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87-172 of 702 products

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    Bath Salts of Asclepius

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    Dead Sea salt and Asclepius herbal blend, consecrated as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Rose of jericho, sustainably collected sage, and ritually harvested cypress. Frankincense, tea tree. Soak to facilitate healing, good health, and personal renewal, as well as improve energetic hygiene and clear the mind-body-spirit complex of inner and outer negativity. Aids in the process of inner alchemy, and invites spiritual dreaming before bed. A classic for ritual cleansing baths and spiritual baths of all kinds. Good following work with the Dead, may trigger detoxification reactions and the need for sleep. A standard 8 oz jar is enough for 2-3 'deep' baths, or many more supplemented by epsom or plain salts via the principle of (healthy!) contagion. Arrives in the Client's choice of 8 oz glass bale jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $66, or 18 oz unbreakable bundle for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Asclepius Portable Altar Cases

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    A new portable Altar Case (designed + hand-sewn by Reyna!) in devotion to the Divine Physician, featuring a  continuous serpent design flowing through each distinct surface panel. Further specifications and features outlined here, with a 360° view here. Limited edition, offered for $97
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    Asclepius Ritual Honey

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    Organic clover honey infused with consecrated organic herbs, including mullein, St. John's wort, skullcap, wormwood, tulsi, and eucalyptus. Use to sweeten outcomes for medical procedures and relationships with care teams. Offered in a 2 oz glass pot for $33 Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Son of Apollo Incense + Powder

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    Consecrated Son of Apollo herbal blend, ritually fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Asclepius election with the support of Jupiter in Aries, powdered with carnelian, 24k gold, and frankincense. Formulated to work beautifully as an Incense for offerings, smoke bathing the body, and interior spaces to banish low vibrations (+ the Dead) — particularly after someone has been unwell, and/ or as a magical Powder for dressing candles, sprinkling, and adding as an ingredient in spell work. A brighter, warmer form of Asclepius, perfect for constitutions and scenarios which would benefit from bio-spiritually available, easily assimilable forms of supplemental light and healthy yang. One could also select Son of Apollo by day and classic Asclepius by night... Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass vial with cork top and 24k gold for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99. Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    The Radiant Glow of Perfect Health Hair, Skin, and Beard Oil

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    Inspired by (but not explicitly enchanted to!) the Goddess Aegle — daughter of Asclepius and Lampetia, granddaughter to Helios and Apollo, whose name means "brightness", "dazzling light" and/ or "splendor" — as in, the beautiful glow which results from perfect health. Sphere + Sundry's proprietary TCM-inspired herbal mix for Beauty and Hair, with additions of organic Son of Apollo blend, propolis, white lotus, 13 essential oils, and 24k gold, infused in 100% organic golden jojoba, argan, and emu oils. A few drops brings shine and radiance to the hair unlike any other (without giving a greasy look or weighing it down!), while application to the skin brightens, smooths, and softens. Use directly or as an addition to lotion, moisturizer, or other hair care products. Offered in a 1 oz glass dropper bottle with 24k gold for $91
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    Asclepius Spell Soap

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    Genuine olive oil based soap, infused with consecrated Asclepius herbal blend, scented with essential oils of cypress, tea tree, and frankincense. Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
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    Son of Apollo Bath Bombs

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    Consecrated Son of Apollo Water, Anointing Oil, and Powder combined in a luxurious Bath Bomb formula, scented with tangerine and eucalyptus essential oils, coated in shimmering golden mica. Has energetic cleansing properties, as well as nourishes and softens the skin. Adds a light and bubbly sensation to the auric field. A great bath to take standalone before before medical appointments and procedures, or aid in the healing process. Works wonderfully as a fun spin on the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Salt (enchanted or non-) can also be added for increased energy clearing potency. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    Asclepius Kolonía

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    Grain alcohol and freshly harvested Mt. Shasta water, ritually combined with colloidal gold and medicinal essential oils as the Moon conjoined the fixed star of the Divine Physician, Ras Alhague, while applying to a trine with its ruler, the Greater Benefic, from the Nakshatra Ashwini — represented by eternally youthful twin doctors (Ashvins), who — in addition to tending to the health of the Gods, the sick, and the unfortunate, have further associations with medicine, good health, daybreak, and the sciences. Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering one’s household or business establishment, providing some natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. This can be used in such a way, or as a type of Asclepius Florida Water for energetic cleansing, drawing goodness and illumination — anytime or before ritual. Makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body. Energy Clearing Protocol For energetic cleansing, sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palms of the hands and gently but thoroughly rub together for 10 or so seconds, coating both sides. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or be lightly touching it. Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of the head, then start from the top again, going down the front of your face and body, all the way down to the tops of your feet. If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking them until energies disperse, and then proceed with downward sweeping. Continue skimming from the head downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer. Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank Asclepius for his protection, sealing the auric body from negativity. Asclepius’ Kolonía can also be used before performing reiki, energy work, or any other healing activity, on clients or loved ones. It can be done on the self, objects, or 3rd parties. Other Applications This can also be added to baths, floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside for protection. Extraordinarily versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . Offered in a 1.7 oz glass woozy bottle for $33, or bulk 5 oz for $97
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    Magnesium Oil Spray

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    Naturally derived USP-grade liquid magnesium chloride, distilled water, colloidal gold, and frankincense essential oil. Long considered a natural remedy for sore muscles, cramps in the legs, feet, or elsewhere, and used for various body aches, as well as systemic stress. Application before bed improves sleep as the system relaxes. Especially good for those who are magnesium deficient (80% of Americans), BUT, contraindicated for those with kidney issues or known sensitivities to concentrated magnesium. Spray directly on cramps, aches, or anywhere for body-wide absorption and rub gently. Itches slightly upon application; do not use immediately after shaving! Leaves a dried residue like sea spray on the skin, but rinses from the hands easily. Arrives in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size glass spray bottle for $30, or full 2 oz for $75
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    :The Transfiguration of Glykon: Blood-Begotten Witness

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    Let's get this out of the way from the outset: Glykon is hilarious. and often thought of as a lie! So when I approached Robert Fitzgerald about a ritual collaboration for this series, and he suggested one involving dream incubation a la Glykon, I was somewhat tentative. AND YET, we at Sphere + Sundry are not in the business of bossing around our collaborators! — each enjoys full creative control of their contributions. We also fancy ourselves open to experimentation, and value humor as much as efficacy, so... that's how we alll got here! What I find fascinating about this is 1. even if Glykon *began* as a hoax, that does not mean he stayed one. Chaos Magic has a lot to offer on that subject, and Glykon's Cult was very real, persisting for over 100 years. And second, the fixed star Ras Alhague — the one used to invoke Asclepius — kinda sorta belongs to a hoax itself, in the form of Ophiuchus, dread (alleged!) "13th Sign" of the perfectly complete with 12, thanks, Zodiac. Perform in good faith (ideally multiple times), and do report back! Our powers combined, we can help breathe new life into a bygone snake-puppet cult! Of the Rite, Robert offers:

    The Transfiguration of Glykon is a votive ritual observance prefaced by a mythologem detailing a specific Apollon/Aesclepian lineage wherein the chimeric godling of Dream, Glykon, is praised and utilized as a means of oneiric healing. Long misunderstood, with its Cultus often ridiculed, Glykon is the supreme eidolon of the Aesclepian Healing Opus and ouevre entire. Maintaining a permanent home as the tutelary deity within the precinct of the Aesclepion dream incubation chambers, Glykon serves as the embodiment of the physis of Aesclepius.

    Beneficial on all levels of being and sentience, the Glykonian rite allows the Adorant to process within their own Mind/Body complex transfigurative healing that derives from the energia of the deity itself. The Dreaming Self is ultimately purified, contributing to maximum physical and psychic health.

    This ritual and accompanying text can be acquired standalone, or as a set including the items necessary for performing it: 5 ml Asclepius Oil,  1/2 oz Asclepius Incense + Powder, and 2.5 oz Salve. To heighten the experience, adding snake shed/ materia to the Oil is ideal, but not required. The trimmings of a blonde wig, entirely optional. For the visualization component, a high resolution image of Glykon can be printed, or this 3d rendering can be as a digital focal point for meditation [view in full screen]. I recommend taking advantage of the 360° exploration capacity to gain familiarity with all elements of the statue before settling on a compelling longer-term view. This model can also be explored with a VR headset. Note that the 30% Re-Labeling Sale discount has been applied to the product bundle!
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    Asclepius Ritual Salt

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    Dead Sea salt, lightly coated in consecrated rose of jericho, sustainably wildcrafted sage, and ritually harvested cypress, alongside frankincense, rosemary, tea tree, and 24k gold. Put below the mattress or in the pillow cases of people recovering or in need of medical support. Add to floor washes and spiritual baths. Use as an ingredient in spell work, or dress candles to banish spiritual sources of dis-ease. Add a dash to water-based essential oil diffusers and humidifiers. Arrives in a 1/2 oz glass container with cork top for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    Talismanic Copper Vessels

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    Thirteen copper water bottles were etched and fumigated with royal hojari frankincense during the election, roughly by the Mage's own hand with the Serpent-Bound Rod and Serpent-Wound Chalice on the base, symbols of Asclepius and Hygieia. Simultaneously, the interior of the caps were being laser etched with the medical symbol, so the talismanic image could make direct contact with water stored within the confines of vessel. Over time, much more detailed original artwork of (a très handsome!) Divine Doctor (thank you, Tony!) was laser etched into the side of each. Water stored in, and taken from, pure copper is one of the healthiest ways to drink it, according to the Ayurvedic tradition. Fill with fresh, purified water. Shake 13 times, with prayers and intent for any specific health or dream related outcomes. Leave overnight, optionally — to maximize impact — on an Asclepius Altar. Water within can be consumed, fed to plants, children, and animals, used to bloom rose of jericho (at the bedside, in the office, or anywhere energies would benefit from refreshment and renewal), and as a healing holy water added to diffusers, humidifiers, spiritual baths, floor washes, and the like. Offered for $633, accompanied by a complimentary rose of jericho
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    Son of Apollo Attuning Tincture

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    100% organic herbal ingredients, fumigated during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Asclepius election and added to vodka within the window: calendula, St. John’s wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis. Colloidal gold. Use to anoint what you don't want getting oily. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Asclepius Candles

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    Talismanic Candles are poured and begin to set during their requisite election window, as these were during Sphere + Sundry's 2023 Ras Alhague election, in dedication to Asclepius. Consecrated organic herbal blend was ground and sprinkled into each vessel before wax was poured; soy wax for the jars, and organic beeswax for the pillars. Jar candles are topped with carnelian, rose of jericho, frankincense resin, and ritually harvested cypress. They work beautifully burning at the bedside of those in need of healing, or shining their light on photographs to heal 3rd parties from a distance. Pillar candles are best suited to works of classical candle magic, wherein names, prayers, images, and sigils can be carved into the sides. From there, dressing with Anointing OilsPerfumes and Powders (and Incenses) is welcome but optional, since all Sphere + Sundry candles come pre-enchanted by their method of ritual creation.

