendula, St. John's wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, arnica, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis during our 2023 Ras Alhague election. Whipped with shea butter, coconut oil, and frankincense. Apply to the skin to moisturize, soothe, and facilitate healing, especially before bed or while convalescing. Offered in a 2 oz pot for $33 or a 6 oz bulk pot for $78. Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Asclepius Altar Box Sets

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    One of every *enchanted* item in the Asclepius IV series in small or large form (where there is variation, otherwise, the standard size), including Talismans [but excluding Copper Vessels, since not enough were created to include in each Altar Box in the first place — those are only available standalone]. The candle-type is slim vigil for both sizes. Anointing Oils are based on the Client's selections. Includes a complimentary rose of jericho.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Oil II

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    Smelling the incense from morning mass on your scarf and gloves, faintly now that it's twilight. Making your way up the garden path to a house twinkling with Christmas lights; snow gently falling — condensing softly beneath each step. You let yourself in, to be greeted by the most loving, enthusiastic welcome by your nearests and dearest; the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg from the mulling spices simmering over a blazing hearth-fire. Mouth-watering bites of freshly baked ginger cookies, decorated with orange blossom. Calmer, more collected, and sophisticated than Jupiter in Sagittarius I Oil (some is still available to contrast!), but warming, uplifting, and illuminating nonetheless. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $80 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), 10 ml roll-on with flawless glide steel for $65, or adorable Mini for $33. This essential oil blend contains a small amount of cinnamon bark which may be warm on the skin. Highly sensitive individuals should patch test before broader application. Wipe away with kitchen oil on a paper towel rather than water if necessary.
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    Jup-Juice II (III?)

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    I don't know whether to call this iteration II or III because technically Jupiter's Lightning Rod was also JUP-JUICE, but regardless, it's BACK! Just in time for the holidays! For a detailed description, the one from Jupiter in Sagittarius I is basically the same, just from their respective elections, lapis instead of citrine, and the addition of blood orange and colloidal gold. Arrives in a glass spray bottle with hand drawn Jupiter in Sagittarius glyph and keepsake citrine, available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30 or full 2 oz for $75 Golden and clear drops of essential oil resulting from the distillation are still present, in some bottles more than others. These are completely natural, not any indication something is amiss.
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Candles II

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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Ritual Salt

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    See that yellow salad spinning bowl at the top of the picture? It's filled with frankincense resin, which was fumigated and consecrated during Sphere + Sundry's Jupiter in Sagittarius II election way back in October of 2019. Following 1160-days of quiet incubation — after playing a notably important role in the making of Thema Mundi — it was powdered in the day and hour of Jupiter with a hint of Butter Ocean's residue, combined with purifying Dead Sea salt, essential oils of orange blossom, hyssop, manuka, more frankincense, and 24k gold. A Ritual Salt of the highest holy + benefic order results, to apply, ward, and purify as you see fit! Use as a candle dressing, sprinkle in floor washes and the corners/ thresholds of sacred spaces (or those in need spiritual protection). Carry on one's person, in the car, and hand bags or briefcases. Can also be used in a manner similar to magical Powders, sprinkling in the shoes, pockets, brassiere, or otherwise. Brings luck and good vibes. Begets elevation, inspiration, protection, and purity. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Jupiter in Sagittarius II Talismans

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    Jupiter in Sagittarius Coin by Tony Mack

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in 90/10 electrum [silver and gold] with a small amount of tin. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, and saffron.

    An composite image taking elements of the 'Images of Jupiter' from book 2 chapter 9 of the latin Picatrix. “The image of Jupiter, according to the opinion of Apollonius, is the shape of a man sitting on an eagle, wrapped in a cloth, with his feet on the eagles back.." Motifs were also used via the image of Jupiter "according to Mercurius"; the shape of a man covered in a single linen cloth, as well as his holding a "lance, or dart". The back of the pendant is engraved with the character of Jupiter as written in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al-Hakim [aka Picatrix in latin translations].

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter, and a Ritual Salt from its same mini-series for $888.
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    Butter Ocean Anointing Oil

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    For Jupiter told Man: Anoint in Good, Holy, and Ease-Giving Faith, and all Shall Be as on the 6th Day of Creation — Well Again. Offered in a 1/2 oz standard vial (with optional add-on Dropper Cap Kit) for $80, 10 ml flawless glide steel roller for $65, very few gold plated roller for $108, or sweet 5 ml Minis ($33).
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    Butter Ocean Salve

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    Jupiterian herbs for the promotion of relaxation and release, flow and abundance, fumigated during our Butter Ocean election and immersed in a combination of ghee and organic extra virgin olive oil. Left to incubate for over a year and a half, before being strained, and gifted the addition of organic beeswax and essential oils (arnica, amber, frankincense). You know what else Butter Ocean is teaching me? That every single individual offering description probably doesn't require a rehashing of the series description + ground-up masterclass in how to use the stuff! Put it on... rub it good... and feel like you too are made of butter! Crowned with white gold and lemon gold, offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $56, or if the Client prefers, a 4 oz bulk pot ($96). Infused (organic): comfrey root and leaf, borage, olive leaf, blue poppy seed, slippery elm bark, valerian root, catnip, blessed thistle, burdock root, echinacea, fenugreek, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, marshmallow, meadowsweet, milk thistle seed, mullein leaf, plantain leaf, wild yam root, yarrow flower.
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    Butter Ocean Candles

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    Palm wax candles poured over consecrated, powdered Butter Ocean herbal matter within the consecration window, in a royal, amethystine tone. Burn during weekly ritual observations to Jupiter, or employ in candle magic aligned with the series and planetary arcana: enrichment, gain, nourishment, wisdom, and the like. Offered as the classic slim vigil ($168) crowned with lemon gold and yellow jade, or as etchable, dressable pillars in your choice of magnum ($244), tall ($168), or cute lil' shortie ($108).
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    Less than 10

    Butter Ocean Powder

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    Put it on stuff and in stuff! Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90.
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    Butter Ocean Kolonía

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    Cleanse all aside Jupiter's sweet, restorative, nourishing Grace. Arrives in the Client's selection of 1.7 oz woozy ($32) or 5 oz bulk for $96, each with keepsake consecrated amethyst and yellow jade.
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    Butter Ocean Incense

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    Burn it! Offered in a 1/2 oz cork top vial for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Butter Ocean Bath Salts

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    Bathe in Jupiter's Good Graces.   Literally! 8 oz bale top for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $64, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) bundle for $60 Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Butter Ocean Altar Box Sets

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    Each Altar Box Set made available through the website directly for Butter Ocean *INCLUDES* its matching series Talisman and a Slim Vigil candle. Anointing Oils are add ons based on the Client's preference. Aside from that, one of everything associated with the series in small or large Form where there are size variations, and a beautiful stick o' butter-lookin' box to stow it. Fun additional bit of chaos is that when the Plus Member preview text was initially put up, I had chosen to include a recent photo Austin printed out of the Butter Ocean election because of the cute lil notes. Only to discover a few minutes before pre-launch that it had been our alternate election(!) and not the real one! GOOD TIMES! Pic in gallery for posterity.
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    Butter Ocean Hydrosol

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    Shasta water distilled with Jupiterian herbs and spices, tucked into cozy waves of consecrated Jupiter in Pisces II materia for an entire ocean of time. Grain alcohol for preservation, and essential oils of grapefruit, frankincense, and labdanum. Wash away stress and anxious states. Uplifting and buffering, comforting and soothing. Create your own cozy auric and atmospheric haze. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass spray bottle for travel or sampling ($30), or full 2 oz for $75.
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    Butter Ocean Attuning Tincture

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    100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Combined in the Butter Ocean election window with high quality vodka, following fumigation of frankincense during Sphere + Sundry's second Jupiter in Pisces operation — in the wings since June of 2021. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    $33 $23.10

    Butter Ocean Ritual Honey

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    Make sweet. Arrives in a 2 oz glass pot for $33. 100% ingredients (organic): honey, fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Yellow gold.
    $33 $23.10
    $33 $23.10
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    Butter Ocean Ink + Skin Stain

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    Color stuff purple! 1 oz brush cap for $64.
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    Butter Ocean Steep + Smoke

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    You'll never guess! 100% ingredients (organic): fenugreek seed, burdock root, coconut milk powder, echinacea, maple syrup granules, marshmallow root, olive leaf, blue poppyseed, catnip, blessed thistle, chamomile, honeysuckle, hops, hyssop, linden flower, meadowsweet, mullein, plantain, slippery elm bark, valerian root, wild yam root, and yarrow flower. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $28, 4 oz bulk pot for $48
    Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    GHEE of the SEA! Body Butter

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    An infusion of 2♃ medicinal herbs of Jupiterian provenance designed to promote relaxation, release, calm, and general beneficence, ritually combined following fumigation of frankincense on Sphere + Sundry's Butter Ocean election — a Jupiter in Pisces series from June of 2021, which incubated over a year and a half before its debut. This is the first of the BodButs to include additional oils of organic grass-fed ghee, avocado, olive oil, and grapeseed, in addition to the classic shea butter and coconut. The texture has small crystals that dissolve when rubbed into the skin, and the results are remarkably refreshing to body, mind, and spirit. Both grounding and elevating, soothing and fortifying. And melts away stress like (drumroll...) its series' namesake. Comfrey, slippery elm, poppy seed, olive leaf, borage, valerian, catnip, yarrow, mullein, meadowsweet, hyssop, hops, and honeysuckle, Echinacea, blessed thistle, burdock, and more, with essential oils of labdanum, amber, frankincense, and tangerine. Excellent before bed or anytime to promote luck, ease, and abundance. A true thick and luxurious butter that can be mixed into lotion for a lighter application, but excellent to smooth winter dryness. In addition to insulating the skin, it creates a layer of protective, buttery insulation to the auric and astral. Offered in your selection of 2 oz for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $96. Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather. Thank you for understanding!
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    Butter Ocean Talismans

    Jupiter in Pisces Pendants by Tony Mack:

    Modeled in high relief with hard carver’s wax, and Cast in an 90/10 alloy of silver and gold [with calcined salts of frankincense, orange rind, and amber]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense, camphor, and saffron.

    An image for Jupiter in Pisces of an ancient ammonoidea (the fossils of which we call ammonite) who's chabered shell spirals outward in a Fibonacci sequence. The 'golden ratio' composition of the shell shares a pleasant symmetry with the significations of Jupiter in Pisces; namely in balanced and equilibrated growth, and as a supportive and buoyant structure which provides protection and orientation. The back of the pendant is marked with the character of Jupiter as written in Arabic manuscripts of the Ghayat Al-Hakim [aka Picatrix in latin translations].

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Jupiter, and an accompanying Butter Ocean Powder for $888
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    Oil of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic jojoba oil poured over consecrated Exalted Venus II herbal mix following prayers, offerings, and fumigations, left to incubate alongside its sistren for many moons. Lavender, fenugreek, yarrow, passionflower, vanilla bean, benzoin, genuine copper leaf, pink amethyst and purple jade. Anoint yourself, friends, and consenting lovers. Toys, jewelry, and items of Venusian regalia, whether mundane or magical. Use to dress candles or anoint spell work. Offers relief, respite, and relaxation. The onset is gentler than many offerings, but a few minutes following, you may be delighted to notice tension and stress has dissipated... leaving the vessel relaxed and the mind-body open to enjoyment, pleasure, and love in all its facets. A slim vial of fresh, floral, metaphorical water, sure to please Wear in the world to soften your way and invite kinder, more indulgent treatment. May result in free gifts and abundant niceties. A vacation in a vial... Offered in your choice of standard 1/2 oz vial ($80), or 10 ml rollers in quartz (may leak - contact us if they do!) or flawless-glide steel ($65), each with a keepsake purple jade or pink amethyst. Or, an adorable lil 5 ml Mini for $33.
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    Exalted Venus II Powder

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    Organic and wildcrafted herbs of a Venusian purview, including lavender, damiana, red clover, spearmint, and sundry others, fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election following prayers and offerings to the Fairer Benefic. Ground in the day and hour of Venus following months of quiet incubation, with the addition of sandalwood, benzoin, frankincense, genuine copper leaf, vanilla bean, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Add to hair products or carry a sprinkle on your person/ purse to carry the influence with you, drawing gifts, kinder treatment, adoration, and affection from those you encounter, softening your way through the world. Use as an ingredient in spell work (dress candles, add to mojos and spell jars, &c.) to promote Venusian ends — love, self-love, connection, beauty, glamour, the cultivation of social skills and a lovelier persona/ reputation. Add cornstarch if you wish, to create your own nearly infinite supply of sachet powder. Organic, wildcrafted, and uncut herbs, resins, and essential oils. Genuine metal leaf. Nothing artificial, and no fillers. The Sphere + Sundry way… Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Exalted Venus II Candles

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    Beeswax candles dyed a lavender dusk and poured over consecrated, ground herbal matter throughout our Exalted Venus II window, topped with genuine copper leaf and pink amethyst. Burn during Venus devotions, while performing mantras for Venus remediation, or in the background to set a conducive atmosphere for socializing and intimacy. Set petition papers, sigils, photographs, and incense sticks alight in the Heart of Venus' divine flame.
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    Incense of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic and wildcrafted herbs of a Venusian purview, including lavender, damiana, red clover, spearmint, and sundry others, fumigated during Sphere + Sundry’s Exalted Venus II election following prayers and offerings to the Fairer Benefic. Ground in the day and hour of Venus following months of quiet incubation, with the addition of sandalwood, benzoin, frankincense, genuine copper leaf, vanilla bean, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Ingredient ratios are adjusted to account for scent when burning, and makko powder added to perpetuate it. Create a small, peaked mound or draw lines over ash or sand. Light one end or the top until it catches, and enjoy. Burn as an offering; smoke bathe the body, or use as a fumigant for space clearing, inviting connection, comfort, and all manner of love. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    $63 $44.10

    Ink + Skin Stain of Exalted Venus II

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    An all-natural light pink-purle alcohol ink made entirely from botanical sources, fumigated and combined during our Exalted Venus II election: plantain leaf, spearmint, copper, and more, left to incubate before being strained and combined in the day and hour of Venus with colloidal copper + organic honey — one of the oldest known ink fixatives, employed by Ancient Egyptians. This ink works with dip pens or paint brushes. The cap also features its own brush, which can be used to create a light background for petition papers. Use as a temporary tattoo stain on the body itself, tracing sigils, glyphs, or names of power, especially upon the heart, Venus, and Pisces ruled areas of the body, in addition to meridians and acupuncture points to support organ systems. In ritual, before ritual, or for the purposes of practical enchantment. It doesn’t matter what skin tone you have (it’s so light it’ll probably only show up on fellow ghost-toned people); what matters is that it’s there  Incredible versatility… Offered in a 1 oz glass bottle with brush tip for $63 Warning: do not apply to the skin of people with honey allergies. External use only. Read reviews of our other Ink + Skin Stains here... Photos coming as soon as they're available!
    $63 $44.10
    $63 $44.10
  • $48$192

    Talismanic Perfumes of Exalted Venus II

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    Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab offers to Exalted Venus II a set of 4 Talismanic Perfumes, per her location —
    CONDOLEO There should be no despair for you While nightly stars are burning; While evening pours its silent dew, And sunshine gilds the morning. There should be no despair—though tears May flow down like a river: Are not the best beloved of years Around your heart for ever? - Emily Brontë A sweet, comforting oil: a balm for despair, a heart-healer, and a catharsis. White lotus absolute (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), blue lotus absolute (Nymphaea caerulea), Egyptian neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. amara L), Bulgarian rose otto (Rosa x damascene) and rose petals from the TAL garden, lemon verbena essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Lippia citriodora), raspberry leaf and fruit compound from the TAL garden (Rubus idaeus), apple pulp and fruit compound from the TAL garden (M. pumila), Sumatran benzoin tears and absolute (Styrax benzoin), and zhi zi (Gardenia jasminoidis).
    SQUAMA Is it a dream? Is heaven so high That pity cannot breathe its air? Its happy eyes forever dry, Its holy lips without a prayer! My God! my God! if thither led By Thy free grace unmerited, No crown nor palm be mine, but let me keep A heart that still can feel, and eyes that still can weep. - John Greenleaf Whittier During painful and frightening times such as ours, we sometimes try to protect ourselves from the horror and pain that we are experiencing by (intentionally or not) hardening ourselves to the suffering of others and to our own suffering and effectively closing ourselves off. This oil was crafted as a protection from the ravages of personal and global grief by enabling you to keep an open heart, letting the darkness of the world pass through you without injuring you. Squama assists in helping you remain able to acknowledge and process pain with eyes that remain open and hearts that remain open while enabling you to continue to react with love to yourself and to others no matter how dark the world may become. .. let me keep a heart that still can feel, and eyes that still can weep. The scales of a fish may seem delicate, but they are incredibly powerful. They aid in both camouflage and protection, and this oil will also aid you in knowing when to stand your ground, when to fight back, and when to fade into the kelp. Pink lotus absolute ( Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), white willow bark (Salix alba), whole vanilla beans and vanilla absolute (Vanilla planifolia), lilac petals and leaf (Syringa vulgaris), fig leaf and fruit from the TAL garden (Ficus carica), Sumatran benzoin tears and absolute (Styrax benzoin), double-distilled Indonesian vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanioides), tuberose absolute (Polianthes tuberosa), and melon rind (Cucumis melo).
    POMPILUS Loosely inspired by remoras, this oil will assist you in befriending those who – at first glance – may seem to be your enemies, in finding (and charming) unexpected allies, and in guiding you to your destinations (literal, spiritual, and metaphorical) in safety. Rose geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens L'Hér), geranium absolute (Pelargonium graveolens), Egyptian neroli essential oil (Citrus aurantium var. amara L), moth orchid petals (Phalaenopsis), Turkish rose absolute (Rosa x damascene), bergamot (Citrus aurantium), white tobacco absolute (Nicotiana tabacum), golden tobacco petals from the TAL garden (Nicotiana glauca), maidenhair fern fronds (Adiantum), Burmese red sandalwood essential oil and wood (Pterocarpus santalinus), lemon verbena essential oil and herb from the TAL garden (Lippia citriodora), cubeb berries and essential oil (Litsea cubeba), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum), ruby red grapefruit essential oil (Citrus paradisi), and pink pepper essential oil (Schinus mole).
    LEPOS An oil of effervescent charm, quirky humor, captivation, and enchantment. The allure of the odd, the magnetism of Poe’s “strangeness in the proportion,” the amplification and cultivation of the strange things about you that make you uniquely lovely. Sweet fennel essential oil (Foeniculum vulgare ssp. capillaceum var. dulce) and bronze fennel leaves, flowers, and seed from the TAL garden (Foeniculum vulgare), white lotus absolute (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.), blue vervain extract, herb and flowers from the TAL garden (Verbena hastata), violet leaf absolute (Viola odorata), CO2 extract of cardamom and crushed cardamom pods (Elettaria cardamomum), apple pulp and fruit compound from the TAL garden (M. pumila), flouve absolute (Anthoxanthum odoratum), honey absolute (Apis meliferra), and spearmint essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Mentha spicata). This oil is NOT vegan.
    Available for $48 each, or as a full set for $192  
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    Body Butter of Exalted Venus II