    Such a practice does, however, invite opportunities to combine influences toward very specific ends, such as dressing an Asclepius pillar with Venus materia to resolve issues of self-love and romantic insecurity, or Jupiter to heal 'scarcity mentality' and religious wounds. Regulus can be added for resolving issues with authority, self-promotion/ being seen, and patrilineal resolution. Antares for overcoming self-sabotage and building healthy shen. Mercury in Virgo for learning disabilities, impairments to executive function, and speech impediments, or Mercury in Gemini for healing the inner child. Deneb Algedi for increasing protection and support during times of vulnerability.

    The sky is *truly* the limit! I am sure that the welcoming Spirits of the Client Community would be happy to help workshop combinations, should you want inspiration and input.

    Burn Asclepius candles while issuing prayers for healing and transformation, or as an offering to compatible Spirits. Meditate upon the flame, and use it to ignite sigils and petition papers. To view pricing and availability, make a selection from the dropdown. QC Notice: The wrong size wicks were used on the 3" and 6" pillars for this series, resulting in tunneling and poor burn-ability. We have taken down the remaining stock and will be going through the process of double wicking to compensate. If you already have one and would like a refund, please write into the support portal. Apologies and thank you for understanding!
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    Asclepius Bath Bombs

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    Consecrated Asclepius Water, Anointing Oil, and Powder combined in a luxurious Bath Bomb formula, scented with carrot seed, palo santo, tea tree, and frankincense essential oils.  Has energetic cleansing properties, as well as nourishes and softens the skin. Adds a light and bubbly sensation to the auric field. A great bath to take standalone before before medical appointments and procedures, or aid in the healing process. Works wonderfully as a fun spin on the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Salt (enchanted or non-) can also be added for increased energy clearing potency. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
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    The Divine Physician’s Whipped Body Butter

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    Sphere + Sundry's first Body Butter featuring  100% organic extra virgin olive oil infused with a ritually consecrated + organic herbal blend of calendula, St. John's wort, yellowdock root, comfrey root, mullein, skullcap, arnica, goldenseal, balm of gilead, and propolis during our 2023 Ras Alhague election. Whipped with shea butter, coconut oil, and frankincense. Apply to the skin to moisturize, soothe, and facilitate healing, especially before bed or while convalescing. Offered in a 2 oz pot for $33 or a 6 oz bulk pot for $78. Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Asclepius Altar Box Sets

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    One of every *enchanted* item in the Asclepius IV series in small or large form (where there is variation, otherwise, the standard size), including Talismans [but excluding Copper Vessels, since not enough were created to include in each Altar Box in the first place — those are only available standalone]. The candle-type is slim vigil for both sizes. Anointing Oils are based on the Client's selections. Includes a complimentary rose of jericho.
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    Portable Altar Cases

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    Long have I searched for a thing as perfect as this! After *years* of auditioning various cases — not finding anything high-quality enough to offer our Clients, a member of our *very own team* (the amazing Reyna!) took it upon herself to (meticulously!) design the PERFECT traveling Altar Case. Features include: — Two distinct zippered compartments —— One removable 5-item divider, perfectly tailored to all our 1/2 oz offerings —— One unimpeded, for larger or differently shaped items such as 2.5 oz Salves, Steep + Smokes, Talisman pouches, tarot cards, oracle decks, lighters, tealights, and other ritual items — Soft and padded to protect delicate contents — Lined with champagne-toned, copper/nickel-infused Faraday fabric, to safe-keep talismanic influences The exteriors are composed of lightweight cotton and cotton/linen blends, save for the "Nocturne", which is a combination of cotton/linen and dupioni silk. Extra dividers are available standalone, to expand each case's carrying capacity to 10 individually protected items. Washable by hand, if need be! Sewn (with *so much* TLC!) by Reyna for $80, who adds: Engineering of this design is derived from a pattern by the inimitable Sara Lawson of Sew Sweetness!
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    Thema Mundi Anointing Oil

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Anointing Oils tend to be the most concentrated, powerful offering in each series. A combination of herbal matter from 7 series which comprise all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Each individual bottle contains drops of Oil from the central Mother Vessel. The base here is 100% organic golden jojoba oil. It includes sterling silver and 24k gold, among many other things. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $120$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Thema Mundi Candles

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Each Thema Mundi Candle was anointed with Oil from the central Mother Globe, and crowned with 24k and sterling silver leaf. The tops were not re-melted or treated in any way, so as to maintain their raw and original Form, allowing the Client to be the first to melt them in any capacity. Each is marked at the base in silver paint pen (shown in gallery). There are many candle varieties for Thema Mundi, all in glass jars, made of a soy-coconut blend. 7 layers poured over 7-days of cloistered ritual with the consecrated powders of each Planet in the Thema Mundi, as described in the write-up. This materia has been through 14 highly specified consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. The large candles are incredibly massive! Note that all of the candles from Thema Mundi have been made available in this first batch, so none can ever be restocked. If a size is sold out, it will likely not come back. Making your selection displays the price. Note that only 21 oz glass jars remain. Thema Mundi Candles were created layer by layer during the ritual itself, and cannot be resurrected / restocked in further rounds. 
    $188$999 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Thema Mundi Incense + Powder

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    A combination of ritual-grade hojari frankincense, 24k gold, high-end myrrh, and sterling silver leaf, accompanied by herbal matter from 7 distinct series which comprise all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Works as both an Incense and a Powder, for magical applications having to do with Creation, Potentiation, Manifestation, and Becoming, along with connecting with the Divine, Astrological, and Universal.  Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $108$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Water of Thema Mundi

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Consecrated Thema Mundi materia, distilled by way of copper alembic with all of the liquid offerings given throughout the 7-day ritual process, in water collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta. Organic pear alcohol and essential oils, colloidal silver, and colloidal gold. Each small bottle contains 3 drops of ocean water from the central Mother Globe, while the large contains 7. Use as an aura, body, or room spray to aid in creation, manifestation, and connecting with the Powers that be. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $108$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Thema Mundi Ritual Salts

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Dead Sea salt, ritual-grade Hojari frankincense, pearl powder, sterling silver, 24k gold, organic essential oils, and more. Used as an ingredient for clearing and protecting the entirety of one's micro-cosmic Universe... Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $108$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Bath Salts of Thema Mundi

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Dead Sea salt, magnesium, organic essential oils, and herbal matter from all 7 planets in the Thema Mundi chart, combined as detailed in the write-up. Topped with dried flowers given as offerings during the operation. Use to cleanse and connect with the Universal Divine, the Powers that be, and your innermost potential to create, to grow, to understand, and to manifest. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $188$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Ink + Skin Stain of Thema Mundi

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    An organic, alcohol-based ink-stain made from a combination of herbal matter from the 7 series comprising all of the sign-based placements in the Thema Mundi, the mythical "Birth Chart" of the World or Universe. These were integrated over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Aids in the act of creation and state of understanding. Apply to the skin or paper, for petitions, sigils, and automatic writing or drawing. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. 1/2 oz, $188
    $188 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Thema Mundi Ritual Honey

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Organic honey, fumigated each day of Thema Mundi's integration on the central altar, imbued with consecrated Thema Mundi herbal materia. To be strained and mixed with extra 24k gold and silver leaf. Arrives in a keepsake 50 ml miron violet glass jar for $188.
    $188 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
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    Thema Mundi Salve

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    A blend of all of the TOPICAL Salve + Body Butter herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no topical blend was made (malefics), a very small amount of the main blend was used. Apply before ritual, trance, divination, or dream work. The base here is 100% olive oil. Topped with sterling silver leaf and 24k gold. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $166$300 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Pre-Order - Limited Time

    Thema Mundi Spell Soap

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Olive oil based soaps imbued with the magic of Thema Mundi, in the form of ultra long-lasting 3" x 1" discs. Arrives in a keepsake miron violet glass dish for $188. Refill soaps are also available, for those who have ordered this item previously! Refills will be cross-checked against past orders to authenticate. 
    $108$188 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Pre-Order - Limited Time

    Thema Mundi Body Butter

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    A blend of all of the TOPICAL Salve + Body Butter herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no topical blend was made (malefics), a very small amount of the main blend was used. A proprietary mix of nourishing, skin-soothing oils whipped with 24k gold, organic essential oils, shea butter, and coconut oil. Apply to aid in connecting with planetary Powers, and acts of creation, Becoming, making manifest, and self-cultivation. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $108$360 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Pre-Order - Limited Time

    Thema Mundi Attuning Tincture

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    A blend of all of the EDIBLE herbal blends in the 7 series used to create the Thema Mundi, combined over 7-days of cloistered ritual, detailed extensively in the write-up. Where no edible blend was made (malefics), a token, homeopathic amount of the main blend was used. I will endeavor to work up a full 100+ ingredients list, but I know there's vodka! Edible 24k gold, and drops of seawater from the main Mother Globe. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price. Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
    $108$240 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Pre-Order - Limited Time

    Thema Mundi Kolonía

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Water collected from the headwaters of Mt. Shasta, organic pear alcohol and essential oils. Flakes of sterling silver and 24k gold, along with 7 drops of seawater from the Thema Mundi's central, gem-infused Mother Globe. Cleanse and attune to your innermost abilities to create, to connect with Planetary Powers, and find your most meaningful way. A powerful ally in the process of Becoming. Thema Mundi will be bottled to order exclusively by its Creatrix, in Miron violet glass akin to its altar cloth, preserving its contents for years to come. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Comes in only one size, due to extreme limited edition: 1.7 oz Violet Glass, $216
    $216 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    Thema Mundi Altar Globe Sets

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    Note that the final 4 Thema Mundi Talismans we have available are being paired with Large Altar Globe Sets. These include one of each and every item in Round 2 of the Thema Mundi series, in Large or Standard form (where there is variation), including a big 20.5 oz (3" x 6") Thema Mundi candle, and Thema Mundi Talisman. The Globe that houses this set is capable of holding all of its items when fully closed.
    Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Sold out
    100%  Sold Out

    Thema Mundi Talismans

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    Note that no more Talismans for Thema Mundi remain.
    The election chart for the casting of the Thema Mundi Talismans by Tony Mack can be found in the image gallery. These were fumigated with Thema Mundi Incense and contain Thema Mundi herbal mix within. They were created on the day of the Aries Ingress per Marsilio Ficino’s “How to Construct a Figure of the Universe” from The Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book 3. This is the only Aries Ingress for another decade+ to feature co-presence with Jupiter.

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast in electrum, gold, calcined salts of Sphere + Sundry's Thema Mundi materia, and a portion of casting sprues [metal from the channel that fills the castings, which talismans are later removed from] saved from S+ planetary series' comprising the Opus series. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of S+ Thema Mundi incense.