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    A divine herbal infusion of organic lavender, passionflower, lemon balm, ashwaganda, valerian, spearmint, and more, ritually immersed in a proprietary blend of skin soothing oils post-fumigation during Exalted Venus II's election, and left to slumber for many months. Strained and combined with organic shea butter and coconut oil, chilled, and delightfully aerated. Smells like… a lavender snickers bar?, which may not sound good, but as is Body Butter's way — is mouth wateringly phenomenal Apply to relax, unwind, and open yourself to socializing, self-love, and pleasure. Body Butters are less physically altering, explicitly “medicinal” forms compared to Salves, but with the same herbs in lighter concentrations, leading many to apply Butters by day and Salves by night. Use to attune to the Venusian sphere and to potentiate other materia and talismans. This batch of Body Butters, like Luna in Cancer's, were stiffened using more shea butter than usual, to help offset the Summer heat in our residing hemisphere. It's gotten great reviews so far and is likely to be the standard moving forward. If yours *does* happen to melt in transit, it can be put in the refrigerator and then re-whipped, or used as-is left to its own devices. It doesn’t impact its magical efficacy or nourishing properties in any way. It can also be melted on purpose and used as a warm massage oil. Offered in your choice of 2 oz glass jar for $33, or 6 oz bulk pot for $78 Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Sugar Scrub of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic cane sugar and honey powder, combined with lavender, blue lotus, butterfly pea, and herbs of Venusian provenance during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election, along with a touch of purple jade and pink amethyst infused Anointing Oil and Salve base, to create a skin softening, beautifying body scrub. Organic essential oils. May be used to exfoliate the body, as well as added to Ritual Baths and spell work as a sweetening, love drawing component. Available in an 8 oz tin for $35 Read reviews of the first Exalted Venus Scrub here. If you're in pursuit of a facial polish, Venus-Spica has you covered! Photos coming as soon as they're available!
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    Exalted Venus II Talismans

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    Mr. Tony Mackreturns (the remix!) with one exquisite Talisman design, cast during the equivalent Sphere + Sundry Exalted Venus II election, per his location —

    Exalted Venus II Pendant Modeled in hard carver’s wax, and Cast in a 70/30 alloy of silver and gold Electrum [with calcined salts of pearl, damiana, honey, and orris root]. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+S Empress Series planetary incense.

    An image of a 'venus comb' murex shell, modeled in high relief. In the center of the shell is a bezel set 8mm freshwater pearl. Among the implements of Venus in her planetary images via Picatrix are the apple, mirror, and comb; and "from the stones, she governs pearls". The back of the pendant is engraved with the character of Venus from the Ghayat Al-Hakim.

    Each talisman arrives in a triptych necklace box bearing a wax seal of the symbol of Venus and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Each is available for $1,300 and includes a vial of Exalted Venus II Powder. Altar Box Sets include them.
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    Beauty, Hair, and Beard Oil of Venus Exalted II

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    100% organic beautifying, skin soothing, and hair smoothing herbs of a Venusian and Piscean provenance from both Eastern and Western herbal traditions, fumigated with benzoin and immersed in pure, uncut jojoba during the Exalted Venus II election, alongside genuine rose gold, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Lavender, frankincense, royal Hawaiian sandalwood, and vanilla. For the face and body, apply directly to the skin or add a few drops to moisturizer. For hair, depending on what type you have, a drop or two can be added to any other product to dilute it if pure jojoba weighs it down too much. Directly, our Beauty Oils work best when apply to the ends while wet for the most even disbursement. Makes you feel floaty, pretty, and easy going. Promotes relaxed enjoyment, gentle embodiment, self-love, and the soft, generous, and adoring treatment of those you encounter. Wear before ritual, socializing, or romantic encounters. Offered in a 1 oz dropper bottle with keepsake purple jade for $98 Other Beauty Oils (and their reviews!) can be found here... 
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    Less than 10

    Kolonía of Exalted Venus II

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    Water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta, grain alcohol, colloidal copper, purple jade, and organic essential oils, consecrated during the Exalted Venus II operation. Cleansing with this Kolonía helps purify the Venusian sphere, opening ourselves to self-love, along with more authentic, comfortable, and easily felt connections with those around us, including Spirits and Workings of the Venusian arcana. Best practice with any Kolonía is to seal the auric body after use. This is easily achieved by using any Anointing Oil, Salve, or even Body Butter which supports your chosen aims, to address your state in the moment, or for supporting longer-term goals. This can also be used as a purifying and priming wash for tools, talismans, and raw materials.
    Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering households and business establishments, providing natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. ⠀ ⠀ Sphere + Sundry’s talismanic Kolonías can be used in such a way, or as Celestial Florida Waters for energetic cleansing — promoting clarity and way-opening, as life demands or before ritual. ⠀ ⠀ Doing the following makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body, and establishes a clean slate which potentiates the efficacy of other materia…⠀ ⠀ Shake well to integrate and disburse organic essential oils, colloidal metals, and botanically derived colors.⠀
    Quick Kolonía Clearing Protocol ⠀ ⠀ Sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palm of the hand and gently rub both together for 5-10 seconds, coating tops and bottoms. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or lightly skim it.⠀ ⠀ Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of it, then start from the top again, going down the sides, the front of the face and down body, all the way to the tops of your feet. Sweep multiple times. ⠀ ⠀ If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking until energies disperse, and then proceed with additional downward sweeping.⠀ ⠀ Continue skimming downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, between the legs, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.⠀ ⠀ Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank your chosen Power for the cleansing and protection it provided, sealing the auric body from negativity.⠀ ⠀ Kolonías also serve to anoint and sanctify the hands, and can be used before performing energy work, ritual work, or any activity related to each series’ arcana – on oneself, one’s clients, or loved ones. They can be used to cleanse objects, spaces, and add oomph to spiritual baths, as well as added to floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside and entries. ⠀ ⠀ Extraordinarily simple, versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle with keepsake purple jade and orifice reducer for $35, or 5 oz bulk for $105
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    Less than 10

    Bath Salts of Exalted Venus II

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    Dead Sea Salt, powdered honey, blue lotus, and sundry herbs consecrated during Exalted Venus II's election, mixed with organic lavender essential oils and a touch of infused Anointing Oil and Salve infusion, making this a bath salt and light bathing oil in one, which can be used as a soak or a salt scrub. This series is gentler than most, taking its sweet time to ease in. Best enjoyed as a long session with dimmed lights and lit candles, for ultimate relaxation, divine restoration, and utter release. Has a softening, beautifying effect on the skin, and moisturizes hair. Luxurious, penetrating, and yet soft... Use before Venusian rituals, date nights, or in pursuit of love — for the Self, and the Other. Available in your choice of 8 oz glass bale top jar ($36), 16 oz glass bulk pot ($70), or 18 oz bath bundle ($63). The bundles are a great choice for international clients given they're lighter to ship and far less likely to break, those with enough bath jars in their life, or anyone looking to refill a bulk pot, given they're a 1:1 refill in terms of volume... Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Ritual Honey of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic honey infused with consecrated herbal matter (later strained) from Exalted Venus II, purple jade, pink amethyst, and genuine 22k rose gold. Create honey pots and use in spell work for glamour, love, and the Venusian like. Offered in a 2 oz bulk pot with keepsake gem for $35 Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Less than 3

    Attuning Tincture of Exalted Venus II

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    Top shelf vodka poured over organic herbs following prayers and fumigations during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election. 100% ingredients: alcohol, lavender flower, linden flower, yarrow flower, meadowsweet, passionflower, catnip, damiana, red clover blossom, peppermint, heal all, lemon balm, chickweed, wood betony, fenugreek, oregon grape root, ashwagandha, food-grade myrrh powder. Plantain Leaf, arrowroot, and aloe vera powder. Purple jade, pink amethyst, and colloidal copper. Aged many months. Add to floor washes, cleansing sprays, and spiritual baths, or anoint that which you do not want getting oily. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 with keepsake purple jade. Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Salve of Exalted Venus II