    The front of the piece consists of a heptagonal blazing star, representing our seven planets or "wandering stars". The star is encircled with a zodiacal wheel engraved with the glyphs of the signs, positioned with cancer rising as it is in the Thema Mundi aka chart of the world. This image is set over gold, behind which a portion of S+ Thema Mundi materia was deposited before setting each layer together.

    The back of the piece is an engraved image of the Thema Mundi chart, showing the planets in their corresponding houses. In the "empty houses" [8th-12th], the constellations were engraved as they would be observed in the night sky houses at the time of the casting.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake necklace box bearing a Thema Mundi wax seal and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Offered for $4,800
    $4,800 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Pre-Order - Limited Time

    Thema Mundi Lip Balm

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    Pre-orders for RIII are expected to ship in mid-to-late September October!
    Full strength Thema Mundi Anointing Oil in an organic jojoba base, combined with a touch of shea butter, organic beeswax, 24k gold, and essential oils to bring a new Form into Being: World-Building Lip Balm.  In(s)p(ired) by its predecessors Exalted Luna and Capricorn II, this incredibly potent method of application enchants the speech directly, as words and sounds flow through the gateway of the lips. Apply before prayer, mantra, affirmations, or the spoken portion of any magical work. Use before significant events and during spiritual initiations. Anoint with a kiss. Available in a standard violet chapstick tube (too convenient not to offer!) or Miron glass bulk pot, poured / prepared exclusively by Thema Mundi's Creatrix. This materia has been through 14 highly elected consecration procedures since 2019, in a process that is likely impossible to faithfully recreate for another 28-years. It is *extraordinarily powerful*, and limited edition in the truest sense. Making your selection displays the price.
    $144$288 Round III of Thema Mundi is expected to ship in mid-to-late October. Updates will be given in the Client Community as they become clear!
  • Sold out


    $50 $35

    Original Quinton Hypertonic® Marine Plasma (30 ampules)

    From boron to vanadium, Quinton Hypertonic provides all the essential biological elements and trace minerals, in a hypertonic composition that facilitates replenishment and remineralization of the bioterrain. The balance of these essential minerals and electrolytes in Quinton Hypertonic enhances cellular rebuilding and anabolic activities and is ideal for fast-acting mineral replenishment and an immediate revitalizing effect. What is Quinton Hypertonic? Quinton Hypertonic contains seawater processed according to the original protocol drawn up by renowned physiologist and biologist, René Quinton, and cold filtered and sterilized under ISO 9001 to ensure quality. René Quinton (1866-1925) was aware of the importance of the health of the bioterrain (which we now understand to be the extracellular matrix and fluids) for the maintenance of health, and that germs were not an isolated cause of dysfunction. The seawater minerals of Quinton Hypertonic are harvested from the nutrient-rich plankton blooms, pre-digested by organisms such as krill. Quinton discovered that this pure marine plasma contains perfect proportions of essential minerals, elements, and organic complexes to aid the bioterrain, and had the ability to restore the quality of our internal fluids. Often, supplemental mineral products contain complexes of minerals that are difficult for the body to absorb, however, the elements and minerals found in Quinton marine plasma do not require further breakdown and are passively absorbed by the digestive tract.  Quinton also provides the exact trace element ratio for an organism to function perfectly as nature intended- in the precise ratios we evolved from in the sea itself. As Quinton Hypertonic contains small amounts of sodium it may not be ideal for individuals following a sodium-restricted diet. QuintEssential 3.3 provides the same blend of hypertonic seawater minerals as Quinton Hypertonic, in convenient-to-use, travel and activity friendly sachets. Suggested Use: Drink 1 to 3 daily or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.  Can be taken with or without food, or added to any beverage.  To remineralize reverse osmosis water, use 10ml per 1L or to taste preference.  More can be used with strenuous physical or mental activity.
    • Provides a blend more than 72 key elements and trace minerals that serve as cofactors for hundreds of biological activities*
    • Supports restoration of essential cellular minerals that can be depleted by detoxification protocols, intense physical activity, and psychological stress*
    • Supports function under intense periods of physical, mental, or emotional stress*
    • Helps protect against fatigue and depletion from prolonged sympathetic nervous system activity*
    • Supports adrenal function and rebuilding protocols*
    • Supports healthy vitality and function after convalescent periods*
    • Supports physical and mental endurance and resilience*
    • Helps replenish extracellular matrix and plasma with necessary electrolytes and minerals for growth and rebuilding*
    • Promotes healthy mitochondrial and adrenal function, enhancing energy levels*
    • Naturally complements a clean, pure, filtered water source*
    • Predigested minerals facilitate absorption and cellular use*
    • Chinese medicine indications: Yang, Warming, Energizing, Replenishing, Building, Tonifying. Restores Reproductive Drive and Chi. Ideal for Menopausal Yin Deficiency.
    30 glass ampules for $50 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $50 $35
    $50 $35
  • Sold out


    $50 $35

    Original Quinton Isotonic® Marine Plasma (30 ampules)

    From boron to vanadium, Quinton Isotonic provides all the essential biological macro- and trace minerals, in an isotonic composition that restores balance to the bioterrain of the extracellular matrix. The balance of these essential minerals and electrolytes naturally enhances cellular hydration and supports homeostasis. The isotonic mineral blend helps restore parasympathetic activity by nourishing the cells in an unadulterated natural bath of the very same seawater minerals that all biological life evolved along with. What is Quinton Isotonic? Quinton Isotonic contains seawater processed according to the original protocol drawn up by renowned physiologist and biologist, René Quinton in 1897, and cold filtered and sterilized under ISO 9001 to ensure quality. His knowledge of the importance of the extracellular milieu was decades ahead of his time, and closely followed the work of Louis Pasteur who developed the germ theory of disease. The experiments of René Quinton (1866-1925) made him aware that germs were not the isolated cause of dysfunction, the biological terrain made one susceptible to the resulting disharmony. The seawater minerals of Quinton Isotonic are harvested from the nutrient-rich plankton blooms, pre-digested by organisms such as krill. The native composition of this marine plasma is diluted with natural alpine spring water to achieve balance with that of our extracellular matrix and plasma and supports natural cellular hydration and balance. QuintEssential 0.9 provides the same blend of isotonic seawater minerals as Quinton Isotonic, in convenient-to-use, travel and activity friendly sachets. Suggested Use: Drink 1-6 daily on an empty stomach or as recommended by your healthcare professional.  Best if held in mouth 30-60 seconds before swallowing.
    • Provides an isotonic blend more than 72 key micro-minerals and 92 trace elements
    • Predigested minerals are easily absorbed by the digestive tract*
    • Supports cellular hydration and communication*
    • Promotes parasympathetic balance*
    • Helps calm nervous tension*
    • Helps restore balance of the bioterrain*
    • Supports digestive health and function*
    • Supports relaxation and restorative sleep*
    • Supports balanced immune system activity*
    • Useful to restore balance and physiological homeostasis*
    • Ideal for high-achieving individuals to help restore nervous system balance after intense periods of stress or overexertion*
    • Excellent support to yoga and meditation practices and supports recovery after exercise*
    • Gentle restorative action is well-tolerated by sensitive individuals
    • Naturally complements a clean, pure, filtered water source*
    • Chinese medicine indications: Yin, Cooling, Calming, Balancing. Calms the Shen/Spirit. Reduces Heart Fire.
    *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 30 glass ampules for $50 Kait's tip: Hold Isotonic in the mouth for 30-seconds and lightly swish for systemic relaxation.
    $50 $35
    $50 $35
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $31 $21.70

    Progesterone+ (30 ml)

    Nanoformulated Progesterone+ Topical Replenishing Serum – 8 mg Bioidentical Progesterone – External Use Progesterone Serum for Women (1oz / 30ml) Progesterone+ Topical Replenishing Serum is our patent-pending, nanoemulsified, topical progesterone serum providing 8 mg of bioidentical progesterone per 1mL serving (2 pumps). Our formula consists of a micronized form of progesterone, housed in a nanoparticle phospholipid-base for enhanced absorption compared to conventional creams. Progesterone+ Replenishing Serum is our patent-pending, nanoemulsified, topical progesterone serum providing 8 mg of bioidentical progesterone per 1mL serving (2 pumps). Our formula consists of a micronized form of progesterone, housed in a nanoparticle phospholipid-base for enhanced absorption compared to conventional creams. Recommended Use: Apply 1mL (8mg Progesterone) 2 pumps to smooth skin areas such as wrists, inner arms or thighs, neck, abdominal, chest once or twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. If pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant, consult your physician before use. Our patent-pending Quicksilver Delivery Systems® improves upon liposomal and emulsification technology with smaller, more stable particles made from the highest grade ingredients available. Our nanoformulated Progesterone+ Replenishing Serum delivers fast and enhanced absorption of progesterone, bypassing liver metabolism for optimal effects. Progesterone+ Replenishing Serum does not contain parabens, mineral oil, or petroleum. Suggested Use: Apply 1 mL (8 mg Progesterone), 2 pumps to smooth skin areas such as wrists, inner arms or thighs, neck, abdomen, or chest once or twice daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. If pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant, consult with a physician before use. 30 ml glass pump for $31 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $31 $21.70
    $31 $21.70
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $45 $31.50

    Pure DHEA (50 ml)

    Pure DHEA provides a highly bioavailable form of micronized DHEA designed to balance female hormones in the perimenopausal, menopausal, and postmenopausal years. Consult a healthcare professional before use if you have any medical condition or are taking any other supplements or medications. 50 ml glass pump for $45 WARNING: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT, BREAST-FEEDING, OR PLANNING TO BECOME PREGNANT. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $45 $31.50
    $45 $31.50
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $66 $46.20

    Dr. Shade’s NanoMojo® Adaptogenic Herb Blend (50 ml)

    Adaptogenic Botanicals – The herbs American ginseng, astragalus, and rhodiola can help our bodies respond to high mental and physical demand with vigor, as well offer support of adrenal health. Tribulus and epimedium (horny goat weed) can help support male endocrine function.* Vigor Without Overstimulation – Safe for long-term use to promote a reservoir of endurance or for use any time you need a fast-acting, sustainable resilience boost.* Unsurpassed Bioavailability – This highly absorbable liposomal adaptogenic tonic offers rapid uptake and equal or greater potency than standard dry herbs or tinctures, for results you can feel.* Suggested Use: Take 2 pumps twice daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. May be mixed in a small amount of water. Best taken on an empty stomach 10 minutes before meals. Once opened use within 60 days. Benefits:
    • Brain, Energy*
    • Hormonal Balance*
    • Men's Health*
    50 ml glass pump for $66 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $66 $46.20
    $66 $46.20
  • Sold out


    100%  Sold Out
    $21 $14.70

    Immune Charge+ Throat Spray (27 ml)

    A highly bioavailable zinc-based spray designed to provide immune support in the throat. Zinc combined with quercetin, luteolin, and propolis helps increase zinc levels in the throat and upper respiratory tract. Perfect for travel, seasonal exposures, and year-round fortification of defenses. Extra Resilience with our Throat Coat – Rapidly supports key immune activities in the throat and upper respiratory tract to help fortify the body in the face of external threats. The Latest Bioavailability Technology – Zinc is essential to immune health but can be difficult to absorb. Our complex binds zinc to quercetin and luteolin creating an “ionophore” – a cutting-edge way to help get zinc into cells. Flavonoid Fusion – Quercetin, luteolin, and propolis encourage healthy immune function. Quercetin aids the immune response and promotes barrier function, luteolin supports healthy airways, and propolis helps balance the microbial environment. Suggested Use: Spray 3 pumps towards the back of your throat. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. If pregnant, consult a physician before use. 27 ml spray pump for $21 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $21 $14.70
    $21 $14.70
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $49 $34.30

    Dr. Shade’s BitterX (50 ml)

    Promote Bile Flow – Proper momentum is needed to ‘unstick’ and move bile and toxins throughout the GI tract, kidneys, liver, and gallbladder.* GI Support – The herb gentian initiates this momentum by stimulating digestive secretions. It can also help maintain a healthy microbial balance.* Liver, Kidney + Gallbladder Support – Dandelion is known for its liver-supportive properties, but can also help increase bile flow. Solidago has diuretic properties and offers kidney and toxin elimination support. Myrrh, an Ayurvedic detoxifying herb, rounds out this whole body tonic.* Fast-Acting – Our advanced liposomal format lights up bitter receptors as soon as it hits the tongue and circulates quickly in the body.* Suggested Use: Take 5 pumps three times daily. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. Use within 60 days of opening. If pregnant, consult with a physician before use. Benefits:
    • Detox*
    • Gastrointestinal*
    • Inflammatory Response*
    • Microbial Balance*
    Kait's tip: These can also be used to replace standard bitters in cocktail and smoothie recipes! 50 ml glass pump for $49 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $49 $34.30
    $49 $34.30
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $49 $34.30

    Hista-Aid® (50 ml)

    Excessive histamine release can provoke brain fog, itchy eyes, fatigue, and unwanted immune responses. This fast-acting blend of flavonoids, vitamin C, and DIM is designed to offer relief for seasonal sufferers.* Suggested Use: Take 4 pumps as needed. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. May be repeated up to 8 pumps for advanced cases. May be mixed into water. Best taken on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. 50 ml glass pump for $31 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $49 $34.30
    $49 $34.30
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $33 $23.10

    Liposomal Vitamin C Liquid (50 ml)

    Liposomal Vitamin C provides the whole-body benefits of vitamin C, optimized for fast action and maximum bioavailability. Support your natural immune defenses, cellular detoxification, cardiovascular and metabolic health with this essential nutrient and key antioxidant. Liposomal Vitamin C provides 1000 mg of Quali®-C vitamin C per teaspoon, as an advanced sunflower phospholipid liposomal liquid. The pleasant tasting liquid, flavored with natural citrus oils, is easy to take directly by the spoonful, or mix into your favorite beverage. Quali®-C provides vitamin C as sodium ascorbate, which is generally better tolerated than ascorbic acid and enables high dosing without gastrointestinal side effects. Suggested Use: Take 1 teaspoon by mouth once daily. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. Use within 30 days of opening. If pregnant, consult physician before use. Refrigerate upon opening. Benefits:
    • General:
      • Enhances blood levels of vitamin C*
      • Helps protect the body from oxidative stress*
      • Advanced liposomal delivery system enhances vitamin C absorption*
      • Supports cellular health and function by providing essential phospholipids*
      • Helps reduce discomfort associated with motion*
      • Helps maintain already healthy blood pressure*
      • Supports healthy blood flow and nitric oxide production*
      • Supports arterial health and flexibility*
      • Promotes cardiovascular health and a healthy heart*
      • Helps reduce inflammation to promote cardiovascular health*
      • Supports healthy exercise capacity and cardiovascular function*
      Metabolic and Liver Health:
      • Supports healthy levels of cholesterol already within normal limits*
      • Supports healthy glucose metabolism*
      • Promotes liver health and function*
      Lung Health:
      • Supports healthy airway and lung function*
      • Supports healthy levels of histamine and DAO (diamine oxidase)*
      • Supports healthy airflow and normal respiratory capacity with exercise challenges*
      • Helps reduce levels of inflammation to promote healthy lung function*
      • Supports healthy lung function in response to provocative tests*
      • Helps reduce airway hyperreactivity in response to seasonal challenges*
      • Supports healthy immune function*
      • Promotes balanced immune system activity*
      • Helps reduce seasonal discomfort*
      • Helps you feel your best seasonally, and the whole year through*
      • Helps reduce down-time related to immune challenges*
      • Supports healthy immune function under stress*
      • Supports a healthy, balanced mood*
      • Supports a healthy, balanced adrenal response to stress*
      • Helps balance the cortisol response and recovery from physical and emotional stress*
      • Supports healthy muscle recovery from exercise and exertion*
      • Helps reduce temporary muscle soreness and discomfort after exercise*
      • Promotes healthy collagen formation and joint health and function*
      • Promotes collagen formation supporting healthy skin elasticity*
      • Supports skin health and appearance*
      • Help protect against skin changes with aging*
      • Helps protect skin against everyday insults and exposures*
      • Helps improve skin texture and reduce wrinkles associated with sun exposure*
      • Supports normal reproductive function*
      • Supports sperm and egg health and function*
      • Helps protect reproductive organs and cells from oxidative damage*
    50 ml glass pump for $33 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $33 $23.10
    $33 $23.10
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $69 $48.30

    NAD+ Gold™ (30 ml)

    Optimize longevity and healthy aging with NAD+ Gold®, an advanced liposomal liquid that provides two key nutrients (NMN and TMG) essential to promote healthy NAD+ levels and essential DNA methylation processes. NAD+ Gold® provides 50 mg of NMN as β-Nicotinamide mononucleotide and 50 mg of trimethylglycine (TMG) as betaine per serving, delivered in a liposome of essential phospholipids, sourced from sunflower. The liposomal delivery system is key for optimal NAD+ replenishment and helps deliver NMN to the cells rapidly and effectively. Suggested Use: Take 2 pumps by mouth. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. Use within 90 days of opening. If pregnant, consult your physician before use. Refrigerate Upon Receipt. Benefits:
    • NAD+ Gold® rejuvenates cellular activities, methylation processes, and metabolic function*
    • Provides essential nutrients to boost NAD+ levels*
    • NAD+ is a vital cellular nutrient for all things anti-aging: it promotes healthy metabolism, energy production, healthy genetic expression, and increased resilience to normal decline in function associated with aging*
    • NAD+ supports DNA repair, healthy immune function, and helps protect against oxidative damage in all tissues, including the brain*
    • NAD+ helps activate sirtuins and mitochondrial activity, enhancing metabolic function and energy production*
    • NMN is a direct precursor to NAD+. With liposomal delivery, NMN can be transported directly to the cell to facilitate optimal NAD+ production.
    • NMN promotes healthy metabolic function, balanced immune activity, cognitive function, and healthy aging*
    • TMG provides essential methyl groups for healthy methylation, recycling of essential B vitamins and NAD+, and homocysteine metabolism*
    • TMG supports balanced activity of the interdependent NAD+ and methylation cycles*
    • The advanced liposomal delivery enhances NMN and TMG delivery into the cell, enhancing NAD+ levels and essential methylation activities*
    • Phospholipids, sourced from sunflower, nourish cellular membranes and support cellular communication and detoxification*
    • Liposomal delivery mimics the body’s own NMN transport system and allows for rapid gastrointestinal and cellular uptake*
    • Enhance longevity and healthspan with NAD+ Gold®*
    30 ml glass pump for $69 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $69 $48.30
    $69 $48.30
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $37 $25.90

    Liposomal GABA w/ L-Theanine (50 ml)

    Life’s occasional stresses and mental strains can sometimes make it difficult to sleep soundly. GABA + L-theanine elixir is known to help calm without impairing cognition. GABA – Naturally produced by the body, GABA is the premier ‘calm and connect’ neurotransmitter that promotes balanced nerve transmission.† L-Theanine – A calming amino acid. After supplementing with L-Theanine, brain wave patterns can smooth out, much like they do with meditation.† Unsurpassed Absorption – Typical oral GABA supplements have very poor bioavailability. Quicksilver liposomal absorption technology delivers both GABA + L-theanine faster and more efficiently.
    • While some oral GABA supplements suffer from poor absorption, Quicksilver Scientific uses liposomes to protect the molecule so it can be absorbed. We partnered GABA with L-theanine for optimal nervous system support.
    • GABA is the body’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter. It supports emotional balance and healthy stress response. L-theanine is an amino acid that supports relaxation and mood. Together, L-Theanine and GABA help support the brain’s natural stress response.
    • Most oral GABA supplements are destroyed in digestion and never make it into the blood. Quicksilver Scientific’s delivery is different. Liposomal encapsulation ensures the nutrients can diffuse into the body for highly absorbed, more effective nutrition.
    • Some liposomal products use large, less effective liposomes 200-1000 nanometers. Our liposomes are 20-100 nanometers, offering superior effectiveness and bioavailability.
    • Quicksilver Scientific believes in nourishing the body through proper nutrition, this liposomal delivery system is our life’s work.
    Suggested Use: Take 2-4 pumps by mouth as needed. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. If pregnant, breast feeding or planning to become pregnant, consult your physician before use. 50 ml glass pump for $37 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $37 $25.90
    $37 $25.90
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $37 $25.90

    Active H2 + Chromax (30 tabs)

    The very first supplement to combine the benefits of molecularly infused hydrogen water with chromium to combat the modern epidemics of stress and metabolic disorders. Both stress and metabolic dysfunction compromise daily performance, quality and enjoyment of life, and inevitably lead to illness. Molecular hydrogen, supported by over 800 published medical studies, is an ideal complement to overall metabolic maintenance, while chromax, with up to 15x higher absorption than other forms of Chromium, has been clinically validated in over 35 human clinical studies. The synergy between Molecular Hydrogen and Chromium gives you the daily boost to optimize energy and body composition, and look and feel your best. 30-day supply for $37
    *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $37 $25.90
    $37 $25.90
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    Less than 10
    $55 $38.50

    Nanoemulsified D3K2 Liquid (50 ml)