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    Organic ingredients, fumigated and combined during the Exalted Venus II election: jojoba oil, lavender flowers, blue lotus, valerian root, ashwagandha, fenugreek, chamomile, marjoram, meadowsweet, spearmint, yarrow, passionflower, lemon balm, red clover blossom, purple jade, and pink amethyst. Strained following many months of incubation, combined with organic beeswax and essential oils of lavender, frankincense, and tonka bean. Apply to the bottoms of the feet and any areas holding tension, such as the shoulders, neck, low back and over the lower abdomen. Rubbing or massaging for a minute or more helps the active ingredients better penetrate the skin barrier, resulting in deeper relaxation. Applying to multiple areas and increasing the coverage increases the potency of its influence. Fantastic after getting off work (or before work if you work in a socially demanding or tipped field!), before socializing, or just wanting to enjoy oneself and unwind. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $63 or 4 oz bulk tin for $98
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    Water of Exalted Venus II

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    Water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta, distilled via copper alembic with organic lavender, pink amethyst, purple jade, and sundry ingredients of the Venusian sphere. Consecrated during the Exalted Venus II working window, and tucked into beds of ritually treated herbal matter for many months of quiet gestation. Use as a body, linen, or room spray before intimate encounters, socializing, or to relieve stress and promote joyful embodiment. Provides an atmosphere of respite and intimacy from the outside world. Spray over altars as an offering, and to energize them. Self-care that promotes relief, release, + self-love... Arrives in a glass spray bottle with keepsake purple jade. Available in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    Venus-Fomalhaut Subset

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    The Fairer Benefic was conjunct the Royal Star Fomalhaut in Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election, but no formal petition was made to capture its influence. However, an infusion of blue lotus in jojoba was created following the standard fumigations and prayers, to become a subset of its own. An unreleased Oil was *also* created for Fomalhaut, which had been code named "the golden subset". I took them with me to the beach (see that write-up if you're unfamiliar) and had intended to ritually finish them there, but clear instruction never came, so they were brought back and stored alongside the rest of their brethren. Contemplating whether to add anything to the Lotus subset, the idea of co-mingling the two arose, confirmed by divination. Aphrodite was born of the sea, after all, and the mixing of salty ocean and fresh, sweet waters was a particular insight I'd gleaned on that very pilgrimage. Among many other things... Dolphin Spirit was invoked as a moderating force. The result is incredibly potent and deeply interesting, *especially* for the esoteric adepts, magical dreamers, mediums, writhers, tantrics, and sex magical practitioners among us. This is also a GREAT jump off point for anyone who has been/ is *drawn* to Fomalhaut, but afraid to dive head first into the deep end... We'll leave it at that for now, and can compare notes in the Client Community Offered in a 1/2 oz standard vial with blue lotus, seashell, and 24k gold for $80, 10 ml flawless glide steel roller for $65, or sweet 5 ml Minis ($33). We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Steep + Smoke of Exalted Venus II

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    100% organic ingredients: lavender flower, linden flower, yarrow flower, meadowsweet, passionflower, catnip, damiana, red clover blossom, peppermint, heal all, lemon balm, chickweed, wood betony, fenugreek, oregon grape root, ashwagandha, food-grade myrrh powder. Fumigated following prayers and offerings during Sphere + Sundry's Exalted Venus II election. Add to floor washes or spiritual baths. Smoke alone, or alongside Mother Mary Jane, especially before (or during) Venus rituals, social occasions, and date nights. Offered in your selection of 2.5 oz clear top tin for $30, or 4 oz for $56. Individual steeping pouches are available as accessories. If any Steep is too strong or bitter, simply infuse for shorter lengths of time and re-infuse for future cups, which has the added benefit of making a little go a longer way! Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Asclepius Kolonía I.I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Grain alcohol and freshly harvested Mt. Shasta water, ritually combined with colloidal gold and medicinal essential oils during the Asclepius I.I Ras Alhague election of October 10th, 2021. Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one's household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body. Shake well to integrate the Sol-looking drops of golden essential oil before use. Energy Clearing Protocol For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it. Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas "sticking", continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping. Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can "flick" the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer. Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius for his protection, sealing the auric body from negativity. Asclepius' Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties. Other Applications This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection. Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . For more Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III. Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or bulk 5 oz for $97
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    Bath Salts of Asclepius I.I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Dead Sea Salts, rose of jericho, home grown and ritually harvested sages, incense cypress, and more. Fumigated during a Ras Alhague election featuring the co-presence of the South Node for additional cleansing power. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise. Use in the Energetic Clearing + Ritual Bathing protocol. Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water. Peruse testimonials for Bath Salts from Asclepius I, II, or III for a sense of what to expect. The formula is essentially the same. Arrives in your choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or 18 oz unbreakable bundle for $60. For additional and varied Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III.
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    Water of Asclepius I.I

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    Water freshly harvested from Mt Shasta, distilled via copper alembic with rose of jericho, home grown and ritually harvested sages and incense cedar, and carnelian Asclepius talismans. The scent profile is most similar to Asclepius I: heavier on jericho and rosemary, rather than sage. Perfuse testimonials and the description from Asclepius Waters I, II, or III for a sense of what to expect and application suggestions. For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine. Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity (so, 2020), and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from Gods and Spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. Includes a piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, a stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Arrives in your selection of a half ounce travel sized spray for $26, or full two ounce spray for $52 For more Asclepius offerings, such as Oils and Incense, see Asclepius III.
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    Oil of Asclepius III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Sphere + Sundry’s classic Asclepius oil, ritually infused on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart. Home-grown white sage native to Southern Oregon and incense cedar, each harvested in the day and hour of Sol following a recitation of The Harvesting Prayer of Thessalos, Rose of Jericho, and frankincense in 100% organic olive oil. Anoint that which ails with a request for Asclepius’ Divine Intervention. Can be applied to photos and icons belonging to others. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $52 (with an optional dropper cap kit), or 10 ml roll-on with carnelian rollerball for $42 See the many testimonials regarding Asclepius II and Asclepius I Oils for a sense of their applications and efficacy. To choose which edition is best for you, please refer to the third edition's writeup.
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    Asclepius III Talismans

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Talismanic goldsmith and AstroMage par excellence Tony Mack returns, delivering unto Sphere + Sundry our largest run of talismans yet, designed for affordability as much as efficacy —

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast on April 12, 2020 at 12:39 am EST in Williamsport Pennsylvania, moon applying within three degrees of the fixed star Rasalhague, rising on the ascendant at 22 Sagittarius. Casting was accompanied by petition and suffumigation with S+ Asclepius II incense.

    Cast in fine silver with calcined cypress, sage, and cedar. One side of the coin, carved in relief, is the messenger serpent of Asclepius (who in myth placed a healing herb into the mouth of a dead snake, resurrecting it; giving Asclepius/Polyidus the knowledge to restore life to the prince Glaucus.) On the reverse is the a lyre accented with serpent motifs, framing the fixed star alpha ophiuchi; an image recognizing Asclepius as son of Apollo, and the moon’s applying trine to the sun in its exaltation at the moment of the election.

    Each coin includes a keepsake box bearing the wax seal of the Asclepius rod.

    To pass savings on to the client, each Asclepius talisman comes with a Rose of Jericho and instructions for recharging with it. They can also be anointed with any Asclepius oil we offer. $297
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    Incense of Asclepius III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Sphere + Sundry’s classic Asclepius incense formula, ritually created on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart. Home-grown white sage native to Southern Oregon and incense cedar, each harvested in the day and hour of Sol following a recitation of The Harvesting Prayer of Thessalos as the Sun exalted in Aries, Rose of Jericho, and frankincense resin. Available in two formulas — an incense powder which can be made into a mound or sigil on a fireproof surface and lit directly, or a loose blend, which must be burned on charcoal. Clears away negative energies and helps facilitate transformation. Smoke bathe the full body, especially before bed, or suffumigate rooms and objects in need or purification or designed to heal and banish. Burn in offering to Asclepius and smoke photos or icons of those in need to healing before or during prayer. Use to disperse the Dead and other spirits, establishing a purged, pro-(living)-human slate following ancestral rites, necromantic operations, or in the case of unwelcome veil thinning. Arrives in your choice of 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $26, or 2 oz bulk pots for $78. Note that the loose incense is only available in the bulk size. See testimonials regarding Asclepius II and Asclepius I Incense for a sense of their application and efficacy. To choose which edition is best for you, please see the third edition writeup.
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    Son of Apollo Oil

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] A Solar take on a healing anointing oil, in honor of the exalted Sun featured in the Asclepius III election. Consecrated Son of Apollo herbal base, carnelian Asclepius talisman, and 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense resin during the election, immersed in 100% incorruptible jojoba oil — actually a liquid wax, known for its qualities of preservation and nourishment, meaning it is unlikely to ever expire. Left on the front porch to meet Sol's rising rays on Apollo's day following the operation, and shaken in the days and hours of Sol since for its many months of incubation. Free of essential oils and scent other than what the herbs themselves provide. Wholesome, warming, holistic, and healing. Assists in the process of Solar remediation. Plays well with Regulus, Golden Sol, and likely many others. Improves outlook, uplifts the spirit, aids in integration and self-discovery. Anoint yourself, icons, ritual implements, or images. Spike lotion or skincare. Offered in your choice of 1/2 oz glass vial w/ 24k gold for $65 (with an optional dropper cap kit), or 10 ml roll-on with carnelian rollerball for $52
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    Great Joy to Mankind

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    A single talismanic perfume crafted by the one and only Mrs. Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab for Sphere + Sundry's Asclepius III election, following up on Thy Vig'rous Force Inspires and Skill'd to Heal Mankind from Asclepius II. Of Great Joy, she shares —

    I begin to sing of Asclepius, son of Apollo and healer of sicknesses. In the Dotian plain fair Coronis, daughter of King Phlegyas, bare him, a great joy to men, a soother of cruel pangs.