    • Because vitamin D absorption can be impacted by diet, lifestyle, age, health, and genetic variation, NanoEmulsified Vitamin D3/K2 was developed to render both fat-soluble vitamins highly absorbable.*
    • Vitamin K2 can also assist vitamin D in keeping bones strong. This formula contains a highly bioactive form of vitamin K2 called menaquinone-7, or MK-7.* Each 0.5 mL delivers 2500 IU of vitamin D3 and 90 mcg of vitamin K2. A serving is one pump. Each bottle contains 100 servings.
    • The difference is clear: this product’s clear consistency can only be achieved with liposomes that are small enough to pass between cells. The smaller, more stable vesicles begin absorbing as soon as they hit the mouth.*
    • This product uses phosphatidylcholine from purified sunflower seed lecithin. It does not contain gluten.
    Experience optimal replenishment of one of nature’s most crucial vitamins. With the ideal balance of vitamins D and K, our formula is in a form your body can quickly absorb and use.* Bioactive Replenishment – Absorption issues and lack of sun exposure can easily lead to deficiency. Our product offers 2500 IU of D3 alongside bioactive K2 to help support strong bones, immunity, mood, and arterial health.* D3 + K2 Teamwork – Taking vitamins D and K together can balance their effects and minimize the risks of supplementing D alone. Vitamin K helps guide vitamin D into the bones where it is needed most.* Unsurpassed Absorption – Liposomal delivery bypasses GI absorption barriers and begins circulating the body as soon as it hits the tongue.* Suggested Use: Take 1 pump by mouth 1-2 times daily. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. If pregnant, consult a physician before use. 50 ml glass pump for $55 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $55 $38.50
    $55 $38.50
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $50 $35

    Methyl B Complex Liquid Vitamin B

    Methyl B vitamins are the ultimate multitaskers necessary for detoxification, energy metabolism, balanced mood, and many other critical biochemical reactions throughout the body. B complex vitamins are critical for many processes inherent to life. They serve as cofactors for enzymatic reactions, and are necessary for gene expression, oxidation-reduction reactions, energy production, and formation of other biologically essential compounds. Includes: Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, Milk Thistle Extract, Essential Phospholipids from Sunflower Lecithin. Superior Nutrient Forms – This formula’s eight B vitamins includes active B2, folate, B12 as methylcobalamin. These forms are easily recognized by the body, which may better support energy, cognitive function, methylation, and mood.* TMG + Milk Thistle – TMG plays a vital role in methylation, while milk thistle supports the liver’s detoxification pathways.* Immediately Available – Age, genetic variation, medications, and low stomach acid can inhibit B vitamin absorption. This liposomal blend begins absorbing as soon as it hits the tongue and circulates quickly in the body to bypass common digestive barriers.* Suggested Use: Take 2 pumps by mouth. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. If pregnant, consult a physician before use. Benefits:
    • Energy*
    • Detox*
    • Methylation*
    • Vitamins & Minerals*
    $50 $35
    $50 $35
  • Sold out


    Less than 10
    $79 $55.30

    The One® Mitochondrial Optimizer (100 ml)

    Synergistic Super-Nutrients – CoQ10 can dramatically affect mitochondrial energy-producing capacity. Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) can support mitochondria protection against oxidative damage, while resveratrol is known as a healthy aging antioxidant.* Adaptogenic Ultra Energy™ – Everyday pressures can have a negative effect on cellular health. 13 adaptogenic herbs are included to support a balanced response to inflammation, physical and mental strain.* Unsurpassed Bioavailability – CoQ10, resveratrol, and botanicals often suffer from low bioavailability. Our liposomal technology bypasses these issues with absorption that starts in the mouth and circulates in the body for enhanced cellular support.* Suggested Use: Take 1 teaspoon per day. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 10 minutes before meals. If pregnant, consult a physician before use. Take within 60 days of opening. Benefits:
    • Anti Aging*
    • Energy*
    • Heart*
    • Inflammatory Response*
    $79 *The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $79 $55.30
    $79 $55.30
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    Mercury in Gemini Anointing Oil

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    Organic 100% jojoba oil poured over wildcrafted and organic herbs aligned with Mercury in Gemini during the height of our election, fumigated with frankincense: dill, wormwood, parsley, marjoram, bayberry root bark, mullein, skullcap, and seeds of fennel, caraway, and celery. Sour Patch Kid candies, a large copper-alloy Mercury dime, and alloys of white gold (silver + gold) and red gold (copper + gold). Eight yellow opals per mother vessel. Anointing the base of the skull at the back of the neck as a sort of anchor, and then two equal outer points, such as the top of the hands, wrists, bottom of the feet, ankles, or ears and lobes — well, this Power seems to like that! Other nice points include the crown of the head, heart center, and lower back. Revs the mind, quickens the tongue, and lightens the outlook. You may even feel a literal tingle of the tongue following application. A nice low-level daily stimulant, like an energetic cup of coffee. Easy to lose track of operating in the background, but greases the Mercurial gears that so much of modern life depends on. Adds a bit of luck and effervescence to the experience, and is likely to draw money and communications as well. Can also be used to dress candles, anoint objects and petition papers, or in any way magical Oils are oft' employed! Offered in a 1/2 oz Standard Vial (with optional dropper cap kit) for $80, 10 ml "flawless glide" Steel Roller for $65, both with keepsake opal and variegated blue leaf, or adorable 5 ml Mini for $33.
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    Mercury in Gemini Steep + Smoke

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    Organic and wildcrafted ingredients: mullein, skullcap, lemongrass, wormwood, lungwort, caraway seed, fennel seed, and celery seed. Smoke by itself or combined with Mother Mary Jane. Add to floor washes and spiritual baths. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $30 or 4 oz bulk for $48. Individual steeping pouches are available as accessories. If any Steep is too strong or bitter, simply infuse for shorter lengths of time and re-infuse for future cups, which has the added benefit of making a little go a longer way! Note: While this contains nothing inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Do not use while pregnant. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    $48 $33.60

    Mercury in Gemini Spell Soap

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    A vegetable glycerin-based soap with 10% real honey, infused with consecrated Mercury in Gemini powder, biodegradable glitter, and essential oils. Can be used regularly for those in actively Mercurial periods of life, once weekly before attunements in Mercury's hour, or prior to mundane or ritual activities where one seeks to invoke the Messenger's quicksilver grace, washing away energies that inhibit freedom of thought and movement. These Spell Soaps will last a looong time — for many, many years if only used occasionally. We recommend getting a dedicated soap holder with slats to best facilitate drying between use, and keeping the tissue paper with its series label to wrap them back up once dried, for easy future identification. These can be most conveniently stored in a dedicated ritual bathing drawer, as suggested in the Energetic Cleansing protocol. These soaps work beautifully as part of the "mundane fore-cleansing" portion of the process. Mercury is a great soap to use regardless of follow-up influences in terms of creating energetic movement and receptivity — a nod to the Divine Messenger's ability to go-between/ connect any and all powers, especially to our Human realm. Soaps were also created for each subset, each with their own scent and magical powder: Froggy and The Door-Key Offered in a 3" x 1" disc for $48 Please note that the loaded herbal components can make these slightly "scratchy" on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash!
    $48 $33.60
    $48 $33.60
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    The Door-Key Subset

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    Materia Magica to Open the Way, leveraging Mercury in Gemini's unparalleled access to anyone, anything, and anywhere it (or you!) sees fit. Abre camino leaf, quassia chips, frankincense, myrrh, witch grass, lucky hand root, palo santo, slippery elm, eucalyptus, and tulsi. Shavings from a 100+ year old skeleton key, and three key-shaped agates. 24k gold and white gold, mixed with consecrated Mercury in Gemini powder from the original election. Opal, and variegated red leaf. Some very fun, tremendously powerful Door-Key syncs oriented around the keys that were upon the working altar throughout the course of formulation, but we'll share those another time. Try it for yourself and enjoy your own ; ) Use as you would any "Road Opening" or Abre Camino-based products — to anoint yourself, take a smoke bath, or use in works of magic to gain access to your desires. Potent and exceptional unlocks await. Door-Key Anointing Oil: 1/2 oz Standard Vial for $80, 10 ml “flawless glide” Steel Roller for $65, or 5 ml Mini for $33 Door-Key Incense-Powder hybrid: 1/2 oz Vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99 Door-Key Spell Soap: 2″ x 1″ disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later.   
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    100%  Sold Out

    Talismanic Perfumes of Mercury in Gemini

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    The triumphant post-relocation return of Elizabeth Barrial/ Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab/ Twilight Alchemy Lab! How curiously Mercurial
    ANGELOS ATHANATON This oil is utilized to facilitate effective communication in every medium, ensuring that you are able to bring your ideas to light coherently and concisely with no misunderstanding. It assists in disseminating ideas and bringing them to a larger audience, and is a confidence booster and a boon to speechwriters, orators, performers, educators, and anyone that wants to transmit data with additional clarity and reach. If you want to be a sparkling conversationalist, this oil’s for you. Frankincense tears and essential oil (Boswellia sacra), geranium essential oil (Pelargonium graveolens), clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum), palo santo essential oil and chips (Bursera graveolens), Croatian blue chamomile essential oil and flower (Matricaria chamomilla), lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia), parsley root (Petroselinum crispum), dill seed (Anethum graveolens), dried orchid petals from the TAL garden (Orchidaceae spp), orris absolute (Iris pallida), sage essential oil (Salvia officinalis) and white sage from the TAL garden (Salvia apiana), Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum), wild-harvested California palm fronds, and white vegetal musk.
    TALARIA Talaria is an indispensable travel oil, used to help ensure safety, good fortune, swift and dependable passage, and overall harmony during your journeys. This oil blasts through obstacles, opens roads, and helps alleviate travel anxiety. Comfrey root and leaf (Symphytum officinale), lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia), lemongrass essential oil and leaves from the TAL garden (Cymbopogon flexuosus), camphor essential oil (Cinnamomum camphora), bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), frankincense tears and essential oil (Boswellia sacra), gum mastic (Pistacia lentiscus var. Chia), bergamot essential oil (Citrus bergamia), lemon essential oil and peel (Citrus x limon), and abre camino herb (Koanophyllon villosum).
    Snatch your amber apothecary 5 ml bottle is $56, or as twin sets Note that about half as many were poured for this series compared to more recent BPALs, so they will go fast AND have good Secondary Market potential! The last few Talaria have been posted - please note that the labels are a little scuffed / not perfect!
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    Froggy Subset

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    "Froggy" was supposed to be a working title, but a more highfalutin one hasn't presented itself yet! We reserve the right to change its name at a later date ; )

    "From the works of Mercury, inscribe the figure of a frog on an emerald... Whoever carries this stone will be offended by none; nay, people will speak well of them, and they will say good things about all their works."Picatrix, Pingree edition

    "A frog engraved on a beryl, will have the power to reconcile enemies and produce friendship where there was discord."Book of Wings, Rabbi Ragiel