    And so hail to you, lord: in my song I make my prayer to thee!

    This is an oil of healing and an oil for healers.

    Great Joy to Mankind is dedicated to – and was crafted under the auspices of – Asclepius and was crafted to strengthen the body, soothe the mind, and calm emotional turmoil. It is an oil that fortifies health, augments health and healing protocols, and assists in fortifying and protecting healers, caregivers, and those in charge of shielding their households from harm.

    We are all under a tremendous amount of stress, and an additional benefit of this oil is that it was crafted to help wash away the terrors and anxieties of living in the center of a pandemic’s maelstrom. Regular use will help you find the inner peace necessary to face life’s current challenges with strength, clarity, and grace.

    Use this oil to honor Asclepius and in rituals of health and healing. Great Joy to Mankind can be utilized to lightly anoint protective equipment, health and protection amulets and talismans, to create wards and safe healing spaces, and to bless and protect the afflicted or vulnerable.

    Please note: this oil is not a substitute for common sense safety precautions, and it is not a substitute for diligent mask-wearing, hand-washing, and social distancing. This is not a panacea, and we make no claims that this is a miracle cure for anything. Be sensible, be safe, do every mundane thing you can to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community, and may Asclepius the Deliverer protect us all from harm.

    Organic sage leaf (Salvia officinalis) and white sage (Salvia apiana) from the TAL garden, clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), western red cedar essential oil and leaf (Thuja plicata), Atlas cedarwood essential oil (Cedrus atlantica), cypress essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Cupressus sempervirens), frankincense tears (Boswellia sacra) and essential oil (Boswellia carteri), Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica), angelica root and essential oil (Angelica archangelica), bay essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Laurus nobilis), calendula petals (Calendula officinalis) from the TAL garden, chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita) and Moroccan chamomile (Ormenis mixta) and blue chamomile (Matricaria recutita) essential oil, saffron (Crocus sativus), rosemary essential oil and leaf from the TAL garden (Rosmarinus officinalis), white copal resin (Bursera jorullense), echinacea petals from the TAL garden (Echinacea angustifolia), organic ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera), lemon balm from the TAL garden (Melissa officinalis), amber oleum succini, and carnelian chips that were washed in frankincense hydrosol.

    Arrives in an amber glass bottle for $45
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    Asclepius Candles

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Virgin white beeswax poured and set at the height of the Asclepius III series election. The slim vigil candles are topped with consecrated Asclepius mix and carnelian, while the pillar candles are virgin upon arrival. Pillars can optionally include small 1/8 oz vials of Asclepius III OR Son of Apollo Oil and Powder and basic instructions for ritual dressing and burning. Each stands within 1/4″ of their ideal height of 3″ and 6″. All unscented. These do not burn as hot as the first round of Luminous Crown molded candles, so one doesn’t have to be so careful to burn in a fully enclosed jar, but do use a fireproof surface and a jar if you’d still like. Short pillars w/ dressing set for $65. Slim vigil or tall pillars w/ dressing set for $91.
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    Asclepius Bath Salts III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing (as detailed in the series description for Asclepius II), and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both meta and physical. Dead Sea salt and magnesium enriched epsom, fumigated with frankincense during the Asclepius III election, combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside home grown and ritually harvested herbs inherent to the election's consecrated herbal mixture. Rose of Jericho, incense cedar, and more. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify the system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. Occasionally pour water over the head and body, letting it swoosh away negativity impeding good health, mental, physical, and otherwise. Add a small sprinkling to many baths or larger amounts for deeper soaks in tougher circumstances. May induce sleep, best used before bed. Drink plenty of water. Offered in our standard 8 oz glass bale jar for $33, or for the first time, a 16 oz bulk pot for $66. See testimonials of Asclepius II Bath Salt for reference.
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    Son of Apollo Healing Salve

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] A mélange of Solar herbs and sundry essential oils famed for their healing properties, in a blend of organic olive oil and fair-trade, incorruptible jojoba. Calendula, St. John's wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, and balm of gilead, suffumigated during the Son of Apollo election. Immersed in our 50/50 oil + liquid wax and placed upon the Asclepius altar before being moved to the front porch to greet the rays of Sol's rising on his Father's day. Left to incubate and shaken on Sundays in the hour of Sol for many months, before being mixed with organic beeswax and essential oils of frankincense, wintergreen, and eucalyptus, and poured in accord with the Sun's timing as Humanity's Own Star rejoiced in rulership. Topped with 24k gold leaf. "My muscles feel like... gently melting butter", Austin remarked following initial application. Apply and spend 1-3 minutes rubbing into areas in need of relaxation. Great on the feet and shoulders as a way to de-stress after a long day. Can also be used to soothe and protect the skin. Arrives in a 2 oz metal tin for $63 Note: Do not apply to cuts or open wounds! For comparison, peruse testimonials from our first Exalted Venus salve.
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    Son of Apollo Powder

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Solar herbs of a healing nature, ritually co-mingled on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart. Organic calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, balm of gilead, carnelian, and 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense during the operation and left to greet the rays of the rising Sun on his day and hour the morning after. Ground to a fine powder under the auspices of Sol. Apply in the myriad ways magical powders are often used — to dress candles, sprinkle about, add to mojos, etc. Promotes positivity, good health, self-healing, and self-discovery. 100% uncut organic herbs, resin, gemstone, and genuine gold leaf. Add corn starch or another fine carrier to create a TON of your own sachet powder. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $29, or 2 oz bulk pot for $87
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    Healing Smoking Blend

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    A blend of organic and ritually harvested herbs renowned for their lung healing properties, combined and fumigated with frankincense under the auspices of the Asclepius III election. Skullcap, white willow bark, mullein, wormwood, tulsi x3, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, laurel leaf, peppermint, tea tree, lemon, cardamom, ravintsara, ravensara, and a sprinkling of frankincense powder. Smooth hitting and tasty, smoke as-is or grind and vaporize. Initiates a light relaxed trance state. Use before healing rituals, bed, or anytime you need a natural unwinding. Arrives in a 2 oz metal tin for $33
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    Water of Asclepius III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Sphere + Sundry's beloved Water of Asclepius, featuring homegrown sage native to Southern Oregon, cypress, and incense cedar, all ritually harvested following the Prayer of Thessalos in the day and hour of Sol as it transited its sign of Exaltation. These, along with Rose of Jericho and a carnelian cabochon etched at the beginning of the same election by Austin Coppock, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced throughout the night, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, colloidal gold, and grain alcohol during Asclepius III's Sol-Luna-Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius, receiving his blessing. Although the ingredients are the same and proportions similar to previous iterations, this water took on a more grounded and less cooling quality than others, reflecting the Sun's presence at the IC of the chart. For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine. Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity (so, 2020), and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from Gods and Spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. Includes a piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, a stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Arrives in your selection of a half ounce travel sized spray for $26, or full two ounce spray for $52 See the many testimonials regarding Asclepius II and Asclepius I Water for a sense of their applications and efficacy. To choose which edition is best for you, please refer to the third edition’s writeup.
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    Son of Apollo Ritual Salt

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — something similar is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Finely ground Dead Sea salt, fumigated with frankincense smoke during the Asclepius III election and mixed with essential oils of a warding Solar nature, along with genuine 24k gold. Sprinkle under or around the bed or those convalescing or in need of warding for good health. Add to floor washes and use in ways magical salts are typically employed. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $13, or 2 oz bulk pot for $39 View testimonials of Asclepius II Ritual Salt for reference.
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    Honey-Clay Mask

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    Mixed just following Asclepius III's election window after suffumigating the clay during the operation. A combination of the Whipped Honey Beautifying Mask *recipe from Venus in Libra x Asclepius II's Mask of Hygieia = superior to each on their own. No oil purge, reduced breakouts, and the perfect amount of moisture. Just toned, clear, balanced perfection. Clean and exfoliate, perhaps using Sphere + Sundry's Saltwater Pearl Exfoliating Polish. Dry and apply about a quarter sized amount of the honey-clay mixture to the skin with clean fingers, allowing the mask to melt into the skin forming in a smooth, light, sweet smelling veneer. Pat the skin for a few minutes to improve blood flow and to further exfoliate. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse, moving straight into any other skincare routine without washing again. Apply 1-3 times per week, depending on how flawless one desires to look 😘 Arrives in an easy and clean-squeeze silicone bottle for $36
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    Son of Apollo Incense

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] *almost* Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Solar herbs of a healing nature, ritually co-mingled on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart. Organic calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, balm of gilead, carnelian, and 24k gold, fumigated with frankincense during the operation and left to greet the rays of the rising Sun on his day and hour the morning after. Ground to a fine powder with frankincense resin under the auspices of Sol. Smoke bathe to promote good health and positivity, burn as an offering to spirits of a healing or Solar nature, or use to clear energies before or following ritual operations in rooms, clothing, or the self. Banishes the Dead and other spirits incompatible with the life-giving nature of sunlight. 100% uncut organic herbs, resin, gemstone, and genuine gold leaf. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $29, or 2 oz bulk pot for $87
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    Son of Apollo Kolonía

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — something similar is available as part of Asclepius I.I ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Water freshly harvested from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, combined on the Asclepius III altar with grain alcohol + colloidal gold, making for a final solution with 80% alcohol content. Mixed with Solar essential oils on the Sun's day and hour as Apollo transited his sign of his rulership, and decanted into glass woozy bottles with orifice reducers for easy application. Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one's household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body. Shake well to integrate the Sol-looking drops of golden essential oil before use. Energy Clearing Protocol For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it. Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas "sticking", continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping. Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can "flick" the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer. Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius and/ or Apollo for their protection, sealing the auric body from negativity. Asclepius' Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties. Other Applications This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection. Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . A little goes a long way. This listing will go quickly. Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or (very few) bulk 5 oz for $97
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    Magnesium “Oil” Spray

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] USP grade natural liquid magnesium chloride, distilled water, colloidal gold, and frankincense essential oil, blended during the Asclepius III election upon the altar or operation. Absorbs through the skin. Long considered a natural remedy for sore muscles, cramps in the legs, feet, or elsewhere, and various body aches, as well as systemic stress. Application before bed improves sleep as the system relaxes. Especially good for those who are magnesium deficient (80% of Americans), contraindicated for those with kidney issues or known sensitivities to concentrated magnesium. Spray directly on cramps, aches, or anywhere for system-wide absorption and rub gently. Leaves a dried ocean water type residue after drying, but rinses from the hands easily. Arrives in a 1/2 oz travel size glass spray bottle for $16, or full 2 oz for $39
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    Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Son of Apollo herbal base, suffumigated with frankincense resin during the Sol-heavy Asclepius III operation. Calendula, St. John’s wort, goldenseal, yellowdock root, comfrey root, balm of gilead, carnelian, and 24k gold, immersed in top shelf vodka and shaken on the Sun's day and hour for its many months of incubation. Anoint icons or items to illuminate, elevate, and integrate healing processes, attuning to Asclepius in his capacity as the Son of Apollo. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass dropper bottle w/ 24k gold for $26, or full 1 oz for $52 Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself (nowhere sensitive) or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Powder of Asclepius III

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Sphere + Sundry’s classic Asclepius herbal formula, ritually created on an election featuring the Moon conjunct the Divine Physician’s patron star, Ras Alhague, in trinal application to the exalted Aries Sun conjunct the IC of the chart. Home-grown white sage native to Southern Oregon and incense cedar, each harvested in the day and hour of Sol following a recitation of The Harvesting Prayer of Thessalos as the Sun exalted in Aries, Rose of Jericho, and frankincense resin Ground to a fine powder for magical use as a safe keeper of good health, protection, positive transmutation, and clarity. Use in any way magical powders are often used — dress candles, sprinkle, add to mojos, etc. 100% uncut organic herbs and resin. Add corn starch or another fine carrier to create a TON of your own sachet powder. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top for $26, or 2 oz bulk pot for $65
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    Full Asclepius III: Son of Apollo Sets

    Everything in the Asclepius III: Son of Apollo series in large form. Due to the limited nature of the Snake-bound rods, only a few sets include them. 13 sets in total.
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    Exalted Venus II Bath Bombs

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    Exalted Venus II Anointing Oil, Hydrosol, and organic essential oils — including a soft, delicate lavender, infused into long-lasting, heart shaped Bath Bombs. This Form may be preferred to Bath Salts in some cases for Bombs' higher properties of energetic infusion (as opposed to primarily cleansing), skin softening (prior to romantic engagements, perhaps?), and luxurious, spa-like experience. — an offering to Self… a rare treat for the Sensorium. Works wonderfully to prepare the vessel for mundane and ritual purposes. Offered in a 3" heart for $33
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    Exalted Venus II Spell Soap

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    Luxurious honey based soap, infused with consecrated Venus in Pisces materia from Exalted Venus II. Use in the shower for a quick cleansing and infusion in one! Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly scratchy on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Butter Ocean Bath Bombs

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    We are beginning to roll out bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Butter Ocean Spell Soap

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    Rich, moisturizing glycerin soap infused with consecrated Butter Ocean materia and organic essential oils. Offered in an oversized bar that comfortably cuts into individual "pats" for more economical use, travel, or gifting. Do not eat! It's really not butter! This form contains about 30% more than our standard disc soaps, measuring 5" x 1.25" x 1.25". Offered as a stick for $66 Alternatively, snag yourself a rare Butter Zeus soap bust to serve as altar ware, general decor, or a really awkward shower experience! Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly scratchy on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Exalted Venus II Altar Box Sets

    One of *each and every item* in the Exalted Venus II series, in small or large form (where there is size variation, otherwise, the standard size), including all BPALs. Sphere + Sundry Anointing Oils are INCLUDED, but ADDED as individual selections, so Clients can select their choice of roller or standard vial. The wooden boxes that go with each set are hand painted to match the series.
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    Oil of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Asclepius, the ancient Greek God of healing, was petitioned to make this oil as medicine by his own hand on February 27th, 2019 as Jupiter and the Moon conjoined the fixed star Ras Alhague on the midheaven, in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer. Ethically sourced, wildcrafted and cultivated white and garden sages, cypress, incense cedar, rose of jericho, frankincense, legally and humanely acquired heart of venomous pit viper, and cleansed, charged carnelian, combined with organic, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Anoint that which needs healing, with prayers and thanks to the Divine Physician for his curative blessings. Apply to areas of the body where healthfulness need be restored, during illness, or to boost immunity. Can also be applied to photographs or icons of those in need of healing and transmutation. Arrives in your choice of standard 1/2 oz glass vial for $52 (with an optional Dropper Cap Kit), or 10 ml roll-on w/ carnelian rollerball for $42
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    Water of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As further detailed in the series description, cypress, garden sage, rosemary, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested during the days and hours of Sol and Jupiter. These, along with rose of jericho, wildcrafted and ethically sourced white sage, and carnelian, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced on the Sun’s day, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, colloidal gold, and grain alcohol during the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing. Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is something truly special (see reviews from the first edition). For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, neck, chest, and spine. Invokes instant clarity and refreshment, and aids in helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply after difficult interactions or during times of stress and negativity, and before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. Includes a small piece of carnelian in each glass bottle, the stone used in talismanic rings of Asclepius for thousands of years. Available in a half ounce spray for $26 or a two ounce spray for $52.
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    Forged Rods of Asclepius

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    Snake bound rods, forged during the equivalent Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election by sorcerous blacksmith Cody Dickerson of Borealis Ironworks. Of his exquisite creations, he offers —

    “So be Wise as Serpents, and Innocent as Doves.” — Matthew 10:16

    These relics are a visceral, ferrous expression of two primary principles observed within an occult framework : Salubrity and Resolve.

    The Asklepian or ‘Rod of Asclepius’ consists of the serpent and staff. The serpent here may be said to represent both perpetual renewal & healing as well as the dual nature of pharmakon as both panacea and poison. The staff reminds us that in times of great need we must be willing to be supported. Their respective forms are expressed in hand-wrought iron, born of the hammer & anvil in flickering cacophony that is the ancient and venerable craft of the smith.

    Some preparation of material took place the evening prior (cutting, layout, etc.) and final preparations were made during pre-dawn hours the morning of the election. Offerings of cedar, juniper, fir pitch and several native artemisia species were burned in the forge and a fumigatory rite of cleansing took place.

    Enough material was cut and prepared for the 13+ relics to be forged, the serpent and staff to be officially intertwined during the beneficent interstice of this potent election. The election allowed a small but adequate window in which the work was to take place.

    It was an intense fifty minutes. I can’t recall the last time I worked with as much vehemence, but I did manage to meet our goal. And not without some violence against my own corpus for as the work concluded, I fell into an intense bout of very unpleasant nausea and vomiting, swiftly (and mercifully!) followed by a deep sense of wellness. This speaks precisely to the often purgative, sicken-ing nature of pharmakon and again -- to the dual-nature of the serpent as an embodiment of wisdom and rejuvenation.