    Consecrated herbal blend and Anointing Oil from our Mercury in Gemini election, with the addition of witch grass, myrrh, hydrangea root, motherwort, anamu, devil's shoestring, rattlesnake root, deer's tongue, witch hazel, honey powder, slippery elm, and blessed thistle. Moss agate, tree agate, labradorite, and emerald. Violet leaf, pink lotus, and angelica root. Variegated green leaf. Two mummified frogs and two frog skeletons (ethically obtained, natural causes). A subset for the wise selection of word and deed, for reputation management, reconciliation, and greasing the wheels of difficult conversations/ dynamics. The Eirene of the Mercury in Gemini series, except for slyer, and more cunning. For the casting of Mercurial glamours... the "witchiest" of its Mercurial ilk. Wear or take a smoke bath before social occasions, important discussions, or simply going about your daily business. Good for adding safety rails to the act of socializing, and for solitary endeavors involving writing, contemplation, meditation, or ritual. Use as an offering, dressing, or fumigant in works of magic toward compatible ends. Froggy Anointing Oil: 1/2 oz Standard Vial for $80, 10 ml "flawless glide" Steel Roller for $65, or 5 ml Mini for $33 Froggy Incense-Powder hybrid: 1/2 oz Vial for $33, or 2 oz bulk pot for $99 Froggy Spell Soap: 2" x 1" disc for $48 (please view important tips here) Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
  • Sold out


    $33 $23.10

    Mercury in Gemini Ritual Honey

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    Organic honey infused with fumigated, consecrated Mercury in Gemini herbal mix. Strained and given the gift of a high-grade keepsake opal. Use for honey pot spells, as an offering to spirits for Mercurial favors, or as a component in spell bottles or mojos. Please Note: This was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption. Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability. Offered in a 2 oz glass pot for $33
    $33 $23.10
    $33 $23.10
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    Bath Salts of Mercury in Gemini

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    Consecrated organic and wildcrafted herbal matter and Anointing Oil from our Mercury in Gemini election, mixed with Dead Sea salts, honey powder, abre camino, and a small amount of biodegradable glitter for multi-faceted pizazz. An inner-child's delight! Clarifies, elevates, and sweetens. Quickens the mind and opens the way for new ideas and possibilities. Cuts through heaviness and stagnation with a Mercurial wink of holographic glitz. Relaxing, yet lightly stimulating. Tension melts away. Youthful spirits restored. Great for routine use, or as part of the Ritual Bathing protocol. Offered in an 8 oz flip-top jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $64, or unbreakable 18 oz (by weight) refill bundle for $56 Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Mercury in Gemini Body Butter

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    Organic and wildcrafted chickweed, lemongrass, bayberry root, and seeds of caraway, fennel, celery, and coriander were fumigated with frankincense during our Mercury in Gemini election, combined with a proprietary blend of safflower, sweet almond, apricot kernel, and jojoba oils. These were left to incubate for many, many moons, and then combined with organic shea butter and coconut oil before being whipped with a refreshing, stimulating blend of Mercurial essential oils. Brings speed to the thought process, bounce to the step, and lightness to being. Diurnal or social use advised! Offered in a 2 oz pot for $33 or a 6 oz bulk pot for $78. Important note: Body Butters are prone to melting in transit during hot weather, especially when shipped ground and/ or not collected immediately!  They are whipped (like cream) to create a soft, spreadable texture. When Body Butters melt in transit, the air within gets separated from the oil base, making the jar *appear* less full. Rest assured that we never send "half empty" Body Butters. You are getting the *same amount* of product when this happens. None leaked if the exterior of the jar and label are not oily. Your Butter can be restored by putting it into the refrigerator and re-whipping it, or used as-is, whatever you prefer! It retains its magical and herbal potency regardless of air content.  Refunds or replacements are not given for items that melt in transit. Only the Client understands what the weather is like in their area around the time they order, what their personal mail scenario is (put inside a climate controlled building or likely to be left in a hot mailbox?), and what type of shipping they choose. If your order qualifies for free shipping, please add your preference as a note if you have one. You can also refrain from obtaining items that may melt in hot conditions by saving those acquisitions for cooler weather.  Thank you for understanding!
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    Mercury in Gemini Candles

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    Sphere + Sundry's first dual-toned candles! Beeswax poured over consecrated Mercury in Gemini herbal mix, ground opal, and abre camino, the white base poured during the election and a second bright orange in a follow-up hour of Mercury. Like gigantic candy corns, crowned with variegated blue leaf. Burn during Mercury rituals and attunements; use the flame as a focal point of meditation; light sigils and petition papers ablaze with its sacred Mercurial fire; burn in the background during brainstorming sessions, conversations of financial/ transactional import, or during classes, podcast appearances, Zoom meetings, and the like. Creates an uplifting atmosphere, full of possibility. Encourages conversation, multi-tasking, and linguistic dexterity. Opens the way. Offered in a 2 oz glass jar for $88, or 9" slim vigil for $168
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    Mercury in Gemini Attuning Tincture

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    100% organic and/ or wildcrafted herbal ingredients: mullein, skullcap, lemongrass, wormwood, lungwort, caraway seed, fennel seed, celery seed, white gold, red gold, yellow opal, and sour patch kids. Fumigated with frankincense at the height of our Mercury in Gemini election, and covered in high-grade vodka. Though we cannot recommend Tinctures procured from us for your internal consumption (because they were not created to GMP standards), we can say that Talismanic Attuning Tinctures are designed to work in homeopathic doses. 1-3 drops at a time in a glass of liquid or under the tongue will do. That being said, anoint that which you do not want getting oily… Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability. Over time, the natural herbal components in this formulation will create a residue on the inside of the glass vial, causing it to look cloudy. This is entirely normal!
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    Water of Mercury in Gemini

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    Dill, wormwood, parsley, marjoram, bayberry root bark, mullein, skullcap, and seeds of fennel, caraway, and celery, along with opal and sour patch kids, distilled via copper alembic in water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta. Finished with grain alcohol to help preserve, colloidal gold, and colloidal silver. Use as an aura or body spray for a Mercurial boost, to help clear the field of stuck energies. Can also be sprayed over altars, desks, and throughout conference booths or shopping areas to stimulate commerce and conversation. Offered in a 1/2 oz travel or sample size for $30 or full 2 oz for $75, featuring a keepsake opal.
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    $33 $23.10

    Mercury in Gemini Bath Bombs

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    Debuting for the first time with an appropriately effervescent series, Sphere + Sundry is excited to add BATH BOMBS to our ever-expanding roster of astrally-enchanted offerings! If Clients enjoy these, more can be added in the future — including for pre-existing series ; ) Chickweed, lemongrass, bayberry root, and seeds of caraway, fennel, celery, and coriander were fumigated with frankincense during the height of our Mercury in Gemini election, combined with the same Oil base used in the Body Butter. This (powdered) and a small amount of the Mercury in Gemini hydrosol were the magical foundation in this long-fizzing Bath Bomb formula, alongside biodegradable glitter and genuine abre camino leaf. Has energetic cleansing properties, as well as nourishes and softens the skin. Adds a light and bubbly sensation to the auric field, and enhances one's ability to think and move as if lent the Messenger's own Winged regalia. Reduces aches and pains, and restores a certain youthfulness to appearance and outlook. A great bath to take standalone before Mercurial special occasions, or to help overcome obstacles and general obstinance, as-needed or in the hour of Mercury. Works wonderfully as a fun spin on the full Ritual Bathing protocol. Salt (enchanted or non-) can also be added for increased energy clearing potency. Offered in a 2.5" sphere for $33
    $33 $23.10
    $33 $23.10
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    $99 $69.30

    Mercury in Gemini Anointing Oil Mini Set

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    Each Anointing Oil in the Mercury in Gemini series, in an adorable lil' 5 ml Mini. Offered for $99
    $99 $69.30
    $99 $69.30
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    100%  Sold Out

    Mercury in Gemini Powder

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    Organic and wildcrafted herbs fumigated with frankincense during our Mercury in Gemini election, later powdered and mixed with 24k gold, white gold, yellow opal, and naturally molted Green Amazon parrot feathers (tip of the hat, Harley!). Sprinkle in shoes, your wallet or register, use to dress candles, and in any way magical powders are oft' employed. 100% pure and uncut ingredients, never any fillers. Combine with cornstarch, rice powder, or the medium of your choice to create a nearly infinite supply of sachet powder. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with variegated blue leaf for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90
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    100%  Sold Out

    Mercury in Gemini Altar Box Sets

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    One of everything in the Mercury in Gemini series, in Small or Large form (where there is size variation; otherwise, just the 1 size). This includes both BPAL perfumes, Loaded D8 Edition Divination Dice, and Small or Ornate Talisman, as detailed in the Dropdown. Anointing Oils are added standalone, so that Clients can make their own selections (Rollers, Standards, Minis). Includes a beautiful Quicksilver-toned wooden box to store your goodies, coated in rainbow holographic mica that sparkles in the sunlight. Small + Standard Talisman:  $1,988 Large + Ornate Talisman: $3,688
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    100%  Sold Out

    Mercury in Gemini Talismans

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    From the forge of the inimitable Tony Mack:

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and cast in Mithraic silver [an alloy of majority silver with a portion of gold, palladium, copper, and tin] with calcined salt of coriander, spikenard, grapevine, and clove. Mercury governs among the metals [besides quicksilver] those which are mixed and alloyed. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of frankincense and S+ incense Exalted Mercury.

    Mercury in Gemini Ornate Talismans — $2,000

    The talismans take the Form of a stylized glyph of mercury. In the center of the pendant is a century old 2-franc coin, struck with the image of an enthroned Mercury holding a caduceus. The coin was lathe-polished, hammered into a dome shape and prong-set over a bed of frankincense, eleuthero root, S+ exalted mercury powder, and striped agate. The lower part of the pendant consists of two serpent motifs surrounding a crystal lens. Among the things under the rulership of mercury are glass and coins struck with image and number. On the back of the pendant is an engraving in relief a character of Mercury from book I chapter 33 of Agrippa's Three Books [as shown in the Eric Purdue translation]. The bale of the pendant is set with a 1.2 carat emerald, the gemstone associated with mercury in the Jyotish tradition, as well as book II chapter 10 of the Latin Picatrix.

    Mercury in Gemini Talismans — $888

    Taking the Form of a stylized glyph of mercury. In the center of the pendant is a century old 1 franc coin, struck with the image of an enthroned Mercury holding a caduceus. The coin was lathe-polished, hammered into a dome shape and prong-set. The lower part of the pendant consists of two serpent motifs surrounding a crystal lens. Among the things under the rulership of mercury are glass and coins struck with image and number. Each talisman arrives in a keepsake necklace box bearing a wax seal of the glyph of Mercury and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Includes a vial of Mercury in Gemini Powder blend (Talismans love resting in beds of related herbal matter).  
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    $64 $44.80

    Mercury in Gemini Ink + Skin Stain

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    A blend of fumigated, consecrated Mercurial herbs combined with alcohol and raw honey during our Mercury in Gemini election, mixed with holographic mica to create a nearly invisible stain, aside the sparkles which form rainbows in sunlight. Use to trace sigils, glyphs, or anoint parts of the body, or brush over sigils and petition papers. The glitz naturally settles and gets pretty compact over time, to integrate, shake very well before use! Use the oceans of time to pray and contemplate your intent. Can also be expedited by using a stirring stick of some sort. (That also enables you to leave the glitter on the bottom and just employ the invisible ink standalone, without light reflecting properties). Dual applications! Contains flecks of genuine abre camino. Arrives in a 1 oz bottle with brush cap and keepsake opal for $64
    $64 $44.80
    $64 $44.80
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    Mercury in Gemini Salve

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    Gives your feet wings!