    As for the iron Asklepians and their care, I recommend only this: while the relics have been treated with a thin coating of wax, I recommend that upon receipt they are further coated in the accompanying oil formulated by Sphere + Sundry during the election, or one of your choosing, preferably that lends itself to the restorative and health-giving nature of Asclepius and the noble art of physik.

    I pray these talismanic objects of virtue serve in whatever capacity you desire, be they employed as ceremonial foci or by iron’s physical touch as a means of removing illness and dis-ease, thereby exploiting iron’s capability in the eradication of foul spirit presences afflicting both body and soul.

    Every talismanic rod includes a bottle of Asclepius II Oil for anointing and regular feeding. Mount above doors or beds to safeguard good health and act as a protective ward, or store upon altars or under mattresses for the same purpose. Available for $130 each. Only 13 of these most excellent specimens are being offered to the public.
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    Mask of Hygieia

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    A mask set featuring two all natural components, intended to be freshly mixed for each application. Add healing clay powder to a small bowl and moisten with the accompanying hydrosol, created from water harvested from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta with organic calendula flower, raspberry leaf, white willow bark, and carnelian, distilled via copper alembic, combined with colloidal gold, and ritually consecrated to Asclepius. Mix well and apply to the face and décolletage, or over patches of troubled skin. Create a thicker mask for additional detoxification and deeper healing. Wear until it dries, anywhere from 10-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and proceed with toner and a good moisturizer. Clay masks are especially beneficial for oily and combination skin. If your skin tends toward dryness, you may prefer the honey mask or choose to add a few drops of skin soothing oil to the clay formulation. It will tighten as it dries, tonifying and pulling impurities, oil, and excess sebum from the skin, while infusing it with minerals and beneficial trace elements. Excellent for clearing acne, reducing pore size, and creating a younger, softer, brighter appearance. Use 1-2 times per week for best results. Because this hydrosol is intended for topical use, it does not contain any grain alcohol to preserve. As with any natural skin care product, shelf life may vary. Store away from light and keep the glass dropper from touching anything that may transfer germs. Each mask set comes with over 2 ounces of clay powder in a reusable glass jar, and 1 oz of topical hydrosol in a glass dropper bottle with sanitized piece of carnelian. Pairs extraordinarily well with our Saltwater Pearl Exfoliating Polish, which is best used before application in lieu of traditional cleansers that can overly strip the skin, available as an optional add-on. Clearer, softer, more beautiful skin, by the grace of Hygieia 🙌 $29
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    Bath Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] As detailed in the series description, ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing, and salt is a tried and true agent of natural purification in ways both physical and metaphysical. Dead Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, and epsom salt were combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside herbs from the consecrated incense mixture and 24k gold leaf, with Asclepius’ blessing. Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water to clear your energetic field, increase magnesium levels, and soothe and detoxify your system. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. The formula of this salt is highly concentrated with essential oil to make less go a longer way. Available in an eight ounce glass jar for $33, enough for 2 deeply purifying baths, or add smaller amounts to many, utilizing the principle of contagion.
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    Asclepius Candles II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] Virgin soy wax poured over suffumigated herbal mix during the height of the Jupiter-Luna-Ras Alhague election, topped with frankincense resin and a sprinkling of Asclepius incense, along with 6 pieces of carnelian added on Jupiter’s day and hour. Lightly scented with frankincense and cypress essential oil. Burn while saying prayers for yourself or loved ones in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing and protection. Keep lit at the bedside of those convalescing, or create an altar with their image for works of sympathetic magic. Glass jars in three sizes, marked on the bottom with the glyph of Asclepius. Available in 2 oz for $65; 8 oz vigil style for $91 (sold out); or 12 oz for $130 (sold out).
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    Skill’d to Heal Mankind

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    Handcrafted by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, she says of her creation —

    A perfume for Asclepius, the God of Doctors, Inventor of Medicine, Master of the Art of Surgery, the Sagacious, Blameless Lord of Healing, Man's Savior and Champion Against Diseases, and patron of the Asklepiades, the ancient guild of physicians. He is the son of Apollon, father to Chiron, Podalirus, and Machaon, and the greatest physician to ever have lived. It is said his skills were such that he was able to restore the dead to life.

    Merciful Asclepius, wise and skilled God of the Medical Arts, purge our bodies of illness, injury, and pain. Grant us the wisdom of talented and compassionate physicians, the skill of master surgeons, the boon of healing medicines, and strength and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

    This sacred perfume contains hydro-distilled Frankincense essential oil (Bowsella carteri), hyssop essential oil steam-distilled from the leaves and tops (Hyssopus off. decumbens) and hyssop herb (Hyssopus officinalis, fossilized Himalayan amber oil (Oleum succini, dry distillation in sunflower oil), aniseed essential oil (Pimpinella anisum), clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea), myrtle essential oil (Myrtus communis), bay leaf essential oil and organic bay leaves (Laurus nobilis), white vegetal musk, Indian rose attar, organic sunflower oil, Greek olive oil, frankincense tears (Boswellia sacra), gum mastic resin (Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia), life everlasting flower (Helichrysum stoechas), Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica), wild-harvested rose buds (Rosa damascena), yellow rose petals from the offertory bouquet, and ethically collected snake sheds.

    Charged and consecrated under the auspices of Apollon, Asclepius, and Hygeia on Wednesday, February 27th during the Asclepius II election, and the whole of the perfume and its contents passed through the smoke of frankincense tears and Greek monastic lemon flower incense.

    Each bottle contains pieces of carnelian and clear quartz that have been washed in frankincense hydrosol on the day and hour of Sol.

    Not vegan: contains ethically collected snake sheds. Please note that this perfume may contain solid plant material.

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    Incense of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] This incense is comprised of cypress, sage, and incense cedar, harvested during the days and hours of Jupiter and Sol before being prayed over in the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius (as detailed in the series description). These were combined with ethically sourced, wildcrafted white sage, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and 24k gold leaf, before invoking the Divine Physician’s blessing as the fixed star Ras Alhague began rising. This incense is an exquisite smudging mix for the clearing of space and body — in general, after traumatic events, or before ritual. It can also be used to bathe objects you wish to cleanse and restore, such as crystals or ritual implements prior to consecration. Available in 1/2 oz self-igniting form for $26, or loose in a reusable glass jar over two ounces for $52. Charcoal must be used for burning loose incenses. You may choose to add organic coconut charcoal to your order, which must be lit on a burner.
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    Ritual Salt of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.

    Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.

    Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

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    Asclepius Talismans II

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    Goldsmith Tony Mack collaborated with Sphere + Sundry during the equivalent election in his location to create a stunning set of Ras Alhague Serpent-Bearer fixed star talismans, in two original designs. Cast in electrum, an alloy of gold and silver, featuring high grade carnelian set over viper’s tongue, cedar, frankincense, and sage. The casting of the talismans was supplemented by suffumigation using Incense of Asclepius form the first edition of the series. Wear on your person for healing and to help transmute various manner of poisons into medicine. These are helpful for preserving health and warding away disease, but can also be used by those who have an ongoing health struggle or are taking medications that produce negative side effects. These are wonderful to wear if you work in a healing profession and want to bring the Divine Physician’s blessing into the realm of your client or patient work. Each talisman includes a 20” sterling silver chain, and a beautiful keepsake box bearing a wax seal of the Asclepius rod. It includes a bottle of Asclepius II anointing oil, recommended times for feeding and empowering your talisman, and a prayer to Asclepius. Available in your choice of standard electrum, 4ct carnelian, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid for $729 (8 being offered to the public), or ornate electrum with gold accenting, 20ct carnelian, snake backing design, herbs and viper’s tongue inlaid into the bezel for $1,029 (7 being offered to the public).
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    Powder of Asclepius II

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox] The Asclepius herbal mixture, comprised of ritually harvested cypress, incense cedar, and garden sage during the days and hours of Jupiter and Sol, along with ethically wildcrafted white sage, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and genuine 24k gold leaf, ground to a fine powder for magical use as a safe keeper of good health, protection, positive transmutation, and clarity. Available in a half ounce glass vial for $26.
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    Thy Vig’rous Force Inspires

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    Handcrafted by Elizabeth Barrial of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab and Twilight Alchemy Lab, she says of her creation —

    A perfume for the Bright-Eyed Mother, Highest Queen of Apollon's Golden Throne, Desirable, Gently-Laughing Hygeia. All-glorious and undefiled, Hygeia is the daughter of Eros and Peitho, sister to Iaso and Panacea, and beloved wife of Asclepius, she is the goddess and protectress of physical and mental health.

    Benevolent, beloved life-bearing Hygeia, we ask that you preserve and safeguard our bodies and minds; keep ever vigilant so disease and decay touch us not. Make us whole and radiant.

    This sacred perfume contains hydro-distilled Frankincense essential oil (Bowsella carteri), steam-distilled Hungarian hops flower essential oil (Humulus lupulus), beeswax solvent-extracted absolute, French lavender essential oil and lavender absolute (Lavandula angustifolia), attar of jasmine, organic sunflower oil, Greek olive oil, organic lavender buds (Lavandula officinalis), organic hops flower (Humulus lupulus), frankincense tears (Boswellia papyrifera), life everlasting flower (Helichrysum stoechas), Dittany of Crete (Origanum dictamnus), yellow rose petals from the offertory bouquet, and ethically collected snake sheds.

    Charged and consecrated under the auspices of Apollon, Asclepius, and Hygeia on Wednesday, February 27th during the equivalent Asclepius II election.

    Each bottle contains a piece of clear quartz that has been washed in frankincense hydrosol on the day and hour of Sol, and the whole of the perfume and its contents passed through the smoke of frankincense tears and Greek monastic lemon flower incense.

    Not vegan: contains beeswax and ethically collected snake sheds. Please note that this perfume may contain solid plant material.

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    Oil of Asclepius I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    Asclepius, the ancient Greek God of healing, was petitioned to make this oil as medicine by his own hand. White sage, wildcrafted and sourced from a Native American owned small business, cypress, incense cedar, rose of jericho, frankincense, legally and ethically acquired heart of venomous pit viper, and carnelian were combined with organic, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil as the fixed star Ras Alhague rose in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer.

    Anoint that which needs healing, with prayers and thanks to the Divine Physician for his curative blessings. Apply to areas of the body where healthfulness need be restored, during illness, or to boost immunity. Can also be applied to photographs or icons of those in need of healing and transmutation.

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    Water of Asclepius I

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    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius I.I ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    As further detailed in the series description, cypress, sage, and incense cedar were blessed using the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius, and harvested on the Summer Solstice in the hour of Jupiter. These, along with rose of jericho, were combined in a copper still and immersed in water freshly collected from the headwaters of the Sacramento River in Mt. Shasta. A hydrosol was produced, which was later combined with essential oils of frankincense and rosemary, carnelian, and grain alcohol during the Ras Alhague election, where the water was dedicated to Asclepius and received his blessing.

    One of the beautiful qualities of this formulation is that upon vigorous shaking, it turns white — a color associated with healing and purity in many magical traditions.

    Sphere + Sundry is pleased with all of the offerings we produce, but the Water of Asclepius in particular is truly something special. For a thorough application, shake well and use as a body and aura spray, making sure to focus around the head, but also applying directly to the chest, palms, and feet.

    You will feel instant clarity and refreshment, and it will continue helping clear your field, heart, and mind over the next many hours. Apply before bed to invite healing sleep and potential dream visitations from gods and spirits. Spray in spaces in need of healing, purification, and renewal, especially that carry a negative charge or presence you wish to dispel. Produces emotional, mental, and physical clarity that deepens with continued use. As a regular practice, consider full body applications after showering.

    A new edition of the Asclepius series was released on March 21st. Remaining offerings from Asclepius I are available at a discount while supplies last.

    Available in a half ounce spray for $26 $19 or a two ounce spray for $52 $39.

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    Incense of Asclepius

    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — new batches are available as part of Asclepius II + III ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This loose incense is comprised of cypress and incense cedar, both harvested on the Summer Solstice and prayed over in the words of Thessalos, given to him in dream by Asclepius (as detailed in the series description). These were combined with wildcrafted white sage, sourced from a Native American owned local business, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and 24k gold leaf, before invoking the Divine Physician’s blessing as the fixed star Ras Alhague began rising.

    This incense is an exquisite smudging mix for the clearing of space and body — in general, after traumatic events, or before ritual. It can also be used to bathe objects you wish to cleanse and restore, such as crystals or ritual implements prior to consecration.

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    Bath Salt of Asclepius

    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    As detailed in the series description, ritual baths were one of the first steps taken to cleanse those who made pilgrimage to temples of Asclepius in pursuit of healing, and salt is a natural agent of purification in ways both physical and metaphysical.

    Dead Sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, and epsom salt were combined with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and tea tree, alongside herbs from the incense mixture, with Asclepius’ blessing.

    Draw a bath and add the mixture to the water. Includes a prayer to Asclepius and suggested times for ritual potency. Fully immerse yourself, occasionally wetting the full head and hair for best results. Soak for 13 minutes or more. 

    The formula of this salt is highly concentrated with essential oil to make less go a longer way. Available in an eight ounce jar, enough for 2 deeply purifying baths, or add smaller amounts to many, utilizing the principle of contagion.

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    Ritual Salt of Asclepius

    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This ritual salt is from the Dead Sea, mixed with essential oils of frankincense, cypress, and rosemary, consecrated to Asclepius for the purposes of cleansing, banishing illness, and preserving good health.

    Sprinkle on yourself, your doorstep or hearth, your floor before sweeping or vacuuming, or add to cleaning solutions to help purify energies and bring healing and renewal into your sphere. Can be used before workings to set a clean stage, or after to clear away energies and spirits. Also helpful against ghost and poltergeist activity. Not intended for consumption.

    Available in a half ounce vial for $13.

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    Rod of Asclepius Talismans

    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius IV ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    Goldsmith Tony Mack collaborated with Sphere + Sundry during the equivalent election in his location to create a stunning set of talismanic snake bound Rods of Asclepius. They feature high grade carnelian set over viper’s tongue, frankincense, and sage, cast in silver. It just so happened that he made 13, a number he did not previously know was associated with Ophiuchus. Our goldsmith reported two weeks after the Work was done:

    [pullquote]I’m starting to notice some effects from the staffs on myself. I’ve been getting up way earlier than usual with a lot of energy. Also some inflammation I’ve had for months started to disappear.[/pullquote]

    Wear on your person for healing and to help transmute poison into medicine. These are helpful for preserving health and warding away disease, but can also be used by those who have an ongoing health struggle or are taking medications that produce negative side effects. These are wonderful to wear if you work in a healing profession and want to bring the Divine Physician’s blessing into the realm of your client or patient work.

    Each talisman comes with a silver chain in a beautiful box hand decorated by Tony. It includes a bottle of Asclepius anointing oil, recommended times for feeding and empowering your talisman, and a prayer to Asclepius.

    Smaller 4ct carnelian pieces for $429 are sold out. Ornate 24ct carnelian with snake backing, herbs and viper's tongue inlaid into the bezel for $729 are also sold out.

    If you would like an Asclepius talisman in the future, please make your selection and sign up for the Waitlist below. Getting a sense for demand will allow us to cast another run sooner rather than later.
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    Triple Purification of Asclepius Ritual

    [sf_iconbox image="fas fa-magic" character="" color="accent" type="boxed-four" animation="" animation_delay="200"] Sold out — a new batch is available as part of Asclepius II ⚕[/sf_iconbox]

    This is a three step ritual involving the elements of fire (incense), water (spray), and salt (either form). The set comes with all of the required elements from the Asclepius series and a copy of the rite, with directions to perform it on yourself, others, or any given space.

    Deeply purgative and sanitizing, useful for super powered cleansing and purification. Appropriate during times of sickness, dramatic negativity, grief, unwanted paranormal disturbances, streaks of bad luck, or before or after significant procedures, whether medical or magical.

    The small set includes one half ounce glass vial or spray of ritual salt, incense, and water, for $52.

    The large set includes a complimentary rose of jericho, both forms of salt and the largest available size of each item — one half ounce vial of ritual salt, one eight ounce jar of bath salt, one two ounce jar of incense, and one two ounce spray of Asclepius water, for $130. If you would like everything in the series, including the oil and/or talisman, the full set includes the rite for Triple Purification.

    You may also choose to add organic coconut charcoal to your order. Note that the charcoal must be lit on a burner, as it contains no saltpeter.

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    Full Asclepius Series


    Receive everything in the Asclepius series in small or large form (where there are size variations). Includes:

    • Incense of Asclepius
    • Anointing Oil of Asclepius
    • Bath Salt of Asclepius
    • Ritual Salt of Asclepius
    • Water of Asclepius
    • Complimentary rose of jericho
    • Triple Purification of Asclepius Ritual
    • Prayers and directions for use
    • Optional: Charcoal

    Available as a small set for $130 or large for $182. Asclepius talismans are currently sold out, but you can join the waitlist to be notified upon their triumphant resurrection!

    You may also choose to add organic coconut charcoal to your order. Note that the charcoal must be lit on a burner, as it contains no saltpeter.

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    Triple Purification of Asclepius Ritual II

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    This is a three step ritual involving the elements of fire (incense), water (spray), and salt (ritual or both forms). The set comes with all of the required elements from the Asclepius series and a copy of the rite, with directions to perform it on yourself, others, or any given space. Deeply purgative and energetically sanitizing, useful for super powered cleansing and purification. Appropriate during times of sickness, dramatic negativity, grief, unwanted paranormal disturbances, streaks of bad luck, or before or after significant procedures, whether medical or magical. The small set includes one half ounce vial of ritual salt, your choice incense, and small water for $65+ The large set includes a complimentary rose of jericho, both forms of salt (one half ounce vial of ritual salt + one eight ounce jar of bath salt), your choice of Asclepius incense, and one 2 ounce spray of Asclepius water for $124+ If you would like everything in the series, the full set includes the rite for Triple Purification and complimentary rose of jericho.

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