    Organic and/ or wildcrafted chickweed, lemongrass, bayberry root bark, caraway seed, fennel seed, celery seed, and coriander seed in certified organic extra-virgin olive oil, following fumigation of frankincense and ritual consecration during our Mercury in Gemini election. Combined with organic beeswax and essential oils, before being poured, and finally, crowned with variegated blue leaf. Like Regulus III and Exalted Mercury, this is best applied during the day time, as its effects are lightly stimulating, rather than sedative. Works wonderfully when used before putting socks on and setting out for the day, as it greases the Mercurial wheels and makes getting from point A to point B easier, faster, and certainly more magical! Brings luck, communications, and money. Use before vending, working trade shows, or when you'll be on your feet a lot. Helps keep pain at bay. Offered in a 2.5 oz tin for $56 or 4 oz bulk pot for $96
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    100%  Sold Out

    Loaded D8 Divination Dice

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    A collaboration arranged by the Winged Messenger himself... Sphere + Sundry welcomes for the first time Kit Cox of Tabletop Gems, who gracefully slid into our DMs inquiring about a potential collaboration right as we initiated pre-production for this series, *not knowing* there had been a full set of D&D dice on Mercury in Gemini's working altar during the operation! These beautiful D8s were cast in the hour of Mercury, with Mercury in Gemini Powder imbuing. They are loaded for divination purposes, where choices can be assigned to odd or even numbers, or a list of numerical options. They can also be carried on one's person as a curio for improving one's Mercurial odds, or otherwise kept on a Mercury Altar. The vast majority of these went to Altar Box Sets, but a few are available standalone. If people have good results, we will do more in the future! Available for $288
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    Mercury in Gemini Kolonía

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    Water freshly harvested from Mt. Shasta with grain alcohol, colloidals of silver and gold, opal, and Mercurial essential oils. Consecrated during the Mercury in Gemini election. Cleansing the vessel with this Kolonía helps purify the Mercurial within your own bodily Sphere, and open the way for clear thinking, communications, commerce, eloquence, productivity, travel. Supremely energizing, clarifying, and invigorating! It also functions to sanctify the hands before Mercurial works. Best practice with any Kolonía is to seal the auric body after use. This is easily achieved by using any Anointing Oil, Salve, or even Body Butter which supports your chosen aims, to address your state in the moment, or for supporting longer-term goals… Cleanse your wallet, purse, and keys to clear out stagnant, blocking energies, to increase the rate of exchange, open the way for material gain, and expedite getting from point A to point B. This can also be used to clear the field of malfunctioning electronics, to help troubleshoot connectivity issues and expedite problem solving.  It functions as a purifying and priming wash for tools, talismans, and raw materials. It can also be added to an essential oil diffuser to fill an atmosphere with energizing, talkative, and stimulating Mercurial energies.
    Turkish colognes are often sprinkled upon the hands before entering households and business establishments, providing natural sanitation and also a delightful scent. ⠀ ⠀ Sphere + Sundry’s talismanic Kolonías can be used in such a way, or as Celestial Florida Waters for energetic cleansing — promoting clarity and way-finding, as life demands or before ritual. ⠀ ⠀ Doing the following makes it difficult for nasties to glom on or penetrate the auric body, and establishes a clean slate which potentiates the efficacy of other materia…⠀ ⠀ Shake well to integrate and disburse organic essential oils, colloidal metals, and botanically derived colors.⠀
    Quick Kolonía Clearing Protocol ⠀ ⠀ Sprinkle about a half teaspoon onto the palm of the hand and gently rub both together for 5-10 seconds, coating tops and bottoms. The hands can float 2 inches from the body or lightly skim it.⠀ ⠀ Stand and run your palms from the crown of your head down the back of it, then start from the top again, going down the sides, the front of the face and down body, all the way to the tops of your feet. Sweep multiple times. ⠀ ⠀ If you feel any areas “sticking”, continue stroking until energies disperse, and then proceed with additional downward sweeping.⠀ ⠀ Continue skimming downward, running your cologned hands across every surface area, including under the arms, groin, between the legs, and rear, concluding with the bottoms of the feet by lifting them. You can “flick” the energy off if it feels right, or it will dissipate naturally, however you prefer.⠀ ⠀ Take 10-30 seconds to close your eyes and integrate the cleansing, feeling the shift, and thank your chosen Power for the cleansing and protection it provided, sealing the auric body from negativity.⠀ ⠀ Kolonías also serve to anoint and sanctify the hands, and can be used before performing energy work, ritual work, or any activity related to each series’ arcana – on oneself, one’s clients, or loved ones. They can be used to cleanse objects, spaces, and add oomph to spiritual baths, as well as added to floor washes, essential oil diffusers, or dishes of water kept at the bedside and entries. ⠀ ⠀ Extraordinarily simple, versatile, effective, and p o t e n t . Arrives in your choice of 1.7 oz woozy bottle with orifice reducer for $32, or 5 oz bulk for $96
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    100%  Sold Out

    Mercury in Gemini Incense

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    Organic and wildcrafted herbs fumigated with frankincense during our Mercury in Gemini election, later powdered and mixed with additional frankincense, 24k gold, white gold, yellow opal, and naturally molted Green Amazon parrot feathers (tip of the hat, Harley!). Burn as an offering to Mercury. Bathe in this smoke or waft it through a room before Mercurial activities and ritual. Use as a fumigant for your own Talismans, spell bottles, and like, or use to activate sigils. Offered in a 1/2 oz glass vial with variegated blue leaf for $30, or 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Restock Incoming - Join List

    Mini Consults

    These are restocked periodically. You are also welcome to check our newly launched Referral Directory to book consultations with other qualified Western and Jyotish astrologers familiar with Sphere + Sundry's catalogue, happy to make natal recommendations!
    Mini Consults are 15-20 minute private sessions with astrologer Adira Osland, wherein Sphere + Sundry recommendations are given based on the natal chart of yourself (or a 3rd party). The scope of these sessions is very narrow (it is not a full reading), although it may include referrals for longer consultations if mantra, gemstone, or other prescriptions are clearly indicated. You may also book a Mini Consult to discuss results and troubleshoot experiences with existing materia application! Minis are currently $60 per session We are booking limited slots at a time, so no one is scheduled too far out. You may join the Waitlist below to be notified when new slots become available. Adira also offers full consultations in her private practice (which can include S+ recommendations), bookable here. Additional astrologers who can give Sphere + Sundry referrals are coming soon!
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    Less than 3
    $133 $93.10

    PushCatch™ LiverDetox

    PushCatch™ Liver Detox enhances the body’s natural liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal detoxification processes with a modernized and technologically advanced combination of traditional liver and GI detoxifying agents. It is designed to boost bile flow and hepatic detoxification pathways and intercept mobilized toxins in the gut for a seamless, highly-effective detox experience. PushCatch™ Liver Detox facilitates the body’s natural detoxification processes of pushing toxins out through the liver and into the bile, and then capturing them with an advanced combination of gastrointestinal binders in the gut to facilitate their elimination from the body. It contains two essential tools for effective detoxification, Liver Sauce® and Ultra Binder®. Liver Sauce® contains a proprietary blend of liver and digestive herbs (milk thistle seed, dandelion and gentian root, goldenrod, and myrrh resin, along with quercetin, diindolylmethane [DIM], R-lipoic acid, and luteolin), delivered in advanced sunflower phospholipid liposomes for superior absorption and fast action. Ultra Binder® contains a proprietary blend of activated charcoal, bentonite clay, zeolite, gum Arabic (FibreGum™), chitosan, IMD® thiol-functionalized silica, and BioAloe® aloe vera leaf in easy to use stick packs that can be mixed with water, or a beverage of your choosing. This simple two-step process of the PushCatch™ Liver Detox can be easily scaled up (or down) to desired intensity based on individual sensitivity. Suggested Use: The PushCatch™ Liver Detox kit includes complete protocol instructions. Liver Sauce®: Take 1 tsp. by mouth. Hold in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Repeat to desired dosage or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach, at least 20 minutes before meals and follow with Ultra Binder® 30 minutes after ingestion. Ultra Binder®: Mix 1 stick pack into 8 ounces of water once daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take 30 minutes before or 2 hours after meals or medications. If taken as a part of PushCatch™, it should be taken 30 minutes after Liver Sauce®. If pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant, consult your physician before use. Benefits:
    • PushCatch® Liver Detox is a comprehensive two-step detox protocol designed to boost bile flow and hepatic detoxification pathways and intercept mobilized toxins in the gut for a seamless, highly-effective, easy-to-use detox experience*
    • Liver Sauce® enhances bile flow and normal detoxification processes at a cellular and organ level*
    • Ultra Binder® is a universal, broad-spectrum binder that captures toxins while supporting gut health and natural elimination via the stool*
    • Dandelion root and milk thistle seed support healthy bile flow and liver cell detoxification processes*
    • Milk thistle promotes liver health and function and helps protect liver cells from day-to-day insults and toxin exposures*
    • Phospholipids help nourish and repair liver and gastrointestinal cell membranes, and support healthy elimination of byproducts of metabolism, xenobiotics, and exogenous toxins*
    • Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) is a traditional kidney herb and supports kidney function to help ease the burden on the liver when detoxification processes are upregulated*
    • Gentian root is a traditional bitter herb that supports secretion of digestive juices, including the liver’s production of bile, and promotes normal healthy gut motility and elimination*
    • Myrrh gum resin supports normal metabolic processes by relieving congestion, and is a biofilm-disrupting microbial balancing herb*
    • Diindolylmethane (DIM) supports healthy hormone metabolism and helps upregulate the body’s production of antioxidant enzymes, glutathione, and detoxifying compounds by turning on the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway*
    • Quercetin and luteolin support a healthy inflammatory response and help provide antioxidant protection*
    • Activated charcoal is a well-known binder of toxins, with a long history of both household and professional use to facilitate the elimination of unwanted substances*
    • Bentonite clay and zeolite are naturally occurring compounds that have binding properties*
    • Bentonite clay, also known as Montmorillonite clay, has drawing properties that facilitate its absorption and capture of compounds like aflatoxin and heavy metals*
    • Zeolite has a porous structure of silicate and other natural compounds that serves as a molecular sieve, and can capture and facilitate the elimination of many substances*
    • Chitosan has a structure like a claw and is commonly used as a natural filtering compound. It helps bind and facilitates detoxification of metals and other compounds.*
    • The chitosan found in Ultra Binder® is free of shellfish allergens.
    • FibreGum™ is a naturally occurring FODMAPS-friendly prebiotic fiber from acacia gum sap that nourishes healthy bacteria promotes health of the digestive linings and healthy short chain fatty acid production*
    • IMD® is a proprietary functionalized silica, modified with thiol (sulfur) groups to facilitate metal binding and safe elimination from the digestive tract*
    • Last, but not least, BioAloe® aloe vera leaf extract soothes and helps protect the digestive tract lining and facilitates gentle elimination and digestive regularity*
    Box set for $133 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    $133 $93.10
    $133 $93.10
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    Anointing Oil of Antares

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    Pure Antares Anointing Oil, raw and uncensored (aside from the support the election provides). This is probably the most unbridled, intense, and potentially volatile offering of the entire series, and is best approached carefully and with cautious consideration — especially for skin-based applications. Or by the astro-magical equivalent of Evel Knievels. Great for magic befitting Antares' arcana, before physical activities, competitions, and other appropriate times/ places. Enables you to create your own personal subset with the addition of chosen ingredients! Offered in the Client's selection of 1/2 oz standard ($80), 10 ml steel roller ($65), or 5 ml mini ($33).
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    Heart of the Emperor Scorpion Subset

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    Standard recipe, with the addition of naturally deceased (whole) Emperor Scorpion, Manchurian Scorpion, and Oregon Forest Scorpion. Myrrh, copal, sardonyx, vetiver, cypress leaf, oregano, thyme, and 24k gold. Saffron, birthwort, and amethyst. A combo reminiscent of Emperor Edition Mars in Scorpio Oil x Golden Gator, but of course — belonging to Antares, encapsulating the darker, quieter, more lethal, and defensively equipped themes of its arcana. For when you need to keep your Martial impulses tightly constrained, focus, and strategize. The sneakiest, most psychic, and potentially most dangerous (for any would-be opponents) of the Antares series. Excellent for discipline and defense. Anointing Oil: standard 1/2 oz glass vial ($80) or 5 ml mini ($33) Incense + Powder combo (use as either): 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99) We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Antares Candles

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    Soy-coconut wax, dyed red and poured over consecrated Antares herbal mix, including ground up, homegrown (but deceased of natural causes) Oregon Forest Scorpion. Topped with fumigated red sardonyx, saffron, and 24k gold. Burn to energize, strategize, and meditate on Antares' arcana. Use in candle magic toward specific ends. Light sigils or petitions with its star-fire imbued flame. Available in a small 2 oz glass jar for $95, or slim vigil for $165.
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    Badger Subset

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    Standard recipe, with the addition of naturally deceased Badger bones, teeth, claws, and fur, and some Wolverine for good measure. Turmeric, maca, myrrh, vetiver, yohimbe, clove, valerian root, garlic powder, asafetida, mustard seed, dragon's blood, and devil's shoestring. The Swamp Gator of the Antares series, for when you find yourself wrestling with the vipers of this world and need the protection, grit, and determination to come out victorious! Excellent for relentless pursuit of one's goals and objectives. And very effective in works of defensive + counter-maleficia. Honey badger don't care! Anointing Oil: standard 1/2 oz glass vial ($80) or 5 ml mini ($33) Incense + Powder combo (use as either): 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99) We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    $65 $45.50

    Antares Ink + Skin Stain

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    Botanical derived alcohol-based ink from heart-tonifying, cooling forms of naturally occuring red: hibiscus and beet root, alongside Antares herbal matter. Color the background of petition papers or sigils, mix with other inks, paints, and mediums, or draw upon the skin along related meridians, acupuncture points, and power-centers. Arrives in a 1 oz glass bottle with brush cap for $65
    $65 $45.50
    $65 $45.50
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    Antares Powder

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    Organic Antares herbal mix, fumigated and consecrated during the election, and ground to a fine powder with 24k gold. Use in the manner magical powders are often employed — to dress candles, in mojos, sprinkled in workout shoes, &c. Available in a 1/2 oz vial for $30 or 2 oz bulk pot for $90 Sphere + Sundry's powders are made of 100% uncut herbs, resins, gemstones, and precious metals. Never any fillers. Mix with arrowroot to make your own infinite supply of Hoodoo-style sachet powder!
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    100%  Sold Out

    Antares Talismans

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    From the one and only Tony Mack

    Antares Behenian Fixed Star Talisman

    Modeled in hard carver’s wax and Cast in 80/20 electrum with iron firescale, and Gold. Casting was accompanied by suffumigation of Myrrh, Yew, and saffron.

    An image of Antares as a woman's face with ardent eyes, carved in high relief. She wears an ornate helm, the form of which is a composite of scorpion and dragon motif. Into the center of the helm was placed saffron, yew, and sard/sardonyx [carnelian and red agate], which was then enclosed with a 3.5 carat amethyst. Ingredients and gemstones were used per the instructions found in 'De Quindecim Stellis' translations Quadripertitus, Liber Enoch, and Liber Thebit.

    Each talisman arrives in a keepsake jewelry box bearing a wax seal of the sigil of Antares in De Quindecim Stellis, and includes a 20" silver chain.

    Very few were cast, given a limited election window in his location. Includes a vial of Antares Powder. Available for $3,300
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    Antares Incense

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    Organic Antares herbal mix, fumigated and consecrated during the election, and ground to a fine powder with 24k gold. The addition of frankincense, amethyst consecrated during the Butter Ocean election to soothe, brighten, and provide additional beneficence, red sardonyx, dragon's blood, and 24k gold. Take a smoke bath before appropriate activities — exercise, competition, creating brainstorming, strategizing, and the like. Burn as an offering, employ in ritual, and activate sigils. Fumigate spaces before compatible activities. Available in a 1/2 oz vial for $33 or 2 oz bulk pot for $99 Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    Bath Salts of Antares

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    Antares' organic herbal mix and Anointing Oil-infused Dead Sea salts, with a small portion of glittering red mica, red mandarin essential oil, frankincense, amber, and nutmeg. Clarifies and empowers the Martial Sphere, priming for victory, strategy, and providing a vital dose of Yang and infusion of Pitta Dosha. NOTE: Using too close to bed can cause sleeplessness. This is best used as a remedial or ritual bath before appropriate activities, such as competing, exercising, or appropriate types of magic. It is not an "unwind before bed" kind of bath! Offered in an 8 oz bale top glass jar for $36, 16 oz bulk pot for $65, or in a 18 oz (by weight) refill bundle for $60. Note that reusable muslin bags are available as accessories, if you'd like to bathe without leaving herbal residue behind in the tub or going down the drain. They also work wonderfully as body scrub bundles for using magical Bath Salts in the shower, or for small travel portions without fear of glass breaking!
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    Antares Attuning Tincture

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    100% organic herbs: agrimony, calamus root, upleurum root, wood betony, maca root, allspice, angelica root, grains of paradise, alum, ashwaganda root, black cohosh root, ginseng root, ceylon cinnamon, saffron, amethyst, sardonyx, and 24k gold. Fumigated and immersed in top shelf whiskey during our Antares election. Though we cannot recommend Tinctures procured from us for your internal consumption (because they were not created to GMP standards), we can say that Talismanic Attuning Tinctures are designed to work in homeopathic doses. 1-3 drops at a time in a glass of something or under the tongue will do, and not even necessarily everyday. Especially for a power like Antares. Note that Martial and Venusian Tinctures can cause hormone disruption, even at relatively low doses. For those on birth control or who menstruate, it can cause spotting and interfere with medications. NEVER take while pregnant or breast feeding. That being said, anoint that which you do not want getting oily... Offered in a 1/2 oz glass jar with dropper cap for $35, or 1 oz for $60 Please Note: To promote the longest shelf-life possible and reduce the likelihood of leaking during transit, this Tincture now arrives sealed with a flat closed cap, with a glass dropper bulb + 5 ml Mini vial for collecting the displaced excess on the side (for travel or gifting!). We suggest only inserting the bulb during periods of routine application, and keeping the flat cap for times of dormant or less active use, especially since droppers can allow for evaporation and discoloration over time. Disclaimer: While this does not contain anything inedible or poisonous, it was not created in a commercial kitchen to GMP standards, so it is not suitable or intended for consumption (legally speaking). Use externally to anoint yourself or objects. Keep this (and all our wares) out of reach of children. Any internal consumption undertaken at the user’s sole risk and liability.
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    Azure Dragon Subset

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    Standard recipe, with the addition of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)-grade Ge Jie (medicinal Gecko) and Peacock feather. Ritually harvested bamboo (hour of Jupiter), watercress, birthwort, red and white ginseng root, master root, turmeric, dragon's blood, 24k gold, saffron, and golden copal. Far and away the most benefic offerings of the Antares series. The most wearable, feel good form of this stellar charge, which encapsulates the Ancient Chinese interpretation of Scorpius as the Azure Dragon, aligned with the Wood element and Springtime energies. A masterclass on narrative "frame", interpretations, and ingredients making all the difference... Uplifting, invigorating, and full of all-potential. Brings growth, good fortune, accomplishment, and a spark of Divine Favor — the Mandate of Heaven. Excellent for those who struggle with not wanting to be part of the world, or not wanting to get out bed in the morning, who could use positive motivation and a healthy dose of Yang Chi. The Dragon may not even need to fight, it can win just by showing up... Anointing Oil: standard 1/2 oz glass vial ($80) or 5 ml mini ($33) Incense + Powder combo (use as either): 1/2 oz vial ($33) or 2 oz bulk pot ($99) Ink + Shimmering Skin stain: 1 oz glass w/ brush cap for $70 We are beginning to roll out soaps and bath bombs for existing series! Sign up for the Waitlist to be notified when they become available. Soaps offered in a 3″ x 1″ disc for $48 Bath Bombs offered in a 2.5″ sphere for $33 Please note that the loaded herbal components in the spell soaps can make them slightly “scratchy” on the skin, which can serve to exfoliate, or, use your hands to work up a lather and transfer it to whatever areas you wish to wash! Note that Sphere + Sundry's Incense Powders are designed to be burned *without* charcoal, on beds of premium ash in a firesafe dish or plate. Pour ash, then pat or use a tool to create a relatively smooth surface. Pour the desired amount of Incense Powder into the palm of your non-dominant hand, and use the other to assemble a thin peaked mound, line, or sigil, pinch by pinch. These can be quite thin if desired. The neater and more ridged your shape is, the better it will burn! Light the top of the ridge to ignite. Taking time to prepare Incense in this way can be a meditative and centering experience, and allows the practitioner to create custom burn times with zero waste. If your line ends up too long, simply use a knife to 'cut' the fresh powder away from the ignited portion to use later. 
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    $132 $92.40

    Antares Anointing Oil Mini Set

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    The full set of Antares Anointing Oils, in all 5 ml varieties:
    • Base series
    • Badger
    • Heart of the Emperor Scorpion
    • Azure Dragon
    $132 $92.40
    $132 $92.40
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    100%  Sold Out

    The Unveiling of Ishara

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    A votive rite to the ancient Mesopotamian Goddess Ishara developed and written by Robert Fitzgerald. Available for $165, in addition to the Client's selection of Heart of the Emperor Scorpion items to be used to complete the ritual. [limited to 25 standalone copies]

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